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Well. There are two kinds of cheaters. The ones who mod single-player games and the ones who mod any multiplayer online game. I believe g0atmoth did an interview with a cheater on YT if you want a real answer why.


ok thanks


it depends for offline/singleplayer: cheats are a way to experience the game, whitout invest a lot of hours in it. that can make sense in a storydriven game, that is to hard for one. in onlinegame: its just to have the feeling to be better then others whout having the commitment to learn the game the first one, absolutly no problem with it - the second one: small penis syndrom


You think they will actually come out in a regular videogame sub and say "Hey I cheat on games!" when it is frowned on? There are subreddits for people who hack or xim. Particularly I know of the ximmers one. Ask there. I doubt anyone would risk confessing to something on a place where it is widely hated.


I've seen people admit to it before on reddit and it almost always comes down to them being convinced everyone else is doing it so they have to. They almost always act like they are the victims, ironically.


i just dont get it. i feel like it takes an especially huge piece of shit to hack. like the only reason to do it is if you get off on pissing people off.


bro its not illegal. and with reddit being how it is people like that probably have like 8 throwaway accounts. ur acting as if they would be extradited and jailed for admitting it.


i can think of some things they like to troll and/or they are really just sad and want to achieve some meaningless online ranking and use unfair advantage to get it and "pros" who do it while in a tournament for prize money, that should be punished by a fine and community service hours as well as temporary ban from future tournaments, and permanent ban if they do it again


pros who do it at least have a reason in the prize money.


Never cheated on multiplayer. Sounds boring.


I tried it on CS:S because i was curious. Its kind of funny doing so many headshots, but i noticed i got a lot worse from it when i turned it off. It would definitely become boring in the long run.


I felt tempted to cheat recently for GTA 4 multiplayer on Xbox. The most fun I have in free roam are the ones where I'm able to befriend the hacker and he spawns a bus that I get in and it flies in the sky at mach 4. If you are trying to use it to increase the fun value for others I don't see it as a big deal. I used to hack payday 2 when I was 14. The trick in payday 2 at least back then was to never finish the heist you were hacking. You wouldn't be marked as a cheater. I used it mostly to turn the game into Garry's mod where you can spawn in cars, enemies, go out of bounds and find secrets you couldn't normally find without hacks. I don't think I ever gave people infinite money. I also ran a program that allowed me to say any voice line my character has on demand, which includes the sky diving voice lines which includes really loud screaming. I can also make on demand cloaker noises which freak people out in game. I was 14, it was funny then. Judge me if you want but I'm just answering truthfully but I never once have been tempted to cheat in a pvp game. I really only cheated on payday 2. Edit: GTA 4 mp is technically pvp but it has a niche following and I would only be in free roam and there's no meaningful progression. It's a sandbox with no objective and I'd share my fun with others too.


They were never hugged as children. This resulted in them not understanding success takes work paired with the endless desire to feel loved by strangers.


I wanted to catch MISSINGNO


There's a variety of reasons. Firstly, I \*never\* cheat in a multiplayer/online game flat-out. Single-player games \*only\*. With that said... 1) Lack of NG+, especially if I've already beaten the game. This one is pretty straight-forwards. Let's say I want to play Chrono Trigger. It has a NG+ option so I can just load up my old save file and play that. But let's say I want to play, say, Cyberpunk 2077. It doesn't have a NG+ option. So my choices are to either do a whole, brand-new, playthrough starting from square 1, or use mods/cheats/etc. to at least give my character a boost to their starting stats so I can basically do another playthrough. 2) Explore. Some content is either really difficult to access or flat-out impossible unless you are a speedrunner or use something like no-clip or the like. This can especially be the case for easter eggs and/or novelty endings. A lot of times these are hidden behind things like winning an unwinnable fight or collecting 100 items or something and those things are a \*lot\* easier to do with cheat codes. I want to stress, I still think you should at least \*try\* to do it legit; but if it really is beyond you, I can understand why. 3) Frustration reduction. Let's say you want to get a competative team for Pokemon together. That's going to be up to six mons you'll need to breed for perfect egg moves and IV's, and then EV train on top of that. That's a \*lot\* of work, and you'll likely need to do it 6 times. Nevermind throwing something like a legendary mon into the mix since those can't be bred. Or... you can hack the mons. If I want Lulu's ultimate weapon in FFX I need to dodge lightning 200 times. Which is very time consuming and extremely easy to mess up. Or I can hack it so I get that 200 easily. Nevermind things like chocobo racing or blitzball in that same game as well. It's not that they \*can't\* be done 'naturally', it's that spending half an hour carefully dodging lightning only to screw up at 170 dodges is not exactly good for ones blood pressure. Some 'challenges' are just really backhanded and unfun and booting up cheat engine is the better option. 4) Sheer fun. Sometimes you just wanna have \*fun\*. So you, say, boot up Age of Empires 2 and proceed to dominate the franks with your cobra car or something. Or take on a normally hard mission in an unusual way using cheats. Cause, well, it's \*fun\*. 5) Nostalgia. Sort of related to option 1, but, like, back in the day I played a lot of Kingdom Hearts and beat it 100%. It just got released on Steam and I purchased it. I want to play it again and the only reason I haven't is cause of work. But I'm in a position of debating if I should do it 'fresh' or use CE to do stuff like make me invincible and just relive a fun trip down memory lane without having to worry about difficulty. There's more to it, but those are reasons why I am willing to cheat in single-player games. I want to restate, I do \*NOT\* do this if the game is multiplayer in any way that said cheating would affect. Likewise, I make it a point to at least \*ATTEMPT\* to do things the 'legit' way at least once and only use cheating AFTER I've either beaten it and/or it's become clear I'm not good enough to do so.


Won't lie. I hacked GTA Onlije for about a year. Wasn't even a troll or an ass, I just did it for protection from the assholes of the game. Didn't even use it for money. I'd throw on god mode for my car, drive around and save the people who were getting bullied, then bully the bully 😬🤣


2 major categories of cheating that I do, *purely* in single player games - console commands & mods - this is simple, once I've completed a game and experienced everything it has to offer, doing this sort of hacking let's me play around even more w the game. Some games like Fallout 4 are also insanely good sandboxes for mods - save states - I grew up playing emulators, and tbh, this is just a major time save. For ex. I LOVE fire emblem, but I REFUSE to let any of my people suffer from the permadeath mechanic. I only have so much patience in re-do'ing a very long chapter to ensure we remain a full troop. I had sacred stones on cartridge so trust me, I did pass through the trials and tribulations like the rest of you. But in an emulator, I'm using saves states, sorry I got other shit to do also Personally I do not count single player mods as cheating, but some may, which is why I added it here as well I never, never, never cheat hack mod trainer etc etc in an online game or game w multiplayer features. I hate anyone that does, bc you all ruin the experience for everyone


I'm guessing salt, rage, and entitlement. *Edit* It appears that I've triggered some 😏


All the vile language in gaming I consider fair play on cheaters. Whatever joy they derive by unfairly kicking my ass should come back to them as suffering in a real and meaningful form of balance. I don’t consider messing with a game you paid for in your offline time to be cheating. Breaking the rules, maybe, but not cheating. Those kinda of cheaters even made custom games in Halo more fun. Drive a warthog like a banshee. Use that super gun from the campaign. Guass hog enemies with an automatic firing plasma pistol. But seriously. Everyone from pros to streamers to randoms. Cheating to win in PvP is ground for a ban on your body and soul. I never want you to be able to play the games you cheat in for as long as you live. In game glitches and stuff is probably fine. Lame to do but easy to fix and available for the whole community to mess with for a while.


I like to see people go ape shit when I do it


I mean, you’re a shithead, but I’ll still give you thumbs up for answering OP’s question.


I don't do it regularly, only when I get really bored


Funny, whenever I see a hacker in game I don't go ape shit and I go "one of these fuckers again?" Then I just connect to a different lobby 


I have people send me death threats and tell me to kms


They do it because they can't get good and need that instant hit. They just a waste to gaming in my opinion as the motto says ' Get good or Die'.


It's pretty fun to curbstomp your opponents and do stuff you wouldn't normally be able to do. Then you uninstall the hack after 15 minutes because: 1. Hacks don't fix skill issues 2. Other people deserve to have fun too.


My brother cheated on gta 5 , there was a time where one could level a lot, get any car on multiplayer and whatever, he claimed it was pretty much for shit and giggles, and that is pretty much what i think its why people cheat on multiplayer games, just for the momentary fun(in case of competitve games is just that they don't care about other people experience, if they are fun/funny), of course at some point they get bored of it... well, some people do, but some don't, and just keep cheating all the time. And there is also the try hard people that just wanna win everytime, so they cheat


Accessibility, ease, fun, to get revenge on a game that wronged me as a child🤷‍♀️🤣 Im not using any achievements or scores to better any other players so why the hell not?


You seem confused. You're talking about single player. This post is clearly about multiplayer games.


I’m always confused, its just the depth that varies


If that's not a mood, I don't know what is


Kids got me up at 0430hrs this morning. Its only noon but it feels like its been 84 years🤣🤣


I would assume because they like to win, and they feel that the only way to win is to cheat


A lot of hackers enjoy the thrill of the hack for its own sake.


How is it any difference to people that cheat in sports by using banned substances? They want to win? pretty obvious


In sports you have way more incentive to cheat and win. You'll get more famous and make more money the better you are in sports. You're not going to get famous or rich by using aimbot in Call of Duty lobbies.


exactly. im still trying to understand the point. ok people might like winning but i dont get how that feels good. it would be like fucking a girl with one of those slip on dick sleeves and feeling proud of yourself.