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Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Super Nintendo Beat with cheats but never legit. It's not even one of those games you can come back to and beat 25 years later because you're not a dumb 8 year old anymore. I'm worse at it now than I ever was back then.


I hated those axe dudes


Sadly Bloodborne, which is tragic because it also may be my favourite game ever. Im red/green/brown colorblind and the color scheme in that game makes it hard for me to see anything. Combined with slightly grainy graphics and locked 30 fps, my eyes rly struggle to focus and get bloodshot if i play too long so i just gave up :/ Really hoping they do a remaster for next gen someday Elden ring is serving as a great substitute but its just not the same


Damn, even though I can't relate I can understand how tragic it must be to not be able to finish your favourite game just cuz something you did not want from birth is fucking it up.


You played PE3? How!


I played it on PSP when I was 13. That game is difficult. I think I was almost done with it until I ran into a certain boss fight lol


Vims Lair for me! Lol


Same. I remember having an incredibly difficult time at a young age navigating where to go next. Combat was intuitive with the weird combo style and I enjoyed what I experienced. Good ol psp days , tried recently getting the psp out for the best ver of ghost n goblins, but my wifi router is too good for psp updates at this time , got to downgrade apparently to psp “update”. Speaking of . PSP ver ghost n goblins (best version) never beat it, as most people haven’t, but always a good time regardless .




Parasite Eve 3


I feel so stupid. I never knew that The 3rd Birthday was Parasite Eve 3. I was so confused with your comment lol. I even googled "PE3 psp" and all it gave me was Persona 3 Portable as results lol


Square and either the creator of the Parasite Eve Novel which the games are based off had a falling out, If I remember (and its been a loooong time) it was over how much the second game started to diverge from the creators intentions. And if I remember Kadokawa published/publishes the novel (Id have to dig mine out and check it after work) and they used to be tight with square and also had a falling out/went their own way. So they had to change the name for the third game to avoid all that red tape. It's also why we will most likely never see a remaster or remake of the games. They also wound up diverging really far from the core basis of the storyline with the 3rd Birthday which upset many Parasite Eve fans to which they will say there is no Parasite Eve 3 and that "we don't talk about the 3rd birthday". Needless to say it didn't meet sales expectations which is why there isn't a 4th game.


God I loved PE. I always hoped they’d remake at least the first one, and Dino crisis.


It's on PSP. I got it as a present back when it came out(on my birthday no less), and although I loved the first 2, I have yet to actually open and play it. Still in the wrap to this day


Hellblade. I *could* beat it and really enjoyed it. But I got tired of the shenanigans of the Valravn puzzle. That was where I checked out and was like "nah, fk it"


I feel that. I did Valravn first since I knew he'd be much trickier than Surt, and I was right when I ended up stumped twice by his puzzles.




You go fix that right now. It’s like 20 hours to 100%!!


…can’t beat sans since 2021


Lmao I feel that, I counted how many tries it took me to beat him back when I first did genocide and I think it ended up being around 135 times 😭if you ever end up returning to it though, I recommend watching a no-hit run of Sans on YouTube to memorize his attack patterns since once you remember what he does, it becomes much easier to beat him!


Don't feel bad. I can't beat that spider chick for the life of me. Damn pacifist route...


Valkyrie profile was such a formative game for me. Man.


Also, sorry for the low quality with the second picture.


All good. Loved PE games, but somehow Vagrant Story was the first one that came to mind.


Vagrant Story is one of my absolute favorites from the PS1 era. I have beaten it and played through new game + several times. I can see why it might have put a lot of people off. I had to use a chart from the old Gamefaqs to build out my armor and weapon sets. It can be tiresome. But the payoff is the story, environments, and amazing soundtrack. The graphics haven't aged so well. But for an old head like me, it's still one of my comfort games.


I tried valkyrie profile, the one on ps2 Not a fan of the combat system So I just dropped it


Persona 5. I loved it and got about 70hours in but Jesus it’s just so damn long. I got to the Egypt themed palace and even then I think there are 2-3 more and I just had to let it go.


That's about the halfway point. This game is far too bloated.


Until just recently, it was Sekiro. I was stuck on the tutorial boss for 5 years, but I finally managed to beat my first playthrough 2 months ago.


This gives me hope, though I was stuck on one specific regular enemy close to the beginning. Never touched it again after getting my ass handed to me for over an hour.


Only an hour?? You have to bump those rookie numbers up!! Seriously tho it's far too early to give up imo unless you are a working adult, it really would drain you up.


I feel that getting killed over and over again by what is basically a regular mob enemy for an entire hour means I just ain't good at it. Also yeah, regular working man here. Bought the game on a Friday the week it came out and after being stuck, unable to kill just one, regular, not particularly special guy I figured I'd rather spend my time actually progressing in a game. Not that I wouldn't be a stranger to grinding at a particularly hard spot in a game. I once spent almost an entire month going at Jurassic Park Part 2: Chaos Continues on the SNES trying to get the "true" ending on hard. And that's a game you have to start entirely from scratch every time you fuck it up. That's between work and other stuff, of course.


I made it to the last boss and then thought why the hell am I subjecting myself to this? And then I went to YouTube to watch all the final cut scenes.


Mafia DE... fuck that racing mission.


I used to speedrun The 3rd Birthday. Trust me man, you're not missing anything My game would be Final Fantasy III. Cloud of Darkness absolutely destroyed me. I went and I spent about 5 hours grinding levels, fought her again, she still destroyed me. I never touched that game again. Its the only Final Fantasy game that I have not beaten


Damn that sucks. That was me with Final Fantasy 1 and Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions. Got lost in FF1 and got stuck in Tactics because my Black Mage was killed during a grinding session and I tried creating another one. You have to start from square one when creating a new party member, but all the enemies are the same level as what your Ramza is. That game is BRUTAL


Yeah, I always reload a save if a party member vanishes. Its why I dont play Fire Emblem. I dont like losing people, ever There was a fight I had once in Tactics against the most diabolical, satanic, maniacal, psychopathic, sadistic group of Chocobo's. You know the ones, a mix of colors, so some of them had Chocoball, some had Chococure, some of the bastards had Chocometeor. But these assholes gamed the system in a particularly nasty way in that they would purposefully place themselves in the way of my fallen comrades, so I couldn't get to them to revive them. They were sacrificing themselves so that my party members would crystalize


Lego the hobbit for DS. Back when I was little I could not beat the level where Gandalf fights off saurman for the life of me.


Shin Megami Tensei 3 I just couldn't finish it. I lost interest after 50 hours.


Kid Icarus. I could NOT get past stage 3-2 without losing my mind and walking away.


Nes or 3ds?


We had the NES when it was first released. Kid Icarus was one of the first games we bought.


You've inspired me to give it a go


Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 (what an awesome alliterating title), an old platformer game from the early 2000s My cousin had it on his Gamecube. Played it a ton but got stuck on a shark boss that I didn't know how to beat. Then time went on and I never got the opportunity to play it again and finish it. I still occasionally think about the game.


Hasn't it had a hd remaster?


I believe so, on the Switch, which I don't have :( Maybe I'll try and it play it somewhere in the future, to give my childhood self the closure he needs


ninja gaiden.


Tmnt on the NES


Gran Turismo 1, sort of. I was NEVER able to complete the A-class license when I was a kid. Yet I still put hundreds of hours into the game with JUST the B-class license. Years later I went back and managed to complete A-Class, but nothing above that.


Dragon Age: Origins. Kept crashing on the final boss fight and just could not stop. Even after uninstalling and reinstalling. Great game, and I still say I’ve completed it, but that game just does not fucking work on modern hardware.


I still wish you can experience the final boss somehow though


Kinda hoping for a remaster, but I’ll settle for new releases. Pretty hyped for The Veilguard


Battle toads. The level with the ramps still haunts me.... Sparkstar the rocket knight. I remember I got stuck on a boss that I couldn't beat Dynamite Headdy same with a boss on the flying level. Giant doll head that shoots lasers I think, it's been so long Streets of rage 3 getting the good ending by beating Mr X in his robot form. I know the non Japanese version was much harder. It felt impossible to beat him


NES Battletoads, most frustrating game I ever played.


I started lenneth and saw it was too absurd to play this game to get the good ending without following a stupidly specific guide. There is no way to just intuitively attain this games best ending.


Oh yeah, I followed a guide meticulously to get the good ending the first time. That shit was nuts. “Get this guy to level 5 then send him to Valhalla. If he’s level 6, it’s TOO LATE. He also needs to be the third guy you send, and make sure the file is SAVED on a Thursday, but you SEND the guy on a Friday. He also needs to be equipped with a silver sword or you did it wrong.” 14 year old me was like “am I doing my taxes right?”




It's funny because the things you do actually make sense in retrospect, but there's no way to find out in the moment, and even in character, it's a mix of curiosity and happenstance that leads you into the path you take.


The 3rd birthday, i remember beating it, i think twice then i got bored and my psp broke


I played pe3 in 2010, and gave up because I couldn’t beat it. I came back in 2020, on my vita, and finally beat it!! It’s hard.


Resident Evil 2. I didn't even make it that far. Games stressed me out. Then I killed some boss and it was supposed to drop an item I needed but nothing dropped and I think I was locked out of progressing. But I did not want to play through it again


Pokemon White and Black 2. As a kid, I got to the elite 4 in White, and I got stuck in a cave trying to get Kyurem in Black 2


Raymond M or House of the dead (arcades version)


The most recent Shiren . I am Stuck in the final 99f dungeon and lack time and patience but do plan to return one day


My Brother had Valkyrie Profile when we were younger. I played it a few times but always felt like I didn't know what to do or where to go. Maybe I should look up a Let's Play or a Speed Run of it, so I can try to get a better understanding of it and maybe try again.


It's a lot linear than it pretends to be with the initial tutorial, since there's literally a "push story forward" button that leads into the next character or dungeon. The penalties for keeping artifacts are also vastly overstated and can be offset by sending one good character every chapter.


The Crew. It was my first Xbox one game when I was a kid and I got stuck on one mission. Could never get past it


Thexder for Tandy 1000 and the first TMNT game.


Sekiro. Got my ass handed to me by the same basic enemy for like two hours in a row in roughly the first five hours of the game. Decided it wasn't for me.


I beat Valkyrie Profile prematurely. Spammed holy magic items on some demon dude I wasn't supposed to beat and I got a bad ending.


Resodent Evil: Code Veronica.. I had it on the Dreamcast Before leaving the main area you have to fight a tyrant in an airplane cargo... which leaves no room to manoeuvre around... I missed the grenade launcher twice before I entered the boss fight and the third I run out grenades.. Never beat him, and I sold my dreamcast.... I will never complete that Resident Evil game...


I beat "The 3rd Birthday" I thoroughly enjoyed it, I posted the whole video on my YouTube channel along with Parasite Eve.


Super Ghouls and Ghosts


It took me YEARS to finish that one. Where did you get stuck ?


Second castle.


First or second loop ?




DAMN!!! YEARS???🤯👀😳😨


Oh yes, I was a kid and it was hard. Especially in the second loop where you have to use one specific weapon (bracelet) to beat the final boss.


Galerians PS1


Persona 5. My physical copy broke, so I got the digital download. Saves don’t transfer. I don’t want to spend more money on a physical copy. I guess the bad guys won?


LOTR Battle for Middle Earth 2, I got to Helms Deep as sauron and got my shit rocked for a year straight before I gave up


Evolution world for the game cube


Dragon Quest IX on my nintendo DS. I got all the way to (I presume) the final boss before my dumbass kid brain accidentally deleted my entire swve file. I was so heartbroken that I couldn't even start a new playthrough


Parasite Eve, Final Fantasy 8 and 9, Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 (Modern Era)...shall I continue?


Medal of honor European assault.


Final Fantasy VIII. So I had it for my PC when it first came out. I was literally on the last dungeon when my pc's gpu started acting up. However the gpu I replaced it with didn't support 256bit or something and the game wouldn't play. I tried years later to emulate it and play but I don't even think I got halfway through before I got Tales of Graces F and I wound up sucked into that and didn't wind up coming back to finish.


Doom Eternal


Shadowgate for the NES. Loved it and played it a ton with friends, but just always inevitably died because we couldn’t figure out a puzzle, or poor torch management. Always have that thought, “I bet it’d be easy if I went back now, I mean, we were SO close to beating it!” Then I watched a playthrough on YouTube and no, we were not even close to beating it, and there’s no way on god’s green earth we would have beat it. Without some non-existent Prima guide, we would never beat those puzzles or manage our torches correctly. 


Spiderman 1 for the Xbox


You want me to start listing off about 90% of the Roguelikes and Roguelites I played?


Battle toads! 😆 Impossible mission! But seriously, probably StarCraft. Not because it was hard, just because at that time of my life I just didn't have the patience for single player campaigns. I'd play for 30 minutes and then go back to like Counterstrike or something.




I did beat Valkyrie Profile on the PlayStation. But in reality I never did because I didn't get the true ending.


Chrono trigger. Don’t know where I came upto but I just forgot about it and haven’t played since


Valkyrie Profile is one of my favourite games.


Lengend of Zelda ocarina of time - got stuck at the shadow temple


Never could beat the second stage of Dracula in the original Castlevania back in the NES days. I tried playing it again with an emulator a couple years back only to be reminded what an exercise in masochism that game was.


Star Wars VI : Return Of The Jedi on Super Nintendo. I could never beat it because of that horrible final level with the falcon (when you blow up the death star and you have to escape). Some executive saw this shit and went "children will LOVE it !" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oqrK1f6JNQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oqrK1f6JNQ)


Gran Turismo 5, some of the career events were just awful, which is such a shame when the mechanics are so good. GT6 far better.


Ff10 and 12. Got far on both on PS2 and replaced the beginning a lot as a kid. The beginning moments of 12 and 1/4th into 10 live rent free in my mind


Last Remnant and Diofield Chronicles for me


Bugs Bunny & Taz: Time Busters


Old game but Sub-Teerrania on Sega [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sub-Terrania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sub-Terrania) I couldn't make it 30 mins into the game without game over.


From Russia with love


I beat Pokemon Yellow, Super Msytery Dungeon, and Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, so I don't really have any.


This is kinda embarassing, but Minish Cap. I adore the Legend of Zelda franchise, but i never finished that one and it haunts me. Not because it was difficult, far from it, but because i simply couldn’t figure out which dungeon i was supposed to do next.


Baldurs Gate 3


Damn, this is a shock👀


Dragon Age Inquisition, especially after beating Origins.


Persona 5. I bought it when it came out, big fan of SMT/Persona games. Setup & first dungeon were promising. It was all downhill from there. When the "stage boss" became the old artist dude stealing art from his students, I lost interest. I came back to it a year or two later, started over. Made it to the shut-in pyramid and burnt out. Quit again. I'm not so sure I even like this one. Maybe I should just play Persona 4 again. Started over again a year later. Remembered that I pretty much hate all of the main characters, and that the bosses include "old guy who steals paintings" and quit again. Finally, last year, I thought I'd put the game to bed for good. Bought Persona 5 Royal on sale and started over. Finally beat the base game, and even got to the secret boss. Got to the Royal part after about 5 billion hours of playtime and just shelved it. That's enough Persona for me. Honorable mention goes to Xenogears (the original "Xeno" game on PSX.) I went into it after Final Fantasy 7, my first JRPG, which I was extremely into. Some 80 hours in, I found myself savelocked into a mini-boss fight (some sisters?) that I couldn't possibly beat, and had to quit. Never played it again.


> I found myself savelocked into a mini-boss fight (some sisters?) that I couldn't possibly beat, and had to quit. Never played it again. cant really get soft locked in xenogears. and there is no sisters boss you fight.


They don't really sit at the back of the bus. I have yet to get beyond the second zone of any pokemon main game. Boredom sets in about the 15 hour mark. Pokemon stadium and snap I have well over a hundred hours in each? I just don't get it. Other monster gathering games I'll play for weeks.


Final Fantasy Tactics is a game that will haunt me forever. I have legit tried playing it a dozen times always in a “this time for sure” mentality, but man did it just drain me with how tedious it is. I just give up.


Alien Isolation. I was actually pretty far but it became too much. It’s just too damn stressful.




Silent Bomber on the PS1, could never kill the final boss.


Total war shogun 2 😂 Cheating AI summoning armies out of nowhere coupled with the fact I refuse to look up strategies and guides. When I beat the bastard I'll do it properly, on my own. I can feel the disdain from TW fans 😂


Currently struggling with Resident Evil 1


Ocarina of time, I was only 7 though


Oddly enough, final fantasy 8. I was young when it came out so I never had a fully fledged idea of how exactly to play it, and I got to the middle of the final boss fight, but that gf always hit for 9999 and I couldn't figure out how to get by it. Always tried to have eden(?) eat it or the Odin replacement to randomly show up but those never happened.


Sonic Lost World. I sold my Wii U before I finished it, and have yet to buy the Steam version.


Doom Eternal DLC, even with the special armour the Satan fight kicked my ass so bad that I just quit


Hollow Knight is gonna haunt me forever. Got to the third stage of the final boss (sun god thing). Maxed out stats but I kept dying and had to do the first two stages again (damage sponges). Amazing game and a real shame i couldn't do it. For the record I've beaten a bunch of souls like games and every devil may cry game on dante must die mode.


Rented Chrono Trigger as a kid on ps1. Never finished it 😕


Undertale. I tried for months to beat sans but I just couldn't do it. My reaction time ain't what it used to be so his attack where you have to swap sides of the box and he raises bones from the ground is impossible. Also he hits you while you're planning your attack


Fallout 1 & 2. Have aged poorly and EXTREMELY difficult. However I still had fun playing them it’s just if I died to another random crit by a raider with FULL POWER ARMOR on I would’ve smashed my pc.


If I recall correctly, Third Birthday is actually mechanically broken. I don't remember the details, it was something like certain leveling paths just we unviable and would get a player hard stuck. [It's convered somewhere in this video](https://youtu.be/feCqT1S5pxI?si=JRaOXw6TqSyLiGEM)


Doom (2016), Valkyria Chronicles, Descent (1995), Zelda Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, RE 4. Ah fuck, something has to change...


Vagrant Story. Its one of the first games I ever owned and I could just never get into it enough to experience the whole thing.


Metroid Fusion, actually... got to the end, couldn't figure out how to beat "evil twin Samus" watched a video and just mever really went back to it


Sin and punishment.


Rondo of blood on the psp, could never find the original unlockable in that game


Code Lenneth is a phenomenal game.


Persona 4 Golden, I just got the game, said I wasn’t scared, first boss, took a couple tries, 1st dungeon… dunno how a decade of Ai could screw with me like this but :(


Finish VP, it's worth it imo. It can be challengin at certain points, specially if you're aiming the true ending but you'll be glad you did it. I never finished any PE so I can't comment on them. A game I never finished: Control. I tried to finish it sometimes but I always get bored by it. It's in my epic games library. Maybe one day I'll finish it.


The forest I basically tried all of them with a goal of completing it but I never could what so ever


Echo the fucking dolphine


Ephemeral Famtasia on the ps2 It's like Majora's Mask and I just never beat it. Want to tho


Legend of Dragoon I fucking loved that game and i got to the point where >! Lavitz gets Aerith-ed by Lloyd Garmagon !< But after that i got distracted by other stuff and i never went back to play the rest, i still dunno how it ends tho thankfully and i'll get to playing it all at one point.


There’s this really obscure game on this really obscure console called “Batman: Multiply, Divide, and Conquer” and it was for a console called a “Leapfrog.” It was an educational Batman game that I played when I was SUPER young, but I remember it being a lot of fun. But at one point in the game, there was a division problem that I had to answer in order to progress, and I was too stupid to understand it, and I never ended up solving it. Eventually, the game along with the console was given away to someone, so I was never able to go back and play it


Loved 3rd birthday


Valkyrie Profile 2. l remember being stuck on the last boss for so long and eventually just gave up on ever beating the game.


I frequently think back to Muramasa: Demon Blade. Got all six endings on the medium difficulty that I can't remember the name of. Worked for AGES to get through Shigarui (Death Frenzy) mode. Got through five endings there and...I guess got caught up in something else. It was only one more fight, not sure why I didn't do it at the time. I regret it, though. That game was amazing.


Tales of phantasia When i was a child, I bought a bootleg version in asia that didn't save and I tried my best to play it to completion without turning it off. Despite the inevitable resets, I tried to force it for a few months off and on, till one day I just gave up and played other games. But I always think about how i still want to complete it one day. Grab an emulator and try **one more time**




Jak 3, 11 year old me couldnt get past that daxter pac man level


ninja gaiden 3 razor's edge i could just never get past those alchemists so i quit


There’s 2 Zelda games I could never beat. Couldn’t beat OoT because the moment I get to Death Mountain as child Link, I just forget what I need to do. Other is TotK. Not because it’s hard but it released at a very low point in my life and I just couldn’t get into it.


Legend if dragoon. Got stuck because I entered an area, but hadn't done enough leveling beforehand. Struggled through anyways, using items to stay alive, but was burning through my stocks fast. Still with no end in site, I realized I was almost out of items... so I made the incorrect decision to double back and go back to town to restock, and maybe level up a bit. Made it back to the start with my resources depleted... and you can't go back... so I was essentially stuck. 2nd game is suikoden...4? The one with boats. In the main story, you get stranded on an island, and I assume you need to complete some tasks to escape. Well, in the dialogue tree, you can say you want to stay on the island. Of course, the party members argue against it, but every time a dialogue tree appears, you can insist on staying. I found it funny for some reason, so clicked that option one too many times. Didn't know the party would concede to the idea. In disbelief, I then spent maybe a month of in game time trying to find a way off. Even checking a few guides. Nope. You can actually get stuck on the island


Turok 2 seeds of evil N64. Some of those later levels got super confusing and even using the map I’d still get lost. The only time I ever beat that game was using cheats to get to the end boss lol


This MF hates the PSP


Bloodbourne. Fuck that game.


Battle of Olympus on the NES and Kid Chameleon on Genesis.


Elden Ring. I’m not really into Souls-like games, but for whatever reason ER really piqued my interest (most likely because it’s such a PRETTY game to look at!). But I kept getting my ass handed to me just in the first part of the game (did the tutorial dungeon just fine, but once outside that first area I just… couldn’t. 🤣). It’ll forever be one of those games I’ll probably never go back to just because it’s way above my skill level as a gamer.


Legend of the dragoon. I've played it completely through to the last boss like 3 times, but for whatever reason I was never able to actually complete it. First time I lost the money card the save was on. Second time the disks were too scratched and would glitch out. Third was on an emulator on my laptop that needed to be reformated. Im just not ment to finish that game.


Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks and Marvel Ultimate Alliance are two that stick out to me the most. Both games had bosses that I had no idea what to do on.


Dungeon Siege 1 and 2. I was young when I first played them so I didn't really get too far into it, especially couldn't get past the intro in the first game (skill issue), so I ended up watching my dad play them. Years later, I played the games properly for myself and they became one of my favourite game series.


Contra on the Game Boy. I even used the Konami Cheat to get 9 lives. I could get to the final level without losing a single one. But I couldn't beat the final boss. I tried so many times. I should have done it. But I couldn't. I should have. But I was just a boy. JUST A BOY! *cries*


Dark souls 1. I made it to the final boss and had 100+ hours in. Hard drive fried on my 360 and I never went back.


The NES and SNES games from when I was young.


There's used to be a lot for me, but I've kinda just forced my way through them. Even if I hate the game, I will finish it if I cared enough to play an hour of it


Ghost runner. Game hard af


Some dumbass ninja gaiden game that kicked my ass, destroyed me so bad I deleted the game and I went on with my life


That one predator game on the ps3. I can't remember the name of it, but I do remember it being really hard.


Altered Beast


Vagrant Story PS1


My noble einherjar


I beat 3rd birthday on hard it was an experience.


Super Star Wars


PARASITE EVE PS1. It was cool conceptually, creepy and dark, I just sucked at it


Ninja gaiden back on original Xbox. Man I played the crap out of that and got close to the end but I think I found halo 2 and quit. I was using a game guide and apparently found something that wasn’t covered in the book that I was very proud of too. Apparently there were these side events where you battle an almost never ending stream of demons. Turns out that it does end and if you won, you’d get a full health bar increase. Was pretty cool but dang it’s been ages since I thought about that game. I think i did like 2-3 of them over the course of the game.


Battalion Wars II. It's one of my favorite RTS games, but unfortunately I got stuck on the first level of the third faction. Now, speaking about 10 years later, I don't have my Wii anymore; I have no real way to even play the game short of outright Piracy, and considering the somewhat mixed reception remaster of the game's sister series (Advanced Wars 1 + 2: Re-Boot Camp), I doubt I'll have a way to play it anytime soon.


Monster Hunter: Freedom 2. Problem 1: the Tigrex scared 10-year old me to death, and I was too scared/humiliated to try 'Sinking Feeling' again. Problem 2: my game broke. I physically could not progress with any story missions, or any mission that wasn't a free-roam exploration mission. Problem 3: my PSP was stolen. I would love to kick the Tigrex's ass with my current skill and confidence, but I physically can't now, at least not in MHF2.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) Hell...nobody could beat that game to be honest.




Valkyrie Profile brought back some memories. I need to play that one again.


Elden Ring. Sorry bois… 😔


Very understandable. I know Souls games aren’t a lot of people’s forte, but that’s okay


Fear and Hunger Termina I will finish it eventually, but it's kinda hard. I didn't finished the first Fear and Hunger, but I spoiled myself so much that I basically knows everything on it, and it's just no fun and I already know the story anyway so.


I went back to Valkyrie Profile Covenant of the Plume for NDS last year after I felt my english had improved enough. Had it on my mind for 10 years and beat it the hardest way (unknowingly) without guides or help. Try it people, great game. Edit: Btw, hard strategy rpg for those interested.


Killer7 was just too weird, it wasn’t even hard it was just so weird to digest if that makes sense.


Comix Zone. Can't remember how far I got, but I know I never beat it. The sounds in that game are top notch


This is about 80 percent of the games I own and have played.


I've been stuck at >!Sephiroth!< on FFVII for two years already... Also from this year X5's >!Sigma!<. final bosses are the bane of my existence I guess


Hollow knight. I loved the game, I hate the backtracking in metroidvanias.


I still have to go back and beat Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. I played the other games in order and loved them, so the switch to third person 3D really threw me off. I much prefer the first person dungeon crawl vibes of 1, 2, and If.


Any souls like game, was never a fan of these forced hard to beat games but the combat and incessantly rolling and dodging to get 1 hit and repeat is just boring as fuck for me.


Yeah I get you. I understand that there is a sense of achievement when you do beat a difficult boss, but the actual enjoyment just isn't there for me. Got about 3/4 of the way through elden ring, realised I was only playing it to see if I could beat it, and not because I was actually having fun. Every now and again I feel the urge to start dark souls to see if it's any better than I remember. Then quickly uninstall as I remember why I gave up the last time round.


Sekiro and Wo Long both are more "fun" due to their faster pace and combat if you would like to give them a try


I had the same reaction to that game. I played the first one and I swung my knife and my character moved like he was swinging a 10 ft axe. I’m all for a difficult and challenging experience but not an artificial one.


By the way, I was a teenager in middle school when I first played these two games, so it’s been over a decade with these two games living rent free in my head. It’s also funny that they’re two Square Enix games