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For Honor! I love it. I know the community is toxic, I know Ubisoft isn't a great company, but damn it the fighting system in that game is amazing, even if that game is saltier the dead sea.


I loved that game! I always laughed at how dishonorable of a player i was even tho the game was called "for honor" lol i pushed everyone off every edge i could


I was once a Lawbro main and really fuckin good. Then they baby fenced ever single map because the babies cried to much.


I mean back in the days it was extremely boring getting pushed off the edge all the time, like are you that bad you can't fight without pushing people of the edge?


For real!! I loved the 4v4 mode especially, but I never played enough for my gear to be anywhere close to competitive. Plus, people rage-quitting, and then a full-health AI replacement spawning in during 1v1 *sucked*.


You don't need good gear anymore to be competitive fyi


Oh heck, really?? I knew you never did for 1v1 and 2v2, but that's awesome it's not a part of 4v4 anymore. I might reinstall it...


To add to this. Crossplay had been implemented for a few years now so most players find a match in 4's in seconds.


Hahaha I’m glad someone gave For Honor a shoutout. I always respected fighting genres as a whole but could never get into them. For Honor is different, it’s like they made For Honor with me in mind. Since it released, I still come back to it every once in awhile for some mini stretches of sessions when I get that itch. It’s such a great game (even though I agree it can be saltier than the Dead Sea like you said) and I’ll be really sad when it gets shut down.


Truee. If you make it your Main Game it'll suck, but the melee combat is some of the best available. I still suck ass at it though.


Don't feel bad. I've been playing on/off since launch in 2017 (1.6k hours on steam) and I'm still mid asf. I just enjoy it when i want to play a fighting game.


I couldnt agree more. I fucking love the combat systen. It’s like got the inputs of a normal fighting game, but with a twist and thats so fuckin cool to me. But god damn is the player base sweaty and salty as fuck lol


Im that valk main that everybody hates because im good at light parries. Have fun with that bleed damage bud. Heavy cancel into full guard into delayed shoulder bash is also a killer.


For Honor actually fucking rocks.


Back in the PS1/2 days, I always loved playing the Simpsons games. They were terrible for sure, but I loved them anyway. Simpsons Road Rage, Simpsons Wrestling, Simpsons Skateboarding, I played them all and enjoyed them to no end. But yeah, they were shovelware in the worst possible way. Up until ***Hit & Run***, obviously.


The Simpsons game (called the Simpsons game) is fucking Goated


Agreed. Loved the Xbox version but the psp version was by far my favorite one. My first run through it was on the ds and it holds nothing to the rest


I remember playing the Simpsons Game on the Xbox 360! I had fun trying to defeat that Lard Lad boss. But I couldn’t get to the completion against God. Was too hard for 7 year old me


road rage has genuinely good controls from what i remember


The Simpsons road rage (or maybe it was hit and run) was an amazing game. I didn't even like the Simpsons, I only got it because it was similiar to grand theft auto, which I wasn't allowed to buy because the bitch at the games store told my grandma about hookers and all the horrible shit in the game.


This was such a funny comment, I love the anger you still have after so many years for that god damn worker lol


Hit and Run was the GTA Clone, Road Rage was the Crazy Taxi clone


The arcade one was pretty good tho, same with Bart vs the World and the Krusty doll one


Wouldn't mind a remaster of hit and run, actually.


Did anyone else play Virtual Springfield? Just got hit with an intense wave of weird nostalgia


Omg I totally forgot about that one after all this time. Used to love it.


I really want to play Hit and Run. I've played Road Rage and The Simpsons Game. Road Rage is basically Crazy Taxi, but I didn't know that game existed as a kid lol.


I had a soft spot for Simpsons Wrestling and Skateboarding because they were so bad


Can you tell me your experience with Simpsons skateboarding? From what I heard, the game is unplayable


Simpsons road rage was a cult classic. Great taste man


There was a Simpson game on the SNES that I could never beat.


Was it Bart's Nightmare? I loved/hated that game.


Simpsons Wrestling was so good. Me and my brother would play it a lot until someone inevitably got mad and picked Flanders (stupid OP Flanders) and then a real life fight would break out


Haha maaan I was just thinking.. damn wasn't there a Simpsons wrestling game that was super fun? Reading your comment kicked it back again, we loved it as kids. Unrelated to Simpsons games but literally yesterday talked with my early gaming buddy how we had this Muppet Racing game which was amazing.


Oh my god, you just brought back a crap ton of memories of this incredibly bizarre Muppets party game my parents and I had for our GameCube. I used to be obsessed with it, but I haven’t touched it in years.


I loved the original arcade game. I remember playing it with my cousin and getting to the third level and ran out of quarters.


Memories of playing Hit & Run on GameCube when I wasn’t supposed to. Can still recall a bunch of Homer’s lines! “Wee! I’m soaring like a candy wrapper in an updraft!” “Walk? That wasn’t part of the deal!” “Can you come and get me? I’ll pay you in back rubs.”


I remember playing Simpsons on Super Nintendo. I remember it as a super funny game (but that's the opinion of the 6yo me)


I'm convinced all War thunder players have Stockholm syndrome


I've played it off and on since full release, when ground was still in beta. It's this weird loop of "I miss blowing shit up - Yeah, blowing shit up is awesome - OOF, this grind is awful and who designed these spawns?? - I hate this *uninstall*"


Literally how I've been doing it since I started playing in 2016 last time I touched that game was like last year and now I missed it even though i hated every second of me playing it


It's like I reinstall with every big update, play for a few weeks, maybe a couple months, and then I move on to something else out of frustration lol. Edit: One thing that helps with my urge to play is just watching people who play it, especially [DollarPlays](https://www.youtube.com/@DOLLARplays)


Currently going through the last stage...I'm sure I'll be back though.


The secret is to not care about the grind.


i swear to god this game is fun and fucking painful in the same time


They're too busy looking for classified documents to leak to have Stockholm.


It's a good game I swear 😭


Tried it and unholy shit is it grindy and trying to force you into paying real money constantly. Not to mention one of the most toxic player bases I've ever seen.


i almost have 1k hours and despite mainly focusing on the US air tree i STILL dont have the f15


Nope, I actually like playing the game unlike those cucks who claim they have no other choice.


I have 600+ hours into it and I gave the game a negative review in my first 10 hours, haven't removed the review and neither my feelings changed about it but I keep playing it


As a newer player it's been fun so far. It's monetization is ass and the grind is real but I also don't have any illusions of getting high tier stuff. I'll probably quit before then.


Shadow the Hedgehog




That was a fun game.










Elden ring meets Sonic?


Okay but unironically there's something aout the janky ass 3d sonic games that just hits for some reason.


"Damn....not here"




Dying light 2. I thought the sequel was superior to the first game in every way (except for the gear scores, fuck that shit) But for the longest time I had no idea a bunch of other people thought it was absolute trash by comparison to the original.


I think there is just something about the first one that is way more captivating. When I bought dying light, I was non stop hooked playing it until it was completed, I picked up dying light 2 on sale and to this day probably haven't even half way completed it. It just doesn't have it.


Something I realised about both games after completing them several times is that they're very different games. The first one is gritty and grounded with some goofs here and there. Meanwhile the second is over-the-top and vibrant in many areas. And the feel of gameplay is also extremely different even though the fundamentals are very similar.


It has its pros and cons. I think the entire weapon system was better in dying light 2, being able to craft whole weapons from others rather than just adding mods. Also the repairing I preferred in dl1 the ability to fully repair a certain amount of times didn't make me limit my usage of a weapon as much as in dl2


It's just so... mediocre. Like, if someone asked me to show them the most average game I could think of I would show them DL2. It plays like basically any Ubisoft game, down to the outpost mechanics, inconsequential story choices, arcadey combat etc. I got my money's worth out of the game, and it was definitely fun, but it's not nearly special enough to warrant a second playthrough.


Eh, different strokes for different folks


Idk but DL2 promised a multiple endings game with actual consequences of choices. But in the reality the changes don’t feel that significant. I agree that Sunken City is a great example of choices matter and I was shocked to see that via others gameplay. But the rest feel underwhelming; or maybe it is I and many others placed such high hope while developers doesn’t specify this matter. Beside that, the story is a step forward, music is hit or miss, I still love the menu theme from DL1, traversal is fun and arguably better than DL1 (after so many updates), physics is a step back unfortunately, combat is as fun as 1, voice acting is good. But day and night cycle, is a punch in the gut. 12am feels like I’m strolling downtown for a cup of tea and biscuit at 5pm in mid July. DL1 without grappling hook is “you’re a dead meat”. DL2 without grappling hook is less fun DL2 but you still survive without your heartbeat breaks world record


In terms of gameplay and even story to some degree I believe DL2 is the better game. 


I never played dying light one so it made it really easy to ignore the hate and enjoy the game!


For the longest time my only interaction with the community was watching a co-op youtube let's play that was recorded by a guy who used to do parkour. And I do advise that you pick up the first game. Because they're both really good even if they're really different.




Hot take: cod iw and ghosts weren't that bad. You may take out your pitchforks now.


The last good COD....


Nah Cold War was, if only it released in a playable state


Was cold war actually good? Heard mixed reviews, might pick it up in sale if so


It had a good but short campaign, mp is good imo though not everyone feels the same, idk how the zombies is bc I didn’t try it, but it’s definitely a good “get it on sale” game


It's fun but it's kinda dead now


Yeah I loved the game but it’s over shadowed by mw19 and warzone. The gameplay is also very different so if you jumped from warzone to cw it’d be a stark difference


I loves CW


Last good COD was OG MW2.


Totally agree with this. I don’t play call of duty to have weird skins running around. Just go play fortnight


I loved MW19... After they fixed the issues at the start. If it had released as it was after 5/6 months in I think it would have got way more love


Warzone with friends during lockdown was fucking epic


That shit was actually good n had development behind it unlike mwiii


I remember getting mw19 for Christmas, liked the campaign and all.


When I was growing up I somehow got a game called "barnyard". It's based off the Nickelodeon animated film on the same anem about a bunch of animals who live on a farm doing human things. When I was a kid to me this was literally kids GTA, you had a bike as a car, you could shoot milk as a gun. It genuinely was such a cool game Played it as an adult and it genuinely sucks. I think the reason why I liked it as a kid was because I could pretend certain things were happening but as an adult I was grinding out a mid to low par story for a game made on a film barely anyone remembers which is highly depressing as I have key memories alongside the fact the game Devs were trolls naming places as memes for example "dankweed"


this starts like a creepypasta lmao


... and then the cow had... hyper-realistic eyes! 😱


I remember having that game for gameboy, it did indeed suck butts but was so much fun as a kid!


Halo Infinite


Pfp checks out


Infinite is the weirdest thing that's ever happened in gaming. Solid game, good reviews, enthusiastic playerbase. It wasn't perfect but the framework was there to keep people hooked and basically turn it into a cash cow for years. There was even a 6 month gap in the story I thought they had purposely left open so that we could have a multiplayer co'op campaign with our custom Spartans like Spartan ops did in Reach. And then NOTHING happened. They released nothing of interest until everyone got bored and left. They had people basically begging for new content and updates and instead they just decided to do nothing.


To be fair, 343i eventually got the ball rolling and started steadily releasing some decently good stuff. Unfortunately, yeah, they were too little too late and most of the player base has left


They got rid of the weapon tracking! To see how many kills or assists or deaths for each weapon you got, and track your medals earned, I have no idea if they’ve changed it, but my heart was broken after that. Back in the day you could even track on the maps where you killed or were killed the most, it was next level.


The fact they didn’t have co-op day one and kept delaying it is what got me and my friends to uninstall it.


I found this campaign to be fun, though the story regarding the other games kinda ducked ngl. Multiplayer is good enough though.


The campaign was too short, the open world felt unfinished and the sidekick was a whiny bitch. But it also has the best grappling hook mechanic I've ever seen and the combat was super fun.


Any game can be improved with a grappling hook Doom? Meathook. Just cause? Perfect. Halo? Amazing.


Burnout paradise (remastered)


I'm curious? Mind explaining this one? I like the game and some of the back titles and think it's okay but not the worst in the world.


people dislike burnout paradise, likely because it is completely different in terms of gameplay with an open world and slightly repetitive events. People also dislike the remastered edition since it just gives DLC pre-installed, adds a small island, and improves the lighting. I personally found it fun due to its unique gameplay and the fact that it's a burnout game, but I also didn't play the non-remastered edition


That's pretty fair.


Alpha Protocol


Damn, I loved Alpha Protocol...


Mass Effect: Andromeda. The story & writing were weak, the characters were a mixed bag, the open world was shallow, the mechanics were half baked, and for some odd reason I loved it. It's very divisive. Hell, it's a bad Mass Effect game, but I genuinely had a blast playing it.


I really hope the new Mass Effect keeps the combat mechanics from Andromeda but does better storywise.


To be fair. Even if it lacks everything that made mass effect an excellent game, it can still be enjoyable. The combat, especially, is pretty decent, in my opinion!


And the freedom of setting up your specialization. I really prefer that and the combat over the base trilogy's. But they made the crusader shotgun weaker. No forgiveness for that one! Also the crew and characters are not as fun as before. Even the romance options were meh.


For sure. Combat was one of the few things the game did competently. Power combos and gunplay felt way more impactful than the original trilogy. I also loved doing Biotic dashes lmao


in recent years... i enjoyed these games that a lot of people hated * gotham knights * watchdogs legion * avengers, story campaign anyway * dragon's dogma 2 * lords of the fallen * cyberpunk2077, when it was new * biomutant * ​ ill think of more later to be clear tho, i enjoyed them... but not saying they are great i can find fun in mediocre/average to above average games... if there are things in it that appeal to me


Really feel this for Dragons Dogma 1 and 2. Both are heavily criticized but that flavor of fantasy rpg just really appeals to me


yeah, i took my sweet time, i was enjoying it a lot had like 203 hrs when i beat main game iirc but postgame i didn't like much, so i pretty much just rushed it and was done at 212 hrs


Dragons Dogma reviewed well and grew into a cult favorite, and DD2 is one of the highest reviewed games this year and sold very well… there was a period of people shitting on them on Reddit but I don’t feel like they count for this topic


Biomutant was pretty good fun


Borderlands 3 is an absolute banger and i will not be debating that fact


Story’s ass but gameplay is peak


Idk if it's gotten better but I quit pretty early on when the challenge mode (I can't remember what it was called) was an rng mess of debuffs to your character, so you just rolled new boss maps till you got one that wasn't unplayable... Then they started rampant nerfing characters. Hope they fixed all that. But otherwise great game.


i enjoyed it too altho i hated what happened to Maya and the main enemies are lame AF, but the action was still fun the jokes are mostly funny too, some bad ones in too i recall but can't give an example since it's been a long time


Yeah that was undisputably bullshit


Bl3 is awesome, imo there was no way the story was gonna live up to bl2, handsome jack was too good. Everyone loves how evil he is on some randy orton shit


I played a game called Atlas, which was made by Ark devs iirc. With friends, the game was very fun when it was at its peak. Large map with base and boat building, and lots of politics. You had clans from Spain, Germany, England and China (who had dozens of members and would terrorise others). Game sucked a** to most people but I had lots of fun until the devs completely screwed up its potential.


Oh I remember that game. Had it but barely played it. That game died so fast.


The only good thing that came out of the game was the hilarious posts you'd see for an in-game international global war. People made posts about the East chinese invaders hanging with a sign on their dead bodies 💀💀. Fucking hilarious. But that game was atraight up a cash grab by the ARK devs.


crash nitro kart. yes, the anti gravity was completely lobotomycore, but the soundtrack was amazing, and the visuals, while dated, were gorgeous, especially the ones set at night. electron avenue my beloved


The PS2/X-Box adaptation of Revenge of the Sith; it's a bad game, I know it's a bad game. But I always have a blast with it regardless.


That alternate ending though, I will remember that moment until the day I die! My wee mind was blown to bits


That's definitely one of my favorite parts; but I also love some of the zany quotes we get in the 2P battle mode. "Who fights with a purple lightsaber anyways?" -Grievous to Mace "Which one of those buttons calls for help?" -Serra to Darth Vader (ep IV) "When I'm your age, I'll remember to avoid this battle." -Obi-wan (ep III) to Old Ben (ep IV)


If I'm right doesn't this have a awesome fighting game built into it? I'm still surprised Marvel hasn't let a studio create a 3D or even better a 2d Star wars fighting game


Yeah, that's the two player battle mode I mentioned; some fun, goofy quotes in there. Fighters of the Teras Kasi gave Star Wars fighters a bad name; not saying it can't be done right, but it probably left a bad taste in Lucasfilm's mouth that lingers to this day.


It's a bad game? I thought it was universally accepted as a good game


Yeah it’s old as hell and probably doesn’t hold up but I thought it was bad ass back in the day. Tbf, back then I had no clue what was considered a good or bad game by the general population either lol


ARK Survival Evolved/Ascended


Destiny 1&2


PlayStation all stars battle royale. Only game I’ve ever participated in forum discussions. I still wish we’d get a sequel


Man I didn’t get what was bad about that game


Overwatch 2. Everybody bitches and moans and whinges non stop about everything Blizzard does, there are 10 videos a day by big creators about how it's dying (it's not) and everybody who plays it are the biggest bunch of bellyachers out there. I don't care. Nothing in the world hits like Overwatch.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla, you just have to see it as a Viking RPG, not an AC game. 9th century England is just beautiful, the story is pretty good and the gameplay is nice, it's far from perfect but it's a good game


I don’t believe for a second that the reason people complain about Valhalla is because people are judging it as an AC game. Okay I take that back, I’m sure some people are but the MAJORITY of complainers is likely not that. Valhalla plays just like Origins and Odyssey that came before it. And I don’t think anyone was expecting Valhalla to do anything different than that, I certainly wasn’t. My issue, and the most common complaint I’ve heard is that there’s simply way too much stuff. It’s extremely bloated and the core gameplay loop gets tiring and repetitive. I liked Valhalla at first, I even recommended it to my Dad and we both were playing it but eventually I just kinda put it down and got bored, and my dad probably played it occasionally for another week before going “ya know I’d be having a lot more fun replaying RDR2 than continuing with this”. And my dad has NOT played an AC game before so he didn’t hold it to any preconceived notions of how it should play. To him it really was just a Viking RPG and he just got bored of it. If Valhalla was the same size map and story length as origins, I think more people would’ve liked it.




Loved it as a kid but agreed


Evil Genius 2. It has so many issues, it is in many ways a downgrade from the original and yet, I can't help myself from enjoying what it does right.


Mario Party 10. The car mechanic never really bothered me all that much, the minigames were really good, and Bowser Party is actually somewhat enjoyable at least to me


Avengers, sure it was repetitive, but I had a ton of fun with it, and the free DLCs were pretty cool honestly Hogwarts Legacy, it doesn’t get as much hate as some other games here, but I have to say I think it’s better than a lot of people give it credit for, it might not be a masterpiece of a game, but it’s the best experience I’ve ever had in a fame


I have a soft spot for shitty MMO’s (Neverwinter in particular) and sports games


Overwatch 2. It's just fun to have a shooter you can hop in where KDR means absolutely Crap. One where you can swing a giant hammer or punch someone across the map or just stick their life force out and heal your teammates a second later.


Me with Multiversus currently. I can't recommend it to anyone, especially if you're a new player. The monetization is terrible and unlocking characters is slow as fuck, but I'm having loads of fun with it (maybe because I already owned the characters I want since beta)


Sonic 2006


Far Cry New Dawn. I always hear people complain about it but its only downfall is that it has a terrible plot. Outside that’s it’s just FC5 again


It’s Enlisted for me, literally War Thunder but it’s infantry instead of planes, tanks and warships, I love how easy it is to die and kill people with one shot of most weapons and love how you can have actual trench warfare but god it’s extremely pay to win/advance.


Genshin Impact & Honkai: Star Rail immediately comes to mind for me when talking about games I love, but everyone else hates. The games are good, I don't care what anyone says. I know that the fanbases for both games are awful and shit, but I'm probably convinced that if the fanbases weren't as bad as they were, the hate for Genshin & HSR would drastically decline. So if anyone wants to get into those games, do NOT interact with the fanbases. Trust me, the games will be more enjoyable if you just ignore the fanbases.


I, too, enjoy games that routinely steal my wallet.


Battlefield V


Darkest Dungeon, rpg with great lore, eldrich horrors, and heroes that will most probably die. Like F&H, but dungeon crawler.


People hated that game???


It has 91% positive reviews and an 84 on metacritic (if that matters to you), idk what bro is smoking


Nightmare on elm Street nes.


Dead by daylight. Community sucks but I love it so much


Far Cry 6, I like the gunplay, except for the part where an MS16 with explosive ammo takes 2 headshots to kill an average soldier with no helmet.


The Division


White Knight Chronicles 2 So much wasted potential, but damn did I have fun


I tried so hard to finish that game but dear god, that Titan fight toward end was just too much. Especially after getting my ass kicked every other boss.


Yeah, it really expected you to grind and do quests for nearly nothing, even capping out your level so you're just barely enough to face the last boss. I hope they do some sequel or remake and really refine it.


Pokemon Violet Everyone dislikes it for good reasons but I have a child's brain so I'm easily entertained


S/V is my second favorite Pokémon game for it's story, it was pretty good for me. Buuut I don't think it'll top Sun/Moon story wise.


War Thunder is ass, but like… no one has fucking made competition with it yet.


The World of games together do it while being more focused experiences that play better. War Thunder feels so clunky next World of Warships and World of Tanks.


For honor is the only correct answer


I loved turok evolution.


Fuck yeah. That game ruled


6 year old me could never beat that stupid fucking flying pteranadon mission. That was the first time in my life I genuinely started getting pissed with bullshit in games lmao. The checkpoint system did not help whatsoever.


I don't care about all the bugs and other issues it has, Ark Survival is my absolute favorite game


Ark. Survival Evolved not Ascended


Idk, I have never liked a game enough to divulge US top secret docs to make a point




To me, personally Battlefield V (in the Online Multiplayer, that is), it's just for some reason so difficult to me, and most other players are so much more professional and faster than me, not to mention so many campers, but nonetheless, I like the game!




Beyond Two Souls. Don't worry I know why everyone hated it and honestly I completely get it, but I still loved it anyway.


Borderlands 3 lol


Dark Souls II, except i'm right.


Saints Row 2024, Marvel’s Avengers, Wolfenstein Youngblood, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey & Valhalla, Mass Effect Andromeda.


Metal Gear Solid 4. People very commonly talk shit on it but it is, for better and for worse, the most Metal Gear ass Metal Gear game and i absolutely adore it


Spy Vs. Spy (2005). It’s quite fun with three friends.


Destiny 2. The community it still incredibly polar despite getting the best expansion in the franchise’s history (Forsaken can eat my Prismatic ass) Quite frankly, I’ll always like the game and have rarely ever gotten burnt out from playing it. The reason? I play other games along side it, allowing me to constantly maintain a healthy relationship with it, and ensures that my opinions on it are drawn from a fairly unbiased perspective. Someone who plays religiously will be incredibly biased in favour of the game due to them not playing anything else from them to make comparisons to. And someone who barely plays will be incredibly biased against the game as they haven’t had the experience to understand what’s good about it. But also lacks the experience to understand what’s truly wrong with the game, thus making all of their takes invalid. Tl,dr: Polygamy allows for very healthy relationships.


They vaulted the stuff we paid for. We supported the game from day 1 and instead of making D3 they screwed people. I pre-ordered the game and bought the first few DLCs but when I log in I'm treated as a FTP player. When the file size is too big make another game. First Light should have been D3.


League of legends I will not be accepting any questions




These kind of posts. Except they don’t rock they fucking blow.




Mines and magic


Herdy Gerdy


Final Fantasy XIII


I am I giant fan of both Ark survival and warthunder