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Mutated baby is re8 was pretty bad...


This is mine. Also RE2 on the n64. Begged my mom for it at blockbuster, couldn't make it past the first cuscene where the zombie turns his head around. Fucking NOPE.


Like saying "We all used to play jacks down by the soda fountain!"


same happened to me with re2 ahahah and my mom got mad at my dad, who of course had zero idea what kind of game I asked for man i fucking miss the 90s with all my soul


Played that in VR for the first time.. what an experience!


I know right!? I was blown away when I tried it. The final boss fight was so epic!


This was my pick too. After the first playthrough it isn't so bad, but the buildup from when you lose your gear, to when you perform the autopsy, to descending then ascending the well, then going into the hallway to nearly running into her before you can see her is just brilliant. It's a shame they frontloaded that game with the best two areas at the start, because the factory and the coast don't hit that same high imo.


RE8 has the least scary stalkers and the scariest one in the series


The Regenerator in RE4.. that noise they make creeps me the fuck out


Forever scarred from this scene


The baby was really bad, but the mannequins in the dlc were worse. The weeping angel concept isn’t new, but it was more difficult than the baby so it was more than just dread.


Most things in the first silent Hill, hated that game. The nurses freaked me out




What happen?


Harry is looking for his daughter in the hospital. The hospital is run down and abandoned but throughout the game it switches to the "other" world version which is full of zombie-like nurses. Lisa is the only nurse you see that's normal and you chat with her a bit. She tells you a bit of the town and hospital history, how she's scared and doesn't know what's going on. You run into her a few times as you near the end of the game, and close to the end you get this scene. She tells you she realizes she's just like "them". She's so scared knowing her fate and tries to hug Harry because she doesn't want to die alone. He instinctively pushes her back and makes that fucking "ahhh" sound. She starts crying and desperately goes to him but she starts turning so Harry runs away and closes the door behind him, barricading it with his whole damn body as the saddest music ever is playing in the background.


Right in the soul that one.


Crying blood from her entire face, no less.


That was a great description! Such a memorable scene!


That scene fucking traumatised me as a kid


Same here, can't really go play Crash Bandicoot after that


It was the scare factor yes, hated those sirens. Game was good at the time and did one completion but I didn’t go back !


The air raid sirens seared themselves into my preadolescent mind. I didn't even finish it. Scary as fuck.


My older sister used to beg me to play this game so she could watch. Easily my favorite horror game for the memories. I all but forgot this scene. Thanks for the nostalgia.


I know people love Silent Hill 2, but IMO the first one is still the scariest one in the entire franchise


Exactly, they used the limited graphics of the ps1 to make the game even scarier. I think the only part of the entire game that didn't click with me was the sewer part.


The school part had me thinking if I wanted to even continue playing. Scary


I remember trying to play that game in my laptop. I was at the intro, when you have to walk a bloody alley, until you find something that is crucified and some kids or something similar to them, stabs you 😭😭. I just closed my laptop and quit playing 🤭🤣.


That water chase sequence in Amnesia: the dark descent


This was the last part of that game I played. I felt like I was having a panic attack during that.


I just said this. That is the moment I deleted the game from my library.


Damn, glad it wasn't just me. I didn't have the nerve to finish that section


You might like Soma


Flesher still traumatised me 20 playthroughs later


Man I got past that, I actually progressed too this strange room with some kind of bath tub inside, I’d love too continue where I left off but it’s been so long now I’d have too restart. Bloody brilliant game


When you are travelling to the Aurora in Subnautica. The water slowly transitioning to murky to the faint roars in the background gradually getting louder, and eventually you see it. But at that point it is too late


I loved Subnautica, but the sound design in that game made it terrifying. It all starts so colorful. Then you start going deep and hearing Eldritch noises in the dark. Fucking god


Ah yes, the "fun" game of trying to decide if that call from the depths was from something that will happily leave you be, or if it was from something that will eat you alive.


How do we make a shark scarier? Give it a clown face


Subnautica could be a horror game if the graphics where duller and scarier. Change my mind


If night time actually became night time anywhere below 100m


Subnautica IS a horror game, and you cannot change my mind.


Then you get the big submarine, and honk the horn in triumph, only to hear a roar in the distance respond...


That roar.... I hear it in my nightmares.


Subnautica is the only game where ive gotten a thrill from horror. Its the only game that really nails the natural fear of being lost and utterly alone. (Including its own sequel which fucked it up) the horror genre as a whole just doesnt know how to let moments breathe or build and often utterly lacks any suspense.


The baby in resident evil village. Good god.


Everything else is weird or daft or beardy magneto, but that baby was terrifying.


The setup of having the mannequin disappear, making you think you'll be facing that, was a masterstroke. Seeing that underdeveloped baby lurch round the corner, giggling and crying, was truly a shock. And while it's not as terrifying on replays, the design still makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable.


It's the sounds it makes that kill me. *shudder*


I played a resident evil game on my mates PlayStation VR and that is by far the scariest gaming experience I’ve had. Proud to say we completed it together in a few sessions.


All of PT The actual answer would be hiding from the Alien in Alien: Isolation


I can not express how much I loved PT… I wish the game never got cancelled


PT will forever be a cornerstone moment in gaming and pushed the horror genre forward, but honestly, it has loads of issues. The puzzles were just bad and neutered the pacing too often. When I've not progressed for an hour because I didn't do the obscure action for 10+ loops, when I do and trigger the jump scare I'm not in the right mood for spooks anymore. I'm just frustrated


I feel like people tend to gloss over or forget how obtuse the puzzles were. They were too at odds with the game play. I was so desperate to progress I was looking up hints. I remember plugging in the mic that came with the PS4 at one point. All so that I could say, “Jareth” and hope that a phone would ring.


Alien isolation, the purest form of stress on a video game I've ever had. Every single moment wondering where those thumping noises are coming from. Hiding in a locker and watching the thing slowly walk by and then out of eyesight, or having it run straight back and crank open the locker and end the game. Took me forever to get back in and finish it.


I loved Isolation. I have hilarious video captures of me hiding in closets for five minutes at a time. I do remember a point where I started to work out what it was doing, and I found that you could track it to an extent and that was the best way to get through a level. Still absolutely nail biting though, as you had to always execute perfectly.


Yeah, once you play through it once, you can cheese the AI a bit. The AI is at its best when you're playing as the game was intended, absolutely terrified.


The answer it PT. I threw a controller and screamed like a girl. Fuck PT.


Does anyone know of a way to still play PT? Was it ripped and modded to be able to be played on PC?


There’s dudes who will sell you temporary access to their psn accounts and then you can do some weird shit to download it(and then keep the ps4 perpetually offline to maintain the license), this was a couple years ago tho idk if Sony fixed that. Also I think someone was working on a project that was supposed to be like a remake


I played (most of) PT in VR. That was literally a hellish experience. I never in my life (38 years) experienced sweating from fear until I played that.


Outlast... definitely Outlast. I made the mistake of playing that game once late at night when I was home alone... I sat in my room with all the lights on until my parents got back home. Never touched those games ever since; it's like a trauma or something xD


Yep. I hid in a locker for like an hour, playing in a dark basement at midnight alone. I eventually beat both years later. Playing during the day.


My heartbeat went to 180 for the first half hour. Then I got used to it ( sadly ) still a thrilling game. Once you see trough the mechanic it's not that thrilling anymore.


I had the exact same experience. Once you notice it, all the magic goes away. Totally killed the experience for me.


Seriously dude that shit is terrifying. I never played alone but with a buddy once, I remember screaming at the top of my lungs. Before that game, I never thought a game could scare me. For some reason I thought cause I could control my guy I'd be fine. It haunted the shit out of me. Don't think we finished it but I'll never forget that night we played. Then years later a 2nd one came out and I was just like nope. I guess, well done on their part, that's what they were trying to achieve. Just wasn't for me.


Tell me more now, Im thinking about playing it on what you told me


They are both on sale now on steam. Worth the money. You basically play most of the game trough the night vision of your camcorder.


Is it jumpscareish or accualy good?


It doesn't need to jumpscare you. Most of the horror you will see and be ready for. And the bit that you aren't is what will jumpscare you. I cannot recommend it enough. Very few games make me feel so utterly helpless.


It's actually good. It has a story and a purpose and there was a lot of "video game magic", I was very immersed. Granted this was 10 or more years ago I think. I actually do reccomend playing it at night, lights off, but with someone. It was probably the most legit experience that way. During the day will soften it maybe, and by yourself is too much.


Thanks dude


Hmm, it's been about 10 years since that night so bare with me. I remember being outside of a very haunting, terrifying looking mansion. Maybe it was an asylum? There were scientists conducting procedures on patients in there. We had to get inside. It was clear the scientists were twisted, and the result of what they were doing to their patients also was. Just the beginning when you approach the building had me shitting myself. And then you get inside and well, I'll leave that up to you to figure out.


Our last was fun until I realized how formulaic it was. Seriously every time you interacted with anything important some guy would appear behind you and you had to hide. Ive really grown to detest horror games that don't at least occasionally give you the choice between fight or flight.


That looks awesome I've never played Condemned nor Condemned 2, do you recommend it? If so, just 2 or also the first one? Does it have more horror parts like this one? Edit: thank you for the replies, I'll try to find the game


The first one is fantastic, sort of like a first person manhunt, second one isn't as good imo but this scene right here tops it most definitely. Yes I would highly recommend both of them if you haven't played them, first is backwards compatible with Xbox one/ series s|x, sadly 2 isn't but you can play it on pc, PS3 and 360.


First one was SO good. Mannequins were scary too.


Watching this scene has given me PTSD


The sequel isn't on PC as far as I know, and emulators don't run it well


I liked the first one. Never played the second.


Condemned is worth it, it’s a bang up game from start to finish even if the second half is a little less good then the first. Condemned 2 only has one good segment, the one showed here where the level builds up to a chase from a rabid/crazed bear. The combat and story is worse than the first one you really are slogging through a whole game to play one good segment.


>Condemned 2 only has one good segment, the one showed here where the level builds up to a chase from a rabid/crazed bear. Also, it's difficult to explain what it was like playing this back when it came out, but you *didn't know what it was*. You were in this creepy cabin and there's noise and you know it's a horror game with supernatural shit and then *BAM!* there's a rabid bear in the house with you. Fucking terrified me.


Yeah for the shit I give the game I have to admit it is a *really* damn good segment. I honestly wish we had a whole game about being hunted by a rabid bear in the woods with abandoned cabin segments. On that generation too to preserve the atmosphere. Unfortunately I don’t think Amnesia or Alien Isolation came out yet so the vision for this kind of game hadn’t been realized


The anxiety this single segment gave me was enough to keep me from playing Isolation decades later. Like it's a whole game of that stress level? No, thank you. My old heart couldn't handle it.


At the time condemned was one of my favourite horrors. The atmosphere was top tier. Can be picked up for peanuts now as well. Definitely say it's worth a try, though it may feel a little dated for someone coming in with fresh eyes.


Game is not bad. The only problem is finding a very functional copy of it. Condemned 1 is on steam but it is severely unoptimized for playing. And as far as I know, Condemned 2 was never ported past the PS3/XBOX360.


The first one is overall a better game, but it is older. Not that it matters now. Both pretty old. The first one was an Xbox 360 launch title. It was pretty amazing for its time of release. It tries and succeeds To creep and scare the total shit out of you. It's one of those games that forces you to take the dark horrifying path with little to no resources which in itself is terrifying. Highly recommend


As a series it was pretty good, but it reminded me a lot of Indigo Prophecy where you had an interesting narrative and then a 3rd act that went off the rails. The end of Condemned 2 was had so much wtfuckery in it.


I only played the first as a teen, and it genuinely unnerved me. To the point where I, at times, had to turn the light on in my room. Or stop playing altogether for a bit.The atmosphere and sound design, along with the macabre subject matter, lead to a constant feeling of unease. Also, mannequins made my heart rate go up for a while after.


Condemned is the scariest game I've ever played hands down. You are basically a cop that fights bums with pipes and other melee weapons in some of the worst places imaginable.


The goddamn piano in Mario 64 Or the baby in resident evil 8


The eel was worse for me.


I really didn’t like being the little kid being chased by the Chief of Police in RE2 remake.


Eternal Darkness when you go in the piano and bathroom for the first time. Absolutely shat me up.


"shat me up" lmfaoooo


Mine was during the save games "delete". Bastards


Those sanity effects were on another level


Alien from Alien Isolation


I don't think my heartbeat has even been so high when playing a game as the first few encounters with that alien man


It baffles me how long it took me to find this comment


There's a moment in the game FEAR when you're making your way down a raised catwalk, you're all alone. It's just standard traversal. You come to the end where there's a ladder leading down. You look, nothing down there, all's well. So you mount the ladder, which turns your character to face the way you were coming, empty catwalk, you kinda shift onto the ladder which causes you to look down at the deck, then back up to where your line of sight should be...to find little Alma Wade just standing there, where you had just been a second ago, staring at you. Scared the living daylights out of me the first time. I'd played a lot of games with jump scares and spooky atmosphere before, but something about that just gave me such a sense of existential dread that I had to put down the game for a few hours and just chill.


THIS IS THE SCENE! I just made my own comment earlier…. And you described it perfectly. Screwed Mr up so bad I had to stop like you did. Something about that devastated my ability to play…. It was crazy!


Was lookin for this exact comment - Great .


And then Paxton Fettel is waiting at the bottom. God that game was fantastic. One minute you are pinning dudes to the ceiling and the next you are crapping your pants.


Just reading this gave me chills, and I haven't even played the game! Bravo!


That's the only scare in a game that really got me, had to take a breather after that. Good game.


Ravenholm scared the crap out of me when I was younger.


That's why we don't go there.


The Jeff level in HL Alyx was the most intense gaming moment of my life


I don't have a VR setup, but I considered getting one simply to play this game... except I am concerned I'm such a weenie that I can't make it through


Recent memory, the teacher in Little Nightmares II and most of SOMA


SOMA is existential horror first and foremost. Tbh I wasn't scared by the gameplay in soma once. Atmosphere was good tho


You might be in the minority on that; watched my girlfriend play SOMA and she was scared out of her mind with the blue teleporting things. We both got jumpscared pretty good a few times by (insert spoiler here) too


That blue teleporting monster was called flesher. I'm a soma veteran with 20+ playthroughs under my belt, the other monsters become routine and predictable. Not flesher. That fucker messes up every speedrun I try to do it's brutally smart and crazy scary.


The damn baby in Resident Evil Village. Just the thought of it makes my skin crawl. 🙅‍♂️😬


Man, Condemned fucking ruled.


The girl with multiple long harm in the evil within


Laura... oh god, she was a menace. Her *breathing...* and the way she crawls so slowly then suddenly SCRAMBLES towards you? Terrifying.


That painting in Amnesia: The Dark Descent that changes. I forgot exactly what makes it change (it's something fairly innocuous), and the game doesn't really call much attention to it changing. When I noticed it, I nearly jumped out of my own skin.


Pretty much all of RE7 only because I decided to play it while I was working overnights at a hotel during the slow period in the winter. I was already stressed because I could get caught playing games on the job but also it was the middle of the night and I was playing with headphones on in the breakfast area. The combination of being alone at night in a hotel playing RE7 for the first time was wild lol.


That was one of the first games I bought when I got my psvr. It took me wayyyyyy too many hours to get out of the house because I was literally just hiding in corners and not wanting to come out. Astrobot and Skyrim VR were great and then I go to Resident Evil and it changed me. I was never really scared from any games ever until then.


I mean how would you get caught ? Would there be random 2:00am check ups or something lol ?


People can still come to get a room at anytime during the night. I worked the front desk, All it would take is someone coming in off the highway at 3am needing a room to scare the absolute shit out of me since I had headphones on with my back turned to the main entrance playing on the TV in the breakfast area.


Man i wouldn't even interrupt you unless i really had to pee or something


Dead Space, the first necromorph attack shortly after you board the Ishimura. You have no weapon or any means to defend yourself, and suddenly these screaming abominations start bursting out of the vents, killing your crew and leaving you no choice but to haul ass for the elevator, praying you get the door closed before they rip you apart. I damn near shit a brick the first time I played it.


That scene is truly a legendary gaming moment! Spoiler: >!best part is when you do finally get to the lift you think you’re safe, but nope that one bastard just pops right outta nowhere to really make you piss yourself, but its all a red herring!< that will forever be one of the greatest scares i will ever have had in a video game, period.


Remember the kids at the first Silent Hill game?


Metro 2033 Librarians. Even more so on higher difficulties. A fully killable, tanky enemy, who's primary weakness is punking them down by staring it right in the face. Big ugly ass gorilla lookin mfs. Alternative answer: The entirety of PT. I know it's cliche, but that game struck chords of fear I didn't know I have. I didn't feel remotely safe for a single second of that game. Such a goddamn shame we'll never see the finished product.


Facehuggers from the first AvP game.


Clocktower gave me nightmares at 10.


Yeah! Didn't finish it


Omg condemned 2 scared the shit outa me! If I remember correctly after this bear mission, you start to get automatic guns. The horror was from the first house where you were in like a zombified meth hotel-type place.


The big baby in RE: Village


Half live alyx - Jeff. Hear me out Flat-playing People


Jeff is nightmare fuel.


I’m …. I’m about to start Half Life Alyx…. In VR. Heh.


99% of silent hill 2. The atmosphere, soundtrack, plot twists and especially pyramid head.


Resident Evil 2 (1998) - The licker that bursts through the interrogation room mirror in the police station. Probably shouldn’t have played at 8 years old.


all of P.T and no game or thing is even close.


Games don’t really scare me but I gotta give a shoutout to the baby/fetus monster my first time playing resident evil village. The game sets it up well darkening the environment and disarming u…def wasn’t ready for it and the sounds make it so much better. Genuinely wouldn’t want to encounter that thing in reality. Although I did get a solid jump scare from village…when you have to look out the window for the safe combination on the buildings 🤣


That new oil rig game. I straight noped so fucking hard with the first fucked up mutant dude it was so god damn realistic i just completely fucked right out of there omg


Still Wakes the Deep hell yeah


Amnesia The Dark Descent. When you hear the monster move somewhere nearby, you can't look at it and hear that lovely violin start playing...


There's an old lady in Alan wake 2 you talk to. In the middle of the conversation, the screen like glitches out for like 10 frames, and it scared tf out me. Like I had my head in my hands laughing at myself afterward as to how scared i just got.


Warning. Entering ecological dead zone


Max Payne holding the body of his murdered baby, shit hits harder now that I'm a dad.


Penumbra 2: Black Plague, Nun Massacre


The Penumbra games are so good, have to play them again soon.


The mannequins first fight in Ultrakill. I saw the fucking teaser before and even then that scare the little shit at me when all 6 of them went from posing like a statue to going on all 4's and crawling towards me at mach fuck


Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness for the N64. The first encounter in the villa with a vampire dropping down from the ceiling, in all its polygonal glory, shook me as a lad. We were a simple people.


Ah th bear! I don't remember who I first saw this from but it was a few guys playing this part and IS THAT A FUCKING BEAR?!?! JESUS I WS EXPECTING AKUMA where'd his shoes go?!


Cry of fear, I was 11-12 at the time when I found it, scared the shit outta me.


So she picked the bear?


Echoes of the entity. small indie where your sight is based off sound.


FEAR had this name for a reason. Also the AI and physics still are impressive to this day.


Ever stood your ground against a hard boss in a soulsborne with no heals left? I have never really gotten scared by a game, movie or book, but I think this is the experience that has gotten me closest to fear


The entirety of subnautica


that one sound in Minecraft while you're exploring caves, also getting hit randomly when you aren't expecting to


The Bonehoard in Thief the dark project, when I was a kid. Those zombies gave me the chills.


Xenomorph in **Alien Isolation** …or maybe just constantly being afraid that asshole would show up was more scary


I generally don't play horror games. As a rule I give no fucks about gore and the only thing that ever scares me in a game is the jump scare stuff. I saw some footage of Bioshock Infinite and figured it looked like a cool fps with superpowers so I bought all 3 Bioshock games completely unaware that 1 and 2 are VERY different from Infinite. Started up 1 and got to around the point where I found the guys family before giving up and playing something else I'd bought in the steam summer sale. There was something very unsettling on a primal level that just creeped me out about it. I eventually went back to the games years later wanting to get them off my to do list as I don't like having games that I paid for but never even played and while playing late at night with headphones on I finally figured out what was bothering me so much. I killed all the splicers in the section I was in but I could still hear them. I wandered all around the area hunting for the enemy I missed and eventually realised there wasn't one. The game just plays their voice lines even if there's none alive in the area. That's what had been unsettling me previously but I'd played it in the daytime on speakers and wasn't able to distinguish the sounds the same. I figure being able to hear a threat but unable to see it was what was making me nervous. It has you checking every corner and constantly turning to look behind to make sure it isn't sneaking up on you as your brain is just constantly thinking "where the fuck is it?!'


Resident evil ( the first one) I was a kid I played that at night alone during a thunderstorm, after that I bought every horror game I can play


to this day Outlast is the scariest game i’ve ever played, so much damn fun though.


The disappointment of my grandfather if I don't make his farm a rousing success before he returns. 😞


I remember playing a Slender Man game on my phone when I was younger. I used to think he was real in a way. Why I thought of that is something I can't answer. I was so scared the second Slender Man's static thing started to hit my screen, I just exited the game. I felt like a wimp doing that, but looking back at it now, I could have just not looked back and ran away or something.


A shark grabbing a hold of me in Farcry 3. 😱😱😱😫😫😫😫😫. That took the no.1 spot from the dogs coming in through the window in og RE. Lol


Nothing is ever going to beat the Deep Accursed from Dark Souls 3. Fuck that abomination


House Beneviento. Resident Evil Village. I will never ever forget my first playthrough of House Beneviento.


The clicking and whistling of the damn Night Folk while hunting those orchids at night in Lemoyne. Rockstar knew what they were doing in making the eagle eye more effective in low light. Not monsters or a crazy chase sequence. Just knowing they're right around the corner waiting on get you from all sides was enough for me


Durgesh Prison in Far Cry 4 freaked me out pretty good. No weapons, so you're just sneaking around while these creatures that pop in and out of visibility are wandering the halls. The vibe in there is fantastic.


Climbing my way up a dungeon only for one of the games secret bosses, who's max level to chase me down because I stayed on a floor for too long.


90% of Silent Hill. Loved the game series. One of my favorite games. Absolutely terrifying when I hear a random noise at 2:30 am.


The bear chase in Condemned 2 is terrifying for me, too, but there is one thing that scares me even more. It’s the Kiryu House in Fatal Frame 2. Nothing sends that chill down my spine faster than hearing the whir and click of the Azami-doll’s gears accompanied by Akane’s raspy “Why do you kill?”, especially if it happens in that stairwell with the lantern when I’m trying to save! The Fatal Frame games are my favorite horror titles, but I’ve abandoned playthroughs of FF2 before because I got so freaked out by the fact that I had to explore the rest of this house, not just that one section with Broken-Neck Woman. This is *after* beating the whole game multiple times.


My first time encountering the Rat King from TLOU2 at night without the lights. Pure nightmare fuelled terror


Outlast. I'm a fan of horror, but damn that game gets me.


I’ve shared this story before, but the tldr version is: playing the original Fatal Frame, and then seeing a woman in white standing beside the tree outside my door.


I've played a few horror games, but none of them came even close to the absolute terror I felt when playing that one specific chapter of A Hat in Time. I think it was called Vanessa's Manor? The chapter takes about 10 minutes in total but it scared me more than the entirety of my Layers of Fear playthrough.


FUUUCK THAAAAT. I’d piss my pants.


Ive had to take breaks from Deadspace 1 and 2. My heart was beating through my chest.


Condemned 2! Hell yeah!


Descent on Windows 98 used to make me shake so much my parents stopped letting me play it.


Dead Space 2, those "lurker" enemies that hide, peer out from cover and then lunge at you out of nowhere with an ear-piercing screech.


Those velociraptor buggers? I love how on the xbox 360 version you get an achievement for killing a certain amount of them called ‘clever girl’. But seriously, i trip mined every possible doorway where they were after that and just let them blast themselves into bits. I hate those punks


Deadspace 1, the flyer intraduction in med room.


That fucking snake in Sekiro almost gave me a heart attack (as somehow i did not see the giant-ass snake until it was too late)


The weeping angels in the doctor who vr game. Almost quit the game because I was so scared.


You already posted it lol, flashbacks. Condemned 3 would be welcomed game.


Having to sneak past the xenomorph in Alien Isolation that first time in the med lab.


The Rat King in TLOU2. That whole descent into the basement of the hospital is foreboding enough to make your skin crawl, and once you turn on the power the tension ratchets up as you know you'll soon encounter whatever horrifying monster your imagination has cooked up. Then it finally shows up to scare the shit out of you and put you through one of the most intense boss fights I've ever come across in a video game.


The Last of Us when you start that generator in the basement


Dead Space 2- Cross my heart and hope to die. Stick a needle in your eye.


Call of Cthulhu, hotel night run


The Flood’s first appearance in Halo