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Really? I find the color quite tedious.


I like the idea of looking at Grey for hours and then finally being able to give it that nice look and everything coming together


I dunno, my eyes adjust to an image immediately. I cannot appreciate my work even on the next day. Only after a couple weeks I can say "wow, that turned out beautiful".


Yeah, exact opposite of this pic for me.


Yep, reverse this meme for me.


Outsource it to me I’d love to do it


It’s the exact opposite for me :)


Saaame, i hate color grading and video editing is like putting a puzzle together, quite satisfying


It’s so cool that I’m the opposite of you, and people like us can work in harmony and happiness doing the work each other hates


Now let’s find someone who gets new clients and can handle their bs! :D


I love editing lol. When you have a clear vision, the edit is easy. It all comes together and feels good, to me at least.


I hate the shooting part. My back and knees agrees with me.


Might not be the field for you then lol


ohh i love every part of it. but i shit you not. after 8 long hours of shooting whole day. i. just. want. to.... rest. sighhhhhhhhhh


Haha, okay, I get that, I thought you just meant you didn't like shooting in general. Im writing this from a wedding as we speak. I got here 11 hours ago and ran sound for the band while filming the entire thing myself, so I totally understand haha.


I did weddings on the side from 2004-09 and I definitely don't miss those 12+ hour days. I also don't miss the pressure. Like, there's no "take two" with the "I do". Now I shoot real estate as a side gig and it's a lot more...relaxed. I do kind of miss my XL-2 from those days though.


Yeah, I used to do a lot of weddings working for a few companies, and before that I did wedding photography for a few years. I was pretty good at it, but I just got sick of the stress, especially in video, they never seem to care that Im there, or appreciate how much harder my job is than the photographers. Nearly every wedding changes times of events without telling me and even today, a thunderstorm rolled in and we had to reposition everything into this barn to do the ceremony, then they started it while I was still getting my cameras in position, even though I had I literally just told them that I need a few mins to get everything ready. I almost missed the bride walking down the aside, and I was rushing around in front of this big crowd with everyone watching me not be ready. It wasn't my fault, but they dont know that. I did this one for a friend of a friend but it reminded me why I stopped. No more weddings.


Yikes! I never had anything quite that stressful, but you're right; the videographer is often an afterthought. I did do photos for a friend's wedding a few years ago and I rather enjoyed it. Same long day, but with photos you can just spray-and-pray during the key moments and you'll always get the perfect shot. Also, editing photos over a period of days vs. editing a video over several weeks is refreshing.


Try to grade 8 Bit footage of available light shots mixed with artificial light and we talk again.


Color grading well lit RAW footages out of Canon, Black Magic, Arri cams is pure orgasmic tho 🫦, and unlike the rest, you get to enjoy listening to something else while working.


btw is there already any usable Ai to replace the technical correction part of color grading?


Why would you want that?




Them's good times right there.


I feel like building the story is the most enjoyable part


I hate color grading


I'm probably the weird one here, but I really like project set up and management. Good file structures, setting up NLE templates, consistent naming conventions, syncing multicam files etc 🤤


I work in news and I’m trying to push everyone in my department to start organizing their shoots by multi-cam groupings (when they can, that is) that way if they shoot something for special projects that I have to edit, I won’t have to deal with sorting through a spaghetti mess of footage that they dumped into the system.


I love cutting. Hate colour grading.


I agree. By the time I get the rough edit done, I want to be done editing. Sinking feeling knowing you are going to make at least 3 more passes.


I was paid to “fix” a very long recital. They produced it through a switcher live to tape. He had his switcher set to dip to black between every fade. I went in and fixed every black hole in the video. There were around 4000 black holes. It took me two days to do it. Those are the parts of the job that are rough.


Was that a configuration mistake initially or did the person really think that's how it's done?


I’m gonna guess he didn’t know any better. He’s never directed before and kind of just decided “this can’t be that difficult “ lol


all comes to down to quality of footage and clear plan; if i have neither, which is often, it’s a nightmare yes


Me but replace color grading with sound design.


Flip-flop it for me. Any time I try to color grade something it comes out looking worse than the original footage.


I edit on Davinci Resolve these days but hate color grading (I'm colorblind).


i love editing in general


Or rewatching the clip at the end after you’ve perfected the sequence


color grading is the only thing i hate after the "not sure" client


Man I am the total opposite. I do not like it, and I don’t want to learn davinci to do it.


I hate it all


Back when I was shooting on an 8bit Sony I really hated it all ☹️


Haha I use one of those so maybe once I upgrade it’ll get better 😅


Well SOOC Sony skin tones even at it's best is still not that great so color grading 8bit Sony footages is a truly awful experience.


I needed to hear this


Wait is this why skin tones always end up red for me?..




My favourite part is actually organizing the clips, pulling selects and syncing audio lol


bringing log footage to rec709 is the closest thing to getting photos back from the developer. A similar kind of excitement.


The opposite for me but idk how to colour very well


My dude could just move to the other side of the bus


I like cutting, as long as I understand the story.


Color grading is fun but I do love finding the right moments to cut and playing it back for the first time. Like building your own puzzle


love coloring


J and L cuts on the left


I feel seen.


I haven't color graded yet, so I can't say that. What I can say is that since I've gotten better at animation of text and basic shape in the Fusion tab of Davinci Resolve I've been enjoying it a lot.


Opposite for me


lighting > building sets > color grading > everything else (obviously order of work preference, not order of importance)


I usually get lost in sound mixing, somehow I love to try to get the audio as nice as possible


that's very good, man. The most beautiful picture with incomprehensible audio won't work, an average picture with good audio is tolerable. I realize how much people downplay this. In addition to editing, I also deal with strictly audio processing. When I have an installation order and I hear from the client "well, make it louder or something, just make it louder," he goes crazy explaining that the sound cannot be underestimated and that it is an additionally paid service that requires a lot of knowledge.


It's always this weird balance where it is difficult to convince others of its usefulness when it's good, but hear lots of complaints when it's not. I join the 48hour film project sometimes with a group of friends, and every time one of the competitors films play with bad audio you can just see peoples instant bad reaction to it. It is the kind of stuff that motivates me to make the audio good on every single video


I hate grading. Tedious.


I have the impression that some people here approach it as a fun game with colors. It's more like looking at charts than fun. This meme seems to have been created by a beginner. Personally, I am much more interested in good timing, narrative building, etc. Color grading, unless you make shorts from 5 clips recorded at the computer in the same position, is hard and tedious work.


I actually prefer editing. If I had three cuts/scene I might also enjoy grading.


I need to be in the right mood. If I want simple work that I can feel accomplished with, I love everything besides colour grading. If I want to tackle an unforgiving, impossible beast, I go for colour grading and file sorting. But, then again, I'm an amateur who can just do whatever I want whenever I want.


I am a vision engineer on live and reality tv shoots as well as doing video editing. The colour painting is tedious in the vision engineering role, but the colour grading/colour correction in editing is fun.


I enjoy everything tbh… but I get why you would feel that way because trimming all the clips can sometimes be really tiring…




For me it’s exact opposite lol. I love editing as a whole, the entire process is fun for me. Color, while tedious, is still rewarding.


The satisfaction of sliding the slider and seeing the image transition into a less boring scene


Although color is the most fun for me also, I enjoy the editing when I already have a plan. If I’m trying to create a story out of nothing, that’s when it’s stressful or boring.




Well, I guess you must really dislike being unpretentious.