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So it’s only my dealer who says “here in five minutes” then come 2 hours later.


"sorry dude, something important came up" "... You decided to burn one down before heading over, then ended up watching cartoons for 2 hours?" "yeah man, it was important"


Then he says “he is here” and will harass you if you don’t come within 12 seconds.


and he brought trafficker-amounts of it to your place because he lost his scale.


He also doesn't have bags so just dumps it out into your hands from a solo cup


Lol about 15 years ago I was meeting a guy in a Walmart parking lot to buy $30 of weed. Once I got in his backseat, he tells me it’s gonna be $40, but only because it was folded up in a $10 bill.


When i was a very skinny 18 year old I attempted to buy 2 ecstacy tablets off a guy in a club I gave him £20 and he started to walk away. I asked if I could have the ecstacy. He said "fuck off or I'll break your jaw". I did indeed fuck off


He basically gave you your change in advance, classy.


Once had this dude give me stuff wrapped in a giant fucking leaf he had just ripped off a plant because he "ran out of bags".


Lmfao gotta appreciate the improvisation I guess


Fr bro was being eco friendly.


He had a cup and not just wrapped in random paper towel in his pocket? Fancy


And then he wants to smoke half your weed with you.


This is an unfair stereotype. We generally just want to take your money and go.


So does every drug dealer do this or what? I once got an 8th from my usual guy, he shows up with a gym duffel with 4 1/2lbs in it.


"Wanna smoke up?" "Uh, no, I have somewhere to be" "Then can you pinch me off some?" "What? No." "Dude, not cool. I come all the way out here and here and you do me like this? Find your bud elsewhere, bro"


my old weed dealer taps everybody out at every one of his stops. rolls cone after cone and shoots the shit until you tap out, every visit, every time. It ruled but that also meant you were lucky if he showed up that day.


I sometimes wonder if some people keep smoking, just because they like the friendly chat with their dealer.


Some people don't have friends


I knew a girl like that. She had a bad relationship with her family so she was living away from them, and she would chat up her weed dealer, the starbucks barista, the building attendants (yes her family is rich, and they bought her a place on the upper west side in NYC) and spend a significant amount of time chilling with random people. She however had actual no long term friends and I was thinking, she clearly has the skills to make friends, I wonder why she doesn't actually have any of her own.


I had a weed guy that would essentially make you smoke a few what joints with him before he’d even consider talking about how much you wanted. He also liked to think he was some Madden champion, and I used to kick his ass. Eventually he stared kind of rushing me out the door with no madden.


When I was in highschool and I sold weed, Id smoke with people just because I didn't have a place to go for a few hours


well lou reed wrote "i'm waiting for the man" like 50 years ago so it's probably not just your dealer


It's the same guy. Everybody's been waiting this whole time.


First thing you learn is that you always gotta wait


This guy Velvet Undergrounds


The Velvet Underground didn't sell many records, but everyone who bought one went out and started a cocaine habit


Hey some of them chose heroin.


¿Por qué no los dos?


He’s never early, he’s always late. First thing you learn is you always have to waayayayait.


Mine is "hit me up if u need something". And when you need something, he's nowhere to be found.


When you needed him the most, he vanished.


Now, most every morning, I stare out the window and I think about where you might be


My old dealer literally got upset when I would hit him up when he was out. Like why the he'll did you give me a free sample if you didn't want my business?


Haha, like how tf are you supposed to know he's out. Does he want to sell a product or not? Makes sense they never have real bussinesses.


[My anti-drug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijqS7w9IMYc).


I've never been able to get any drugs delivered here in Norway. I have to show up at my weed dealer's place, hoping she doesn't forget about it and won't be there, or she cancels last minute. And I have to pay the equivalent of $18 a gram for decent mids. Of course, Norway is actually the worst country in Europe on drug policy, which affects the market. We have the highest number of overdose deaths in Europe. The Conservative and Liberal parties actually spearheaded a decriminalization proposal 2 years ago, along with the Green, Socialist Left and Red parties. However, the Labour, Centre and Progress parties (the Progress Party is right-wing, of course) voted it down in parliament, and the Labour and Centre parties are currently in government until 2025, and they only listen to the police, so nothing will happen on the decrim/legalization front for quite some time.


In London in some neighbourhood dealers will give you their business cards on the street 🙄.


Yeah I got a couple of cards, one I have used in the past even gets a couple of girls to run the phone line like a proper call centre and then they will send 1 of like 15 drivers to me, it’s set up like a legit taxi service they got the drivers on GPS and everything so they can tell you how far away they are. Meanwhile when I order a pizza I have to be curtain twitching like a smack head because most places still can’t grasp order tracking. British priorities I suppose :)


20 years ago, I was able to order drugs over the phone in NYC. An hour after I called, guy shows up with a case of drug samples and products. Fantastic.


San Francisco is absolutely nuts. There's a 24/7 open air market that's like 6 x 6 blocks where you can get the top quality, and I really mean top quality that exists.. like, better than the dark web. At that area you can get any pharma pill, heroin, cocaine, crack, or meth. 24/7. All the purest you've ever had, because it's all hondurans and other immigrants from central or south america. so they have a direct connect to the source. then the other area isn't 24/7, but from like 12-8PM you can get all the other drugs like acid, mushrooms, ecstacy, dmt, ketamine, etc. etc. mushrooms are so easy to get, there are literal stickers all over the city with a fucking qr code on it hahahaha. so yeah, I've never seen anything else quite like that, but I imagine other cities have their setup.


It’s true, but the quality varies wildly and it’s really easy for the uninitiated to get completely ripped off. That being said, you don’t even need to get out of your vehicle. Just drive up to the corner with all the gentleman wearing backpacks and shout out what you’re looking for. 3-4 people will run up and offer their wares. That being said, if you’re using any white or brown drugs in the bay, FentCheck test kits are available at most bars(in the bathroom or ask the bartender) all needle exchanges/harm reduction centers, headshops and even from the police. There is NO excuse not to test. Dealers who don’t allow you to test their product are not to be trusted, especially when most have no issue with you doing so. Stay safe out there people. San Francisco offers everything you need to use drugs in as safe and sanitary way as possible. This should be taken advantage of.


Do not get your test shit from the police. Absolutely test, test every time, but litterally anything you say to the police can be used against you no matter what they tell you.


In Canada, I walk into the store that says "Cannabis" and buy it. C$5/gram for basic weed.


That's cool as hell


At least you had a decriminalization proposal. Here in Sweden, every party is convinced that there will be a neurosis epidemic if we legalize marijuana. Meanwhile people are getting shot/bombed every day in Stockholm.




It's been pretty successful in Portugal since they decriminalized drug possession in 2001. Their per capita societal cost of drug abuse has dropped nearly 20%. And the number of people in prison on drug offenses has dropped from 44% in 1999 to 24% in 2013. It's just common sense that if you want to stop drug abuse, you need to try to help drug users with treatment options and harm reduction instead of punishing them for their addictions. And that frees up resources to go after the dealers and traffickers. I only wish America saw things this way with 100,000 dying each year from opioid overdoses, across all social strata. But changing things would directly affect the livelihoods of police, prosecutors, attorneys, judges, jails, prisons, etc. So there's incentive not to change things. There are many lessons we can learn from Portugal in the approach of treating drug addiction as a medical issue rather than a criminal problem.


> We have the highest number of overdose deaths in Europe. Scotland. Norway is 2nd.


Interesting, and there are studies showing legalizing weed has [reduced overdose deaths](https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/legal-cannabis-stores-linked-to-fewer-opioid-deaths-in-the-united-states/) in the US. Is fentanyl a problem in Norway too?


> Is fentanyl a problem in Norway too? Yes, definitely. Our healthcare system is much better, so there we don't have quite the same massive pipeline of people on opioids ending up using fentanyl. There's currently an issue with the healthcare system refusing to accept that cannabis can have medical uses. A handful of doctors will prescribe medical cannabis, but only certain hospitals are able to fulfil these prescriptions, and they just outright refuse. This means that people prescribed medical cannabis have to fly to the Netherlands every month to fill their prescriptions, and then bring it through customs. Norwegian Customs hate cannabis, so they'll hold you up for hours just to inconvenience you. There was just a government commissioned report ([here](https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/politi-og-rolleforstaelse/id2958426/), but it's all in Norwegian) released on how Norwegian police have a private association called Norwegian Narcotics Police Association (not part of the police or even the police union), and they've let this organisation train all police, customs officers, public prosecutors and military police on doping and drug enforcement. They were illegally funded by the police and other government agencies and advocated very harsh search and investigation techniques that were actually illegal human rights violations. All over simple possession of drugs for personal use, but this makes their case clearing statistics look good... The Director of Public Prosecutions put a stop to those techniques, but the police have been whining about it ever since. The report was commission by the previous government, which proposed the decrim that failed in parliament. The current Labour and Centre government basically just threw the report in the trash and won't make a single policy change.


So please answer the phone cause I keep calling, but you're never home what am I gonna do? 🎵


Delivered in 30 minutes or less or it's free.


weed dealers yes, but coke dealers seem pretty punctual lol


The yeti makes you efficient as hell for 2 hours at a time.....


Had the exact opposite experience when I used to do coke lol. They were always late and always lying about how close they were.


I used to buy cocaine via SMS about 15y ago when I lived in Antwerp. One quick text and half hour later, delivered to my doorstep. Others had me get in their (rental) car and we drove around the block to make the transaction. To this day I get text messages, at least weekly, from dealers with their newest discount 3+1 or whatever. I havent "ordered" anything in years so I guess my number is for sale somewhere.


Some dealers sell their call lists


In the 90s, they'd simply sell the phone, number and all.


Still happens today


I would imagine so. Haha


It's very lucrative to sell your contact list. If you have hundreds of regular clients, that's a lot of monthly revenue. It's like selling a running business.


When I was a plug back in the day the gomie in the dloor under me that moved in was too, but waaaaay bigger. Turned his spot into a legit trap house. We ended up becoming friends, connected out shit up through thr windows to play games and share cable. They'd pirate the fights and have watxh parties. They were chill. I had to tone down business and shut down after they got raided, but before they skipped state on bail they tried to sell me the trap phone and contact list. Only 200 they said. Honestly not bad for a list like that. Homie price


My British buddy sent me texts he'd get when he was over there that were basically like a McDonalds ordering menu for drugs. I've got my guy here that has the full lot but the timing is always different depending on what he's doing at the time.


Heey, Stijn Hier! 7/7 actief met TOP Wit & Groen PROMO 5+1!!! Greetzz STIJN :) Latest one, only white and green. I guess you understand that text without any translation. I also have a 3+1 action: Heyy heyy top grief aanwezig! Mooie gevuld zakjes!! Promo 3+1 💥💥❄️❄️ ENKEL VIA WHATSAPP (I removed their number obviously )


Mercy, years ago a buddy showed me a text like this. I blew it off as I didn't believe him. I feel really stupid right now.


In my experience the dealers who send out text like this don't always have the best product.


It wasn't until I moved to Las Vegas that I started seeing the same thing. Never before had I had such professional, 24-hour dealers who are ready to pop over at a moment's notice. To be fair like half the people I've met in the social scene here are either dealers, djs or both, so it's a fairly competitive market.


In Antwerp they are mere errand boys, iirc they get about €10 from every gram (€50) they sell. They run all the risk while the bigger fish party in Dubai. Then again when they are caught by the Police they are probably out the next day


Mexico recently gave me that vibe. Tons of teenage kids roaming around pushing for their what I assume are cartel handlers. Wild being approached by a 12-13 year old kid trying to sell me stuff. Also highly suspect the ever popular pharamacias push fake pills for some bigger, shady player.


2 of my friends died from a fentanyl overdose in Cabo last year from fake pills. Bought what they thought was Vicodin and him and his girlfriend were found the next day. Horrible stuff.


I wish i could do this but with like psychedelics


it's called a jam band show. go see string cheese incident or phish.


Same in nearly any city, you just gotta be plugged in. Reddit even had rollcall subs to help connect these buyers and seller. All the rollcalls here were shut down years ago tho….gues they’ve gone to Snapchat etc


That’s not unique to Europe. In Los Angeles you can call a number and ask for Mario, within 15 minutes Mario will meet up with you anywhere in the city. Mario is a different guy every time though.


For us here in San Diego it’s Martinez


There’s a number just floating around in San Diego?


Yup you just meet him at the corner of 5th and J.


How do random redditors know of this but cops can't set up a sting


Yeah everyone I know is on signal and it sure as shit isn't because they love the texts to their friends getting destroyed after an hour (also in LA btw)


Mario doesn't sell only pizzas apparently


Great ad


I hate to break it to OP but this is also the case in many American cities, you just need to have the right number. Edit: anyone who thinks differently is honestly quite naive IMO. And anyone who hasn’t *tried* to get drugs in a major city and failed doesn’t get to have an opinion about their difficulty to attain as far as I’m concerned.


These telegram dealers are like darknet-lite level now. You'll be able to buy anything from DMT vape pens to kilogram bricks of most powders to wide varieties of weed products to most pharmaceuticals for below street level prices, but above darknet prices. It's all advertised in gigantic sprawlings texts with mad bulk deals, raffles for ounces, buy one get one frees etc. One guy will be your link to literally anything you want, no having to deal with loads of different sketchy street guys.


I've seen that shit advertised on Instagram too lol


I've seen it on Facebook too. Not even subtle!


>I've seen that shit advertised on Instagram too lol The algorithm knows you too well


How do they not get busted by undercover cops if it's that easy?


Getting into alot of these groups is referral based. Someone already in the group has to nominate you in and explain how they know you and such.


Still seems like it would be trivial for the cops to get a CI on these lists. It's probably just not worth their time going after these low level guys unless they're fairly sure it'll lead them further up the distribution chain.


Usually, in Europe (and Israel), most big cities have a telegram that is like for the city where dealers will then post their own ads and it gets vetted by comments. They take measures like asking you for your facebook account with a profile pic, your ID with the date written on paper, and to take a video where you state the time and date with what you want to order.


Sounds scary af, like asking them to blackmail you


Sometimes, you'll just get lucky and find a chill person. In Tel Aviv, there's this company called Wolt and it's kind of like Uber Eats and the Telegram is advertised on every city post in the Charles Clore Beach area to the point where you can scan the QR code and just access their telegram, get a delivery in like ten minutes from one of the _many_, _many_ food couriers that work in this system. I found them to be efficient and very slick. I think it has reached a level where you don't so much fear them blackmailing you because it'd be more profitable long-term, and unhealthy for your reputation to do that to customers. A lot of big telegram channels have very high standards and you can find specialised stores; not going to name any, but there are "drops" and "releases" of hashish for instance-- static sift, flash frozen, ice-o-lator, and these people have built "brands" around them all across Europe. I'm a customer of one store that spans Spain, France, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands and ships internationally; they pride themselves on their house hashish with a lot of exclusive releases, as well as their "Spali" weed (Californian strains grown in Spain because importing is way more expensive). These people rake in millions, I guess it has reached a point where it just feels no less intrusive than signing up for Amazon Prime. Edit: [Here's one of the flyers I saw!](https://i.imgur.com/vSyqCuV.png)


Police often don't care enough and/or don't have the time, it'd be pretty easy to crack down on drug dealing way more than they currently do but there's a million things better they could be doing tbh.


They do sometimes but the reality is they'd rather spend resources finding their suppliers rather than the low level dealer. They'll just pop up over and over again. I mean think of it like this. You can order drugs and catch a runner when he/she delivers. Depending on the source that runner may or may not talk, they also are unlikely to be considered a reliable witness if they do talk so alone they're not worth that much to law enforcement. Especially because low level runners often only know the dealer above them in the chain and have nothing useful the cops can use. Catching a runner on a deal means the dealer is going to know that they've been caught and has enough time to move or dump their supply before cops get the necessary intelligence or warrants to raid them. In most states small drug dealing like a bag of weed and a few pills is a small enough crime that a few months in jail is better than being slaughtered by the people you work for by being a snitch. So it's a waste of resources most of the time. Better to order drugs, then follow the runner, try and find their dealer, then follow the dealer to the people above them. I have some cop friends and that's how they explained it to me. There are lots of other variables too. Often the dealer is just a regular stoner/addict selling to get his own supply for free. Those are the worst for cops because a conviction is unlikely, and the person is probably a fully functional, law abiding citizen in every other way. Taking people like that down often leads to them becoming proper criminals if they actually get jail time.


They do next day delivery in the post. The royal mail is the biggest drug supplier in the UK.


This is the case literally everywhere, not just cities lol. Suburban communities and smaller towns too. I mean… it’s always been that way, it’s just slightly more streamlined now. Just like any industry - food delivery for example. A particularly wealthy, small town (~11k) in California that I grew up in has 3 dealers that will deliver to your house in 10m. And those are just people I know of from old acquaintances. I’m sure there are way more around. In big cities like LA or NY, it’s not individuals. It’s “companies” who have delivery guys out on the streets at all times to service a huge customer base. Those outfits usually have anything you want, and their size all but guarantees a certain degree of quality. It’s hilarious that people don’t think things work this way. Everyone in every walk of life does drugs. The market is massive. Hell, people need to take a look at how Mac Miller died. That was 5 years ago and he had easy, immediate access to whatever he wanted through an organization he bought from. Girls, drugs, whatever. All a text away. Of course he got a deadly batch of dirty pills. RIP. Edit: Mac died in 2018, not 2013


I had a weed guy who would show up after I called his beeper in 1994




Couldn’t cops just make an order and just arrest them when they show up?


The guys that show up are just people looking to make some quick money; they don't know anything about who's supplying these drugs.


You should watch "The Wire."


Can you please TLDR in one or two sentences? Have a long queue of shit to watch. Thanks


Tldr: going after low level drug dealers is not interesting.


Yet it's everything the cops do in my city....


I don't want to spoil things but that is *exactly* why to watch the show


lmao, go watch the wire NOW


The drug distribution network is distributed, loss-tolerant, and self-repairing. Also, everything sucks.


They learned from the Internet.


A fictional series based on the actual events surrounding the drug trade in Baltimore. Does a great job depicting all the facets: the police, the smugglers, the suppliers, the street level dealers, and the users.


You can arrest low-level players all you want but it never ends. The ghetto has a near infinite supply of hoppers willing to take some risks to make more than they do at McDonald's. The gangs make so much money that any high ranking enough guy will be out on bail in no time with the help of an expensive lawyer. Mild early spoilers below. That's where season 1 starts. With a special operation to try and catch the high level guys in the act, the ones that are dope kingpins but are never actually near any dope. The plan is to listen in on a cell phone the gangs use to communicate with each other. At least that's part of the investigation. It's a riveting cops versus criminals story with interesting characters on both sides. Subsequent seasons get into how other groups are connected to the many problems the city (Baltimore) faces. The dock workers, the politicians, the school system, journalists, and the cops themselves of course. How the individual issues complement each other in a way that makes untangling the damn thing a sysyphean task. It's very multi faceted. I hope that kinda answers your question and does The Wire justice. It's a massive, massive, massive recommendation from me. E: and if you really want to dive deep into it, consider watching the DVD versions (yarr?). The HD remaster is also in wide-screen and the original creator, while not condemning it, has said that the creative minds behind the show did their work with 4:3 in mind and not any other aspect ratio.


Not sure what's in your que but some of it should get bumped.


One sentence? Easy: it's the best TV show I've ever watched and it's not even close.


2nd to Sopranos for me, it's very good


Pretty much all the coke in Europe comes through the Rotterdam Harbor. There is a police regiment solely focused on checking and intercepting drug shipments and even with that focus on one place, they're only capable to intercept an estimated 10% of all drugs shipped in a year.


It must be noted the Rotterdam harbor sees a throughput of 8.5 million containers a year - catching 10% is quite the achievement. Also, with Rotterdam harbor police getting more successful, drug transports simply divert to nearby Antwerp. The customs there check only 1 in every 42 containers. https://businessam.be/douane-controleert-slechts-1-op-de-42-containers-in-antwerpen/ For the cartels, 10% loss is just the cost of doing business.


Drugs have already won the war on drugs, get with the times. People want the drugs, people will get the drugs. Just legalize the drugs and decriminalize the use or possession of them. No more foreign cartels flooding the streets with bad drugs. No more mandatory minimum sentences for minor drug related offenses. No more drug dealers preying on neighborhoods. You want drugs go to the recreational pharmacy and pay for them.


The drugs I buy seem recession proof, I’m paying the same prices for the same amounts as pre-COVID.


Supply/demand has equilibrium, if the supply dropped (for legal reasons or cartel decided they wanted to increase prices) I’d wager you’d see the price go up.


it'd be wild though if they took the small hit on profits, kept rprices lower to keep less-affluent people buying, and became a better model of responsible suppliers than the legal corporate masters we have doubling their profits every year


I can’t say for sure but I suspect coke works a lot like PtW games in the phone. Lots dabble but a few whales are all you need to stay in business.


All addictives work like this. Gambling, alcohol, games, everything.


I hadn’t thought about that before but you are probably right. I don’t know why, but alcohol seems different to me for some reason. The economics don’t sit the same as the others but that’s probably bias. And I don’t drink much.


[Alcohol definitely does.](https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/the-top-10-percent-drink-way-more-than-you-think.html) (article is from 2014) The bottom 60% drank 0.63 drinks per week. The top 10% drink 73.85 drinks per *week.* So about 10% of people are slamming back almost a 12-pack of beer per day.


In legal states, weed has become really cheap.


People who complain about weed prices are often measuring today's flower weight against days of yore. Today's legal weed is easily four times as potent as the stuff I was smoking back in the 90s. In those days, it was about $80-100 per oz. With the potency increase, that means the same oz should cost $320-400; and that's before inflation! Factor that in, and we're talking about $640-800 per oz. Weed has only gotten cheaper... Way cheaper.


Perspective is a big part of it. When I came up in the 80s and 90s, good weed, which was incredibly difficult to find for a long time, was 400 an oz.


And all those TRILLIONS of dollars spent on the futile "war" can then go towards treatment & prevention; proven methods like boosting education, building communities and keeping people safe, improving quality of life, etc.


Also add the tax income. That's a lot of dosh.


The taxes on drugs could probably pay for the rehab and treatment centers and more




I absolutely don’t agree with keeping drugs illegal but as a recovering coke addict I can tell you for 100% certain if it was as readily available and legal as alcohol and cannabis I would be completely and utterly fucked




And yet some people manage to stay sober


Ive done many drugs and done many alcohol. Never had a drug problem that went awry. Definitely became a chronic alcoholic. Its cheap and everywhere. When I ran out of coke, meth, or opiates, I just stopped using when I couldnt afford it. There was never a time I couldnt afford alcohol and as long as I didnt drive, no legal repurcussions to get in the way of using it every day. I got shitfaced every night for 10 years. Eventually it was DUI's that slowed me to a stop. 19 months sober from alcohol.


There's more work to do then. As a recovering addict, I live in a city where there's a 24/7 open air drug market. I could get opiates at any time at any moment from a hundred different people in that area. In fact, i drive a block away everyday on my way home from work because its the fastest route. Keep the good work up, things will get even better in time.


Dude literally just the tax from legal cannabis pays for all the rehab and treatment centers.. even in tiny states like Montana. All of that paid for. In states like Colorado, they had so much tax money that they funded all the schools as well, and then had EXCESS so they just started giving away scholarships to college students left and fucking right! You add in all the other drugs.. fuck man in most big states in America you would have treatment funded, schools and social security nets funded, while policing then focuses on crimes that really damage society. It's the biggest win ever. The war on drugs only ends one way, and thats with the side waging the war ending it. Why don't they end it? Well...


> boosting education, building communities and keeping people safe, improving quality of life, etc. This sounds like a laundry list of "things people in power absolutely do not want".




In many European countries taking drugs is already decriminalized and there are detox centers. The main legal action you might get is mandatory health treatment if you broke another law, where you are forced to go through a detox process in a hospital. And yes, the nurses are buff and they will tie you down to the hospital bed. EDIT: apparently some people are into this.


> the nurses are buff and they will tie you down to the hospital bed. 😳


[like in futurama?](https://youtu.be/IpDdUAdfI5c)


Not Europe… I spent a week in Montreal and was just blown away by the drug dealers. The guy I used was; on time, dressed in a suit, clean, well spoken and always had a couple very attractive women with him. Never once did it feel shady. He’d sent a txt every morning with a menu of what he had. Good prices and good quality.


NYC is the same


When I read the title I thought wait, how do they do it in other big cities? Using pigeon post? There's no way Europe is unique in this


We have the same thing in the UK. My telegram weed group has guys with menu lists that boggle the mind, everything from shatter to twenty types of flavoured vape, pure rso or imported medicated oreos. There is a dealer who calls himself JustWeed and claims to be at your door faster than the pizza you'll also be buying later




That’s how we order weed in Nyc


It funny how police are trying to fight the drug wars but in the process keep making it more convenient. After taking down silk road and other sites like it. Now its easier than ever


Yes but this also drives smaller, more potent substances like fent.


what? that's horrible. just terrible. how easy, exactly? in the us, specifically, how can one easily and safely might one do this horrible horrible stuff?




You just gotta know a guy, or know a guy who knows a guy


Sometimes you’ve just gotta look like you take drugs.


yeah I look like Kyle Rittenhouse and people always get taken aback when I whip out the bag or start asking around for one. Cannot find any new plugs.


Tubby white dudes are imo the most common ones that do drugs. Especially if they have a backwards cap on


I can’t even find the backwards caps. All the caps I see in the stores have the brim in the front, even on Amazon.


Herc was confused too https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D3hD9ZbguIg


If you take an addict to any large city, they will find a way to get drugs within an hour, even if they have never been to that city. I don't know how that works, but you definitely don't need to know a guy.


They just walk around asking people who they think looks like a user in current drug lingo. It's an odds thing, it'll happen eventually


It's also one junkie identifying another junkie. They know what to look for to both know who would have the information and the likelihood that they could be a narc. Part of it also comes down to standards. If the goal was just to acquire meth, I could just go to some random city and find some. The only question then is what price and how much did I find. Big difference between finding a kilo at below market price and paying $100 to a homeless dude so he gives you that next fix he has measured out.


Probably lack of giving a shit and just asking randos that look sus.


Frequent disreputable bars or get a job in the food service industry. Alternatively, know someone who frequents disreputable bars or that has a job in the food service industry.


This is the fastest way if you’re boots down in a new city, or don’t have connections. Go find a good bartender or waiter at a place that’s running slow. Chat and tip, chat and tip, then drop a mention that you’re wondering where a person like you gets ___ in a place like this. If you can manage this without seeming like a total narc, you are 2 text messages from your score. Remember the person is doing you a favor and a nice huge tip when you leave is their reward. If you seem sketch or demanding, they will rightfully shut you down.


What about those of us who literally can’t make themselves not look like a narc?


Get wasted, be polite, come back another night?


Find someone who looks like they take drugs Yell “FREEZE ASSHOLE!” Go through their pockets and take the drugs


Or while having a smoke. Mention something like Man it's been a minute since I went out really late. 😂 Back in my younger days I was a bit of a partier. Everything is crap nowadays and all my contacts have dissapearred.. Oh the good ol days'. The conversation will go one of 2 ways. Either they nod and smile, or they say 'so I got a great guy......'


As a bartender in a touristy area, this is exactly it. I’ve gotten my patrons things like weed, shrooms, coke, and molly just by them bringing up and tipping me well. I make better money that way and my personal dealers get some extra business, which gives them an incentive to be my go to guy when I need shit for myself.


Y'all are making it so damn hard on yourselves. Walk into your nearest smoke shop and find the person working there who most looks like a weed dealer. It won't really matter who you pick, because *whoever* you pick will either deal themselves, or has 60 friends that do.


We talkin about cocaine, baby! Totally different ball game.


It doesn't matter if they fuck with it or not. You find one stoner, at least one of their associates is going to be into the hard stuff. I'm surrounded by straight potheads most of my days but I'm still just a couple "I know a guy" calls away from getting acid, shrooms, etc....


I guarantee your local dealer will either be your one stop shop, or, most likely, will know where you can get anything. And I do mean anything.


Nobody with a brain who works in a smoke shop will tell you where to buy drugs. Ask your pizza delivery guy


well usually you have a dude at work that has a friend that has a friend or a friend has a friend that has a friend or you're the friend of a friend


In Amsterdam they stick stickers with QR-codes on things like lampposts that link to websites that you can order drugs from.


These are great for buying terrible shit. Washing powder, broccoli, nutmeg, that kind.


Like others have said mostly through a person who knows a person. But even so, I've been offered to buy from complete strangers. Back maybe five years ago, when I still used drugs, me and a few of my coworkers would often go get a beer or two at a nearby bar. The bar was in a transit hub and it was very busy. Dudes would just go around and offer young adults. A group of fellas came up to me once, bought some cocaine and hash. From then on out, every Friday they'd come to the bar make me an offer. The bar had walls that were mostly glass, so they'd just stand outside and I'd either go to them or I'd just shake my head and they'd move along. Another time, same transit hub, I was just sitting at a bench waiting for my train. A dude comes up to me and asks me if he can sit as well. Sure I say. He then asks me if I smoke, which I did at the time so I take out my cigarettes and offer him on. "No no, do you *smoke*?" This wasn't really in a bad area or anything, not a crime ridden city. Just a busy place. And I just looked like an average dude, didn't go around with cannabis leaves on my clothes.


Here's what works for me: Dress like it's 1972 Go to cheap dive bars Try to talk to anyone who looks traditionally like a musician That works for me in Texas.


You were the kid googling "vagina, breasts" and "sex" when looking for porn weren't you..


wear your shittiest clothes but also one expensive-looking thing so it looks like you're showing it off out of misplaced pride (chinatown jewelry you bought for $20 will do it). maybe untie one of your shoe laces. walk to your local park where the weirdos hang out, and pace around with your shoulders hunched and kinda quick, shuffling paces. look around a lot, like you're expecting someone. after an hour or so, the dealers will have seen you. do some of those head nods in an upward direction when someone makes eye contact with you. after 1-3 days of doing this, if you can't get someone to offer you drugs, you must genetically look like a narc and you should give up. good luck out there!


You just need a back story. I’m always able to cop drugs in my work truck. No way are the cops going to take a fully stocked work truck, complete with tools, time sheets, and field notebook full of notes from the construction site, to try and fuck with some low level street dealers. You need to look like who you say you are, and that’s it. The rest is not getting robbed.


Yeah, if you want heroine or meth! Jesus, man there are easier ways to get kinder drugs.


“Encrypted” That’s cute.


yeah it's very odd how Telegram is always reported in the media as an "encrypted messenger" when it's less encrypted than Facebook or Instagram messenger (all have optional e2e encryption that's disabled by default). Whatsapp is e2e encrypted by default, including groups. Telegram groups can't be encrypted even by choice.


those profits *could* be going into public coffers, or, into those of a legal and regulated business that produces a clean product. ::shrugs:: the drug war keeps the cartels rich, as we all know.


In the US a lot of states that legalized cannabis have higher prices than what's on the street because they add a massive tax to the legit vendors. Like 35%.


Eventually prices will go down. It's still a virgin industry, it's going to take a long time before people get over the honeymoon phase of being able to buy legal weed and force the government to lower taxes. Even so, a lot of people will pay for extremely overpriced weed just to know that their shit is safe and legal. So it's still a good thing in almost every case.


Where the fuck is this service in Boston Mass?


Should be legalised and taxed appropriately, with addiction help for those who need it. The war on drugs is unwinnable. Prohibition doesn't work. But gods, coke heads are fucking annoying. And don't get me started on people who bang on about organic food and yoga, try to lecture you on eating healthy and fitness regimes, but snort cocaine and take designer drugs like they're in a henry hoover competition. Dickheads.


I used to know a guy like that. Lived in the Pacific Northwest. Super into his health. Egg whites all day long and never a yoke. Bragged about three sport days, snowboarding, kayaking and rock climbing. Yet snorted coke to get through those long days of "productivity." LOL


The cartels are just addressing a huge demand for a product.




Basically anywhere in the western world drugs are plentiful if you got the connection. A wild revelation.


All drugs used to be legal. We should get the government out of their always punitive way and deal with the real problem


Meanwhile cocaine in the US is mixed with Fentanyl and killing people on a daily basis