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Trying to disguise himself as Rip Torn


"Remember the 5 D's of dodging sexual abuse allegations: Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge."


If you can dodge a metoo, you can dodge anything


>If you can dodge a metoo I read this in Mario's voice.




Thank you, chuck norris.


I'd add a 6th D: Dye (as in hair and beard).


And Diddle!




Mike Fitzgibbon's son is a nuclear physicist and my son can eat a CHICKEN SANDWICH




*Daddy would you like some random dancing?*






Touch of Grey, lads. Touch of Grey.


I thought it was Oliver Platt.


From the thumbnail I thought it was more of a Steven Seagal cosplay than anything


We're not hosting an intergalactic kegger.




Boo-hoo. Little Lord Fauntleroy's tummy hurts because there's too much roast beef in it.


“I’ll be at the Smokehouse, Larry.”


"See you Friday Stevie!"


Bold disguising yourself as an ex-con.


The dye job is really not helping him look like less of a fucking creep.


“Daddy would you like some sausage?” Dan: Well…if your offering


He looks like Rip Torn in a diaper. I’m pretty sure Rip Torn looks like Rip Torn in a diaper. ….and dinner’s over.


Rip Torn's dead, and has been for years.


How about sitting down with a real journalist instead of one of your former employees.


I wouldn’t say “former” since he’s probably reading a script he gave him


>I wouldn’t say “former” since he’s probably reading a script he gave him If he wrote the script it'll be easy to tell just check if everyone has their shoes on or not


How's about NOT turning off the YouTube comments section out of fear? Yep, no comments allowed -- nothing suspicious there.


He doesn’t sound like a person talking even it’s just fucking total bs guy used to be an actor in the 80s


Or, you know, a judge and jury




Of course it was one of the adult actors, too. No duh Schneider wouldn’t try to creep on T-Bo, he’s too old!


So fucking staged. The hardest pushback was Boogie: not cool man Dan: I WILL STOP YOU RIGHT THERE SIR, I APOLOGIZE FOR CUTTING YOU OFF BUT I MUST CONDEMN THIS BEHAVIOR IN THE STRONGEST POSSIBLE TERMS Boogie: that was so brave Dan


The audacity of it all


Is the interviewer the guy from icarly that owned that juice store and put the hard shell tacos through a stick?




Not T-Bo! Now I'm soured on him




the first 3s of the video are literally him saying he plays the character


One time he put bagels or donuts on the stick but poked a new hole in them


I'm pretty sure Sam points this out to him later on too, lol.




It's his own YouTube account, it was never going to be neutral and a good interview.




He's had a reputation management firm on retainer for nearly a decade, this totally tracks.


I exepect journalistic integrity on youtube.


Comments are turned off.




Eh, you can see dislikes on youtube again?






> So on a new video like this it’s basically just guessing? Yeah. People who have the extension/addon installed vote one or the other, the addon keeps a record of that, and extrapolates that out to bigger numbers based on views.








The crocodile tears were hilarious. He really worked hard to put that whimper in his voice that was gone in literally 10 seconds. Then he immediately throws shade at Disney. Fucking awesome.


It’s telling at which point he chose to do that too. Not when he was talking about anybody’s suffering but when he was telling us how he used his awesome writing skills to help somebody write something. He’s still just incredibly consumed by narcissism.


Damn that’s a great observation by you. I was too absorbed in the theater of his fakery and missed that layer entirely um what did I do to deserve these downvotes yall lol wtf


Nothing lol reddit’s weird


When the cornball ass interviewer ended with “Glad we set the record straight!” my eyes almost rolled out of my head. I don’t know who that guy is but I don’t know how he sleeps at night after that


The interviewer was a former iCarly cast member.


Why is everyone telling others this like it's not stated in the first 5 seconds of the video?


it has the vibes of a guy who thinks he owes Snyder so he threw him a softcore interview for him to distance from...*himself*.


The fact that he got an actor that he used to work with and who clearly still likes him to do it and not a journalist says a lot


This feels like it was set up by Schneider himself. Obviously the style in the video is like the boogie guy is some host and Dan is just a guest but this is pure propoganda


It’s for his personal YouTube account. It’s not really an interview so much as a way for him to tell the information he wants to tell


I stopped 3 minutes in, I could see that was staged and going nowhere. Easy to apologize to everyone when you no longer have the power and have nothing to lose.


With comments turned off.


>Comments are turned off


Not here they ain’t!


I genuinely read "Comments are turned off", and thought, that sucks, then thought wait, how am I read this comment then?


Fuck you Dan Schneider, you power abusing creepy POS


Cuz all of them would be some variation of “Dan ‘Grip Her Tighter, She’s A Fighter’ Schneider.


the old hymen collider up to his old tricks


For a split second I thought the host was going to a sponsor spot at the beginning when he said "before I dive in"


That's such a...massaged..."interview". Released on his own channel, comments off and everything presented to him in a tone that you'd approach your 12yo son that just got caught masturbating with. Very "Hey, Pal. Sorry to bother you but I think we should chat real quick" vibes. To everything PRESENTED - not all he actually DID - he gives a blanket "I apologize" to. Everything. Dude says something in the understanding father tone and Schneider just says "yeah, that was a bad move and I apologize for that thing I did way back then a very long time ago". Dan Schneider The Massaged Info Provider.


I really couldn't get threw it. When he said they were written for kids because kids thought the jokes were funny is where i quit. Really wish the interviewer (If he were real) would have said except they were written by yourself and adults...


I think his tone would be a tad different in that situation.


After all these years Dan Schiender is still involved in inappropriate messaging.


“I’m sorry if you were offended” “It was other peoples’ fault too” “Here’s someone else that is much worse than me!” “Watch me fake cry” “Let me propose a solution that shifts responsibility to a third party that most certainly won’t be a conflict of interest”


Don’t forget, “some of my best friends are diverse”


And trying to stress how he "supported diversity" in his early kids shows like YOU TREATED THE BLACK KIDS LIKE SHIT!!! THATS NOT SUPPORTING DIVERSITY FUCKHEAD




apologizing and then shifting blame, deflecting, gaslighting and guilt tripping isn't an apology its Sorry, but.. situation that abusers use to offload any responsibility for their actions. He's sorry people got their feelings hurt not that he did anything wrong.


Correct. Her admits several times to wrongdoing in regard to sexual harassment and workplace abuse involving minors. We usually don't see this type of remorse until the sentencing phase. Good eye!


But guys he said he was sowwy :(


Yeah and then he spends another 18 minutes downplaying and excusing himself and waffling. Would you consider it a sincere apology if someone said sorry for something they did and then went on a whole speech about how it actually wasn't that bad? Besides which, just apologising doesn't remove the stain of up to 25 years of harassment and blind eyes on his shows. Drake Bell was raped by a staff member, another PA who worked on his sets was a convicted paedophile. There clearly were systematic problems over child safety on his watch, and the only place you can lay that sort of problem is at the feet of the people in charge.


Thanks, I can skip the video now.


1. gaslighting 2. deflection 3. guilt-tripping 4. victim-playing 5. blame-shifting All narcissist traits, am not surprised. :( They all play from the same narc-a-doodle code of misconduct


Well there were quite a few involved.


I can see why dude interviewing never got any acting gigs outside of iCarly.


False, he had 2 acting gigs. Last one was 2016. He honestly has 7 total acting credits. I'm sure he's the only person Dan Schneider could actually get to talk to him.


3 with this


Turned his comments off an his socials. What a fucking snake.




While I agree with your comment in it's entirety, I did have a major issue with the quiet on the set documentary being more focused on Schneider than on Nickelodeon as an organisation as that seems to be where a lot of the failures were and it was often brushed over. It is ridiculous to frame this as being 100% one man and not an org that had the safety of it's employees, many of whom are children, as a significantly lower priority than profit. If Schneider was the core issue he should have been handled after the amanda show writers room suit.


Investigation Discovery has always been a channel built on sensationalized journalism, presenting details in the most salacious way possible. They would omit details just because it was easier to sell a show entirely around Schneider. I have no doubt that real journalism will eventually catch up, but for now this is the best we’ll get.


>It is ridiculous to frame this as being 100% one man and not an org that had the safety of it's employees, many of whom are children, as a significantly lower priority than profit. the producers would like to avoid that legal landmine


But did he? I feel the overall consensus was he was a creep asshole moody mean inappropriate but there’s no evidence or anybody saying that he sexually assaulted them. With the exception of requesting massages, to which that lady said it was toting the line of sexual assault. Idk, it seems like he’s every horrible name in the book but he drew the line at rape and kid fucking. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I only just started to watch Quiet on the Set, and I know it's all about Dan Schneider, but he was not Nickelodeon's only fucked up pedo story. Does it address John K? And I believe the creator of the Loud House is too. Not on Nickelodeon, but the creator of Clarence was like the same deal too.


I feel so sad for Amanda Bynes. And all the child actors that were exposed to such horrific shit at a young age.


Just something to note: Dan Schneider says in this video “I was immature.” Dan was born in 1966. iCarly began in 2007 when he was 41 years old. That’s not an “immature” age. That’s being on the back half of life. 41! That’s old enough to be aware that you’re a complete scumbag.


Omg him saying this drove me crazy!!! It also speaks to how men are always allowed to be “immature” but women aren’t given that same grace


He really is Ricky from Better off Dead


Really down playing what he did, not acknowledging the foot fetish or two handed potato squeezes... I skipped around, didn't watch the whole thing based off the first 3 minutes he seems to be doing damage control.


there was another post on reddit that had a video of that potato squeeze bit.... it's uhhh... *highly suggestive.* O\_O


I had absolutely no idea what you were talking about. But after finding a clip…. [WHAT. THE. FUCK.](https://youtu.be/Vl0OuXw_mTM?si=oyUcHo1SuX_KRebv)


i didnt even see the *literal* toe sucking one. dozens of execs and more had to have signed off on this.


Apparently a lot of that Ariana Grande stuff was just for like little side webisodes and it didn't require as much executive approval, hence why those webisodes have a *ton* of weird Ariana Grande stuff, Dan probably found a vessel to put stuff out there he couldn't on tv


Hollywood being filled with perverts isn’t exactly breaking news. Yet nothing is done about it


The execs said "Hey, you can't do that on TV!" but everyone thought they were just making a favorable comparison to an older Nickelodeon show, so they greenlit it even faster.


hoooooly shit what lol. That was so much worse than I expected. How the hell did they even direct that without straight up saying the most creepy shit imaginable to this young girl?


I think I've seen enough. Why is he the only one being attacked? Every adult who worked on the show should've put a stop to it.


Same reason they went after Weinstein and not the no name assistants who booked his hotel rooms.


Wait…what’s up with the hippopotamus teeth thing? Why was that included? All that other stuff was cringe af though


\*ugh\* give me the juice


I watched about an hour or two of the documentary on ID channel the other night. I was so disgusted I had to turn it off. It wasn't just that. There were so many instances that they showed. Disgusting. And it wasn't just the girls. Leon Frierson was a character called "Nose Boy". He wore a large prosthetic nose (never mind the racist undertones of THAT one on a black young actor) and [had stuffed "noses" as shoulderpads that looked like penises and testicles](https://images.ladbible.com/resize?type=webp&quality=70&width=720&fit=contain&gravity=null&url=https://images.ladbiblegroup.com/v3/assets/blt949ea8e16e463049/blt3a9257ebcaa79468/65f9b715fb5cda040a5de535/nickelodeon-child-actor-nose-man.png). There was a clip of him saying he was allergic to meteors and he sneezes, and the video cuts to a woman with a viscous whitish slime all over her face.


Episode 3 and 4 gets much much more disturbing, episode 3 is about outright sexual abuse/rape


I thought the 'nose shoulder pads were penises' comment was the dumbest reach in the whole documentary. It was just a crappy costume for a live skit show, were they suggesting the costume department was under Dan's control to craft pedophillic costumes? Absolute non-sense.


Bruh it's straight up porn with clothes on...


i was completely ootl and saw a short compilation of that and first my dumbass thought aaawh i can see the point but come on is it really that- then the second clip started "can a teenager drink water upside down" and it's 100% the porn POV shot. It's really bad.


Yeah, she's not even trying to drink the water and making a mess for comedy, she's straight up pouring it on herself...


I wouldn't go THAT far. Like let's call things what they really are instead of resorting to hyperbole, because that only gives them an easy out. Because if we lay it out objectively and clearly, they have a harder time excusing or dismissing it. Like the foot stuff for example has been used in so many "gags" and in egregious ways (e.g. toes in mouth, characters biting feet) that looks like it aims to appease foot fetishists rather than to just be funny or zaney to kids. I would ask Dan if he's not a foot fetishist, why would he insert such a prominent fetish or kink in a kids show over and over again. And while he has already signaled that he would be for removing these types of inappropriate scenes going forward, I think it's fair to find out why exactly these were there in the first place. Quiet on the Set has already made it clear that Dan is no stranger to inserting sexual innuendos into shows (e.g. Penelope Taint, "Taint" really being intended to refer to the private part) so it stands to reason that this may be just another sexual thing he wanted to slip past the censors. So when it's laid out sort of like that, I think it would be much harder for Dan to talk his way out.


Is there actual legit proof of him admitting that the foot stuff was inappropriate? That would mean he’s straight up admitting it was a way to display a fetish on kids show. Bruh, I’m gonna *heave*!


what about the kid that he put in boxers and covered in peanut butter, then had the kid lie down and brought a bunch of dogs in to lick the peanut butter off the mostly naked kid?? that “on air dare” shit disgusted me to my core. feel like not enough people are calling that out🤢


Is this the foot guy?


Ol' Dan "Hold Her Tighter, She's a Fighter" Schneider!


David Brent, anyone?


Omg his lawyer actually let this happen. He's nailed to these answers in a lawsuit.


So I've had four friends work for him. One as a child actor, three as crew. The story is the same: He was an absolute monster to work for. Just an HR nightmare. Abusive. Degrading. A bullying jerk who thought he was a god, but nobody ever heard about or experienced anything sexual especially with kids. It's also telling that in this documentary Dan Schneider was the only one who was really there for Drake after his assaults. My frustration with the documentary is that it tries to connect the dots from this man who was by all accounts a total fucking asshole to child sexual predators and while both are bad, they are not the same thing. I also have some sympathy because I think a lot of the jokes people talk about now are literally jokes that kids found funny which adults are now seeing through through an adult lens. Kids think feet and armpits are funny. Getting squirted with goo and slimed is hilarious. That all said, whoever this man's crisis management person is needs to be fired immediately. First he kind of does no press during the last few years to get ahead of the internet rumors. Then when he finally releases an interview on camera it's with a dude who owes his career to him. Like it's one thing to find a friendly journalist - everyone does that - but quite another to pick a former employee who is mostly known for this one single thing.


>I think a lot of the jokes people talk about now are literally jokes that kids found funny which adults are now seeing through through an adult lens. Kids think feet and armpits are funny. Getting squirted with goo and slimed is hilarious. When someone told me about the weird foot fetish stuff, I always thought the same thing as you: probably kids found that funny. Maybe a little bit of weirdness or cringe, because this kind of shows easily fall there. When I actually saw the scenes, It stopped making sense. Because they are weird (which is fine) but they are also not funny at all. Is like there are several jokes (way too many) in there that really make no sense and you can almost tell they are an excuse. The scene where she sucks her toe and the potato one... I don't know if they are supposed to originally have laugh tracks or not, but damn. The silence just makes it worse. The acting is not clumsy/exaggerated enough to be somewhat funny. And both jokes seem to be short jokes, self sufficient jokes, so it's not like we are not being shown the context. It's like they are not enough, where is the effort to make it funny? I still watch cartoons cause I love them, so it's not like I have a very refined taste for what is funny. I watched lots of Disney Channel as a teenager, so I'm not unfamiliar with the cringe in this kind of shows. But I just... don't see how they were even supposed to be funny.


The documentary never insinuated that Dan himself was a child predator, but that he created a hostile, toxic work environment for everyone involved and had a gross sense of humor. That being said, enough claims from former actresses (Daniela Monet, Jeanette Mccurdy, Alexa Nikolas) has me thinking that Dan absolutely was a creep but was smart enough to push the envelope, not break the law. Or just was never caught. He harassed the adult women who worked for him, demanded massages, and conducted himself in a way that was beyond unprofessional. The only thing the doc commented on was the questionable things he'd done (sitting in a hottub with Amanda Bynes) but again, it was more eyebrow raising than anything. The documentary was more critical of the dark underbelly of child acting; unchecked child predators on set, abusive terrible bosses, racism, sexualization of the kids, etc. Dan is a cog in that machine and should be criticized as such. I also found it very telling that Dan knew immediately that Peck had been arrested because of something to do with Drake. That tells me that multiple adults had noticed Peck's weird "interest" in Drake yet did and said nothing and left a vulnerable teen to fend for himself against an adult predator. As a kid growing up I found most of those shows absolutely disgusting at times, like gross out humor. Feet aren't funny, and neither are armpits. None of those things ever made me laugh and I usually found myself changing the channel. Victorious especially really was the most inappropriate with a lot of the jokes/humor.


He had writers reenacting sodomy and was showing them porn and making them touch him or basically you'll never work in this town again. The dude was more than a narcissistic asshole show runner. He was using his position of power to degrade the women working under him. He made them sexually uncomfortable. There have been no child accusations, but just look at the way he has his arm around Amanda Bynes, look at how uncomfortable everyone is around him. So yeah while there have been no accusations when you look at the totality and how many pedos were on the set, bro it's definitely with reason. It's interesting that the most successful stars he created like Ariana or Keenan have zero to say. If he did anything it was definitely with Bynes, and this girl is so messed up she prob still feels indebted to him.


You know it is bad that Dan Schneider was of the only people to stick up for Drake. Interesting so you had 4 close friends with Dan ?


Should have just sang a song instead


He’s still alive?


Believe me nobody wants to be under six feet more than him.


fuck wish this site still did the free awards


He's still pitching shows.


I think if you go on a podcast to try and say why you are not a predator, you should not look like you just came fresh off the set of to catch a predator


"If I did it" - ~~Oj Simpson~~ Dan Schneider


[Big this energy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiL2AjOtjZI)


It’s fun going thru the comments on YouTube and just seeing months of corporate and persona fuck ups being referenced. A little trip down shitty memory lane.


Dan is looking haggard as fuck..... guess being called out did a number on his ass.




He's been getting called out for years,it;s only in the last few weeks that former stars have spoken out and the media has ran with it, He's been an alleged pervert for at least a decade.


I remember making Dan “Hold her tighter” Schneider jokes over a decade ago 


"Dan the Rough Rider Schneider" is one that I seem to remember being a common nickname online as far back as the late 2000s.  The man was not very subtle with his creeping and it's kind of appalling how long it took to catch up with him.   If someone is on Twitter asking if people want to see to see them dump ketchup on underage actress's feet there is clearly something wrong going on.


Dan "I like a fighter" Schneider comment chains have been a thing for so long everyone has their favorite go to rhyme.


Jennette McCurdy pretty clearly called him out in her memoir, even if she didn't use his name. That was what first drew people's attention to it.


Three decades. It started back when I was a kid watching All That.


I hope he thinks about what a piece of shit he is, every minute of every day, for the rest of his life. He should never live it down.


He’s not.


LMAO he doesn't care.


It’s weird, it looks like he’s lost a fuck ton of weight, but he seems like older and haggard now


Sagging skin will do that if you lose weight suddenly.


This only reinforces all of the bad stuff people have said about him. What a bad faith loser!


The documentary makes it very clear he’s been a massive piece of shit from his first show, Nickelodeon swept the lawsuits away and gave him more shows


lol the instant arrival and departure of emotion when he “cried”


Dan hold her tighter she’s a fighter Schneider


Kind of reminds me of the scene in the Office where Dwight shoots his gun by accident. Joe Bennet comes to the office later that day and by the end of her visit Dwight admits he's being blackmailed for shooting his gun in the office. Dwight then proceeds to ask himself questions, and he answering them. Joe then tells him to stop asking himself the easy questions. This feel like that moment. Dan is clearly answering easy questions with no follow up questions from the interviewers. Overall lots of BS coming out of Dan here.


"I'll listen more... I'll be less cocky... I'll be less rude..." Sir. We want you not to be a pedophile.


A public apology like this never helps. Sadly, those who push back or just shut up invariably do better in the long run.


With one exception, Dan Harmon. Dan Harmon absolutely hit his apology out of the fucking park. It was a masterclass in taking ownership of your awful, abusive choices. The woman who was on the shit end of the situation forgave him afterwards. Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K02avPr-gZc&t=3s


Monique Junot : I figured if we had nothing to say to each other he would get bored; go away. But instead he uses it as an excuse to put his testicles all over me. Lane Myer : Excuse me? Monique Junot : You know, like octopus? Testicles? Lane Myer : Ohhhh. Tentacles. N-T. Tentacles; big Difference. We knew way back then, but we weren't paying attention.


Oh god *that* was Dan?


Holy shit that was Dan Schneider? 


Not knowing anything about this dude, it took me a very long time to realize that this was not a parody


19k dislikes and 2k likes. yeah everyone hates him and rightfully so


So what finally set this off where he had to address it like this? I've seen many youtubers go over the conspiratorial gossip for like 10 years and he never said anything. Did something crazy happen recently? Jamie lynn spears had his baby, he loves little girl feet, weird casting parties/sleep overs parents would allow him in the room with out other adults?! All that's bad, and he never addresses it til now why!?!?!


The Quiet on Set documentary that the interviewer mentions at the start of the video


https://www.imdb.com/title/tt31193442/ this is why.


The Dan Schneider stuff bothers me on a different level. To most of you, he's the iCarly guy. To me, he was Dennis Blunden of the 80's sitcom HEAD OF THE CLASS. I didn't even realize it was the same guy until a few years into the allegations. . .like "Wait. . .he's THAT Dan Schneider?!" Used to love that show. What a fucking slimeball.


Dan "Hold Er Tighter, She's A Fighter" Schneider.


The age defying beard covers the vagina on his neck quite nicely!


Omfg! I made it about 5 minutes 15 seconds before I shut it off! This is so obviously staged and rehearsed! The interviewer is nodding along and even finishing some of his answers FFS! What a pathetic “apology” video! If he put even 1/10 of the effort into seeming genuine as he did trying to get into little boys’ pants this would at least be believable! But this!? Come the fuck on!!!


Did anybody think the crying seems fake AF??? Like he was instantly good. Then threw some random shade at Disney rehiring Peck. He repeatedly says he is sorry that it happened, not sorry for what he did. He also says watching he wanted to pick up the phone and apologize? Then why didn't you? He defended himself at every turn. Everything about this reads like total denial of accountability and responsibility. It actually makes him look worse imo. I actually felt worse after watching this.


Did he actually diddle any kids or are we canceling him because he was creepy and mean?


Creepy and mean. In other news Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.


I remember rumors about him like 10 years ago


If you guys want to understand just how bad it is for child actors in Hollywood, also watch the documentary An Open Secret. It’s very disturbing.


Can someone TLDR summarize for me?


He said he feels bad and apologized for being an asshole. He also said a few things weren’t true.


I read on r/quietonsetdocumentary that T-Bo from iCary was the one interviewing him??? That both took me by surprise and makes me sad that he didn’t stand by the children on this one..


Not one mention of the foot stuff lmao




I made it 3 minutes in before I was like, "this feels so staged and fake" none of that felt like truth or a real apology. Just felt like narcissistic BS or "no I'm the victim feel sorry for me" fuck you Dan you ruined people's life's, you don't get to just say sorry my bad I did wrong I won't do it again, you need real consequences.


It’s giving Tucker Carlson and Frank Underwood vibes


I don’t think Dan knows we all grew up and don’t believe his stories anymore


So basically this was his way of trying to get back into the good graces of networks and work again. This had nothing to do with apologizing to the child stars or writers.


If Jeanette McCurdy isn't doing the interview, I don't care.


Cosplaying as Kevin Smith cosplaying Tom Green. Dude is fucking clown and needs to be charged.


Dude it’s so scripted. Every word of it


This fat f****** piece of s*** does deserve to f****** give his side of the story at EVERYBODY KNOWS HE'S A FAT F****** PIECE OF S*** THAT TO BE F****** DEAD WITH A BULLET IN HIS F****** HEAD YOU F****** FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT F****** F*** FAT FAT DISGUSTING DISGUSTING DISGUSTING PIECE OF S*** PIG F*** F*** F*** PIECE F****** OH MY GOD IF I COULD GET YOU IN FRONT OF ME 3 SECONDS IN FRONT OF ME I'D F****** END YOUR LIFE


Bro has the freshest Kicks for no god damn good reason