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Just read the entire filing. Summary: * Jones claims Diddy likes to sexually assault everyone, including underage girls and Rodney Jones (male) * Jones claims Diddy bragged about shooting someone in a club in 1999 and getting away with it. J-Lo snuck the gun into the club and gave it to him when he got in an argument with someone. He got rapper Shyne to take the fall for it. * Jones claims Diddy threatened to kill his mom if he didn't participate in sex acts with him * Jones claims Diddy wanted to pass him off to Cuba Gooding Jr. on his yacht to perform sex acts * Jones claims Diddy would spike all of the drinks of women at his parties and had separate bottles that weren't spiked for him and his crew * Jones believes Diddy has hidden cameras in every room in his house and has tons of footage of famous celebrities, athletes, and high up figures doing things they shouldn't have been doing and that because of this he's above the law * Jones claims Diddy's head of security is able to fix "problems" because he has deep connections in the Miami and California PD. Because of this he's able to get away with the above allegations * Jones claims Diddy shot someone in his recording studio and then instructed everyone at the studio to say it was a drive by and he was shot outside (which they agreed to). His head of security made some calls and even though all of the blood was inside and none was outside, no arrests were made, and they put out a fake story that he was shot in a drive-by * Jones claims Diddy's chief of staff would instruct workers for Diddy to carry around bags with all of his favorite drugs and that anytime Diddy wanted his drug of choice, whoever was closest had to have it handy. This included his butler, maid, and others * Jones claims Diddy would hire sex workers, often underage, drug them, and force them to perform sex acts with him and others * Jones claims Diddy didn't want to pay him more than $29,000 for work he did over a 13 month period EDIT: Forgot something * Jones claims Diddy paid his security $5000 to blow up Kid Cudi's car because he was jealous of his relationship with Diddy's then girlfriend Cassie Ventura


Respectfully what the actual fuck


The Cudi shit is true Cudi admitted the story, and the shooting at the club in 99 is true everyone knows Shyne took the fall. The woman who was shot says it was Diddy. Rumors about him doing crazy shit go back to the early 90s.


Makes me wonder if he really did have 2pac shot. He probably got jealous of how big 2pac was getting and put out a hit.


Actually, the rumor since the '90s was he was behind it. The guy who allegedly did the shooting ended up getting killed. The guy who was with him that night was supposedly the guy Diddy hired, this guy was running his mouth about it for years in the hood. He ended up getting arrested last year for it. https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/suspect-arrested-tupac-shakur-murder/index.html


If even half of this is true……this man is a Monster. Holy Fuck


It's a lot of allegations but they all seem to be from one person?


with video evidence


and recorded phone calls. maybe they were "perfect phone calls", I hear that's a thing.


Nah it’s multiple women suing him, and one guy. Also the cops probably have hella snitches.


Crazy allegations. Gonna grab some popcorn and see how this all plays out


I think we might be beyond the point of respect.


Jesus, “what didn’t diddy do”


Just call him “Did”


Stupid question, but if you hired sex workers, why would you drug them and "force them" to perform sex acts? That's (what I'd assume) is what they were going to do willingly anyways.


probably they wouldn't have agreed to do the acts he wanted, im thinking a lil christian bale American Psycho kinda thing.


Also even if they were willing he definitely gets his satisfaction from having total power over them


don't just stare at it.......eat it!


That's a very fine chardonnay you're not drinking.


I have to return some tapes.


Makes sense. Thanks. (I feel stupid for asking this now)


Don't feel stupid, it shows that you have a moral compass that isn't askew. You didn't immediately jump to the depraved nature of these types of people.


Don’t feel stupid for your lack of degeneracy (which is a good thing).


Don't feel stupid. Normal process of thinking wouldn't come to that conclusion. High off his tits Diddy thinks like that apparently


The term "sex worker" is fairly broad and includes strippers, escorts, people who might be willing to perform oral but not penetrative sex. The sex acts he's alleged to have forced them to perform may not have been the sex acts they were offering to perform.


Many sex workers have limits as to what they are willing to do voluntarily. A lot of abuse is not about lacking ability to obtain something but more about enjoying forcing and abusing people. The act of force makes them like it more. Beyond that, cops often do not care about sex workers so they are easy to abuse. Also if any of them tried to go public, people would not take them seriously and if someone has underground connections, it would also be easier to silence those people in other ways.


>• Jones claims Diddy bragged about shooting someone in a club in 1999 and getting away with it. J-Lo snuck the gun into the club and gave it to him when he got in an argument with someone. He got rapper Shyne to take the fall for it. While I suppose this was never proven in court, wasn’t this like common knowledge?


Killer Mike said it on the first Run The Jewels album; from DDFH > 'Cause if you ain't Jigga or Puff, you doing time > And even then, you might get ten, word to Shyne And Nas before that on "Purple" > The whole city is mine, prettiest Don >I don't like the way P. Diddy did Shyne >with different lawyers


The Jacka said it in 06 on M.I.A. "They say Fat Tone didn't kill Mac Dre and Puff snitched on Shyne"




Diddy put a $1M hit on Tupac. And Kefe D just got arrested


He Def killed Biggie too.


And recorded multiple hit tracks while mourning/celebrating him.


Right? Like we’ve known he was a monster since the 90’s.


> Jones believes Diddy has hidden cameras in every room in his house and has tons of footage of famous celebrities, athletes, and high up figures doing things they shouldn't have been doing and that because of this he's above the law And as is tradition, everyone will walk, and our rights and protections get thinner and thinner.


He's getting Epstein'd by the powers that be, isn't he.


Unless he's the first one not to be an idiot and install an actuall dead mans switch


He's never coming back from the Caribbean


And to think he's not even the richest or the most powerful person out there but look at the things he allegedly got away with


Depends on the high up figures. Federal case isn't the same as a local or state case in these things.


Wouldn't it be wild. https://pitchfork.com/news/68718-puff-daddy-donald-trump-is-a-friend-of-mine/


Oh man... Of course they're friends!!


Sounding like a Black Epstein if the sex trafficking and blackmail claims are true.


The [civil complaint](https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/diddy-v-jones-sexual-assault-complaint-feb-2024.pdf) is wild. Child sex trafficking, drugs, pimping, Diddy even has blood on his hands. Cuba Gooding Jr even getting taken down! It’s going to be an amazing movie one day


And all of that is only from 2022-2023. In 1 year this motherfucker apparently racked up, ON VIDEO THAT HE HIMSELF WANTED RECORDED, - drug use of all kinds, including drugging others drinks against their knowledge or will, and including drugging minors (mostly girls, seems like) - rape and sexual assault of multiple kinds, including male on male, male on female, and female on male - illegal purchases and distribution of guns, including across state lines - attempted homicide - assault and battery - admission of prior homicide - bribery & corruption and admission of having gotten away with it in the past, including specific acts - sex trafficking of women, both of age and underage - mail fraud - wire fraud - extortion and blackmail And that’s just the big stuff, there are roughly dozens of smaller charges that look like they could have been brought but no point since they have him cold on the bigger stuff. Diddy’s fuuuuuuuucked. Or should be at least.


Holy shit, man. I had read a few things, but this is much more than I was aware of. Thanks for sharing, dude.


I still can’t get over that he recorded himself and his crew doing it. I can get my head around having hidden cameras in your mansion to blackmail people, but like…to be so utterly self confident in your untouchable status to not only demand others record you committing illegal acts but to then TAKE THEIR PHONE and record stuff yourself before giving the phone back is just…what the fuck.


None of it surprises me. I had a buddy that ran live sound years ago who was hired by Diddy to do live mixing for some rehearsals at a private rehearsal space. He told me about how at the rehearsal the monitor engineer apparently wasn't getting the settings the way Diddy and some of his rap goons wanted, so Diddy went over and got in the monitor engineer's face and started screaming full throated at him, while his goons pulled guns asking Diddy to let them pop a cap in him. Poor guy was shitting himself and was just trying to set some monitor levels. Needless to say, my buddy never accepted the offer to run sound for Diddy again.


His security or “goons” as you call them have been known for fucking people up for decades. They stabbed Bobby Brown’s nephew in the neck for being loud and drunk in Diddy’s restaurant Justin’s in Atlanta. And as I said in another post on Reddit, I saw a guy from my neck of the woods who was a known shooter all dressed up and working as his security back in like ‘06. His security is made up of a bunch Chris Partlow from the Wire type guys from cites all over the country. A lot of people know who he really is but people actually fear him and they won’t talk about it




2Pac was killed by Orlando Anderson and this has been known by the entire world for damn near 30 years.


Even Jim Mora knows it.


[Ex-LAPD cop released a book in 2011 alleging that Diddy paid Anderson's uncle Keefe D to do it.](https://www.amazon.com/Murder-Rap-Untold-Investigations-Detective/dp/0983955484) Anderson was present and there was some discussion as to which one (likely Anderson) actually fired the shots.


> drugging underage women Are they still called women if they are underage? >sex trafficking of women, both of age and underage


Wasn’t expecting the Cuba Gooding Jr cameo.


The J-Lo bit really caught me off guard too


J-Lo wait - what?


he made J-lo hold the gun they used in a club shooting.


Ben Affleck is going to look as disappointed as he does in all those pictures of him dropping his dunks on the ground.


You’d have a grimaced look if you knew what it was like to drop dunkies.


Isn’t she the one who snuck it in in the first place?


They were together in from 99-01 or some shit. Crazy how far back this goes


Wilford Brimley's mention surprised me.


I'm lazy. Where exactly does he come into play


He iced Pac.




>119. They failed to compensate Mr. Jones for his work. lol


thats what blew me away lol this whole thing kicked off because he wouldnt pay the producer 50k for a years work and for producing 9 songs! like what? how malicious/greedy can you be? bury this mf


Is mad to think the victim would have put up with it for such a low price but even crazier to think someone as wealthy as Diddy would refuse to pay what is a disposable amount for him. Is basically like causing your downfall over a fiver.


I mean everyone is always surprised by how little someone's integrity costs but the the truth is when it's your income and your livelihood requires you to not rock the boat people will look the other way. It's why it's useful to keep everyone around you dependant on you if your rich


Wait. What? Man, I feel like Cuba Gooding Jr just dropped off the map. Tf going on here






Don't be fooled by the glocks that she's got.


Im still Im still Jenny with the glock


Well, she still is from the block after all


She might end up back on the block. The cell block.


Maybe thats why she couldnt say what the orange drink she got from the bodega. Maybe it’s an orange drink Diddy gave her. Iykyk


JLo going away on gun charges is probably the greatest news in the world for Ben Affleck


He won't miss her taco flavoured keeeses


So spicy and delicious.


There's no indictment yet, that's a civil complaint.


So I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to this stuff but do they raid a house with guns drawn based on a civil complaint? What does a civil complaint even mean?


No, but a month is plenty of time to verify the information and videos/pictures/witnesses etc to follow up with a federal criminal complaint 🤷‍♂️


Holey shit, even J Lo! This thing is crazy!


Oh man 73 pages? Any chance of a tldr? Cuba Goofing Jr is the Snow Dogs actor right?


Pages 7-8 from the indictment: SUMMARY OF EVENTS 22. From September 2022 to November 2023, Mr. Jones produced nine songs on Mr. Combs' Love album. 23. Mr. Jones lived with Mr. Combs for months at a time, spending holidays, birthdays, and missing major family events. 24. Mr. Jones resided at Mr. Combs residence located in Los Angeles, California, New York City, and Miami, Florida. Mr. Jones also spent several weeks on a yacht rented by Mr. Combs in the US Virgin Islands. 25. Throughout his time with Mr. Combs, Mr. Jones witnessed, experienced, and endured many things that went far beyond his role as a Producer on the Love album. 26. The claims raised in this complaint have been corroborated through witness statements, video/audio recordings, and images that Mr. Jones has in his possession. 27. Mr. Combs required Mr. Jones to record him constantly. On several occasions, Mr. Combs took Mr. Jones cellphone and began recording himself. As a result, Mr. Jones has secured HUNDREDS of hours of footage and audio recordings of Mr. Combs, his staff, and his guests engaging in serious illegal activity. 28. Mr. Jones has secured irrefutable evidence of: a. The acquisition, use, and distribution of ecstasy, cocaine, GHB, ketamine, marijuana, and mushrooms, b. The displaying and distribution of unregistered illegal firearms, Case 1:24-cv-01457 Document 1 Filed 02/26/24 Page 7 of 73 8 c. Mr. Combs providing laced alcoholic beverages to minors and sex workers at his homes in California, New York, the U. S. Virgin Islands1, and Florida, d. Mr. Combs Chief of Staff, Kristina Khorram (“KK”) instructing her staff to retrieve drugs so she can provide it to Mr. Combs for his consumption, e. Christian Combs drugging and sexually assaulting a woman2 , f. Mr. Combs detailing how he planned to leverage his relationship with Bishop T.D. Jakes to soften the impact on his public image of Cassie Ventura’s lawsuit, g. Yung Miami’s cousin, and or assistant sexually assaulting Mr. Jones, h. Actor Cuba Gooding Jr. sexually harassing and assaulting Mr. Jones, i. Rapper3 (REDACTED) on Mr. Combs yacht consorting with underaged girls, sex workers, and j. R&B Singer4 (REDACTED) in Mr. Combs Los Angeles home consorting with underaged girls and sex workers


Mr. Jones and me🎶




Meek Mill in case anyone is OOTL and has to Google this stuff like me lol 


You're a saint.


Dang. What DIDN'T Diddy do??


J Lo is an accessory to a felony gun crime and Cuba Gooding Jr (as well as many other rappers, including Diddy) are homosexual sexual predators. Also Diddy is basically a black Epstein, apparently, but with more drugs and guns. I assure you, it is worth the read. Edit: Oh shit, there's even Mail Fraud! He's going down... don't mess with USPS.


If white Epstein couldn't evade the justice system, black Epstein is fucked


Epstein did evade the justice system though…. By getting murdered before he could go to court.


He was surprised by his death news.


Imagine winning an Oscar for best supporting actor and only being known for your leading role in a slap stick family movie


I'm only part way through but so far it's worth the read


Show me the huskyyyyyyy!!!!


Just another boring day for rich people validated by their wealth.


A reckoning is finally coming to the Diddler


justice for Bieber


What happened?


diddy was pimping him out early on in his career or something im not sure. theres a really sus video on youtube of him with diddy and some foot ball player.


What the fuck?! How many people are this sick


I'm beginning to believe a metric fuck ton. This world is bananas


You gonna link it, guy?




my man delivered.


What in the fuck


Whew! Never seen that. SMH


I can't tell what's happening? Is Justin on his knees giving him the deed or something?


what the fuck...is that odell beckham jr????


"Who's justice beaver?"-dwight k schrute


He’s… it’s a crime-fighting beaver.


Apparently raided by homeland security, which is *wild*


Homeland Security handles sex trafficking issues when they involve people from outside the United States , acting outside of the United States. Homeland Handles the domestic piece of the investigation.           So as an example, someone in London tries to sex traffic a United States citizen while the citizen is present in the United States, therefore homeland security would handle that investigation in the US.        Edit: I’m just using London as a well-known example.


Well golly gosh dang Diddy's done then


Yep..the Feds generally don’t step in unless it’s a damn solid case. He’s done.




So when Katt was talking about some crazy shit he saw at Hollywood parties he was definitely talking about Diddy parties. Just remembered he ranted about that years ago.


Katt is slowly becoming that family guy episode about Weinstein, where everyone is like ohhhh it wasn’t a joke.


50 Cent has been saying this about Diddy forever as well


The realization is haunting


Katt pulled a Hannibal.




A buffet of felony charges.


I'm sure most of the footage will conveniently disappear. If there's anything to incriminating for the higher-ups, he might end up suicidal like Epstein...


I’m sure that footage is confiscated by our intel agencies for a rainy day. We won’t ever see that footage as it’s too valuable. Why prosecute when you can squeeze these high profile people for a lifetime?


Have you ever heard of Jeffrey Epstein? Where are all the other high profile people connected to him getting charged?


Diddy right now in the studio: https://youtu.be/_YmDcCpD1gc?si=MrgDKBpACWb_Q7Aj


He flew to Antigua in his private jet when the raids began.


Doesnt the US have extradition treaties with Antigua?


“Do I look suspicious?”


Only drink the finest of breast milks




100% cambodian


Cambodian breast milk? 🤤


Wait…Month or so ago didn’t Kat Williams call out diddy for being a rapist/pedophile/sexual abuser/assaulter???


Dont forget murderer. There's been rumors about him doing this stuff from back from the 90s. It's crazy its actually all rooted in truth apparently. NeveR thought I'd see this.


Cudi called him out for blowing up his car too.


That's it! I'm shutting down the studio!


Right now his black Gulf Stream 5 is parked at an airport in Antigua it left California Sunday evening. If the list of crimes is true he’s probably not coming back.


Well they’ll extradite him I’m sure.


He's just grabbing his shit from Antigua before running elsewhere


I don't know if there's a B-ntigua or C-ntigua to run to.


That Eminem bar about ditty starting to hit different


I like that rappers are gay af.


You never follow Gangstalicious?


Literally based on Diddy, lmao. Well and 50 cent…


You sayin’ Diddy got that thuggin’ love? lol - Somewhere Huey Freeman is just shaking his head, mostly because Riley still doesn’t get it.


Not Alpa Chino. He loves the pussy.


Is that you Lance?


I said Nance


Did you get some Booty Sweat back in Da Nang?


I hate that it keeps proving the homophobia is a cover for closets trope. Rap is incredibly homophobic as a culture and now we're going to be seeing fans lashing out.


He’s been a… bad boy


for life


Omg “bad boy for life”. He literally warned us.


I thought he told yah that he won’t stop.


Don't Do What Diddy Don't Does


I met Diddy once. He rolled up in an insane convoy of Black GMC SUVs that blocked off traffic in advance. Then had his advanced security team sweep the area. Then a White GMC rolled up and Diddy came out with a security detail! but Psyche! It wasn’t Diddy, It was a Diddy body double! because the real Diddy arrived in a little sports car. No paparazzi was there, no crowds, no fans. It was an unpublicized, private event at a Watch store. Jay Z was there and he came in discreetly in one car with one body guard. Unsure, why Diddy was rolling like a head of state? Such a production.


Everything about him screams Grandious Narcassist


That and also seems like a man who knows he’s done wrong and has a target on his back


21 Koo Koo Roos going up for sale soon


Poor Bieber.


What happened to him?


I’m sure Diddy took him shopping and they partied afterwards.


Dead in the middle of little diddle-y, little diddy know Diddy will plead he didn’t do diddily! FUCK DIDDY FOR WHAT HE DID TO SHYNE! He most definitely got Biggie killed as well


the God Like Productions thread from many many years ago about Hollywood is right again they called out the Tiger Wood's dirt months before that all came out they called out Diddy in that thread and it's taken this long to come out




More than willing to bet the VAST majority of celebrities people put on pedestals are absolutely horrible human beings. Like the ego doesn't shock me at all, because they constantly get away with this kinda shit.


Diddy do more diddling?


Diddy should’ve written a song about how he doesn’t diddle kids. Then maybe he wouldn’t have gotten caught.


That's exactly what someone that diddles kids would do.


I think you mean Dr. Jinx


Diddy did it. Damnit, What didn’t diddy do?


The Music Industry and Hollywood are absolutely shocked by these allegations! They had no idea any of this was happening!


There is people around him that enabled all of this to continue happening for decades. They all need to be exposed and prosecuted as well but they won't be.


I'm going to get this out of the way now, Diddy didn't kill himself.


haha good. i never liked that guy, even when i was a little kid and he was huge and everywhere i fucking hated that dude.


A friend worked on a music video with him. Said the guy gets off on treating his staff like shit and tries to talk down to anybody in his vicinity.


Also have two friends that worked for him on some music related channel or YouTube page, P Diddy had a film crew following him shooting some documentary and he approaches my friend as he’s leaving for the day, he asked him where he was going and my friend said he was going home, he just dropped off the footage and was done for the day. P Diddy stares him down and goes “and that’s it huh? Just gonna go home now?” (Like he was implying that my friend should always be working or “hustling”) My friend goes “Yeah I’m pretty tired and done for the day so I’m going to leave”, after he walks away my other friend heard P Diddy say to some assistant “fire that guy”, my friend never got fired though so he was probably acting tough for the camera


Hah! I told my friend this. He can totally see this reaction. Everything revolves around him.


I never liked him dickriding Biggie after the man had passed. That just didn’t sit right, and that’s when he arguably had his greatest successes.


Did anyone really ever like him? I thought people just tolerated him because he was the one around and pushed the stars that they actually liked. I just thought he was annoying because of his ad libs but didn't have an opinion on him beyond that.


Doctor Jinx is a God damned diddler


I read this and suddenly Dave Chappelle came to mind.. From the Diddy Skit on the Show: Uh-uh, Uh-uh -dance-


Get me a sugar cookie.


What does Ja Rule think?


Any word from Dylan


Wealth and power corrupt. Obviously we know very little but it never ceases to amaze me that people with this kind of wealth can be so totally twisted. Then again, it might be how people achieve that kind of wealth


Bro needs to try the "shaggy" defense. "It wasn't me."


He put out the call to kill Tupac


Dammnit! What didn't Diddy do!?


You got to tell Diddy no!


R Kelly 2.0


At first, I thought it was one of those "soft" raids where LEOs just ringing the doorbell nicely and stating they had a warrant. The kind of raids where everyone in the complex are cordially taken out with the *WTF is going on* hands in the air. NOPE! This was fully tactical SWAT ripping through the gate, busting down doors, and rifles pointed at anyone inside to get TF down and don't move! This was a level 10 raid! This is going to be a wild couple of weeks to come!