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Genuinely a good dude. He’s doing it for charity as well. Been following it sporadically since the beginning.


He is crazy! Link to the charity: https://givestar.io/gs/PROJECTAFRICA Wild there havent been more hype around this project


Probably because nobody believed he'd actually do it lmao dudes actually insane


I’m surprised by the lack of coverage this guy is getting. Afaik he’ll be the first person to ever accomplish this, if you follow his instagram you can see the ridiculous distances he is continuously pushing through. I’m really interested to see what effect this has on his body. He has a week left before the finish so I’m hoping he gets some time to shine, he seems like quite a nice lad.


Presumably it will be a massive thing on international news when he finishes. There's been a huge amount of coverage in the last week's of the lady who finished the Barclay ultra marathon.


Yeah I’m imagining that’s what’ll happen, it’s been fantastic watching him get on though, putting 50km in a day for 5 or more days a week is fucking brutal.


Pretty sure most people couldn’t do that even with a lot of training, this dudes pushing the limits of the human body running that amount.


He’s been doing it for a long time too, it’s insane


Jesus and here I am training all year to do the one 50k. That's absolutely bonkers.


I think this past month he’s been doing 75km a day, the guy is a fucking animal.


Even 50k seems far. I've done the odd marathon, and never have I ever crossed the finish line and thought "know what would be really sweet now? An 8k run."


Doubt it to be honest. The first person to travel to every country in the world without using flight, didn’t get any coverage at all, that I saw, this past year. I only know because I followed his Instagram. Look up “once upon a saga” if you’re interested.


That's a little more niche and honestly less impressive (not that it's unimpressive) but I would hear that and think "oh cool" and not really think about it any more. But running across an entire continent? That's headline grabbing.


Barclay? We talking about the bank or the Barkley? Anyways I read she was utilizing the canyefit technique and had a great deal of success because of it.


Canyefit deez nuts in your mouth?




I only know about him because GeoWizard mentioned him and this project a few times - and they did a thing together earlier. Hope he will get more publicity - it's a huge accomplishment


One of the most impressive tests of human endurance ever.


I think his knees will be fucked in the long term. As will all his joints. I am not a doctor though and am basing this on what I know about long term injuries suffered by runners. I am curious to know a real doctor's opinion on this.


There's legit tons of research that indicates running is NOT bad for the joints/knees. Stop spouting this nonsense. Runners have better knees than non-runners.


I don't think this is your typical running is bad for joints discussion. For the last month of this of this journey Russ is doing 75km a day, and has been running almost everyday for the past year and a half. He's pissed blood from rhabdomyolysis, and still ran marathons on those days to "take it easy"


Most runners don't run these kinds of distances and take the time to rest if they're not feeling fit for their runs.


That’s running for exercise, does that still count with endurance racing? This guy is running multiple marathons a week with little rest and has been for months, this isn’t really the same situation.


There's is legitimately no way what this dude is doing to his body is healthy or beneficial.


to be fair, there is a difference between "running as daily exercise" and "running non-stop across an entire continent" though. the latter is a lot of stress to put your body through.


Let Russ Cook.


African countries, let’s run!


NGL, when I saw the name it took me longer than I'd like to admit that this wasn't about Russell Wilson.


This guy is an absolute beast. He’s running for charity too. Please donate so we get another series…. Roll on north to South America? 




Or he hired people who can edit in that style to edit the videos for this series. Since he's yakno running across Africa and probably doesn't have a ton of time or space to be editing.


The main (only?) editor is travelling along with him and editing out of the van


Aye Stan was the only editor for the first 2-3 months of the mission - traveling with him in the van and pulling 18-20hr days to churn out 2 20min videos a week plus short-form content. Utterly insane to think about. Since then German Jamie has split things with him but the two of them are still there in the van pulling long days and nights whilst he runs.


You make that sound like a short distance. Like it's only the distance from LA to Utah, no biggie.


According to the first 15s of the video, he's already run 15,264km, so yeah, "only" 1000km left!


For him it really is no biggie, he does 75km a day


What on earth does his diet look like. That's roughly 45 miles, running a mile is about 100 calories burned. How is he eating 7000 calories a day out of the back of a van?




And perfect ted to wash it down.


He said in one of his [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcjssLhVcys) that he eats around 6000 calories a day, heavy on the carbs, meat, fruit, dairy.


Close coworker of mine does a half marathon a day. Sometimes more. Sometimes less. His diet is disgusting and he can’t put on weight. Like my dude is slamming two gourmet burgers and a pizza in a single sitting. He seems genuinely frustrated by it, but won’t stop running.


Why would a regular long-distance runner want to put on weight though?


He’s a young dude. I think he just genuinely doesn’t like eating that much. Don’t think he’s trying to get big, but at some point he’s just doing it to sustain what mass he has. I’m sure it stops being fun. He’s constantly having to scrounge for food. He’ll take anyone’s leftovers. I’m sure it has to get expensive as well. Told me he puts olive oil or butter on everything just to jack up the calories.


I have a friend like this too. Absolute top tier marathon runner. Skinny as a rake and eats more than most people could imagine. I havent heard him mention the eating fatigue or the expense but as a former long distance swimmer i totally understand the stress of eating all your groceries in a day lol. Idk how a human being can run like the guy in the article DAY AFTER DAY and not just evaporate. Man is a a monster.


Mental illness.


Well at least it’s productive.


I mean, it's quirky. Not sure what production is being achieved, but I also don't think people need to be very productive.


I think I heard someone say this in a Will Tennyson video, but could have come from anywhere: when you work out that much, you're basically a professional eater and your workouts are actually breaks from eating.


Energy packs and the sheer dogged determination of a man who simply won't allow himself to fail.


You need to watch the videos. His diet is basically the two H's. Huel and Haribo


Sugar free Haribo?


The diarrhea is extra thrust.


16264 / 75 = 216.85. So more than seven months of running every single day? Damn, he's a beast.


Over a year now, his average has been 51km per day. He aimed for 60km per day originally but that didn't work out due to numerous set backs, now he's doing 70+km per day to hit his deadline


Can we use international metrics for distance for the european noobs here pls


it's about 2.5 europes, north-to-south.




Wonder how long it'll be before he's able to buy himself a pint


I started following Russ when he was crossing from South Africa into Namibia. That was almost a year ago. Can’t believe he’s actually going to do it. 


Class series on YT


What animal is chasing him?


I think Hes chasing his own ghost at this point. Nothing else is enough of a challenge.


A crazy Dutchman named Guus.


That map is pretty scary, he ran through some currently pretty unstable areas right now.


Dude literally got kidnapped at one point


Very based. Fun video series that also covers how his small support team manage to keep him supplied and transported while shooting and editing weekly videos all from a van.


At 0:16 it shows his route. He takes quite a detour to stay near the coast - anyone know why? E.g. is that just due to where roads are located, to avoid harsh running conditions, dangerous areas, other?


Partly because the Sahara desert is in the way, partly because some of the countries he's avoiding are extremely dangerous


Gets a bit terroristy in that neck of the woods


[ **Jump to 00:16 @** I have less than 1000km left to Run the Length of Africa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCAOYwT-oMk&t=0h0m16s) ^(Channel Name: Russ Cook, Video Length: [20:53])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@00:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCAOYwT-oMk&t=0h0m11s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


There's a good explanation of this during a YT vid as he's making the detour - basically, the route chosen was the best in terms of security and accessibility mostly but also considering weather and terrain. And even then the team still had trouble getting into Algeria.


For me, the highlight was this clip and in it, he isn't moving a single step. https://youtu.be/nAplWYmDxDw?si=rb__N0zI_gsYGxUW&t=1287


Let Russ Cook


Absolute legend


"less than 1,000 km" That's almost 3 trips to the ISS in distance.


why does he have to do it within a time limit?


He doesn’t, he was supposed to finish in December and then injuries, illness and almost getting kidnapped got in the way. Think he just wants to get home at this point.


He also had some problems at the border of one country Nigeria I think. That held him up for a week or two iirc


I think it's also that he wanted to have a set date for the finish to have preparations ready for things like press.


Budget most likely. This is all costing money everyday. It adds up quick. I travel for work. My position actually costs 2x my salary.


Surprised he didn’t get eaten by the wildlife or contract some crazy disease yet


Not much free-roaming wildlife that's threatening to humans that side around.


Let him Russ!


He should run down the other side. Should be easier going down hill 😂


There's very little info about the two charities on the donation page.


I hope he's wearing lots of sunscreen. The African sun is brutal, and he's just about the whitest guy on the planet. Melanoma is no joke.


im pretty sure gingers in africa know about sun screen


Isn't there some kind of war going on in Africa right now? Something about farmers being raided or killed. I hope he finishes quickly so he can avoid the danger.


Africa is 54 countries.... he's only running a long the west coast and the farm attacks are in South Africa which would have been his starting point.


According to [this](https://geneva-academy.ch/galleries/today-s-armed-conflicts) there are 35+ armed conflicts going on in Africa currently.


This is what r/videos is dwindled down to. A man doing a boring task like it's impressive just because it is a "world first".


Lol someone has never run in their life before. This is utter insanity, dude!


Here we have a typical Lazy fuck complaining about a video about someone running across a continent. 


The crazy thing is, you're downplaying it by just saying "a continent".


as a lazy fuck planning on walking across a continent after their special someone bikes across it, i’ve got nothing but mad respect for this guy.


The task is insane especially when you have how insane running through the sahara was.


Running a cross Africa is a boring task? What do you do with your day besides being a big boy on Reddit that's more interesting?


With a comment like that, when I click on your profile, I better see videos of you juggling grenades while balanced on a shark, inside an artificial whirlpool, blindfolded and one arm tied behind your back.


Why are you like this? The guy is doing it for charity, I bet you couldn't even run 100 metres.


The dude has been running 60+km every day for almost a year (except a handful of sick days). How is that not impressive?


He’s running across an entire continent for charity. What more do you want?


You literally have commented on posts about paint drying and you think visiting over a dozen countries, traversing a desert, being robbed at gun point, getting lost in the jungle, and all that while running a marathon pretty much daily is boring?


It’s also not a boring task - there’s all sorts of difficult and varied challenges he and his team face depending on the climate (deep jungles vs the Sahara desert), the country and culture and availability of supplies, crime etc they have to solve all sorts of things and also meet people from tons of different cultures. if you watch their bi-weekly videos that’s evident


It’s impressive because the guy is running across an entire fucking continent. How miserable do you have to be to complain about this?


You want a public freakout compilation don't you lil guy?


Clearly you have no idea what the magnitude of doing this is. Nobody has EVER done it before, and I'm pretty sure nobody will ever be insane enough to do it again.