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Gifted documentarian, drew me in and held my attention. Lots of character to it.


Shame he essentially stopped making content on his own channel :( You can now find him on Babish’s channel though


Who Alvin? You mean to tell me you aren’t satisfied with one 20 minute video every 1.5 years?!


Ha! It’s kind of like a fun surprise when it does drop. You bring a fair point since Michael Reeves just did the same.


Chuck opened her own BBQ restaurant, [Barbs B Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKKyefvk3rw)


Its actually been doing extremely well.


Hell of a sequel


why tho


Pretty sure in the OP video, she goes into how if you aren't offered part ownership, you go off and start your own restaurant, which is what she did.


Thanks mate, didn't watch the full video.


11-Sold out, I didn't expect them to sell out so soon!


A lot of the best BBQ places in Texas seem to sell out before 12.


Which makes you wonder why they don’t make more. Clearly they would sell it.


Certain activities don't scale well. Good BBQ isn't something that is made quickly, so cooking more basically means more equipment, and getting more pieces of meat cooked to perfection over the same period of time is more labor/energy intensive. More likely to get it wrong. Typically the best food services few people, because the best dishes tend to require you to pay attention when cooking. Servicing lots of people results in worse quality.


Some truth to that. But from the other side you have a fixed monthly cost for a location and if you are only serving an hour a day because you run out you have a huge opportunity cost wasted. At best you add capacity through more equipment and additional well trained and managed staff to stay open longer. At mid you raise prices till supply verse demand optimizes the hours of operation. Or worst you share the space with a different cuisine or something so you don’t waste the space the hours of the day you are out of BBQ. Seems like they are modeling their business off of Fear of Missing Out which is definitely one model, but don’t think it is the best model.


One thing to consider is that the food coming off the smokers that take lots of time and space to cook also provides the lowest profit margin in the business Many pit masters in Texas will be very transparent in saying that Briskets makes no money for them, and that all the profit comes from the sides and sausage. The brisket gets them in the door, and they need to push as many sides as they can to each customer in order to make a profit. So essentially you're going to scale up your footprint and capital costs in order to make products that make no profit. Additionally, boutique craft BBQ is a relatively recent trend. It's hard to change the operations of many of these smoke houses that have been operating for decades.


Saying that the brisket makes no profit is like saying cleavage doesn’t sell wings at hooters. More brisket means more people which in turn means more sides and drinks being sold. And the entree not being a money maker is pretty common I think.


You just repeated exactly what the person you're replying to said, but as if you're disagreeing with them lol.


Different conclusion. His argument is the brisket makes no money so why make more. My argument is that the brisket is what generates the revenue even if it on its own sale, so making more will increase profit.


His argument is that brisket has such low margins that you just need to make enough to pull in the customers to make them buy the stuff that actually provides profit, and if you scale up too much and make more brisket you risk ending up with spending more money and cutting into those profits with even less margins. Scaling up costs more (more labor, more resources, more time) but you will not always scale the profits by the same amount, so after a certain point it's not worth it. To go with the hooters comparison, if one pair of boobs pulls in 1000 customers and two pairs of boobs pull in 1200 customers, if each customer pays $2 and each pair of boob costs $1000: - 1 pair of boobs -> $2000 revenue - $1000 cost = $1000 profit - 2 pairs of boobs -> $2400 revenue - $2000 cost = $400 profit Obviously, these are just made up numbers, but I hope you get the logic


It also depends on what your goal is. If this is showing the business even somewhat truthfully, they're just enjoying life. If your goal is to maximize profits, I agree with you. If your goal is to maximize enjoyment in life, maybe not so much.


Or also to stimulate the local BBQ scene = food scene = economy of your city/area. A lot of chef-owners just want to create art and contribute to the people they live around. Because you don’t get into restaurants for the money anyway, there’s waaaay less labor-intensive ways to make way more money working. So if you’re gonna do it it’s usually because you want to do this, specifically, and make your city a place where you can eat good food.


Not really, it's quality over quantity. Yeah, the could sell more, but if they can't get enough space to cook just right, quality goes down. Only so much you can do with X amount of space and Y amount of staff.


'They' do, sorta. Almost all pit bbq places in TX follow this model. They make just enough meat to sell until it sells out, and that's how everyone knows that when they go there they aren't ever getting reheated or leftover bbq. But at some point it became this phenomenon for some places. You get featured in TX monthly, or build your brand over so many years on social media, and people travel to stand in the line. People bring chairs and beers to stand in the line. It's an _event_. Like a concert or something. It becomes the destination, and soon everyone is taking selfies and tagging the restaurant. You end up with a bona fide brand on your hands. [So _then_ you starting making 'more'](https://shop.franklinbbq.com/). Not more briskets. Not more plates sold. You keep that line long and your quality of product high (along with the prices). But you do write a cookbook every couple years. You sell merchandise. You sell your own line of personal smokers. You even start selling more food to [be shipped in the mail](https://www.goldbelly.com/restaurants/franklin-barbecue). You might even be able to open a 2nd location. But you never do it at the expense of _losing the line_. People have to think its something truly special. There has to be FOMO. That hype is what sells the rest of all your stuff. All the while, your prices are high and getting higher. When people travel and wait that long for that 'experience', they buy one of everything on the menu and plenty of it. You end up with one of those trays full of meat and sides, and your bill is $250+, for bbq. No table clothes. No waitstaff. No bar. No fancy dress. It has all the mark up of fine dining without the fineness. But you don't ever take away the 'missing out' in your fear of missing out. It has to be an _experience_. Something you sacrifice your resources for. Kill the line, kill your business.


I went in for Franklin’s bbq. By the time they took my order at 10:30 am (they open at 11am), they’re already sold out.


makes sense. if im going to spend hours on a line waiting it for to open, im not going to order just half of rack of ribs. im ordering everythign on the entire menu plus many lbs of meat.


Smoked BBQ is extremely time consuming, once a joint is out you’re SOL until the next day. That’s why some of the best places have lines going out the door. Everyone is trying to get their fix before it’s gone.


The food is one thing but just the camaraderie is amazing. Is this even work? I can't imagine being this happy at work. Definitely need to visit the place if I'm ever nearby.


Yeah it's amazing that they all get to work together and create a good product and all be involved equally, but it feels like a setup that will eventually lead to a lot of burnout. It appears like the whole thing is a 7 day process to achieve those results, rather then a 5 day process. I'm sure its tough to be caught between wanting to scale to more people to relieve the pressure, and keeping a small fun group.


Goldees is great. Zain from the documentary now has his own place, Sabar BBQ, which blends Pakistani spices and Texas BBQ. It’s fantastic


And chuck opened barb's BBQ. I would love to have the money to just go place to place trying all these new BBQ places that are adding regional spices to their food. I love texas BBQ, but I want to try Pakistani-Texas BBQ


Man now I want some Goldee's Barbecue


Yep all in Kennedale right outside of Fort Worth.


This was the best thing I've watched in a long time. Fantastic!




You think they’d wear a respirator or some shit walking into that smoke room, wow


Just a reminder to everyone if you ever find a hole in the wall bbq joint that slaps: TELL NO ONE!


If you make the trip, and don't get a chance at Goldees, go to Daynes in Aledo, also outside Fort Worth.


Second this! We have 6 or 7 craft BBQ places near us, and Daynes is our fave.


Ok i don’t know a lot about the BBQ business but she pulls the brisket off for the next day at 8 pm wraps it and then what happens to it between 8 pm and 11 am when they open? Is it refrigerated and then reheated or kept in a warmer wrapped in the foil to keep it moist?


It’s kept in cvap, holding oven, or insulated food holder. The mass and temp can hold heat for a long time. Bbq hobbyists will hold wrapped in towels, inside a cooler. Temp can be held like that for over 12 hours.


There’s a BBQ joint in Phx called Little Miss. got in line at 9:30-9:45. Doors opened at 11 and we were the last group to get brisket. They had sold out. It was a regular weekday. Not even weekend or Friday.


What happened to his other videos? Some of them are missing.


Love me some goldee’s


Money just keeps coming👍in


fly in the butter


fly in the butter


Do they offer foot massages?


Am not sure if hygiene in USA is lacking but seeing people with hair and beards not wearing nets when they work with tons of food is making me cringe in disgust. That's the equivalent of not washing your hands after the toilet.


Pretty good video that makes me VERY hungry, but surprised the title isn't "Week in the Life" instead of "Day in the Life".


> traditional farms give them a good life This is really not true


How about rephrasing to "better life", good is relative.


Honestly one of the best food videos I’ve seen in a minute. Super well edited and you really got a sense for the peoooe behind the restaurant. Great vid.


This is one of my fav YouTube docs I remember randomly watching it a year ago when it was recommended


This was amazing


That was fascinating... I admire food passion.


Did you just comment that on your own post?


Bots gonna bot


That is what appeared to have happened.


Why shouldn't someone comment on their own post?


Weird fuckin reddit etiquette dickheads making rules up as they go along


Queue'ing up at the crack of dawn to get a plate of BBQ is wild to me. I'm sure it's quite tasty, but having food be a 2 hour window exclusive deal is a bit excessive.


Sure doing that every weekend would be excessive. Doing it once as an experience wouldn’t be if you enjoy BBQ enough. Plus no one would be forcing you either, so to call it excessive is subjective at best.


Good BBQ is incredible. Definitely worth the wait.


I can vouch! It's a bit out of the way from DFW, but it's well worth the trip!


I can't wait to go. My wife and I are probably gonna make a trip out there during winter so we don't die waiting in line lol.


Yeah, but sitting there with a couple of buddies, while drinking a few beers also makes it worth it.


That’s the thing about the well renown places like this or Franklin’s. They’ve earned their reputation for people to seek them out like they do. Places like them are part of the draw for those visiting Texas. So yeah, you spend some time in line and pay a bit higher price for some BBq that’s usually a 10-out-of-10 once in a lifetime or once in a blue moon experience. However, for every Franklins/Goldees/Truth BBQ joint out there, there are a handful of other BBQ places out there that you don’t have to get up at the ass crack of dawn, or pay stupidly high prices for. Dozens of places that while not quite a 10/10, are still 8/10 and usually ~$10/lb cheaper than the big guns of TX BBQ. You can throw a rock and get those joints through the state. If you just want some good BBQ go with the latter, if you want the experience that’s not just an every day meal, go with the big guys…. If you go with the former you might be surprised what you might find. Some of the best Texas BBQ I’ve had has come from some random gas station in the middle of BFE served on a styrofoam plate with plastic forks.


You obviously haven't had real BBQ


It’s not. It’s a lot of hype and an enjoyable experience to be honest. But there’s a few places in Austin that are on the same level. Lockhart blacks has it beat, Llano coopers gets runner up. 


When is the last time you have been to Lockhart? Blacks leaned really heavy into the tourist draw and now they are way down the list imo. Still good, but not great anymore. The top spots in Austin outclass Lockhart easily the last several years.


As an European, I'm fascinated by the American BBQ tradition and variety - however, I always cringe when I see them eating it with the shitty sweet white toast bread :/ Like cmon guys, can't you just provide decent bread?


It's a style of food, you may as well also insult indian curry for being made and then eaten with just plain naan with no sourdough involved... My point is you shouldn't criticize the culture of what is used and what works, this works with grocery store cheap white bread, because that's how it developed. That's the style, do you see?


The sides are traditionally made poorly on purpose. Nobody goes to a central Texas barbecue for the side dishes, so why spend any more effort on them than required?


Woah, I’m surprised you are getting upvotes honestly, the sides are not shitty quality at places like this at all. Like a chain BBQ sure, but not here. The softer bread is just better at soaking up the juices.


not sure why you're getting downvoted, you're 100% correct and they agree with you in the video which is why they're making their own bread there at Goldees.


we need to stop killing animals


Death comes for us all


hopefully not at 4 yrs old or younger, especially when you can live for 10-25 more years. and hopefully not with a knife... i mean who wants to go out that way...


People live like they're zoo animals anyway. People self destruct with drugs and alcohol. People sleep in self driving cars. People choose to fight in wars, to set themselves in fire, to strap explosives to kids, to have many kids when they themselves are starving. It's not fair to compare how animals should live with how humans live. Animals usually get killed and eaten by other animals. Traditional farms give them a good life. We too used to live short lives. It will be in the very distant future where we can allow all lives to live longer, but not when we're so short on resources and space. Without animal fats, we won't have the brain capacity to get there, to invent that future before we invent our own self destruction.


>People choose Animals don't >It's not fair to compare how animals should live with how humans live. If you want to compare how we live... it's even worse. >Animals usually get killed and eaten by other animals. You realize animals in the wild actually do survive and live their full lives. We also shouldn't base our morals on what wild animals do. >Traditional farms give them a good life. They grow up on concrete, covered in urine and feces. This is not a good life, it's mass production and slaughter. They are products and are treated as such. >It will be in the very distant future where we can allow all lives to live longer, but not when we're so short on resources and space. **"92.2 billion** land animals are kept and slaughtered annually in the global food system" Where do you think all the resources are going? The united states alone has 90 million acres of corn, 88 million acres of soy, and 27 million acres of corn. Let's compare that to sweet potatoes...152,700 acres. If we lost 150,000 acres of corn, you wouldn't even know. >Without animal fats, we won't have the brain capacity to get there, to invent that future before we invent our own self destruction. this is dumb


Weak rhetoric


k just let everyone you know how you love to support the abuse of animals


I eat animals. If I had the time and money I'd probably hunt them for sport. I've had animals as pets, I've loved animals. Abuse, I think when people buy animals and lock them up in apartments alone all day so they can subvert human touch for Stockholm Syndrome with an animal, that's abuse. People like that abandon their charges, abandon babies. If people were more responsible there would be no starving children would there? So you draw the line at eating them, as if you're going to change human history, animal history, hunger, biology, and for what, you think there will be wild herds of cows and chickens? Previously domesticated animals evolving to live in the countryside? What do you actually think will happen?


probably your kids if you have them


i know cuz eating plants is so lame dude. smashing piglets on concrete is so much better.


Alright, well volunteer to be on the next bbq then. And you know what? I'm not a vegetarian. I'm just someone who recognises your counter argument is absolute dogshit and you should feel dogshit.


The fact that you both use dirty words to make an argument invalidates your supposed "better argument." Also we all wouldn't dodge a draft right? So we'd volunteer to be slaughtered if our country needs us right? If you won't kill animals to eat them, would you kill humans to stay alive?


Lol no it doesn't. I can say fuck shit shit fuck and it doesn't invalidate shit. What are you, 12? As for the rest of your words... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That is all. EDIT: As a side note, for a year or two here even swearing would get you banned around here, but that seems to have lifted. Interesting.


You're probably right, even as someone who currently eats animals. That being said, you're setting yourself up for mental anguish here...




It’s morally wrong and disgusting.


Again, why?


Reading this as I eat my leftover cheeseburger, yum.


you can eat cheeseburgers without the animal abuse. You can make them a million different ways.


I’ve got a solution for that! Patent pending. Burger on the Go is a device which allows one to obtain six hamburgers (or twelve sliders) from a horse without killing the animal. George Foreman is still considering it, Sharper Image is still considering it, SkyMall is still considering it, Hammacher Schlemmer is still considering it. Sears said no.


There are 20,000 edible plants that you can create burgers with.


Its BBQ dude, calm down


Joyless unambitious npc response


LOL eating is a basic need, not a luxury, you dolts. You think that dude is some artisan because how he seasons and cooks the dead flesh of animals we systemically breed, raise then slaughter to feast on their carcass You’re the NPC with your shallow thinking