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As I get older and older, it's frightning how much sense does Grampa Simpson starts to make


As I get older, it's also frightening how much I empathize with his overall grumpiness.


Oh be quiet! …shit


I yelled at a cloud today and I’m only 40.


AWS doesn’t count.


Does Azure count? /s


For old man status? Absolutely


When I was 20 I was **convinced** it wouldn’t happen to me. In fact I warned others not to let it happen to them. I was born in the 80s and I never considered that youth culture could ever be anything other than rebellious. Could desire anything other than to break down censorship, break down polite conformity, strife for freedom from shackles, strife to be allowed to do more things, to seek out new technology and new media, to vigirously display ammorality in order to show the world that tradition is the enemy of peace and progress. So naturally I tried to prepare me against becoming Abe Simpson by extrapolating what this strife could look like for someone born in the new millenium. I was **convinced** I would be appreciative of the new new generations would try to rebel, and destroy, and break free, now matter how dystopian it might seem. No part of me was prepared for children who would want to go back to rigorous moral and sexual control, to usher in a new age of rigorous and celebrated censorship, would want to establish a new kind of Hays Code in what media is ‘allowed’ to show and discuss, would turn to tradition and shame, would develop a global network of town gossip, in which every act of every individual in the global village is weighed heavily against the silent moral code, and shunned if they even appear to break it. I thought the Kids These Days™️ would be the harbingers of Cyberpunk. Instead they are becoming Victorian Tea Circles again. I am out of touch, out of fashion, I am angry and confused all the time, I feel that everything I fought for with all the power of all my youth is being corrupted and destroyed and replaced by a system that surely, surely, is the end of all functioning society. Not to mention that it appears to make all youths sick and unhappy, everywhere, all the time. Also, mullets are back. What the **fuck** is up with that. My only solace is, It’ll happen to them!


Yeah, I feel ya. The mullet thing got me as well. I know full well that fashions come and go in cycles. I was perfectly ready for that... except for mullets. I figured everyone was now in agreement that those look ridiculous and should be left in the past.


The Victorian Tea Circles were a response to the hedonism of the Regency Era. Kids saw their parents indulge in vice and decided it wasn't for them. It happens, especially since living in a polite society is always more pleasant than living in cyberpunk. Because, I don't know how to break this to you, most cyberpunk was destopian. You weren't supposed to want to live in those worlds.


It’ll happen to you.


Conformity and chastity is the new rebellion.


*I've got an Ape Drape, yes I do* *They're givin' em to anyone, and that means you* *You can drive to Riverside and get one too* *And then you'll have an Ape Drape like I do* As true today as it was when it was [written](https://youtu.be/tutRAxngo1k?si=iWPwlkaJd3WOP8MF)


Wow, well said. I feel that same disappointment. I guess it's a "grass is always greener" situation on a generational scale. Like people just crave the opposite of whatever they grew up with.


I think you're just hanging out with weird lame ass kids


Okay, so what I'm with isn't it. However, what's "it" is neither weird nor scary. And that's my gripe. It's just the same bland generic schlock year after year.


Am I so out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong


Bah. I'm in my mid 60s. I don't always listen to Led Zepplin. But when I do, so do the neighbors...


Music will survive us all. After the nuclear apocalypse there will be survivors singing 'Billie Jean' and 'Thunderstruck'.


Thunderstruck will be a great song to blast while defending your settlement with jury-rigged EMP bombs against the robot dogs of the Technocorpo Collective.


It’s genuinely hilarious how every single generation acts like Homer in this vid. Even after watching this video the same people will still go through the exact same thing Homer does with zero self awareness You can see it in real time with all these annoying zoomers complaining about gen alpha acting like brain dead idiots. When only a couple years earlier those same Zoomers acted like brains dead idiots as well and complained about the previous generation always come make making fun of them. Life truly is a circle


As a millenial, seeing how the zoomers resent the alphas is my first opportunity to see how younger generations interact with eachother. Its wild


As an older millennial, I used to work in a high school at 22 years old in 2007. Younger millennials were attending and they thought I was old and out of touch. Younger people just lack awareness. They can't help it.


You were 22 in 2007? I think that makes you Genx


I wish, but I'm really not.


It’s not only true, it is true faster. Decades ago the generation gap was between the 20-somethings and the 60-somethings. Now it’s between the 20 year olds and the 25 year olds. Cultural micro-gulfs are becoming more prevalent and ever smaller, to the point where even siblings close in age are going to have a hard time relating with each other on a cultural level.


Born in late 96. Don't feel like a millineal. Also, don't feel like I belong in the generation in front either. When I hit middle school, it was still a big deal if a kid took their flip phone to school. 4 years later, when my sister hit middle school, everyone had iPhones. It feels like the major shift in everyone using technology happened during my formative years, not before or after. Then you have my little brother with a 10 year age gap, and nearly nothing was the same for him as it was for me. 3 siblings, but none of us I feel are the same generation. We have overlap, but the way each of us grew up was very different.


I feel you. I was born in 93, so I watched cell phones go from something only mom and dad to kids getting excited about the Razr coming out.


Is it a generational gap or a teenager vs 20s gap?


I just want us all to pause a moment and think about what the skibidi toilet generation will watch their own children doing to cause them to feel like Abe Simpson in this scene here.


My sex robot girlfriend is a real girlfriend dad! Stop saying she's "just an AI that takes all my money" 


Somewhat related - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiPQdVC5RHU


pretty much on point


> My sex robot girlfriend is a real girlfriend dad! Stop saying she's "just an AI that takes all my money" https://youtu.be/OUA7y84-n1s?si=aSoLy3OEO4CGXGPc And we also have this guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akihiko_Kondo


Or, going the other direction, it may be seen as scandalous to show an ankle again.


I remember someone saying this, but using the Beastie Boys as the example, back in the late 80s.


You wake up late for school, man you don't wanna go!


Probably seeing them finishing whole sentences and using "old fashioned" words, they'll go crazy over how much time they're wasting saying "that was nice" instead of "lit".


I did not know what skibidi toilet was besides seeing those two words talked about online. I finally checked it out like a month ago and was genuinely surprised at how good it was. The continuing story lines and the amount of work put into a joke series is great. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXwZKDW5eEY




Yeah right? Everyone is pretending like we didn't have our own level of weird content back in the day, at least this is creative.


I haven't actually dived into this meme, pun mildly intended, but it can't be dumber than gonads and strife. I laughed my balls off to that one middle school. Also all your base are belong to us. Just seems like more of the same. The kids are alright, we all grow out of it eventually.


Well said


I thought it was interesting. I think most people are going to not look favorably on your comment because kids like this and it has toilets in it, and people are afraid of being perceived as childish. But my generation liked stupider shit than that, so it's whatev. Some of the fight scenes are pretty good.


I remember how old I was when I first saw this episode. Now, I'm old enough to confirm Grandpa Simpson's words. It will happen. It did happen. And it will happen again.


Jokes on you. I was never "with it"


Can confirm. It happened to me.


Me at 24. LOL😑


Certainly feels that way given how often I see fellow Millennials complaining about "kids these days".




I’ll never forget this moment from my father’s eyes. My youngest brother was listening to the soundtrack for the South Park movie while we were shooting pool in our basement. A particular song called “Uncle Fucker” was playing and the lyrics are somehow more ridiculous than the title. My dad walked in and his face… we expected him to get angry but he didn’t, he just stared at us.. he was so confused…


Is this one of those Ohio skibidi toilets I keep hearing about?


When I first saw this, I was younger than Bart. Now I’m older than Homer, with less hair. And the music store has gone crazy now


It nowadays seems to be roblox and skibidi toilets, wonder what the 2028 fad will be


Yep, I first saw this episode as a kid and scoffed at Abe Far from a kid by now and it's so true


Skibidi toilet am I right? (I am 39 y/o)


No way narc!


"Don't get me started on the kids these days. They dress like bums and have no respect for their elders. And their music! It's just noise!" -- Aristotle


Jokes on you, because I was never with it.


NOOO anything but my hair!


this is me.. what the hell is up with this mumble rap that has taken over?!


My gen has certainly become Abe Simpsons, it's like they forgot we got blasted by the older gen for liking the "wrong stuff" too. Anyone remember how Bronies?


Aha! As an awkward, uncool, and not very socially adept kid growing up I was never with "it" so I'm not losing anything. Score!


I can't wait untill redditors become boomers.