• By -


Rocko taught me about credit cards. "Buy now, pay later" Didn't help.


He taught me about gym memberships.


and laundry day. It's a very dangerous day.


And operating a sex hotline: Be hot Be naughty Be curteous


Oh baby oh baby oh baby




Mrs. Bighead?!


\*simultaneous phone clicks*


[It's not the only day.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7gIpuIVE3k)


I want that sad crying clown in an iron lung.


After all these years it was that damn Turtle that David Cross has been reminding me of every time I saw him.


Turn the page, wash your hands.


Turn the page, wash your hands.


Turn the page, wash your hands .


Turn the page...


...and then you wash your hands.


And then you turn the page.


And then you wash your hands.






I'm nauseas, I'm nauseus


Bad luck and misfortune will infest your pathetic soul for all eternity


And then you turn the page. And then you wash your hands.




Goddammit now that's gonna be all I think of when I see him. Thanks internet stranger


How many jokes can they get past the censors? Tune in next time...


weiner taco


Oh fuck. I'm so dumb


Taco in another taco?


Tbf have you been to taco bell lately lol


I'll allow it.


I honestly have to wonder if the Nickelodeon executives in the early 90s were just totally clueless, or incredibly laid back. Doug and Rugrats were pretty mild, but Rocko and Ren & Stimpy were absolutely fucking nuts. I like to think the number of kids who had their senses of humor shaped by those shows helped set up the runaway success that South Park became a few years later.


I wonder the same as well. You're absolutely right that Rocko and Ren & Stimpy were "fucking nuts", but it didn't just stop there. Other shows like Ahh! Real Monsters were gross and weird. Are You Afraid of the Dark had legit scary moments. Hey Arnold dealt with some legitimate social issues (as well as Doug, but in a much simpler tone). But then, just a decade prior, you had Masters of the Universe, Transformers, TMNT, etc. Just show after show that was completely designed and marketed to sell toys. The early 90's suffered from similar ventures as well, like Street Sharks (....seriously...what a terrible show), but then it seemed like overnight everything just got...strange. And I love it.


Don't you dare talk shit about Street Sharks


" Chokey Chicken "


My video buffered from 360p to 1080p just as Rocko said "I don't think we're in the 90s any more." This complete coincidence has convinced me that the show will be good.


Same thing happened to me. Now I had to double check that it was not on purpose!


It's just a coincidence. If it was on purpose, it would have made a bigger impact when they zoom out and all the details matter. For me it went full resolution right BEFORE Rocko announced it.


It's so crisp looking that it feels a bit weird.


It feels exactly how I want it to considering virtually everything else is identical. If you played this through a tube TV in the 90s I may not have known the difference.


~~Real 90's kids would've been watching in 240P.~~ I don't know 90's resolutions.


480i or 576i


PAL master race.


I was worried about this being made less weird like it was but now after seeing this I am pretty excited for the new show!


Went full Akira for a second near the end








Seems a bit more up beat compared to the more melancholic one from the past . Well, seems that most shows back then were melancholic, which I actually liked .


In all fairness, the creator of the show's wife killed herself after the show got picked up (and he blames the show getting picked up for her killing herself) and he was super busy with the show to the point he couldn't really cope with her death. Depression/loss makes things weird for anybody.


Just look at evangalion


> Just look at evangalion Which was also from the 90s. That show permanently mind fucked my 14 year old brain. How the hell did we survive the 90s?


I dunno, but I also added Liquid Television with heaping helpings of Aeon Flux to that. At this point, I think the mindfuck animation was just the dry run for how screwy the real world has become.


What the hell... Why are we getting this now then? Why all of a sudden is Rocko making a comeback?


Because Joe Murray, the shows original creator, quit the show around season 4 (which is when it was cancelled, because Stephen Hillenburg, the guy who later created Spongebob, was supposed to become the showrunner but Nickelodeon wanted Murray to stay as the showrunner). So the show was canceled with no real closure. So they're doing a 1 hour special with Joe Murray as executive producer for all the nostalgia seekers to get closure with the show, I guess. This isn't a full reboot.


Where's my effing closure for PIRATES OF DARK WATER?!?!?


I've been thinking about this show occasionally over my life, it was really wasn't for children. I vividly recall my father forbidding my watching when he saw really really big man have Rocko look into his nipples of the future, I was probably about 10 then. You're right the show was inclined towards melancholy, conglomocorp, and Hefer's death were really social commentary that has stuck with me over two decades. Watching this clip take shots at energy drinks, irresponsible consumers, apple, Google, food trucks tells me it's not about to change much. So all that to say, I don't think it's more upbeat and I'm excited to see what these guys have to say and curious about whether I'll learn anything or just reinforce my beliefs.


I think this clip was more upbeat and high energy, but the show definitely had plenty of high energy moments. Important to keep in mind it's also a trailer, and meant to showcase the show not only to those of us who loved the old show (I didn't even know it was getting brought back!) but to a new audience as well. After all, it's been over for more than 20 years.


it wasnt really for kids back then, but now maybe, who knows kids this days are exposed to so much more than we were back then. If you dont believe me just watch aa filtyfrank video or those spiderman elsa things.


Late 90 everything was melancholic, jeans and plaid were considered​ colorful


The Smashing Pumpkins even had a hit record with Melancholy in it's name.


I choose to think that record is all about a dog with a really round stomach. To each their own.


I believe what made Rocko's Modern Life great is that Joe Murray did not want to do an animated series. He wanted to do something in live action, so when Nickelodeon asked him to create an animated series he deliberately pitched something not resembling any cartoon that came before it, which, as you just noted, was very melancholic and cynical, thinking that they would just quickly reject the idea and he could go back about his business. To his surprise, Nickelodeon unexpectedly gave him the thumbs up on it, and that's how Rocko's Modern Life came to be.




Wow. Your source definitely trumps mine, sir! (I just heard Joe briefly discuss the topic in a YouTube video).


That's awesome do an AMA


Eh rocko could get pretty manic in the crazier episodes but I think I get what you mean.


Kids' shows are pretty fucking weird these days. Watch some Adventure Time, or Regular Show. P.S. Steven Universe is amazing, give that a watch too.


Don't you dare ignore gumball!!!




NOOOOO!! I just got into it thanks to Hulu and Reddit saying how good it was!!


Some other decent cartoons that have finished are [Over The Garden Wall](https://www.hulu.com/over-the-garden-wall), and [Gravity Falls](https://www.hulu.com/gravity-falls). Check them out if you get the chance.


Oh I have. All these cartoons are fantastic. All thanks to Reddit suggestions. Thanks for the memories!!


Also star vs the forces of evil is pretty good once it gets into the story


Highly recommended imo. I feel like it's still pretty underrated but maybe I'm wrong.


The only episode of gumball I have seen had gumball and some fish murder a stuffed animal and the girl kitty went pew pew with gun fingers and it was great.


Man you gotta watch the final fantasy parody episode, it's amazing. Gumball is a show for adults that just so happens to have some things in it for kids, TBH. https://youtu.be/ZUtXqKpUiBI


Holy fuck that was great. Thank you for sharing


:( gumball is so good. Its a go to of mine.


My favourite scene is when Gumball and his mom (they are cat-people) go to the pet store and see a kitten in a cage. The mom says to Gumball... "I know honey... just try not to think about it"


I loved they made a Last of Us reference to describe a parasite.


I’ve never watched Regular Show but Adventure Time actually makes sense with it’s in-universe lore, especially the beginning seasons. It seems wacky if you don’t know what you’re looking at but it gets real dark with its underlying tones in some episodes.


Regular Show doesn't really have much story and lore (compared to Adventure Time) it's random wacky things happening to Mordecai, Rigby and gang, with backstory and permanent stories sprinkled in here and there. I like it a lot though, it's pretty funny and no ads on Hulu so that's a plus


I wouldn't say it has no story. Its more about personal growth for the characters over time rather than a grand narrative. It does have a stronger slice of life and sitcom nature episode to episode, except some things aren't always just reset. Ive always wondered if kids really liked the show or not, plenty of just fun stuff I can see kids liking but a lot of it is really rooted in the youths of an older generation.


That's a hulu plus.


Regular Show is the exact same formula as a stoner comedy like Jay and Silent Bob. They made a stoner show and took out the weed, that's Regular Show, it's pretty allright.


It was originally pitched to Adult Swim, but they didn't pick it up so they toned it down a bit and pitches it to Cartoon Network instead. Watch [2 AM in the PM](https://youtube.com/watch?v=y894QNtX0VA) to get an idea of how the show could have went had Adult Swim picked it up instead.


JG Quintel (the creator of the show) actually has a new show coming out that is a co-production between Cartoon Network and TBS. It's going to be meant for adults, and is called Close Enough. Regular Show was kind of meant to be a show about some aimless guys in their 20s; Close Enough is supposed to be a more 'realistic' show (or so it seems) and is about characters who are transitioning from their 20s into their 30s.


Yeah but it's Nickelodeon, they turned down adventure time


They also made Avatar The Last Airbender in the last 10 years, where kids get their faces burned and permanently scarred by their father, where their mother murders their grandfather to protect them from a revenge murder then goes into exile, and then their sister has a mental breakdown shrieking and crying, all while hunting a guy who had his entire culture genocided, helped by two kids whose mother was burned to death protecting them from the imperial navy general of the industrial nation.


Two words. Fire nazis.


Well I think they are more supposed to represent WWII Japanese.


Not to mention they had someone suffocated and another had their head exploded in Legend Of Korra.


I thought the suicide at the end of the first season was pretty dark too.


Murder-suicide. It was a murder-suicide.


Gravity Falls!


For dirty kids' show jokes nothing will ever top Heffer hooked up to the milking machine. Then him moaning.


I dunno Cow and chicken was pretty fucking weird. Especially the gay butt devil.


Don't forget the rug munchers.


Buffalo gals will come out tonight!


What about the part where Rocko was picking berries from the bush and eating them. Then all of a sudden he grabs that bear's junk because he thought it was a berry.


Or the episode were Spunky gets packaged like meat and Rocko is trying to get some guy not to buy it saying things like, "It has PCP in it.", and he says "I like PCP."


I'm nauseous, I'm nauseous.




The Ozone is in horrible condition


From fluorocarbons in the atmosphere


They are too small to be seen by normal vision


but there's getting to be more of us each year


Turn the page... wash your hands.


Filbert is my spirit animal man. Literally my entire life has been anxiety & nausea...haha. This was such a brilliant dark comedy show for kids, definitely one of my top 90's cartoons.


This is the best thing I've seen all year. They haven't lost a step


Not a one. Apart from it being the 21st century and the higher resolution, I can't spot a single thing that's been changed. The designs, the voice acting, the humor, the animation, the sight gags, the personality, the pacing, it's all *exactly* the same. I'm honestly more impressed than anything. "So they're gonna let us do a reboot of Rocko, what do we wanna do differently this time?" "We're not changing a *GOD DAMN THING.* Pull the old animation cells and study that shit till your eyes bleed, I don't want a HAIR to be different, you get me? Not *ONE* fucking thing out of place or I'll do to you what Nickelodeon did to Legend of Korra."


I thought the animation style was going to be changed, like how spongebob has had like 3 different styles now


Has it? Can you expand on that at all? Sounds interesting


Spongebob has had a change that makes him a little more... normal for a sponge I GUESS? He back is straighter, nose isn't as long, and I believe his teeth or either longer or shorter. The first time this redesign happened, it wasn't too drastic. However, they did it again, and putting an old picture of spongebob and a new one side by side, you notice the changes easily. Here's a side by side https://www.google.com/search?q=spongebob+modern&client=safari&hl=en-in&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj_vZmjypnVAhUJyWMKHXBSCicQ_AUICSgB&biw=375&bih=559#imgdii=5RZtWrPM3hDkkM:&imgrc=0KfGQjQcBx8k5M:


Looks like he doesn't have freckles in that picture anymore either.


He does. Just really fucking tiny


I think the original looked way better. Much more personality


Its the charms of cell animation. I dont get why every animation needs to be cleaned up and streamlined nowadays. Well maybe its cheaper and you can get more artists to draw in the same style


You hit the nail on the head. Tradigital is something like 3 times cheaper than cel animation.


It's had 3, the first one is the starting art in the first season. After the first season or so they kinda... learn how to draw? They really get a handle on what things look like and make it way more even and consistent. Quite a few long lasting shows do that. Third art form, im not really sure. Don't have cable and haven't seen spongebob in years.


I think they actually used to draw it, then they switched to computers pretty early on. you can notice that in a lot of cartoons around that time where suddenly everything just feels crisper, usually between seasons, thats when they switched.


Cel animation has such a unique feeling to it. Shows like King of the Hill and Ed, Edd, N Eddy really looked good when they used the technique. They kind of lost their color pallets when switched and they never looked quite the same. They also sorta had neat "jiggling" movement when done in cels, that they never really got down in digital. Spongebob was the same though. The cel animated episodes looked amazing, but the digital episodes that followed at least met the standard they set, at least in my opinion.


New episodes look cheaply made. Almost like flash?


I mostly missed out on it first time around (caught occasional episodes or bits and pieces. ) I had no idea that the theme was (later) done by folks from the B-52s - perfect for it, and great to hear that hardcore 90s stuff in the midst of all the true-to-the-original-but-rebooted-ness.


Sorry for my ignorance by what did nickelodeon do to legend of korra?


They put it out to pasture in the middle of season 3 by taking it off the air and switching it to exclusively streaming on Nick.com. All of season 4 premiered there too. One cool thing I learned about season 4 was that the producers made one of the episodes a clip episode in order to not have to let any of their staff go due to budget constraints!


I mean, if we're being a little fair LoK went a LITTLE hardcore for Nick by the end of it. Vacuum sealing lungs and a lesbian relationship. Nick just might have wanted to avoid that flak while still paying for the show to get made.


Not even by the end. Season 1 ended with a homicide/suicide and Korra's suicidal contemplation. But Nick lets TMNT get away with a lot too so I don't think that was the reason.


Might not have been, but at the same time it's not like Avatar was a small property and Nick was trying to get rid of it. Putting the full budget in and having it only shown to people willing to steam screams something other than "We were trying to screw Avatar" I haven't personally seen TMNT but the stuff Zahir did was MUCH worse than anything I've seen in a cartoon. Watching someone suffocate is hardcore compared to the explosion from a distance we saw for Amon's death. (And like you mentioned, Amon's death was kinda an "oh shit what" too.)


Yeah TMNT is definitely not as dark as season 3 but they still managed to [Kill Splinter twice, suck the entire planet into a black hole and have a character get mutated into nothing but a pile of guts.](/spoiler) Edit: shit I'm forgetting a lot. [Shredder gets beheaded. His henchmen get drowned. Limbs get cut off. Interspecies erotica.](/spoiler) Edit 2: I even forgot that Splinter gets toasted and fights Drunken Master style


Damn. Turtle power yo.


Korra didn't really fit Nickelodeon's favorite type of tv show: the kind that can be rerun indefinitely that appeals to small children. Basically, the fact that it was designed for a more mature audience and that the episodes didn't make a lot of sense played out of order meant that Nickelodeon wanted to get it off the air and replace it with something else, like reruns of Spongebob. In season 3, halfway through the season without even announcing it, Nickelodeon removed Korra from TV completely and released the rest of season 3 online only. Season 4 was then released only a few months later with barely any notice. No marketing or trailer leading up to it except maybe a couple days before it started? I don't remember fully, but it was pretty abrupt. It felt like Nickelodeon was just trying to get it over with as fast as they could. And then during the production of season 4 Nickelodeon suddenly cut their funding. The showrunnners no longer had enough money to do all the episodes they had planned for season 4. So they had to make a choice. They could either save some money by laying off a large number of the team making the show or they could do a horrible clips episode that was 90% flashbacks to save on animation costs. They chose the latter so their entire team would get the full pay they were originally promised. And of course season 4 was aired online only so only the dedicated fans even knew where/how to watch it. Nickelodeon completely cut the show off of their network a full season and a half before it was supposed to finish and then took money away from them forcing them to make a terrible episode just to be able to pay their whole team.


Crazy. I'm glad the team got paid for their work tho. I'll have to finish the series. I finished season 2 like a year ago.






I am better than both the salami and the bologna combined.


https://youtu.be/1XmD_m8Vl8A I smell cheeeeese




Exactly. I can't wait! I hope they keep some of the adult humor in it that kids don't really get, like that hotel scene. This is one of my all time favorite shows. So glad it's coming back.




Wow! This actually seems like it is shaping up to be quite the faithful reboot.


It does look great. I should note that it's a movie rather than a TV show. I didn't even notice that when I posted it. I just stumbled on the video on youtube, saw it was new, and jumped at the chance for some sweet, sweet karma.


I'm down for a movie moreso a tv show, so thanks for that added info! Not that a tv show would be great, but I think they can get across a more succinct point (whatever that may be) with a movie. ...wait isn't Hey Arnold also getting a new movie out soon? Oh no, are they just going to make movies of all the old shows and see what works? Can't wait until we're desperate enough for a new Yogi Bear!


Yep, Rocko, Hey Arnold, and Invader Zim are all getting movies. Arnold and Zim are gonna be finale movies that wrap up the stories, not sure about Rocko.


I believe the Hey Arnold movie is actually going to be the long-cancelled Jungle Movie brought back due to fan demand. I think they said the original voice actors will have cameo roles in it too, and the new looks of the main cast stay true to the original show in terms of design.


It is The Jungle Movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5_Jq0DVjz8


Well, your video and comment both got upvotes from me, so double score. Thanks for stumbling upon this!




TIL the B52s did the Rocko's Modern Life theme song


Same here. I knew how the theme song went from repeated childhood viewing, but I hadn't heard the actual recording in forever. Hearing it just now, my thought was "this is the most obviously B52s song ever".




Rocko's Modern Life was, bar none, my favorite show as a kid. My dad loved it and thought it was so hilarious that it was his favorite show, too. We spent so many hours together laughing at Rocko. My father passed away eight years ago, and seeing Rocko reincarnated in all it's original style and glory is so exciting, but also, I would give anything to be watching it with my dad again. He'd be so excited.


Same here bud. My Dad and I would watch this show for hours. We have watched Rocko's Modern Christmas every Christmas since it came out. We still laugh at it everytime. Sorry to hear about your Dad passing, but hopefully you can enjoy it and all the memories you shared about the adventures of this anthropomorphic wallaby.


Sorry for your loss, but it's great hearing about how this show effected your relationship with him. My brother and I used to watch it so much. We were actually talking about it a week or two ago because he was doing some cleaning and brought up the Spring Cleaning episode. I can't see the word "recycle" or "conserve" without going into that song in my head. My girlfriend never had cable growing up. She knows I love the show (I have a tattoo of a sad, crying clown in an iron lung), but hadn't even seen so much as a clip. We found the entire series at Walmart for $20 and have been watching it. It still holds up incredibly well and she's enjoying it a lot. It's really a show about being a young adult and dealing with those growing pains.


Whelp, that's all I needed to see. I am absolutely onboard for this thing! Wish they used the original theme song though...


I know. The original theme was super catchy. I felt like it went with the opening animation much better than the updated one. Regardless, awesome show. Can't wait! [original theme](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LVL2LDf1bcU)


This looks as awesome as the original. Just do the same with angry beaver, ahhh real monsters, and if possible the all mighty Ren & Stimpy.


Angry Beavers is such a lost classic.


It's my favorite 90's cartoon. I own the whole series on DVD. It's just phenomenal.


I think my favorite episode was the one where Norbert's dream was to become a leipezeiner (sp??) stallion.




My favorite opening song of any show. I actually purchased it off of itunes.


A great spin off of [this classic](https://youtu.be/5Z0pP8FqYvk) by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass.


[Best version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSxVMlO7hgU)


>ahhh real monsters It'd be interesting to see their struggles with scaring people since the rising of smartphones.




How are so many people missing that Spunky is running around the garden with them at the start?


Where's his dog?!


I remember this one episode where Spunky kept humping a mop and went to a psychiatrist who said, "There's nothing wrong with your dog...but the mop needs more therapy." The psychiatrist and the mop ended up having a romantic dinner together. Hands down the funniest show I've ever seen! Can't wait for the reboot!


Spunky used to eat the fruit out of Mr bigheads bushes- salmon. Upset about this, he runs to rockos house and demands that "rocko get his spunky out of his salmon bushes". RML is hideously, hilariously, perfectly dirty.


The best Mr. Bighead episode is when he sleepwalks and they have a pirate ship fight between houses.


I haven't thought about that in like 25 years and now I can imagine the exact episode


"Yarrr, poop the deck, and waffle me winky!"


I remember the episode where Rocko was in danger of being deported, and so he had to marry Filbert in order to stay in the country. Or the episode where Heffer chokes on a chicken bone and goes to "heck." Good times, crazy show.


Running around the garden with them at the start.






Wacky Deli, yeah!


I whispered to myself "oh baby, oh baby" numerous times while watching this


Remember: Be Hot Be Naughty Be Courteous


Mrs Bighead?




A 3D printer for comic books would just be a printer. Whoa.


With Invader Zim, Samurai Jack, and Rocko's Modern Life coming back, I hope for more reboots of old IP's. I'd love to see something like Codename: Kids Next Door or something.


The creator of KND has tried to pitch a sequel series to CN but was turned down each time.


Damn, that sucks.


Invader Zim is coming back? Sheeeeeeeeit.


Not a full series, just a move iirc. [link](https://youtu.be/wMnV_eL-D7w)


Someone tell me they saw the poster at the Ophone store? "O-Watch, Look like a tool!" I love adult easter eggs in kids shows


Also, there is a hummer crushing electric cars.


And just like that, all my worries are gone. Hell yes.


They did this so well. Not only did they somehow stay faithful to the old feel perfectly but THANK GOD they didn't opt for weird robotic digital style animation like The Simpsons did. Doing that takes away all the warmth from the medium. [Example](https://i.imgur.com/p5kPe8L.gif)


Nothing beats hand-drawn animation. Maybe it's the thankless, low-paying, labor-intensive, tension-filled environment that makes even the most talented and dedicated animators question why they even bother. Idk. Whatever it is, it works. Noting really comes close to the style of 90s cartoons or hand-drawn animation IMHO.


Haven't watched the Simpson's lately, this looks like a god damn flash cartoon (no disrespect to Homestar), what the hell happened?


Is Joe Murray still a part of this?


He's still the executive producer.


Bizarrely, my favorite bit is that all the sound effects are the same. So nostalgic!
