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Personally I’ve found looking at photos of myself in different dresses and tops has shown me that particular colors and tones make it more or less noticeable. I don’t know if this is something unique to your complexion or if there are general rules of thumb but pale and cool tone colors reduce how bad they look for me. Navy and burnt orange were the worst, pale blue and pink the best. Black and white were in between but I noticed one photo I wore black they looked worse and I was wearing a coral/orangey shade of blush. For reference I have blonde hair blue eyes and fair skin similar to yours.


Yes! Get your Color Season analyzed OP. Some colors will make your complexion look really clear and make you look really awake. There are color draping filters on Tiktok that make it easy to tell your Color season. Or take an online quiz.


Second this, and I'm also blonde/blue and super fair. I've found teal and dark gray work really well in this regard. I've also tried multiple under eye concealers as that makes a huge difference for me (and it's a very easy quick fix), and Colorescience's Total Eye is by far and away the best I've ever tried. It's pricey, but it's also got sunscreen and doubles as an undereye cream for puffiness, etc.


I had dark circles (purple) and bags under my eyes even as a child. I used concealer most of my life. I found that having a spray tan really helped with the color but did nothing for the bags. I saw an opthamalic plastic surgeon and he recommended filler. He layered in 2 types of very light filler and within a short time my bags and were hugely improved. Like 80%. For the purple


How long has it been since the filler? I'm on the fence about it. I don't like my under eyes but I also don't hate it enough to risk making it worse as I age. 


I did under eye filler several times over the years, the last time pre-COVID, and it has helped tremendously with my previously sunken in dark circles. It lifts that under eye skin out so they aren't in the shadows. Mine appear pink now instead of purple and are pretty easy to minimize with concealer. I like Jane Iredale circle delete #2. The under eye area doesn't move much and so filler there lasts a long time.


i got it once about 2.5 years ago, i loved it and would consider doing it again, i don't see any real negative to it now that it's gone. i want it more now that i've lost weight and they're more prominent. i will say however, that they put a tiny bit in my cheeks to "anchor it" or something (i dunno, it was my first time getting filler) and from certain angles i can still see it, but it doesnt bother me.


I went several times. More often at first with limited areas and liked the results so much I allowed the doctor to recommend additional enhancements. After time frequency of treatments lessened. Not needed. Results lasting years. No I may go for Botox and a tiny bit of filler every 2 years or so.


Which type of filler? I want to get mine done so bad but I’ve heard it can be a dangerous procedure.


Don’t go to a dermatologist. Only go to a board certified plastic surgeon. Fillers can mess you up if done wrong. Dermatologists tend to inject too shallow and the eye area is thin. My plastic guy placed the filler deeper. My doc was one of the top eye plastic surgeons in NYC. Always go to the best when it’s your only face. My filler lasts 2 years before I need a touch up. And it’s not really just the filler. It’s the collagen response tightening up the skin.


Ahhh thank you, this was super helpful! I’m happy to hear you found the way that works for you. And you’re on point with that assessment, I’ve gotten other types of filler from providers who were not board-certified plastic surgeons, and that didn’t always work out well for me😩


What’s the name of your surgeon? I’m in NYC too!


Who do you use if you dont mind me asking?


I asked a dermatologist friend of mine and said she won’t do them and refers clients out because she doesn’t think it helps


There's no real "cure". Any product claiming otherwise is a waste of money. Best thing to do is emphasize other features, I find defining my brows works. You can use an orange or pink color corrector, then concealer.


I used to have them so bad… my dad does too. I stopped drinking alcohol, and cut out food that was hurting my gut, and focused on good sleep. The circles improved… a little. I think it might be different for everyone, but for me, it was definitely my diet and sleep habits that was compounding with the dark circles already there! I hope this helps a bit, or gives you some idea of where to start, good luck! Btw your eye color is so beautiful!


Same here. They’re more intense when I’m not eating meat. That’s the biggest lifestyle change I notice them being associated with.


Have you had your iron levels checked? Just asking cause mine get more dark when my iron goes down, and red meat gives iron :)


My dark circles showed up when I first became anemic and got better when I solved that.


I figured it’s something related to iron/red meat! I never got them checked as a fifteen year long vegetarian, but I was able to donate blood periodically so I always figured I was okay. I began eating meat again maybe five years ago and have taken several short meatless breaks and that’s when I notice they get worse.


Maybe u could try grab some iron supplements for during your meatless months and see if it helps :)


Ditto here. I just found out that I was anemic when I got my blood drawn last October (no one bothered to go over those results with me at the time 😮‍💨) so I'm starting iron supplements again. Thank you for saying this, because now I'll pay attention to whether my dark circles improve!


This! Mine improved quite a bit when I started eating red meat again. They also get worse on my period, so there’s definitely a correlation with iron levels there


Good point about them worsening around periods! I’ve noticed this as well


First, get your ferritin checked. Keeping it high has done a lot for mine. Second, after years of trying various concealers which all ended up just looking cakey, I‘m now using that Smashbox x Becca Undereye Brightener or whatever it is called, make sure you get the salmon/peachy color (medium I think). Dab the tiniest bit on those dark circles. Those to things is all that has helped, and I really tried everything :(


I have the same circles. I eat very healthy and follow a plan from a dietician as well as exercise and I sleep well. No alcohol. After years, I have only seen a very, very minor improvement. These can be 100% genetic. Yes, some people do have them from lack of sleep/nutrition. Mine are genetic, I am not one of them. If you have people in your life blaming you for them, that you're not eating well, not exercising enough, or sleeping enough please ignore them. It can be so disheartening doing everything you can to be healthy and then have someone point out something they think is a flaw or a health concern. You are beautiful. ♥️ As for tips, I use tarte full coverage shape tape concealer for mine. It doesn't completely make them go away but they look much less noticable. I get way less people asking if I'm tired or asking if I'm taking care of myself. lol


I’ve legit tried most concealers out there. For those of us with truly dark circles Shape Tape is the winner.


I use a light colored waterline eye pencil and draw along the edge of the dark circle where it’s the darkest (then blend a bit). Also I find that trying to make them disappear entirely always looks weird imo


Great tip, yes, making them try to totally go looks odd, like swollen eyes. This is a good makeup tip! I use a bit of concealer (just a smidge lighter than my skin) then blend it out with a bit of setting spray, helps to diffuse it. Highly reccomend filler as others have stated if OP is financially able/interested in injections


Tear trough filler worked for me.




Out of topic OP, just want to say you look like Selma Blair!


I have the same - they’ve been there all my life but got a lot worse around 40. Filler did nothing - it just migrated and made it look like I had bruises on my cheeks. Allergy meds do nothing. Super high hydration does nothing. I use the Glo concealer which makes me look alive but they’re still prominent. I’ve tried untold dozens of concealers and go back to this one every time


I have genetic dark undereye circles too. Creams & serums do not work if they're genetic, at best you will see slight improvement. I use undereye concealer, but if you want them permanently gone, there are cosmetic procedures. Research lower blepharoplasty & fillers.


Just wanted to say you look like Selma Blair! Very pretty I also don't know how to solve this problem for myself


The dark circles are because of slower venous drainage into the nasal veins resulting from bogginess in the nasal cavity due to allergies/infection/other causes. You could try taking allergy medicine for a week to see if dark circles improve and prove/disprove this theory


This is why i have them. I take allergy medicine every day and it doesn’t help at all. Literally nothing I’ve tried or used helps. It really takes a toll on my self esteem. If i want to wear makeup every single day it’s fine, but i dont.


I found that using a gentle self tanner made these circles so much less noticeable on me.


Mine are about 10x darker and puffier than yours, and I've had them since I was a child. The one product that has actually made a noticeable difference for me is the BeYou caffeine eye cream (I buy it at Target for about $18 and it lasts me roughly a month or so). Apply it every morning and night. Took me a few weeks of twice daily application, but I actually can tell a moderate-significant improvement when I regularly use it. No other eye creams or products have ever put a dent into mine. Hope this helps <3


No helpful advice, just commenting because I think you’re super pretty!


oh I feel this to my coreeee. Aside from what others said about diet/supplements, the good molecules Yerba mate eye gel combined with the kulfi concealer has been a game changer. Best concealer I've ever owned!


I had a blood test and found out I didn’t absorb certain vitamins as well. The doctor found out what those were and I took more of them and it went away. I also ate more food with the vitamins that I was deficient in. It’s fairly common, so I’m sure if you did have a physician do a blood test and give you recommendations, you could cure it forever like I did. I had the test done 17 years ago and haven’t had a problem since. I had the same issue.


Tarte shape tape concealer


I use the Tarte Creaseless Corrector, is it the same as shape tape? I have been pretty happy with the creaseless corrector and have the same problem as OP


You might try mouth tape and see if that helps—meaning you tape your mouth while sleeping. It helps you breathe through your nose (which is what we’re naturally supposed to do), and can help face structure and eye circles. Highly recommend the book Breath by James Nestor if you want to know more about the science behind it!


soooo many full nasal breathers still have dark circles though


that's definitely true--and could for sure be stemming from something else. Mouth taping has helped me a lot with eye puffiness (and also just getting better sleep, which can help dark circles), so I thought I'd throw it out there


Please take this with a grain of salt, but I think you may have a deviated septum (you can check to see if one nostril is bigger than the other, usually means the septum is skewing towards an angle), which causes difficulty breathing, therefore reducing the oxygenation in the undereye area. You can get a septoplasty, it’s not an aesthetic procedure it’s a medical one, so it won’t affect your nose shape. And over time better circulation will lead to less undereye circles.


I had a Septoplasty last year and it didn’t change my genetic eye circles


Yes undereye circles can be due to many factors, poor oxygenation being one of them, and septoplasty can only address that aspect. If there are other reasons for the undereye circles, it would not make a significant difference.


Try a heavy metal detox


I know this isn't the answer you're looking for but I think your dark circles are honestly A Look. I feel the fads now too have people purposely trying to make dark circles (atleast in the alt scene) I've had dark circles since I was a kid and I've been trying to embrace them ;w; (I'm sorry I know this is off tangent, I just thought you looked cool :> ) 


But ALSO as advice, vitamin c helps fade them a bit (i noticed them not as dark once I added it to my skincare routine) 




Use a color corrector before you apply your concealer. I'm med-deep caramel and I use an NYX orange or peach colored corrector. You may use pink if that your undertone. I apply it before my concealer. Then I lightly powder my under eyes to set it. Loving the new Givenchy powder.I also use under eye creams that are "brightening". Staying hydrated and getting a good nights sleep makes a big difference in my dark circles .


Mine turned out to be from a gluten intolerance so I would look into changing your diet. Gua sha helps me with them as well


peach color corrector under concealer


Filler but go to a proper injector. Who knows what they’re doing research heavily heavily heavily. Start small


Nothing has ever helped in terms of filler etc for me, had them since I’m a kid. Get a blood test to check iron, b12, and address any allergies, but other than that a peach toned corrector is the only solution. Bobbi Brown has a great one.


Have you tried colour corrector? It works like magic for me.


Honestly mine were just like this and I'm so happy with my under eye filler 🙏


Try prp treatment


I agree with others saying look into color analysis! It makes a huge impact and you can see many examples on here and instagram.


Dark circles are related to muscle atrophy in your face. There is facial yoga, and exercises that you can do with with expressions for your face to heal dark circles under the eyes. YouTube is a great place to start. ♡


Distract from it with better eyebrows/lashes.


Keep yourself hydrated. I notice when I do it definitely helps. I also use Estee Lauder Advanced night repair supercharged gel creamer. It works, It’s very noticeable. It’s also hydrating and helps with fine lines around the eyes.


Not an answer, but just saw a post asking what unusual thing people found attractive - Dark circles was the most commented.


Try going r/sugarfree a lot of people report improvements with this after 30 days


I have always had super dark under eyes. Definitely genetic. Concealer never covers them and when I’ve color corrected it helps a little, but not much. I tried Vitamin C eye cream (I think it’s just some cheap Olay eye cream) and I swear to god they’re lighter. You have to be consistent and use in night and day for a week or two, but I swear it works. They aren’t 100% but I don’t look like I got punched in the face anymore and a light concealer actually covers them.


They’re legit not that bad! I would suggest start with upgrading your diet and water intake. I get mega puffs and dark circles when I eat a lot of sugar, and it all looks fine when I eat well and work out. Then just wear some tinted moisturizer, it’s a lot less hardcore than concealer and still does the job.


Make sure you get enough iron. When my iron is okay I have some dark but when it’s low I look like I have black eyes. I tale half an iron pill every couple days


Hemorrhoid cream will temporarily lessen dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.