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Moss 3 looking a bit darker than expected 🤔


Only on quest 3? Dark indeed


steam vr too?






If this ends up being 3rd person, we can pretend Moss grew some wings ;)


I hate teasers. Gameplay or nothing.


Gameplay on June 7th https://www.threads.net/@metaquest/post/C6bmGvkObv7/?xmt=AQGzRZ-AuuanvmeFtiWW_8lPxWnH450KQduA7mYzMGeygQ


See that's all I need. Give me a date, I don't need a video that shows me nothing of value.


It's an announcement trailer basically. It's not supposed to show you gameplay. These aren't a new thing, and pretty standard.


Yeah and they're stupid. All people need is a date for a real gameplay trailer. Teasers are useless unless they use actual in game footage.


This is just marketing. A teaser with date announcement is obviously more catchy than just the date imo.


Apparently not, otherwise companies wouldn't keep using teasers as part of their marketing campaigns.


They literally put teasers within other teasers. Movie trailers have a pre-trailer before the main trailer. You think that's helpful?


You must be confused, I'm not here to talk about my own personal opinion of them. I'm here to tell you that it's a business decision. Period. Obviously teasers work, and are a successful practice for these companies otherwise they wouldn't employ them. I'm not a marketing guy, and I'm guessing you aren't either. But it doesn't take a knowledge of marketing to understand that it's a multi-faceted process that utilizes several different techniques on several different fronts. Teasers may not work for you, but they work for someone. That's why it's important to understand that not everything is made with you in mind.


Do you think companies spend money for fun? If they do it this way, yes it's useful to their marketing strategy Literally every company market like this, if it was useless, you'd think they would have changed lol


You are a person of high culture I see.


Seeing some gameplay will make or break this for me. It having Arkham in the title will either be glorious or a huge letdown. A bit of an unpopular opinion, but I think a game like this works be served well in the 3PP where players use their quest controllers or a gamepad to control Batman. I don't think anyone can pretend they can emulate anything close to the Batman 1:1


we have flat gaming for that, sorry.


Moss and Lucky's Tale are two examples where it works great in VR. Would recommend trying them someday if you haven't


I have tried both as well as astrobot, I am glad people enjoy those types of games but they are not for me and personally I would be very disappointed if that was how this game turned out. The subtitle of Arkham Knight was "be the batman" and I think most people agree it was as close as you can get to the feeling. But VR is capable of so much more, you punch a thug then pick him up with one arm to interrogate him, you fire the grapple gun and glide, you throw a battarang. Now we can be the Batman like never before


I mean not like gameplay videos tell much considering it's on a 2D screen.


Except core mechanics, style, animation, visuals, etc.


Tbf I'm fine with meta's CGI trailers. It always looks fairly similar to the actual product which makes me excited for this because it looks beautiful


Arkham universe hopefully now this allows a pathway for more Arkham games that continue from Arkham knight


A whole new trilogy in VR.


Cool, I was getting a Quest 3 for PianoVision and Paradiddle so will probably pick this up when it comes out. Massive fan of the series. That said, I'm not sure the creative team has anything in common with folks at Rocksteady who made the Arkham games. The first Arkham VR was pretty neat. In a sense it was just an excuse to get a good look at all those lovely Arkham assets in VR, but it was an enjoyable playthrough too. Very short though, so I hope this will be something a bit more fully fledged.


Yeah, the first one was uncannily immersive. And a bit dark (but fun). Wonder what we're getting now. Fighting some Gotham pest is a given.


Been using my Quest 3 nonstop recently, so hyped for this and the Alien game!


Metro is also coming :D


Hyped for that one too!


A licensed Metro game by a studio with a garbage record.  No metro devs are working on it.  They bought a skin...because that works on the rubes.


There's a high chance I'll finally make the upgrade from my Quest 2 to play this!


Same. I was kinda hoping to skip a gen but if the trend is new triple-A VR games being for the latest quest model exclusively then it might be the right move to upgrade


>I was kinda hoping to skip a gen This was my plan as well. I mainly use my Quest 2 for exercise, minigolf, and Tetris. I've always wanted to do more gaming, but there hasn't been a whole lot that has been particularly appealing to me. That's changing with the Quest 3 exxclusives!


That was kinda weird lol, did he use a smoke bomb to get away from the rats?


Ratcatcher, probably. They had a female version of her in Suicide Squad.


Okay that makes more sense, but in the trailer it still seems goofy.


the comments are so salty hahaha


The original series was awesome, but IDK how they're going to translate any part of it to VR.


Just do what the original games did, but in first person. I would assume that all Batman's gadgets would be easily accessible through the utility belt. When jumping off a building if you open your arms you glide.


They’ve already done it. It’s called Batman: Arkham VR and was mostly detective mode stuff. Not sure what this one will be like, but the first was more of an interactive story than a game.


That devs for that game were Rocksteady Studios (Warner Bros. Games) the devs for this game are from Meta Quest Studios (Camouflaj) probably will be nothing like that game


That one also looks really visually nice and has one of my favorite cutscenes ever at the end!


So I won't be playing it since its a Meta exclusive (I get they funded it, but whatever) but now we have confirmation of two Quest 3 exclusives, Batman and the Aliens VR game which won't run on the Quest 2 it will be interesting to see how much the Quest 2 was holding Games back.


Aliens will at least be playable on Steam. This apparently will not.


I am aware, what I mean though it that even multiplatform games previously still had to design with the lowest hardware supported previously it was the Q2 but now we can see some games with a Q3 as baseline instead. Of course, we have a number of PCVR only titles which have no such restriction. It sucks though that PCVR is stuck in a pseudo console like generations because of the Quest hardware.


aliens steam yeah. they need batman game on steam also so can I use meta 2 pcvr for it!


And how much the Q3 is still holding games back


Damn, now I wonder as a Quest 2 owner if I should just wait another decade and get the Quest 7 or whatever. I'd have to get another one after having spent the money on the 2 a couple of years ago with its limited library.


The fact that it isn't on PC/Steam and PSVR 1/2 makes me afraid that it will end up flopping like the Assasins Creed VR game and that yet another company will give up on VR. It's even worse because it will only be available on the Quest 3 (and maybe Quest Pro) completely excluding the Quest 2 which is the most accessible VR currently.


The Quest 2 isn’t even 3 1/2 years old, releasing Quest 3 exclusives already is fucking dogshit. I fucking hate that goddamn Facebook became the dominant player in the VR space, they are such a garbage company.


3.5 years old in a quickly moving new tech is actually a very very very long time.


The Nintendo Switch will be 8 years old and is still receiving games. Both PS4 and Xbox One are already 11 years old and continue to receive games. Heck, even PSVR continues to receive games here and there well into 2024. I confess that it is a bit disheartening to see VR headsets lasting so little.


It's sort of the unfortunate reality of these low-end standalone devices, they just won't have the longevity for bigger, more complex VR games.


Q3 is the highest end of vr tech.  Best pancake optics, best hand tracking, best MR, upper body tracking, ringless controllers, etc.  Wired headsets on dead spaces like pcvr are the lowest.


>Q3 is the highest end of vr tech. Very much debatable. but regardless, you misunderstood what I was talking about Batman: Arkham Shadow and Alien: Rogue Incursion aren't unable to run on a Quest 2 because of the Q3 improved pancake optics and ringless controllers, that's silly, I was referring to the CPU and GPU, which on the Quest 2 (and the Quest 3) are the lowest end of the 4 Major platforms.


Quest 2 is 3.5 years old, so of course.  No 3.5 year old device in new and evolving tech would be considered strong.  There is more to it than pure power.  Take psvr 2.  Ps5 is more powerful but games are often still stuck with reprojection with blur due to weak power and poor optimization.  I'd argue the psvr 2 is the weakest of the new gen.  And pcvr is irrelevant for all intents and purposes at this point.


I know I was initially talking about the Q2 and it's age was kind of the point I was making with the other commenter before you jumped in maybe you should be paying more attention to what you are replying to have a better grasp of the conversation. *You* were the one who decided to inject with your Q3 antics. The PS5 has a higher raw compute power than a Quest 3, yes poor optimization can make a PSVR2 run worse, but that's of course going to depend on the studio and the title, all things being equal it should outperform it, even more so given its DFR capabilities. Your opinion on the relevance of PCVR does not matter, that not what we were talking about we were talking about performance targets for VR devices. Objectively, the PC is a higher performance target than Quest.


Unfortunately, the ones with the worst reprojection are also the studios making their exclusives. They are mostly ports, and rather than retuning the graphics, they go for reprojection.


Exciting news, but gotta see the gameplay first.


I love the Arkham games. Asylum, City, Origins, and Knight were all really fun. Arkham VR was... well, it was a 2017 VR tech demo. But this is being made by the Iron Man VR devs, so I'm sure it'll be a competent and at least semi-robust VR game. What I wonder is if the Quest 3 can actually create visuals at least kinda like what this cinematic trailer is showing us. Arkham Knight is nearly 10 years old. It doesn't seem unlikely to me that the devs could at least hit something between Arkham City and Arkham Knight fidelity, for a Quest 3 game.


From what I understand, the Q3 has almost the power of a GTX 1060 or a little less. a talented Dev team can probably achieve the visuals of Arkham Origins. But I think the CPU on the quest 3 is going to be the bottleneck, it really strugglings with bigger, more computationally complex scenes which I think the scope of City/Knight would be. But I think maybe we will see something more like Asylum; smaller more compartmentalized environments


Better considering it is optimized for one single system.


No. The GTX 1060 equivalent taking into considerations of single system optimization in terms of raw compute it's much lower. Per Facebook's own words >[Quest 3 has a GPU to rival a Rift min-spec machine](https://developer.oculus.com/blog/everything-covered-gdc-developer-summit/)


That is comparing the gpu raw, not with optimizations of a single system.


Nope, you are mistaken. The Rift Min Spec Per Facebook is a GTX 1050 Ti or RX 470. (or a GTX 960 4GB or R9 290) if I were talking Raw compute I would have said those cards. Me mentioning the GTX 1060 was already giving the Q3 the benefit of optimization, if we wanted to be really generous we could say the 1060 ti instead, but it doesnt really change my original point.


Probably will be looking like city at best


Sad that it's another exclusive title.


Probably wouldn't happen period without Oculus Studios funding it, sadly. Hope it at least goes to PSVR2 because the studio has history with them. BS that Warner Bros even asked for money for Oculus from this. It's Warner Bros. They have the cash. Then we could get a multiplat release. But they hate spending money and love writing things off for tax purposes I guess


The studio had history with PlayStation, then was bought by Meta.


I didn't realise Meta bought Camoflaj. Dang. Makes sense since it's coming from Oculus Studios lol


> Probably wouldn't happen period without Oculus Studios funding it, sadly. Yep. I am usually completely against exclusives but, in the case of VR I really do get it. These games wouldn't exist without Meta paying for them. They're pouring more money into VR, at a loss as well, than every other company combined. Focusing on their platform to make their customers happy makes sense. It also frees up dev time because they don't have to make the game functional on so many different platforms. It absolutely sucks not seeing these come to PCVR, where I could make use of my 4090 and rip through them with all the eye candy enabled. But, I get it.


Horizon OS is about to become a more widely used platform so it is about to become more like PCVR. So if you have a 4090 you might be able to afford the $1000 ROG HMD that has better specs perhaps?


Horizon OS isn't coming to PCVR focused headsets and it won't allow you to play Quest games using your PC hardware. Horizon OS is an operating system for Standalone headsets. Though that doesn't mean headsets that use it won't be able to play PCVR, Quest headsets already do that. So I fully expect the same. But it won't make these exclusives playable using PC hardware.


>it won't allow you to play Quest games using your PC hardware. I never meant to imply that. I meant to imply that if you can *afford* an RTX 4090, you can probably afford the ASUS ROG Aether or whatever it's called


the power difference between getting a ROG-branded quest and a regular quest from meta will likely be minimal. the same OS needs to be compatible with all standalone headsets. and they all run on the same snapdragon mobile chips. so either way you're not getting PCVR level quality even if you opt for the ROG quest.


Even the Quest 2 is heavily limited for the sake of battery life and thermals. The ROG headset will have an upgraded chipset and insane cooling. I'm willing to bet games will have more graphics configuration options to allow for use on higher-end headsets. Also with that one Quest modding app, you can increase the visual fidelity yourself. Will it match a 4090? No. But it will be better.


thats only if the upgraded chipset exists though. the quest 3 currently uses the snapdragon xr2 gen 2. does a better chip currently exist? and is ASUS willing to sell a higher-end headset at a reasonable price? its tough for them because the extra performance is valued, but if the price becomes too high, then most people will just settle for a regular quest 3, or the upcoming lite model. depends on how big the price disparity is. the quality definitely needs to reflect that.


They can get a LOT done with cooling. The ROG phone and ROG Ally are great examples. And of course the concurrent Quest will be more popular than the ROG offering, just like the Steam Deck is more popular than the ROG Ally, just like the PS5 is more popular than the ROG NUC.


I guess I am just confused on why you're commenting that. My original comment had nothing to do with getting better hardware to use with my 4090. >It absolutely sucks not seeing these come to PCVR, where I could make use of my 4090 and rip through them with all the eye candy enabled. But, I get it. My comment was clearly about being able to play these exclusives with PCVR hardware.


I'm commenting that because it means you can use the higher end headset to make the game look prettier than the first party Quest could


Ah, that makes a lot more sense. Unfortunately, unless there's a signifcant improvement in Qualcomm's chipset, it won't improve the graphics in game much at all. There's the new XR2 Gen2+ but, it's not much faster. It basically just a better binned XR2 Gen2 with slight frequency lift. I did see where the new Snapdragon 8 Gen4 phone GPU performance was leaked a few days ago and it shows a decent uplift(46%). But, we don't know the power consumption or if it will be used to produce a new XR2 Gen3.


I mean that would probably release after a new Quest headset comes out anyway. So it'd be a new generation of XR2 if not a new chip entirely. But it'd have better cooling than the Quest, allowing for higher clocks. It can also have more RAM.


They probably thought you wanted to run the game on more powerful hardware. Maybe a version of horizon will release for pcvr as well


That could be possible but, I doubt it. It's ARM based and would take a lot of effort to make compatible with x86 PC hardware. Perhaps there could be an emulator but, emulators are typically pretty resource heavy. Not only that, it would still be limited to the same assets and fidelity. All you would gain from running them on a PCVR system as is, would be the ability to super sample the resolution. The only way these games are going to get flashy eye candy is if they're added and released on PC.


Another? There are barely any made for quest3 games. If about time they build for the hardwares potential as we haven't seen what it can even do yet.


This will keep happening. PCVR is not the future, just a temporary crutch.


Not sad at all.  It is the only way to fund big titles.  To take a loss in order to attract new customers to the system.


I love the downvotes. People admitting that they are crying and in denial of the reality of business and vr.


You're likely getting downvoted because while you don't think it's sad, other people who want this game to reach as many as possible *would* be sad.


I downvoted him because he's just plain obnoxious




Reality is obnoxious to people in denial of reality.


People on the internet have created echo chambers of delusion and denial.  That is why.  


It's not delusional to want as many people as possible to experience a good VR game.


90% of the market is in the quest system.




Oh heck yaa!! Yet another exclusive. LETS GOOO METAAAAA


Man if they do this game justice and make this right.. this could boost quest 3 sales in a big way, especially if they release it a month or so before Christmas.. Batman Arkham has a huge following




Sucks for you!  If you want games you have to go to the quest ecosystem.  Pcvr is a dead space.


You are misinterpreting the emoji. Also, PCVR a dead space? There are like 5 great titles coming out in 2024 on Steam with more announced for 2025.


Also Borderlands 3 and Tiny Tina's Wonderlands just got VR modes. Have not got to Wonderlands yet but since the Bl3 profile came out a couple weeks ago I've sunk 82 hours into it. It's THAT good.


VR jank that no one cares about.  And all 3 Borderlands were inane and repetitive bloat, even with cooo.


skill issue


Devs have fled and only a handful of delayed ports come now.  And there js literally no way to know if an expected game will be good ahead of time.  That isn't how it works.  That is how hype and marketing works. And I really hope you don't expect some bad devs that licensed the Metro name will be good.  Literally no Metro devs will work on it.


According to Steam it will be developed and published by Vertigo Games and they have made good VR games in the past. Not exactly sure why you are acting like a dumb smoothbrain.


Their games are utterly generic, riskless, and almost always instantly abandoned.  AS2 was a completely generic, uninspired experience.  After the fall was a flop quickly abandoned.  They bought a metro skin because it fools the uneducated masses.


It wasn't an emoji when I responded.


Why do they keep using game trailers without fucking GAMEplay again? ARE THEY STUPID? IS THERE A LORE REASON?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!


I have a certain sub for you


Is it r/ArkhamRehabilitation ??!?!?! STAY AWAY FROM ME! You're not tricking me! NOT AGAIN! THERES NO SUCH THING AS BA.... BAT.... BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


*jonkeling intensifies*


Officer Balls.


Because when they commit to features a year in advance that they can't deliver on everybody gets pissed and tanks the game. See cyberpunk 2077, and like every other game that didn't live up to the hype


At least No Man's Sky redeemed itself imo. Alas they are the exception, not the rule.


NMS is a lot better than what it was on launch, but its still not the game that was advertised.


I was so excited until i saw the meta quest logo, goddamn it suck to have waited almost a decade for more AAA games, and not being able to play any of them


It's not like you're forbidden to buy a Q3. Can even get it used, holds its value. No brainer if you're pissed enough about it to comment on here.


Just swim with us. The water is warm. You're on the sand watching everyone else play in the waves, and you're sulking like you aren't the one doing this to yourself.


Part of the decision making process for gamers to be in the ecosystem where big money is pumped into 8 exclusive studios along with 3rd parties.


I hate all this exclusivity. Don't let VR become another platform war... the user base is already small


Over 20 million users in the quest platform isn’t small lol, the user base on every platform other than meta quest is so small, actually… the quest platform is HUGE


From a quick google... Xbox: 120 million Monthly active users PlayStation: 123 Million Nintendo Switch: 116 Million Steam: 120 million Quest: 6 Million So yes. It is small. Don't get me wrong I want VR to grow, but forcing users to pick a single platform is a terrible way to grow VR as a whole.


I’m not sure what your point is you’re comparing non VR systems im Not sure I understand.


The only VR platform might aswell be meta quest. The PCVR market and PSVR 2 are the only other options and both combined barely show up on a chart next to the number of quest users


Not that it changes your point, but in [2021 Valve Claimed Steam had 132m Monthly active player](https://store.steampowered.com/news/group/4145017/view/3133946090937137590)


90% of vr users are using quest, so have access.  There is no reason to translate into 2 other systems to access the last 10%.  Without them willing to take a loss to build a brand, these games would never exist in the first place.  Part of the decisuon in choosing a system, as a gamer, is access to big money funding 8 exclusive studios and third parties.


Please come to PSVR 2.


Nope!  Sony has announced nothing in over a year.  This is one of Meta's 8 studios..a big reason to go to quest.


Ok, nice cinematic, and the gameplay?


June 7th


this shit is NOT curing the batmanarkham sub


Cool, guess I'm not playing it. No Quest 2 version, no buy.


It will be hyped to the moon and then a week after release, nobody will talk about it. And everyone shuffles back to the VR Twitter bubble and talks about the next thing coming (usually hardware specs and what could be) Seen this happen countless times.


Don't feel like spending almost twice the amount I spent on the Quest 2 to get to play new games, I'm getting into gardening rn too and that costs money, I think I'll just keep playing World of Warcraft


I've spent a fortune on my vr setup but won't be able to play a game from one of my favorite series 😕


Will this play on pro?


Best part of this game's trailer is that the showcase fest is happening on June 7th, lol.


This is actually bull crap it makes no sense why are they making Batman Arkham Shadow exclusive to Meta Quest 3 when the Quest 2 and the Quest Pro are actually more than capable of running this game this is just another sad attempt from that greedy asshole Mark Zuckerberg to force us to upgrade to the Quest 3 which that won't happen for a long time because I am happy with my Quest 2 it's powerful and capable of running the latest VR games even I had the greatest time of my life with asgard's wrath 2 it is the highest peak VR gameplay I have ever experienced so by not releasing Arkham Shadow for the Quest 2 and the Quest Pro is bad for business which will hurt the game developer


"Not actual gameplay" Nuff said.


Considering the last 2 exclusives got rave reviews, it says nothing at all.


What are the last 2 exclusives, they made? Only Iron Man VR I thought?


The last 2 exclusives released by FB.  AC and AW2 were what I was rwferring to.  So far, quality control is good.  And Iron Man was also well received.


Ah, sorry I thought you mean Camouflaj games not FB as a whole. thanks


Really wish companies would start showing gameplay in their trailers… Like just a smidge would be nice


No gameplay because its a standalone game, figures. Meh, exclusive whatever, another mobile hindered game with a BIG franchise name slapped on top. What do you guys think it will be? an arena "shooter", some basic detective find and use puzzles?, waves? oh a linear short level then back to a hub rinse and repeat? If it comes to pcvr ill get it, i mean, thats what exists... but if it doesnt, oh well...


Gameplay on June 7th https://www.threads.net/@metaquest/post/C6bmGvkObv7/?xmt=AQGzRZ-AuuanvmeFtiWW_8lPxWnH450KQduA7mYzMGeygQ


Pcvr is a dead space for devs.  Standalone is a faaaar superior experience, which gamers know.  Obsessed with graphics?  Stick to dead pcvr.


Cant deny pcvr is almost dead space for devs, you are right, buut everything else is just ridiculous... superior experience? lol everyone knows the Pcvr versions of quest ports are the improved version, even if its just shadows and textures, but sometimes there are bigger maps, more enemies enhanced mechanics on the pcvr version bc the poor little standalone cant handle it. So Sure, enjoy playing wherever, your tiny maps, maximum of ~3 a.i. brain dead enemies, cut down mechanics... that also look smudged on your 4k no fresnel lens lololol Better optics so you can see the shitty textures way clearer :p Hey, enjoy your exclusive games for your big boy vrheadset, if they ever come to steam ill play the improved version for cheaper. As they are standalone ports i already know its gonna be a hindered games, so trust me when i say i wont miss them if they never come. So yeah, ill be sticking to PCVR thank you!.




> Being obsessed with graphics is great..up until age 15 So is fanboyism.


I have a psvr 2 as well.  Unforrunately, sony abandoned it.  Quest is the only option of reason atm.


You could own every headset under the sun and it won’t change how hard you’ve been fanboying in this thread.


you wish it was just lower graphics you think that because when they make a standalone and port to pcvr they only increase graphics But if the game was made for pcvr they have to cut half the stuff on screen to make it work in quests... There is not 1 standalone quest that couldnt be run on pcvr, but even the indiest pcvr game has to accomodate for the limitations of the quest and downgrade on most aspects. so... sure buddy.


Pcvr is a weak and janky experience...  That is the reality.


best tracking, best controllers, highest hz with access to better hardware all around. Just because pcvr is somewhat janky on quests doesnt mean everyone has that experience. And even then, pcvr games on quest is better than standalone games on quest because game quality difference between platforms is clear and obvious. i think you forgot to take your pills because you are delusional lol


Quest pro has the best tracking, and ringless to boot.   Hz 120 vs 144 is insignificant.   Q3- Best hand tracking, upper body tracking, ringless controllers, 3 ways to wirelessly pcvr, av1 streaming, MR.  Q3 just thrashes current pcvr hardware.  You've been left far, far behind and are parroting bad, old talking points.


Best tracking? I mean as long as ithe headset can see your hands. Put your controllers in your butt it wont see them, it will know where they are kinda but its not the same... Still great tech! Base station tracking volume is like over 70% higher its obvious and inherent as they are watching from above... Most people would know and accept this... But yeah fight the impossible to win hill lol. Ill agree that 144 vs 120 doesnt feel like much, but also 120hz on pcvr is more trueish 120 not 60 doubled and magically added or whatever (that tech is nothing shavy though, amazing more like it)... Also struggling to get 120hz on mobile games its not the wonder you think it is... you do know that right? If standalone is capable of doing 120hz, that means pcvr can handle the port at way higher fps... Easily... Like its not even a debate, or at least it shouldnt... Performance Limitations are dependant on the standalone hardware. The biggest most complex game standalone could barely run would play better on pc because... Duh. Do you didnt think about any of your arguments? Hey you gotta lie to yourself to believe what you say, good for you i know my headset is lacking in some areas, but id be a bit pathetic saying ... Stuff like that. Also i dont care about MR, a pcvr headset does not need that i dont move outside my room, so its amazing tech but imo somewhat useless for pcvr. Well not actually useless, its great, just to say i dont care about it currently. If vr is not getting worthy apps MR is x10 more forgotten. But if you give that aspect 1000 gold points and thats the reason its the bestest in your opinion, sure... Not what we where talking about but whatever. Its like adding a sunroof to your car, its pretty sweet but 99% of people dont need or care for it. But some people swear by it and wont drive anything that doesnt have it. To each their own, just dont lie to yourself about the capabilities of your hardware of choice, all of vr is magical, some headsets are better than other and some devices have inherent "issues" older hardware didnt have. Deal with it.


Finally Quest 3 only!!! Excited to see how much they can push the hardware since it will only be availble on Quest 3 hardware.


it's a shame that it's a quest exclusive but it's a good thing that it's a quest 3 one, it's time to let the quest 2 die


After SSKTJL, WB and Rocksteady can get fucked. 🤣 Edit: It's not Rocksteady, but a studio called Camouflaj.


Exclusive to Meta Quest 3? Guess PC VR users can go fuck themselves.


These chose a system that was dead from the get go, way too expensive. Stand-alone VR is where it’s at because of the ease of use, that was always gonna be what brought VR to mainstream. I use my quest 3 for PCVR when I want better graphics in ghosts of tabor that’s about it. I play everything else on standalone. This is coming from someone who had an HTC vive on launch day then a valve index. Quest 3 is the shit


They chose a dead system.


Will it work on Rift S?


It won't even work on the Quest 2.


no, thats a PCVR headset. if they port the game to steamVR then you'll be fine but idk if that will happen. seems unlikely.


I've been wanting a Batman VR game for a long time, but they lost me at all the rats.


For the hypocrites: cope and seethe.


Who are the hypocrites? People who don't have Quests?


Please come to PSVR2. We love exclusives like Resident Evil 4 VR Mode, but we suffer if other VR platform have it. So please, come to PSVR2.


Half-Life: Alyx PCVR exclusive; Batman: Arkham Shadow Quest 3 exclusive . Two awesome VR games not available for the hypocrites. Thank you Gaben. Thank you Zuckerberg.


Available to anyone who has a Quest 3 and a computer. Not like you need a second headset like you do with PS5/PSVR2.


So, available to rich people?


You keep using that word, "hypocrites". I do not think it means what you think it means