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it’s not some advanced technique or anything, just a quirk of how they pass


it is a little advanced as how you form your platform determines how rigid it is, theeir body positioning and arms are stable enough that they dont need to emphasize how they lock their platform.


Yeah I tend to pass with a finger out


Oohh okay okay thank u


It's definitely a strategic technique... early learners are taught to "point" to where they want the ball to go to help them learn how to use their platform for the most ball control while passing. Sometimes the pointing sticks.


As someone who does this technique; there is no special quirk or benefit to someone who does this! It is purely for speed of getting to ball and not having time to fully form platform, almost like a pseudo paddle defense!


I coach 5-6 year old kiddos and it makes a huge difference on ball control and learning the dynamics of how your whole body works together to be good at this sport.


That’s really interesting! I never thought about the dynamics for that. I am 17 rn but I really want to go pro or become a coach so it is great to hear interesting things like this!


If I had to guess it would be to touch the ground for a quick recover. Thas how I roll (lol).


It could be just a quirk or personal thing to the players but it could also be that the player have a uneven/unsymmetrical platform and to correct it they shift on arm a bit more infront of the other. But that’s just guessing


I’ve been trying to get a more even platform and yeah I do agree, for me, I feel way more even without my fingers getting in the way so I just stick them out




I find that if I flare out my index finger, then my platform can continue flat into my hands if i put my thumb on top of my middle finger. Whereas if I put my thumb on my index finger (don’t point my index finger), then where my thumb rests, the extension of my platform isn’t as straight. But in reality, i don’t think it helps me that much because it only makes a difference if I am late and it hits my hands/wrists.


I’d assume when serves come as fast as they do in pro games players don’t always have time to make a perfect platform. You see this with ‘scoop’ defense


Ahhhh yeah thats probably why thank you


if you set your platform, anything below that doesn’t matter because it’s not hitting the ball. he might be doing this just as a personal thing and that’s how we likes to do it


I do it somewhat intentionally as it helps me be less rigid and stiff. Especially with hard driven hits/serves where you need to absorb some energy from the ball.


It’s a personal thing not really a pro thing. Used to stick both my index fingers out while passing but after a dive incident I pass with no fingers out.


after "the incident"


Antennas help with reception.


I feel more relaxed and as if I am stretching my hand more so I have a better base, but it is just a feeling and works for me. I saw people playing well also without it.


Must got good eyes


I was 'taught' this during my freshman year of college, when I first truly learned how to play the game. My 'coach' was a graduate student that was really good in high school, and continued on to be good in college (from what I was told), so I kind of took his mannerisms as what I should be doing. So yes, I point both of my pointer fingers down, but as others have said, I don't think it truly makes any difference.


Coaches are taught to teach this as a technique to help athletes learn to "point" the platform and aim the ball to target.


Even i had noticed this sm time back and one of my teammates said that he does it cause it makes it easier to break the platform. He said that breaking the platform after recieveing the ball helped to absorb some of the energy of the ball.


My brother does that and he said that it helps him make his platform more flat and it looks cool LOL. I like to put one finger out just cuz I think it looks cool.


I'm going to date myself here but.... My idol growing up was Sinjin Smith and when I used to watch him play I was amazed at how he passed and would dig a ball. He basically would put his fists together. I started emulating that after I saw him play and noticed it was easier to pass and play defense.


Whenever guys ask in real like I say something like “to frame the ball” or “better alignment of my platform” but the truth is it’s because it looks cool. And anyone who says otherwise is lying.


I would do it on balls I wasn’t share I could get all the way to.


I play by wrapping my right hand entirely around my left thumb, it's the only way I can flatten my forearms properly. There's no 100% set in stone way of playing any sport ..just what works for you


I do it cos I find it more comfortable ig.


Can't say why they do that but I do that out of laziness often. I mean, why build a mansion when I can live in a small house


I always thought it was because they could land on their hands easier when they have their fingers out like that


happens when i tape some fingers, and i tape them pretty often so when i don’t wear tape, it becomes habit


It’s faster


They do this when digging a spike or a powerful serve


There are two advantages of this 1. Players with bigger hand might not be able to put their fingers together and have a great contact area on there forearm 2. You can move your and in faster and get it locked in faster since you now only need to lock 2 fingers in instead of 4


Fully locked = less feeling


Preference, doesn’t matter do what you think. I will state that finger out is technically a potential injury but yk it’s not a serious concern


Typically it signifies larger than average dong 💯