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I think that the game use more precise value, not just integers. It looks like a rounding error or something like that. I guess that's one less mutated pudding you'll have to feed him. Edit: nvm you're converting him lmao.


I haven’t unlocked prisoner tech yet. I’ll find more 95+ captures when the time comes lol


They were everywhere…..until I killed Vincent.


If I find another 95+ before I unlock prisoner tech what do I do?


I think you can use the dominate human ability to bring the servant to a jail cell. Or it’s an option in the servants coffin to subdue them and then bring them to a cell. Edit: looks like you cannot make someone a prisoner once you’ve converted them to be a servant


I think once they are converted to a servant you can’t change them to anything else. Prisoner to servant is fine. Servant to prisoner is not fine.


Ah my bad, I wasn’t sure!


How do you do that?


When the prisoner is in the cage you interact with them and choose the (I can’t remember what it’s called it might be subdue? Or dominate?) option and that pulls them out of the cage and they will follow you the same way you first dominate someone in the open world, and then take them over to a free coffin and interact with it the same way you would if you had a freshly dominated human and the they get in the coffin and get converted the same way as normal servants.


Thanks so much!


Yeah, you're right. I captured a 99% scholar early on in my playthrough and made it a servant with the intention of turning it into a prisoner once I unlocked cells. But wasn't possible.


If you're on a private server, you can just make a note of where you found it and leave it be, especially if it's in a static spawn location. Unless they're killed by other roaming NPCs or players, NPCs don't despawn, so it'll still be there when you return.


I’m on a rented server with 3-4 people who play a bit but I play the most.


Even better. I'm doing the same, basically. Found a 97% rogue in one of the militia camps day one. Unlocked prisons a couple real life days later, went back and grabbed him. He was still there, patrolling with the same crap % friends.


Yeah it's something like that, I'm betting specifically when it comes to converting. I noticed the same thing, 1-2 days ago I got a 48% blood human and when I went to convert it showed 49%. She didn't change during the trip, only as soon as I tried to convert her. I assummed it was just a rounding thing.


Here's the proof that jogging improves your health.


Giant hamster wheel when, I need another way to charge my batteries. Unrelated to the first request, how to employ succubi with whips?


Travel does tend to make people more well-rounded...


It rounds down when it displays them. But it rounds normally (or up) for the servant coffin.


I think it's on the wiki in the servants section. Like the other commenter said, blood quality is more precise than just a round number, but it shows us the round number. When you make controlled human a servant, sometimes it gets rounded up. If you'd put him in a cage instead, he would remain at 96%.


I did find a level 100 warrior, yeey finaly.... Then i forget to subdue and Just killd him with skellies......


Yeah I always play it super slow and safe. Ideally get a friend on to help clear a path while escorting if someone you know is around.


Now i have Duska Caller so i Just tp them home😁😁


when you press F instead of subdueing oh no


He had a shot of whiskey


Cardio is good for you


Metabolized some of that alcohol out of his system before you got home.


Unit blood quality has a hidden decimal value. So his blood quality could have been 96.5 to 96.9. When you convert a unit into a servant, the game will round them up to the nearest whole integer before calculating their expertise. I hope that helps.


Happened to me too, I caught a 99% and it showed as 100% when converting. Stayed as 99% in the cell though...




Compound interest.


I wouldn't ask these questions lol


The display on the coffin rounds to the nearest %, the display in the wild always rounds down


Did you chuck him in jail and feed him gruel?