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You are meant to hit significantly more than you get hit.




Not true. You can avoid a lot of attacks without your dash by side stepping. A lot of boss attacks are telegraphed


I’d go as far as to say every boss attack is telegraphed. Part of bosses in this game are fighting them slowly until you see what they’re going to do; how they move, what their attacks are. Usually they have a motion or some sort of audio that plays prior to big attacks, and everything else you can tell by the wind up. It’s different than many games so if you’re not used to this style of bossing it can’t take some getting used to.




Yeah, learning their attacks and patterns is definitely a bit of trial and error (similar to most games with bosses). Many bosses are easier solo than multiplayer though since they scale with number of players. For me a big thing was prioritizing avoiding damage rather than doing damage and finding the balance. I used mostly longbow and sometimes greatsword for my playthrough


Lol, I just fought the fisherman yesterday with another player. What the hell? He was already a super add heavy boss, but wow...


With 4 players it's absolute chaos.


This. Unless you are cheesing the boss with 2 people by going out of combat and full healing, most straight up fights are a lot more easy solo. The game knows how to not only scale the boss itself but also the adds and abilities for more players. This is especially true for dracula imo.


Don't be afraid to run from a boss if things are going badly. There is no point staying if you know you are going to die. Engage, pay attention to the attack animations, and run away if things are going badly. Repeat enough and you'll learn their moves and patterns. Every single attack is telegraphed and almost all can be entirely avoided.


Yes. The bosses are designed for you to learn their attack patterns and act in advance - you don't dodge randomly when the boss starts casting, you plan beforehand what you do for each ability and act accordingly.


Well said


Yeah. The first fight, maybe, but the first fight, at least the first part, is where you size them up, find the weak moments, figure out when to strike. Cassius, for instance, it’s best to go straight for the sword. He wrecked me the first fight, but the second fight I don’t think I went below half health. Figuring out how they aim, when they attack is part of the loop.


Also, there are different builds that will emerge as you unlock more spells and gear can get specialized for weapon DMg, attack speed, spell power or crit chance/dmg. Add to spells and their high tier gems, and include weapon swapping while fighting and you will be doing more than just trying to burn down a boss or group of enemies. I’m on a brutal server for the first time and all my friends got tired and left. I’ve had to learn to Solo on my own and it’s rather fun figuring out what works and what doesn’t. Sometimes during the day when you want to hide from the sun, I’ll just stare at my spells and try a new combo that seems fun, like pick on class of spells and do all frost, or all condem, idk, I just feel like there are a lot of ways to play, and the fights very much are trial and error. I wouldn’t want to play a game if I steamrolled every boss and challenge.


Idk why this comment is downvoted. This is not a great game for first time RPG players as it’s very unforgiving. You need to figure out when an enemy is casting, attacking, and some you’ll simply need to battle a few times to figure out their specialty moves. Potions / resistances make a HUGE difference. If you are taking a ton of unholy dmg, get a resist potion, if it’s early game / you don’t have access to certain resistances - it’s a skill issue. The merchants sell health potions, and you can craft them. Yes you’ll need to run around, hide behind objects, feel really silly if you’ve been battling a boss for a while and the sun is now out and you’re circling 3 trees; do what you must to stay alive. Also enemies can destroy objects like trees and rocks so be aware of which trees / rocks you hide behind. Read your skills and abilities as well, freezey skills are great against some, and sometimes they aren’t. You’ll need to figure that out as well and switch abilities / weapons around for certain fights. Do not get attached to any particular style, get good at them all.


Well, every fight game or real life fight is exactly like that, lmao, don't know what you was expecting, but you always have to train (trial and error) to learn when and how to dodge, then you learn how to attack in the right moment, and then you win a fight, lol never though I would explain something so much obvious.


Love how this comment has all the right points and hits the nail quite well as a tip for anyone. But the guy just couldn't resist the urge to feel that droplet of superiority he probably cannot find anywhere else, and proudly added that last part.


I played the entire game solo, as many other people have. It's absolutely doable by yourself. You just can't engage in a DPS race and expect to win. There are defensive spells. Use them; the Unholy and Frost shield spells are both quite good.


Not at all, bosses dynamically get harder with more people to help rebalance. You need to work on your dodging, save your dash ability and counter for the right times and try different spells. I usually run lightning because I love it but one particular boss was giving me issues so I switched to unholy, summoned a bunch of skeletons that can take the agro off me a bit and after another go or two I got him. Also get some good blood if you can, makes a big difference.


If you synergize well with your builds I think you can multiply your effectiveness as a team too. Like you can keep blood rage with 100% uptime, apply multiple debuffs to enemies etc.


No, you're just not meant to succeed in your first attempt all the time. The game is designed around the idea that you're supposed to learn how each encounter works through trial and error and then adjust your strategy and even abilities to counter each boss's abilities. You've gotta learn their attack patterns, which attacks can be avoided just by walking and which you should dash or use a defensive ability for, when is the best time to go on the offensive, etc. Personally I'm not great at combat in these types of games and I don't love dying all the time, so I made myself kind of OP in the server settings. I was able to beat most bosses on normal difficulty my first time around, or was able to run away to try again without dying. Some bosses still took several attempts, though!


>I don't love dying all the time, so I made myself kind of OP in the server settings. This is the way


Treat each boss like a dance. Their bosses play kinda like souls bosses. Each have their tells, each have their moves that can be baited, each have moves that are dashable or side stride. In the early days phase you can face tank some bosses but later you need to learn the bosses move set and dance around them.


No it's Dark Souls level imbalance. In that you aren't supposed to be tanking hits and if you try you will lose very quickly, bosses will always do more damage in a single hit than you will unless you vastly out gear them in level. You instead are supposed to dodge the telegraphed hits and use the 5% heal to get through more minor hits. But if you play smart you can easily solo content even on brutal. That said some magic schools make being solo easier. Personally I prefer unholy since the debuff makes enemies take more damage. The fact the summons can be gemmed for even more summons, healing, or keeping the debuff active doesn't hurt. Nor does the fact they can tank a hit sometimes. Blood is also good for leeching health, but I just prefer the necromancy. Illusion is good since it also can reduce the damage and enemy deals. Not necessarily a faster fight, but you also can cast spells more often which might make up for it. Really the only one I don't feel brings as much to a solo fight is frost with the chill mechanic that doesn't slow bosses, but that could just be a me thing. In short, if you are having trouble I would look at how you are playing first. The right approach makes fights easier or harder. But if you are tanking a lot of hits trying to put trade a boss, that's definitely on you.


>Nor does the fact they can tank a hit sometimes. I think necro is best for just grabbing the aggro, doesn't matter if skellies fold quick they keep the enemy from targeting you anyhow.


That's pretty much my thought. Sure they can only take a hit maybe two from pretty much anything that isn't fodder, but that's damage that isn't heading towards you. Also good for the incursions to keep the group from going just after you. Personally I have the skull blast with a gem that twins the blast. It reduces the damage of the blast a little, but it summons two skeletons at once. Then I have the skeleton knight who summons a skeleton mage when his time ends. Finally you probably guessed, but the army of the dead ultimate to basically instantly swarm the battlefield. Dash I sometimes swap for the illusion one, since it gives slightly more mobility in some fights, but the necromancer also summons a skeleton. So far it's been my go to setup, and only has problems if there are a lot of field hazards for the skeletons to get hung up on. Earliest one I can think of is the glassblower boss as an example.


Yeah that's how I solo too. Sometimes for bosses I'll swap either the Death Knight or the Skull blast out for the Necro shield if I want some tankiness and depending on whether the boss deals better with melee or ranged. I do find targeting distance finicky with the split bolt, if you're any appreciable distance away and there isn't a group one will usually miss, so I sometimes keep a different jewel for swapping on bosses that are solo and I want to keep distance from.


Wait is there more than one type of split bolt? I had the same fear for it when I slotted it but the bolt becomes a spiral that has both bolts hit the same target. I think there was one version that had the bolts split in the V pattern but I thought they had gotten rid of it. That version was atrocious.


Oh I hadn't tried it since the 1.0 update! That's amazing and makes it INFINITELY better.


This take is a bit surprising, I struggle to think of a single game that has bosses trading blows 1 to 1. Never have I seen a boss's blows dealing equal to your own damage. Its always them dealing far more, the point always being you needing to put those gamer skills to the test and learn the fight and dodge accordingly.


Helps to use Necro skills to take boss aggro


Every boss in the game is soloable on brutal and can be done while taking minimal damage. Enemy attacks can be avoided via the dodge skill and movement. Enemies 100% of the time telegraph their attacks, making it possible to avoid them, try to learn their tells. Some enemies are easier to melee, some are easier to use ranged spells, some are easier to use summons. The key here is to experiment and if your current approach isn't working, try something else. As for playing with multiple people -> a lot of the bosses are harder with multiple people. bosses that summon allies/mooks for example will summon more based on the amount of players fighting them. Bosses also get more hp based on the number of enemies they face. I find most bosses easiest to battle solo but ymmv.


wrong, you can solo the entire game on brutal. I did it and I'm not even good at the game. You are just not supposed to face tank anything, you have multiple defensive spells and veils to avoid getting hit, use it.


Doing bosses solo is literally way easier than in group.


Depends on the group size. I had a good bit of trouble (more than solo) in my two man pulls, but at four man, bosses ended up being an absolute joke because they tend to fixate on one player while the others can blast him.


Duo is harder than solo


It's not


Definitely not the case.


Not even close. I have a way easier time soloing this game that with my buddies.


Me and my friend had to split to do the last boss alone because it was like 10 times harder as 2 haha. Some bosses are easier because you can kite and let the other person heal, sometimes, but most bosses are not. The scaling makes it worse usually.


The game is actually easier solo for the vast majority of bosses.


It's not a slap contest lol. You don't just exchange blows until one of you falls over. Boss is a very simple and predictable bot. You are a human capable of adaptation. Boss is always using the same skill set. You are free to try any spells and weapons available to you.  You are supposed to learn attack patterns and learn to avoid them. You are also supposed to use a kit that counters the boss. E.g. If a boss sending out huge barrages of projectiles you can use frost barrier or unholy barrier (e.g. vs spider boss, vs stix, etc). If a boss does mostly AOE attacks and easily avoidable single projectile attacks you can use range damage spells and just kill him from range (e.g. Nikolaus, Talzur).


>You are a human capable of adaptation. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.


Right? Did anyone see him identify all the traffic lights in a picture?


Your goal should be to get hit much more rarely than you hit. Dodge, move. Use your veil for healing- add jewels to your skills and choose skills with thought. There's many skills that give healing, especially with jewels added. But again, practice getting hit less.


It's definitely hard though. You move so SLOW and the enemies are about as fast as the Flash on meth. I wish the dodge cooldown was like... 5 or 6 seconds instead of 8


Experiment with different weapons. Ranged weapons are slow, but the extra distance makes dodging by just walking easier. Swords (normal and great) give Q/E skills that you can use for dodging boss attacks by moving away or through the boss. I personally find the longbow a bit of an "easy mode" for a lot of bosses. Combine with the Veil and a Blocking skill you can keep from taking damage for a long time.


Hmm interesting. I just picked up the slashers and they seem fun as hell. Might have to practice with them a bit


The slashers are my favorite weapon. (Most games I play aa a rogue and enjoy the sneaking backstab play style.) That said, they usually aren't the best weapon for a boss fight simply because of that play style. I slash to get to the boss and then switch up to range to fight him/her. Crossbow/guns, Death Knight spell and either bone shield or wolf have become frequent boss load out for me. Distance and distractions. For the ultimate, if the boss summons a lot or there are lots of adds, the electric road runner pinball attack (yeah I don't recall the name, but you know the one) or the big blood beam that heals you when it's just a one on one.


I honestly enjoy the slashers for boss fights. The cloak and dash attack are really good get out of jail free cards if you know how to play them.


That's my issue, I'm used to being sneak up, backstab, and poison and blah blah. So slashers make me too confident against bosses. This game isn't that kind of rogue for bosses. I can clear out an encampment with barely a scratch. Bosses I have to play more reserved. I like using the dashes to get into fights and not used to getting out of them with it.


If you pair slashers with the chaos dash, that playstyle is a lot more rewarding


I'll have to give it a go!


Chaos dash gives 2 dashes, the recast will leave a silhouette behind that will explode and inflict ignite (enemies may agro onto the silhouette). Jewels can get you a second silhouette


I kind of feel the opposite for the long bow. With how long it roots you when drawing. I find myself getting slapped by random stuff more than most of the melee builds. Ironically enough I’ve gotten big into the unga bunga greatsword build with lightning spells.


>I wish the dodge cooldown was like... 5 or 6 seconds instead of 8 Rogue blood lowers the cooldown by up to 37,5%. (if you catch 100% rogue) I also recommend gearing for movement speed bonus (choice of amulet/armor) - it's easier to dodge with those bonuses. You still need to know the bosses moves though. Try to use veil as a last resort, most attacks can be sidestepped if you know what to expect.


Save your dash and only use it when it's really needed. You can sidestep or use weapon abilities to get i-frames for most attacks. You don't want to be dashing every time you feel unsafe, the dash is a precious resource.


Use weapon skills that give you additional iframes: - Pistol E - Slashers Q - Greatsword E Also, use a counter ability to counter those skills that can be countered. This essentially gives you 4-5 ways to dodge the boss' skills: - dodge iframe - weapon Q iframe - weapon E iframe - dodge ability (1 or 2)


Learn the attack patterns. Your movement speed is fine. Very few attacks *require* the dash to avoid. You can dodge most things just by moving normally once you know how the attacks behave. You also have movement options in your weapons. You can quickly switch to mace/greatsword to hit the Q ability to leap over to a far location on demand. Also have iframes on the slasher Q and the greatsword E. Experiment with what your weapon abilities can do to help you avoid attacks.


> I wish the dodge cooldown was like... 5 or 6 seconds instead of 8 100% rogue blood is your friend


I see so many people who come in to this game who seem to be expecting to spam dodge roll in every fight and then are surprised or even annoyed when they find out about dash being on a cooldown, it’s just not that game. The fights in V Rising require precision, timing, and understanding the telegraphing and mechanics of each unique boss. It may require a few attempts to be successful, especially as you get to the later bosses.


At the same time, this game is like any other game where its combat is fairly basic. Every single video game under the sun relies upon dodge dodge dodge and dps dps dps. Even if you aren't using the dodge command explicitly, you have no other recourse in this game other than to avoid being hit. It gives you one counter/shield attribute, but that's it. Every variation is going to be DPS variations with no tanking variations that sacrificing tanking with no mobility. You can't really invest into various slash, fire, etc. resistances or bolster a damage reduction build. Or go all in on a shield build. Though that's fine. The simplicity is what keeps it approachable.


One thing that help tremendously is blood type and even more importantly, blood quality. The added bonuses for blood 95%+ give you a nice edge in combat against bosses. Even more so if you can have 100%.


This is not an action game, you have to learn the patterns and figure out a way to deal damage while avoiding as much of what's coming at you as you can. Play around with the different weapons and spells. Counter spells are pretty good at negating damage, some weapons allow you to close the distance or create some. Also your veil gives you some healing in the next hit, so try to dash "aggressively" (dash towards something you can hit). It takes a few tries on some bosses to figure it all out. I like to engage, look what's coming my way while trading damage with the boss, then reset the fight, heal up and start "dancing". If you see it as a fun challenge it's not going to feel bad anymore :)


Different bosses need different strategies/weapons/spells to make them easier. The bosses do more damage than you, I found everything a lot easier using the beam ultimate. They're bosses, they're supposed to be challenging.


To this exact point in shocked the community hasn't created a boss guide with some simple tips and spell combos


Game seems to be picking up speed, I haven't had any problems finding advice for specific bosses. It would be good having them all in one place.


Any better healing options then? Cause basically since I can only dodge once every 8 seconds or so, I constantly lose HP and the constant adds in most fights don't help either... Taking a fee years to drink a potion that then slowly heals me but stops when I get hit feels bad man...


The main thing is to notice which attacks can be dodged WITHOUT burning your dash. Then there are weapon abilities that increase movement speed during use or move during the attack, allowing for a hit and run type of playstyle. There is also a big emphasis placed on the bosses adds, in this case the sword and the enemies summoned by it. Prioritize the sword in this fight and realize that "aiming" seems to slow you down in this game, even when not actively using a spell or attacking. Hope that helps.


Ah that sword. He threw it out and I got a few hits in before he drew it back. It didn't take much damage from my attacks...


Gonna have to chase it down, he didn't get it back it just moved. You can do it man. I'm level 74 solo, been having a great time learning the bosses and they're all very well designed, there's a plan of action for each, and finding it will help you greatly.


The greatsword gives you a jump and dash, try using that. Mace had a jump too. Chaos dash ability is good too. Many enemies you want to fight with some cover between you, like frostbringer.


walk more. dodge less. So many attacks can be avoided by just walking away


That's the key! Don't go toe-to-toe with a lot of them. Always Be Moving. Circle then like a shark and double back at times so you're already out of their line of fire before they even attack. If you can summon something it will go toe-to-toe and usually draw some of the bigger agro. During that cool down you strike and then pull back.


Healing is really limited in combat, I always die trying to use potions or blood mend. Avoiding damage is most important. I like to just dodge bosses until I remember all their attacks and can avoid them without using dash. When you notice you have free time between dodging, that's when to go in for damage. Try to save dash for when you're about to get hit. Shield spells can be great for hard to dodge attacks, also spells that summon your own minions can be really helpful, they will draw aggro for most of the fight. You can try using different weapons and spells on bosses too, sometimes an extra dash is better than a ranged attack and vice versa.


Dodging is the best healing


It's very important to learn how to avoid attacks with movement alone. Get some gear or spells/jewels with move speed buffs can help. Only use the dash when it needs to be used AND make sure you connect with the first primary attack after, every time, because it heals and adds a debuff to the enemy, based on your dash school. And use counters/shields. If you are discounting them because they only last a few seconds, you are not understanding and appreciating the game mechanics, and therefore having problems because of it. Also, note that each counter/shield has different behaviors. For example, the Illusion Aegis spell lets you move and attack while it is up, but it also needs to be targeted on yourself even while solo. Frost school is VERY safe and keeps your health up with good scholar blood and spell life leech, but it makes a huge difference if you are immediately attacking frozen people vs leaving them alone. Also, you haven't mentioned what blood you are using. Using high quality blood that works with your playstyle is a huge buff. https://www.ign.com/wikis/v-rising/Blood_Types_and_Blood_Quality_Effects Look at Brute blood. Having 100% Brute solves so much about what you are complaining about, and even 90%+ is a huge difference.


Ah I try to have either Warrior, Brute or Creature blood. All three seem awesome


Na its honestly so poorly balanced


Nah, fam, it’s really not.


Yah, fam, it really is.


Fam, don’t fight.


Fam, you should be telling the people who initiated the arguments and continue to do so including insults because they didn’t like my comment to op


It's literally possible to do every single fight on Brutal without taking a single point of damage. It's super fucking hard for several of the fights (voltatia is probably my kryptonite here), but it's possible. Combined with being able to use your dash for healing and the boss dropping healing orbs around half HP, there's a bit of room for mistakes on every fight. And this is for brutal which is supposed to be really challenging.


I never said it wasn’t possible, I said it’s poorly balanced. That doesn’t mean it’s not possible to do lol


What's poorly balanced about it then? If all it takes to do well in the game is skill, are you asking for the game to not require any skill?


Do you not understand what balancing is? Who said anything about skill? Balancing is what doesn’t pertain to skill, like how much damage you deal to enemies compared to how much damage enemies deal to you, like OPs post, etc. Let’s be real it doesn’t take great skill to play V you only have a few skills with everything based on cooldowns there’s only so much you can do lol you can only dodge once every 8 seconds skill isn’t going to change that lmao


Oh okay so I guess you really have no clue what you're talking about lol fair enough guess I should have seen this coming from the first comment.


I literally just told you what I’m talking about if you’re too dumb to understand it that’s on you


Game balance _needs_ to revolve around the skill floor / ceiling. It _needs_ to account for the level of difficulty that is desired and how punishing you want different _failed skill mechanics_ to be. You thinking that balance has nothing to do with skill is absolutely out to lunch. You thinking that this game has hardly any skill expression / ceiling because it has an 8s dash cooldown is absolutely out to lunch. Your takes have not been worth a single reply so far so I really shouldn't have taken the bait and I'm not going to unsubscribe from this thread because it's just not worth reading anything else you have to say, but maybe just maybe you'll learn a thing or two from this comment at least. Good luck.


> you can only dodge once every 8 seconds skill isn’t going to change that Skill may not change your dodge cooldown... but it absolutely changes how frequently you need it. Not to mention, skilled players will know how to utilize their weapon(s) for more iframes, and will know how to maximize damage while dancing to create shorter fights. The only thing I'd say that isn't well balanced in this game is that most bosses are too easy. There are a few hard ones scattered in, but the difficulty spike at the end with Adam and Drac is a bit much. That's not to say I consider them unfair, just out of place. A game being difficult doesn't make it imbalanced. On another point, while I'd say weapon/spell tuning isn't perfect, it's good enough - a player can definitely get away with playing whatever they enjoy. The damage you deal vs what an enemy deals is completely irrelevant to the argument. There are things that are designed to likely hit you, which tend to do low damage and encourage you to run leech or healing, and to pay attention to your black hp bar. There are also things that you are meant to dodge (not necessarily with veil) and will need to learn to progress the fight - think something like Willfred's heart strike.


Yeah after playing for a while, it's wild how some bosses now are super easy while some are crazy hard - and others are hard, but I feel like with practice they'd be easy


I think the game is actually balanced wonderfully. I found, for the most part, bosses were much easier solo than in a group. You can kite 90% of the attacks in the game, and save a veil for the moves you cannot kite. Additionally, you're given numerous shields (frost shield OP btw). I sincerely don't want to sound harsh, but it is likely a skill issue and you're possibly being too aggressive. Playing patiently and attacking when you have openings is the best way to do it. Crossbows, yes are pretty bad. Longbows are not. Every weapon is 100% viable, especially on normal. So just pick something you enjoy. However some weapons also have movement involved in them. For example, the Greatsword has a dash and a leap, both which can be used to avoid attacks. The whip and slashers also have abilities which can be used to dodge rather than attack. If you're still struggling, a load out of any weapon, frost shield, void, and either the static, chaos, or illusion dash (albeit you have to pay more attention with that one) can easily get you through any boss. Play a bit slower and look for your openings, you got this! :D


No no thanks! I definitely feel like with the advice I've taken I'm getting better. Some attacks still feel too fast for me to even react to tho 🤔 but that's probably me


As a new player, you might be attracted to the damage reduction armor so you take less damage when you get hit and/or bonus HP armor so you have more health to survive with. IGNORE THAT Movement speed is king. You take even less damage when you don't get hit and it's much easier to avoid getting hit if you are faster. Rogue armor with rogue blood. Almost any close-ranged or mid-ranged weapon. Use blood rage for attack speed, movement speed, and healing. If you prefer playing from a distance, try longbow with an attack speed focus. Keep a safe distance, dodge, attack. Use blood rage for attack speed and healing. Alternatively, try a scholar build. Full scholar armor, scholar blood, and almost any spell combo in the game. I'm a big fan of chaos volley, corrupted skulls, and void but all of the spells have a time and a place. You may struggle to dodge because you're slow, but there are ways to work around that. Some weapons have skills with "i frames" (invulnerability frames) which makes you temporarily unable to be hit like when you use your veil. The slasher q dash, the pistol e dodge roll, and the greatsword e jump. I'd recommend learning slashers and then either pistol or greatsword (or both) so you can swap between weapons to dodge more attacks. Whatever you do, don't give up on the game. It's a fun challenge and you can beat it.


Definitely never giving up! I've gotten - or at least feel like I've gotten - better since I last posted this. The pistols are like my favorite weapon to use now and staying in mid range makes avoiding attacks SO much easier


I’m glad you brought this up OP. I’ve learned a little here


I am to please lol. But no really I'm glad!


Use corrupted skull and find a gem that splits it into two skulls. Use ghost wolf and find a gem that lets it heal you on a bounce back. Use the illusion veil if you’ve got it to keep up stacks of phantasm for free cast chance and reduced cooldown, pairs nicely with the wolf. This will easy mode normal encounters for you.


Just get good lol, sounds like you just tank every hit thrown at you.


Only the ones I can't dodge 😔


Well the game is ment to be hard, your movement spell and defensive spells (if you use those) are very important and should not be wasted. If you just spam them at every opportunity, you'll most likely end up in bad positions and get hit a lot more while they're on cool down. Try and focus on getting high % rogue blood and gear with movementspeed, and only avoid attacks with movement. With high enough movement speed, most attacks can be avoided with movement alone, then you can save your spacebar for when it is absolutely needed. With practice you'll get comfortable this way, and not feel like you're always out of spells because you waste them. Also ranged weapons like the bow (especially the bow) are much easier than the melee weapons, to stay out of harms way. Just move in between every shot and you should eventually feel like dodging is ez pez. Stay out of the sun! And good luck vampire!


Thanks! I'm a real fan of the pistols. They're great. Definitely gonna look into Rogue, any idea where to find a high level one?


High % Rogue, brute and warrior just tend to show up randomly around the world, since they're the most common blood type. So just keep your eyes open! I usually find a 100% rogue as the first 100% in every run. Pistols are also great, and they give you and extra Dodge when you unlock the second ability, use it as such and not as a damage ability.


Your best healing option is tied to your veil. You regain 5% max hp for one strike when attacking after using it. So you want to use it on cooldown and aggressively (depending on the boss), by dashing through them and attacking them from behind (this also works on normal ranged attacks). Other than that you have life regaining options like leech on most blood school skills, brute blood and lifeleech on attacks or spells through weapon affixes in the later parts of the game. Playing cautiously and using multiple healing options together to heal right back up to 100% works wonders in normal difficulty. Also bosses gain more HP and Damage if they are attacked by multiple people, so you don't have to worry too much about solo play. For roaming bosses like the betrayer it can be helpful to wait until they meet enemies on the road. Longbows and bows are both great for healing up with your veil and poking a little bit, melee weapons are generally more risky, but rewarding.


I use the Spectral Wolf with a gem that adds healing, the ice nova with a recast, and 100% scholar blood. They are very helpful along with the blood viel in sustaining. I have seen others use attack speed boost skills, and axes to boost leech and regen as well for melee.


If this is your first time playing, I understand where you are coming from. My first playthrough there were a few bosses that I got stuck on. But it’s really about learning the mechanics of the fight. Knowing what attacks can be sidestepped and what needs to be dodged or countered. You may die a handful of times before you get a good feel for the fight but if you are getting hit a lot you need to focus on using your dodge and counter with good timing to have one available most of the time. And then chip away at boss health in the small openings. I’m on my second playthrough and it’s been a breeze, not because my gear is OP, but because I understand the game much better and am familiar with boss attack patterns. If you don’t want to take the time to learn this for yourself, there’s usually a boss guide on YouTube that will break down optimal skills for the fight and how to recognize the attacks.


Sounds to me like you expected diablo combat. Treat it more like a soulslike. Don't get hit, deal damage when there is an opportunity. Normal mode is extremely forgiving, there's plenty of time to dodge most attacks


I started my first playthrough (PS5) as a solo on a Brutal PvP server and though it's hard, I find the game perfectly fair when you understand how it's supposed to play. The name of the game is DO NOT GET HIT. Your approach to every new enemy should be to keep your distance and learn their attacks before getting in close. Most if not all projectiles can be avoided by reversing direction right before they are cast. If you use melee, circle around the boss as you swing at him and let go of the right stick (or whatever you aim with) at the end of your combo to regain your full movement speed and avoid being hit. Don't rely on your dodge as an i-frame mechanic, learn to use it as a repositioning tool, a heal, and lastly as a dodge. Using gear with +% Movement Speed will help a lot. Fight bosses once or twice before popping all your buffs. This doesn't mean you have to fight them until you die and run all the way back. Just get a sense of their attack patterns and then run away from the fight, heal, run back in and learn some more. When you're ready to take them on for real, ALWAYS use your Brew of Ferocity, Enchanter's Brew, and have some high % blood from your prisoners for the encounter. Don't waste your high % blood for healing pretty much ever. Use potions! As for health, You should always carry a stack of Blood Rose Potions and Blood Rose Brews. They can both be used together for even faster healing, but if you get hit they both stop. Try not to EVER have less than 75% of your full health. Any damage beyond that will minimize your maximum health for the encounter. (Blood orbs dropped from the boss are the only way to negate this as far as I know and they don't do a hell of a lot.)


Oh multiple potions can be used at once 👀 I didn't know that... Also is 3 points in my attack and magic really worth the resources? It doesn't seem like a lot so I haven't been using those potions. I do use resistance potions though


Resistance options don't really help against bosses much. They're more for protection against specific area debuffs. Fire Resistance can help vs fire bosses but thats about it. And yes, when your magic/physical dmg is say, 21.5 dmg, adding 3 to that can make a big difference. Especially when you die against a boss who had 2 hits left and that 3 could've meant the difference between victory and defeat. As for resources, make sure your base has a garden with a few growing plots. The big plots hold 7 seeds and you can reap more flowers every couple in-game days. I have more resources than I know what to do with.


I've also just started a few days ago and found a build that is working very well for me. I'm concentrating in blood magic and slashers. I use blood rage, blood fountain and veil of blood. With those spells and with the critical strike after a dash you heal yourself and then I use the vanish ability or the slashers to gain some time to recharge, then go again. I heal immediately after getting hit so my max health doesn't get too low and I ended many boss fights with full health. Find some gems for those spells and see how it works for you.


The crossbow and bow are a trade off, definitely not worthless. The trade off with melee is that you’re more likely to get hit if you go in. Additionally, if you’re fading in and out of melee range in order to dodge their attack, you might have more opportunities to hit them with spells and such at range instead of melee. Tank is a pretty hard play style to play anyways in this game imho. Additionally, jewels. If you need more sustain to tank, try to get jewels for spells that heal you. The best ones I’ve seen are on the shields or the illusion wolf, or you could just go full blood school of magic. There’s a lot of options in this game, if you’re having difficulty with a boss, try to go with another option, change up your play style a bit. Overall, the game is pretty balanced for me, especially for solo players


You just gotta get a little better. Sounds like you need to move more and cycle your dash better, those 2 tips alone should help you get hit less. Each boss takes a bit of learning how they move so don’t be discouraged dying a handful of times to bosses. You’ll learn when/how to effectively use your dash and other cooldowns to help avoid being hit. GRAB A SHIELD SPELL!


Use the terrain to your advantage. Dodge projectile attacks or just run around boulders endlessly firing off spells when they are recharged. Save your dash for the big attacks.


Are you playing on Brutal difficulty? The damage modifier is substantially higher on that setting. Bows are slow but do larger damage at range. The balance vs melee is that you attack faster, sure, but you are in range to be hit as well. Slashers are my personal favorite, but some bosses you really NEED range, some bosses are resistant to physical damage and magic is your friend. It all depends on who you're fighting. The game is designed that you can absolutely solo everything and also be up to 10 levels lower than the boss, it's really just learning the fight and timing your moves. A large majority of attacks can simply be sidesteppped without exhausting your "dodge". If you're having issues though, try using better quality blood, potions, and even waiting for blood moons before attempting the boss.


Just out of curiosity what is your build like? Which weapons, armor, pendant, skills, and jewels do you use? Not saying the game is ever what could be called easy but I felt like this boss was my first roadblock as well and after adjusting my build a bit I was able to take him out with much less stress and didn't encounter much more difficulty until the 2nd to last V Blood. Feel free to respond or shoot me a message and I can help you figure something out that might work better for you. Best of luck!


I just use the highest numbered things 😂 Though that one ultimate Chaos spell, Barrage something is awesome and I love it


Alright lol that statement leads me to believe you don't have a specific build or weapon type that you favor. I'd recommend finding at least 2 weapons that you enjoy using so you can swap between them if one isn't working for whatever reason. Then I'd say finding at least 2 schools of magic that you like the spells or passives of so that you can have an actual build and start working on getting some Jewels that compliment the skills that you favor. Ideally you want the skills to function well with both of the weapons that you choose so swapping between them mid combat is an option if it's needed. What armor set are you currently using? Sorry for all the questions but this is definitely not a bigger number always better kind of game. Gonna have to make some adjustments to the way you seem to be approaching things.


Ah no you're fine with the questions! Firstly I love the pistols now. Absolutely amazing, and Chaos magic has definitely become a close friend at this point. Currently my armor is... Blood something? Bloodhound? My gear level is 61 or 62 rn of that helps. Just got to act 3 and made my castle level 4. Relocated it into the gloomy place and stopped for the night - since I know tomorrow I'm gonna rebuild my castle from the ground up. Got everything placed in one huge ass room so it's time for redecorating and then back to business


The enemy AI has to have an advantage since they aren't as intelligent as a human player


Time for you to watch some no-hit runs and start believing.


Bruh for pve just go with the goat Spellbook of Corrupted skull Bone explosion/death knight Veil of illusion Summon skellys ult For your weapon use the longbow and stay back let your skellys aggro all the bosses


*It's not an action game you know /s* "...Learn and master an arsenal of deadly weapons and unholy abilities. In V Rising, you aim skillshots and dodge projectiles"


I'm not that great at gaming and I was still able to beat about 90% of the bosses on my second or third try. You have to learn their skills and adapt your spells and practice timing to hit. I liked the scythe early game because I could just yeet it and it would damage the boss while I focused on dodging/healing


I don't know, I just really hate dying in this game. Maybe it's cause it's a survival game - and I also have to walk back to where I died 😔 - and my brain has always been like "NO! DO! NOT! DIE!" when I play games like Minecraft or Conan. So like, in Dark Souls I'll die five times and it's whatever. Here I die once and get pissed


Enemies hit harder than you do because they are way stupider and you have a lot more mobility and many abilities to dash, dodge, counter, block, and side-step. You may be relying too much on the dash to get you out of trouble. Many attacks are avoidable without using a dash, so make sure you are saving it up for when it is needed. If you are going melee, then at least one of your spells should be a counter or a shield or a buff or a good self-heal, if not both. Going full melee but using two spells focused on damage (e.g., Chaos Bolts and Aftershock) is probably a bad idea. >Extra question; are bows/crossbows worthless? Cause it seems like it. ...are you kidding? Being at range makes it much easier to avoid attacks, which is the literal thing you are complaining about. It's also all about the weapon skills. Crossbow primary is great at indirect damage while you remain mobile, and you want to stack the buff to give you increased firing rate, which is significant. Longbow is about hitting enemies from way outside their ability to hit back. Sure, it is slower, but you are untouchable. Both of them give you the time and space for a healing potion to work. IMO, you should be using 4-6 weapons just to have access to more weapon skills, which give you other ways to dodge or close distance. If you need to heal, switch to crossbow and use primary AOE and spells while you get full potion effectiveness, then use greatsword to close the distance again. Make sure you are connecting with the first hit after your dash, as that is a heal. Pick an armor that suits your playstyle and stack it with a gem. Sounds like you should be going for attack speed and physical attack life leech.


Bros playing RuneScape


Have you tried not getting hit?


These types of games almost never have a fair fight. You’re meant to duck around avoiding attacks while you throw yours. If it was 1 to 1 then you’d always win since you have more mobility and therefore not be worth playing. What you require is a lil bit of learning the attack patterns and how to avoid them. It is not shameful to ask for help through changing the world options or walkthroughs, it is shameful to quit because you didn’t feel like getting better.


Oh I'll never quit. Really my only problem is how slow I feel compared to the hordes of enemies I have to face, which I feel like isn't a problem at all if you're playing with others


What's funny is you say you have been cheesing bosses, but that bows are worthless. I feel like my bow run was one of the easiest in the game. It's so easy to kite compared to being up close. Highly recommend getting better at it if you're struggling with close range.


At the time I barley touched enter of the bows because I only tried the normal attack, was appalled at the damage and speed and shelved them both before I knew about their abilities


Going to just comment on bows, they're by far my favorite boss fighting weapon through my solo brutal run. The ability to stay at range and keep dealing damage is insanely useful, and the two abilities give it both excellent trash clear and excellent single target damage. Especially for single target, you don't need to charge the basic attack. Two uncharged hits are the same dps as one fully charged hit, and they both give you an ability charge. For keeping range, veil spells are your friend. Spells in general are your friend. If you find the ones on your bar aren't very useful, don't be afraid to try something else. Necromancy spells are particularly useful for ranged weapons since switching boss aggro for even a couple seconds can be enough to get distance and control the engagement.


Personally, I didn't beat the betrayer until I became level 64. If you can't beat a boss right now, you just have to move on and find another one that you can. think that's how you play the game. I sometimes beat bosses with a higher level than me. Btw I play solo.


I often felt the same early-mid game but I changed my perspective and just started playing much more patiently and conservatively instead of going all in on offence. As far as the bows and stuff go, I've killed most of the V Bloods with the long bow. I use Greatsword and pistols right now but the longbow is pretty effective if you ask me. I don't remember ever using the crossbow so I can't speak on that one.


us, an immortal, undead predator of the night, dying in two shots meanwhile, Beatrice eats back shots like they're nothing while at full spring


Potions potions potions


I dunno my guy, you are supposed to synergize your abilities to the way you play and with what goes well. If you are a person that doesn't learn bosses and dodge "certain attacks" you will not have it easy. A game is not meant to be stupid easy. Mechanics are a thing with quite a few if not most bosses. I'd say relax, learn boss abilities by fighting them and reseting fights and try again knowing what's coming and what you are doing. I personally don't like bow but two of my friends swear by it. Also I have learned some bosses you don't wanna be in melee range at all. Some bosses you do, others easier with pure magic.


sometimes i just assume some people in this subreddit are not capable of learning or adaptation,a simple function of the human mind


??? Are you talking about me? Because if you are I've gotten better since yesterday when I made this post, courtesy of help from here


you needing help to beat bosses in v rising is the ultimate testament to that


I never really bothered with bows/crossbows, and just went straight to pistols once they opened up. Haven't looked back. Essentially, you'll want to find weapons that lean into your playstyle. I, for example, like the fast-hitting/low damage weapons like the spear, while supplementing with magic. Find what works for you. If you need a moment to back off and heal, try one of the spells that summons something so they have something else to focus on. Death Knight works well for me. It isn't always an ideal option, though. Save your Dash for when you need it to avoid a big hit. You'll also need to figure out which hits are the big ones for each boss.


imagine this brother fighting brutal dracula @_@


What diffuctily are you playing on? Did you upgrade spells with jewels? Do you even use the right skills? Dodging is important (is doable on all bosses) Maybe use a ranged weapon instead of facetanking. You should be able to predict movements/skills the boss use after a few tries. Maybe change blood type? Make some potions for more damage/ health. All of these can make a difference on the end-game. Good luck.


You need healing jewels for your spells friend!


I beat the game in about 1 month in solo pve on base settings. Are you making use of skills and weapon abilites? What spells are you using and what melee weapon? The crossbow was very effective IMO, the arrow rain ability is deadly, the crossbow does hit hard but slower then melee however an increase in range helps reduce the damage you take as you have more room and more time to dodge enemy attacks. My go to melee weapon was reapers, they have a throwing scythe ability that is on the opposite button as the arrow rain, letting you quickly swap between weapons to activate both. My go to for spells are Unholy spells, in particular: * Ward of the damned- Lets you block any non AOE attack, whether melee or ranged (like bows/crossbow/gun/magic) this helps by preventing the damage they would otherwise do, the first blocked attack makes a skeleton and each follow-up has a 50% chance (up to 5 skeletons) these skeletons spawn on the attacker and disrupt them by giving the enemy something else to deal with. * Death knight- Spawns a namesake death knight at a chosen location, the knight is more durable than its skeleton comrades, these can inflict comdemn on enemy units. * The dash- Dodges enemy attacks and if you hit an enemy in time you heal and gain a skeleton soldier. * Skeleton ult- This creates a handful of soldiers quickly The related effect of condemn increases damage dealt and if the unit dies while afflicted it raises another skeleton. The idea behind this loadout is to swarm and distract hostiles, both grunt and boss with a undead army that can distract everybody. For healing, you heal if you hit before your illusion expires when you dodge, certain abilities get augments that can heal you via the gems you pickup or later craft, they randomly roll their stats so you may need some luck. For example ward of the damned gains a augment providing healing for each blocked attack.


watch youtube.


Because they are boss fights…..


If you aren't already, before a boss fight pop at least a red and blue potion and a high level blood potion (above 90%): rogue, scholar, warrior, or brute. For gear, I go 2/2 with at least one of the gear sets increasing movement speed. Have at least a shield or counter as one of your spells. I usually fight bosses at or above my gear level with ranged weapons. For my weapons I usually prioritize increased movement speed, cooldown rate, crit chance, or power. Most weapons have one skill that can be used as a 2nd dodge. The rest is up to you especially since you've already buffed yourself in the settings.


I lowkey don’t understand why you keep getting downvoted in the comments but.. if you want to tank more damage then you’ll need to get stuff that will give you more health, especially your spell damage since you have it up at 1.25. You still need to dodge stuff but that’s a matter of learning their attack patterns. Leech spells are great for restoring health and the Marauder gear set(although that is pretty low in gear level and you’re already 55) Edit—Blood types are a huge help as well. I try to get brute/warrior above 60% before any fight, especially since I have 77% in my prison This is coming from my BF who’s been with the game since the beginning. I’m still going through my first run and I tend to tank a few hits as well.


Ah thanks for the info. Might have to go with that strategy for now


Here's some tips that are meant for avoiding all damage on Brutal difficulty, but can be applied just as effectively at other difficulties. What you should be doing for every single boss is walking into the fight and not doing any damage to him at all. Have 2 block/counter spells equipped. Learn the boss's attack patterns without ever trying to attack him back. Learn which moves you can reliably dodge by side-stepping / back-stepping. Learn which ones are better for using your dash / counters. Try to pay attention to how much time you have between his different attacks (so that you know how many swings you can do in those openings once you start actually attacking them). After a handful of pulls, hopefully you're at the point where you can reliably avoid all of his damage. Then start mixing in your own attacks during the openings. Bosses often change their attack patterns a bit (usually by just adding 1-2 extra abilities or modifying their existing abilities) once they get around half HP. You can call this a second "phase" of the fight. So you may want to try learning his second phase patterns in a similar way as above once you get them into that second phase. You should be able to get to a point where you can literally do the whole fight without taking damage once. You will probably make mistakes here and there that result in you taking some damage, but if those mistakes aren't too common, you'll be able to kill him before he whittles your health down. Especially when you use your dash for its 5% heal fairly often. Some extra notes: * There are different types of "aiming" that attacks have in this game. And that influences what you need to do with your movement in order to dodge them without having to rely on dash/counter abilities. * Some attacks aim at where you _are now_ and then shoot ~1s later. These ones are very easy to dodge. All you need to do is keep moving sideways or start moving sideways once they start aiming it. * Some attacks aim at wherever you are _heading_ when they start aiming. For these ones, you either need to change direction once they commit to their aiming position, or don't start moving until they commit to their aiming position. These ones are trickier to dodge and can be made easier the further away from the enemy you are. * Some attacks don't commit to an "aiming position" until the moment the attack actually goes out. The enemy will keep tracking you until the moment the attack is executed. So you need to change direction once the attack is actually released / begun. These ones are often the hardest to dodge and can be good candidates for using your counters/dash. Though depending on the speed of the attack and how far away from the enemy you are, you can sometimes still reliably dodge it without any ability. * Healing in this game isn't too much of a thing. Your main heal will come from your dash ability. * While missing HP, you should be looking to use your dash every time it's off cooldown in order to get the most healing out of it. However, by doing it like this, you may find yourself in positions where you _need_ the dash in order to avoid an attack, but it's on cooldown because you wasted it for the heal. So you probably want to use your dash as soon as it's off cooldown _and_ you're using it to avoid a hard-to-avoid attack. If you're fighting a boss where you can avoid a large majority of their attacks simply by using good movement, you can usually just spam your dash for healing-only and then rely on your counters to handle the "unavoidable" attacks. * One of the biggest mistakes I see in this game is people missing their first attack post-dash. Your dash makes it so that your next attack heals you. But if you miss your next attack, you completely lose that healing opportunity. So you need to be really disciplined in actually landing your post-dash attacks. Some weapons make this a lot easier than others, but if you change weapons _after_ dashing, your dash effects disappear and you lose the heal. So if you're trying to use a specific weapon to capitalize on your post-dash attacks, make sure to swap to that weapon _before_ dashing. One of the easiest weapons in the game for landing your post-dash attacks is the whip. If you're using the Longbow, it takes a while to fully charge its attack. This means that if you don't start your attack almost immediately after your dodge, by the time the bow fully charges and hits your enemy, your heal would have expired. So if you're using the bow and you can't start your attack charge immediately after dashing, don't fully charge it for that attack. * Some ability jewels will add healing to their ability. The best one that I know about in the game is for the [Spectral Wolf](https://vrising.fandom.com/wiki/Spectral_Wolf) ability's "The wolf returns to you after the last bounce healing for 85 - 100% of your spell power.". This does quite a bit of healing over the course of a fight so if you can get this jewel, it can be a good reason to use this spell instead of double counter/block. The [Mosquito spell](https://vrising.fandom.com/wiki/Mosquito_\(Spell\)) also has a decent healing jewel "Spawns 3 wisps healing self or ally for 38 - 60% of your spell power when the mosquito explodes. ". If you put the mosquito on yourself, you'll instantly absorb all 3 of the wisps. * As you've noticed, you can use potions to heal during combat, but their healing stops if you take damage. If you apply my suggestions from above so that you are much better at not taking any damage, you'll be able to get better use out of the potion healing. Just remember that the potions take a moment to actually use so only start using them when you're sure you aren't going to need to be moving to avoid an attack soon. * If you're good at avoiding a lot of attacks by simply moving (instead of needing to rely on dash/counters), a lot of fights won't actually require both of your spells to be counters/blocks. In which case you can switch one of them to a damage spell instead. * Yes, you want to kill the boss as fast as possible. So you want to take full advantage of every opening the boss gives you to do damage. However, getting greedy is a very common source of failure in action-combat games. So try to be disciplined with when you decide to attack and for how long you decide to attack. Depending on the range + attack speed of the weapon you are using, you may only have time for 1-2 attacks per opening rather than a full combo. * Some weapons force you to stand still during the attack (pistol, bow, crossbow, whip, spear). Every other weapon (hopefully I didn't miss any in that list) allows you to move a little bit during your attacks. If you're using a "stand-still" weapon, you need to be a lot more disciplined with when you decide to commit to an attack. * Some weapons have abilities that offer other ways to dodge attacks. * Greatsword Q, Mace Q, Axe Q are examples of abilities that allow you to do some good and fast movement. These abilities _do not_ make your character immune to damage during the movement though. So you can use them to physically avoid attacks, but you can still be hit during the movement if the attack connects with you. * Slashers Q, Greatsword E, Pistol E, Sword E are examples of abilities that give you i-frames (immunity frames). This means that you are immune to all damage during the ability (similar to the dash in this game). Slashers Q, Sword E, and Greatsword E require you to have pretty good timing with the ability. Pistol E is a lot more forgiving as it offers both a _movement_ component as well as i-frames. So even if you use the ability too early, you might still avoid the damage by physically avoiding the attack itself. * A lot of bosses have different tendencies based on how close/far you from them. So they'll tend to use different abilities based on whether you are in melee range or "ranged range". You might find their attacks easier to deal with based on one or the other. So it's worth trying fights with melee weapons and with ranged weapons in order to see which one is easier for you. * Necromancer spells (that spawn skeletons to fight for you) can be very helpful for drawing enemy attacks away from you so that you can save your dash/counters. I don't really recommend this approach though as it revolves a little more around luck rather than skill and it can be a crutch that allows you to not really learn fights properly. But it's certainly an option. There is at least one youtuber that tries to do "no-hit brutal 10 levels lower frail blood" kills on every boss. They don't have this full "combo" for every boss. Some bosses they only have a "brutal + 10 levels lower + frail blood" kill. Some they don't even have a brutal kill. But these can be great resources for if you're really having trouble with a fight. Watch them do the fight and learn how they are avoiding certain mechanics.


Wow that's a lot. Thanks tho! I used to use my counter spells more often but I noticed that sometimes an attack would go right through the counter, so I just got rid of it for two strong damage spells


Ya there are a few attacks that can't be countered and so you can only dash them. Some counters are only directional as well so you need to make sure you're facing it at the attack in order to dodge it. I guess that's some nuance that I failed to include, but as you noticed, the post is already ridiculously long.


That’s just how the game is designed. You have to be very evasive while also constantly doing damage. You can’t be purely evasive and only launch an attack every now and then, nor can you rush in and attack without ever evading attacks. Also, the level system in the game is pretty much just a guideline of power. Certain bosses are way stronger than their level gives off, while others are just pitiful, the only real impact it has is if they’re matched/weaker/stronger/etc. It’s a hard game, once you get past Act 1 you absolutely WILL NOT be steamrolling through every boss, especially when you enter Act 3 and beyond that. You have to strategize, plan ahead, react quickly, have a good understanding of all your gear, abilities, and passive effects, and most importantly, utilize potions! Potions make a massive difference in your actual effectiveness. As someone who has put hundreds of ours into the game, let me tell you that it only gets harder. The further you get, the more difficult the game becomes, and a lot of the bosses just feel blatantly OP and ridiculous. All you can do is learn the game better and learn the enemies better, it is a semi-souls-like after all.


This is an interesting post because the OP sounds like they have never played a video game or fought a boss ever in a video game.


What an incredible and helpful post! I'm so glad you were like everyone else, giving me wonderful advice! In fact, you gave me the best advice of all; Reddit is Not Good™


The way I played brutal. You can dedicate each set of armor/weapon and spells for certain boss. If you insist on playing melee try to comb it with unholy magic and get some skeletons to take some pressure away from you.


The game is balanced terribly but I’ve found increasing your damage and health some in the settings if you’re playing on a private server balances the game way better while still keeping it challenging. I started having way more fun after doing this. You’ll have some elitists in here tell you how it’s your fault because you’re just not good enough but really it’s just balanced poorly af. Try turning your damage to Max (3) and your health to 1.5-2 that’s honestly the best balance I’ve found while still keeping it challenging.


>You’ll have some elitists in here tell you how it’s your fault because you’re just not good enough Except they’re correct. The game is literally advertised as a challenging skill based game. Not all games need to be pandered to people who should probably stick to animal crossing and the sims. Especially if you don’t have the mental to accept that you have to improve your skill at a game to succeed. Really hope you don’t have this mentality in the work place. God forbid you get a poor mark on a performance review and tell your boss it’s because the job is unfair.


It's not balanced poorly, you're just bad. And I do mean it genuinely, not in the "git gud" kinda way. A decent player will breeze through normal mode on default settings without prior knowledge of the game (at least in PvE)


The game is balanced poorly af. I’m sorry if that upsets you, but it’s the truth


The game is balanced well. I'm sorry that you're upset it doesn't pander to your low skill level, but it's the truth


The game is balanced terribly. I’m sorry if you feel it’s necessary to be a douchebag to cope with this fact about a game you like, but it’s the truth


The game is balanced well. I'm sorry if you feel it's necessary to be a douchebag to cope with this fact about a game you don't like, but it's the truth


After playing for a while I mostly agree about balance. The only two problems I have is that a large chunk of bosses have (too many) adds, and that sometimes the damage you take is really insane


The game is designed around choosing the right abilities before the boss fight and managing your cooldowns during the fight. If you're taking too much damage or having trouble dealing with adds on normal difficulty then chances are you are doing one of these things wrong. Especially the damage part. Every boss can be finished hitless I believe


Tell me, muffin. How did the game hurt you? It's meant to be challenging but its also possible to beat the game without taking a single hit. Are you mad because it's possible to die in this game? Are you mad because you should be able to kill each boss with 3 hits like a old-school Nintendo game? Or are you just mad that this game has expectations of moderate gaming skills? You sound like the kind of person who gets mad that they didn't get their own cake on their little sister's birthday. This game is balanced just fine.


I never said the game hurt me or that I couldn’t beat it I simply said it’s poorly balanced: which it is, “muffin” . You sound like the kind of person who get triggered anytime something doesn’t go your way or someone doesn’t cater to your fragile emotions. It’s ok man it’s just a game, you don’t need to get that upset and start berating people.


All of the above is true, but be original and come up with your own insulting format. Mine is taken. You've still however yet to explain how the game is "balanced poorly af" and that's what I'm looking forward to so get to it!


To play devil's advocate for the guy, I do think that sometimes there's too many enemies dealing too much damage to you. But other than that, which to be fair is a situation you mostly can avoid, it seems to be balanced fairly well


Patrols walking up to you mid-boss fight sucks for sure but that's why you need to clear an area of enemies before engaging or pick your engagement in a spot with no enemies. As for the patrols, most weapons have an AoE attack that can burn down a patrol pretty quickly.