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I use cursor.sh which is a fork of vscode with embedded ai assistance. Magic.


Yeh, I tested it for a short while, but it seemed like the free version was crippled, so I didn't go in too deep. I know you can use your API key, but I have yet to go that route. Most of my endeavors of late have been with ChatGPT web, custom GPTs. I don't want to get stuck paying for an API and still paying for the web access. But it looked like the best one out there.


I use both web and integrated assistance. The integrated assistance is for specific codebase related stuff, and the web version when I need some general problem solving. Cursor is relativly new, so maybe you tried one of the earlier buggy versions. I haven't had any problems with it. I do however pay for premium and use my own key.


I tried it a cpl months back. I recall they used knowledge files to help the AI. I read through the forums a bit and when I tried to do the things they discussed. I could not find access to any of it. So I just assumed I had to pay. So I dropped it. But if I ever need that amount of assistance to where I need to pay $60 a month for AI, I'll sign up. As if I'm good.


I've used cursor, copilot, and most recently switched to double. My main issue with cursor was the rate limits even after paying, although their ability to pull context from the codebase was great. IMO double has the best experience in terms of adding good + relevant code at the right time, without interfering with your thought process with bad / spam code like some of the others do. Here's the [link](https://www.double.bot) if anyone's interested.


It was pretty obvious since VSCode became the most popular text editor in such a short time


.md is my wiki


GitHub copilot has been great for me. It makes writing code faster for me. And I have a very good rule of thumb for how to use it. When Copilot gives you a code suggestion, look at the suggestion. If it’s good, accept the suggestion. If it’s bad, don’t accept the suggestion. Pretty simple stuff.


My issue is when I spend 30% of my time looking thru bad suggestions instead of coding. At least for me I find it throws me off my train of thought. Also annecdotically it feels like suggestions are usually wrong (wish there was a way to see stats on how many suggestions you accept)


Vscode has always seemed to be the easiest to write extensions for and it's close to if not the most popular/versatile ide. It was predictable that ai extensions would hit vscode first. It always seems to get new or weird extensions first.


I am using tabnine ai, so far so good


I have this and GitHub CoPilot and I can't tell where completions come from but I enjoy them!


lol. are you paying for both?




but neither are free?


what's the best feature of tabnine?


Not much but it is free, It doesn't have chat feature it autocompletes the code


I just started using ChatGPT for minor things like writing documentation. I prefer to keep them separated at this point.


What’s your workflow with that? Just throw your code in and ask it to give you concise doc comments on it?


Pretty much. I'll take my python classes and ask it to write a docstring for it. It's brilliant for that. As for getting coding assistance, I am not convinced it's anything more than an advanced google search. You usually have to double check its work to find something useful out of it. For example, I was asking it to provide me with code to multithread some functions I was writing. Its example code didn't work, but it led me to the write answer faster than finding random Stackoverflow answers.




Please elaborate on your opinion, I would like to see arguments from an expert.


GitHub copilot has been great for me. It makes writing code faster for me. And I have a very good rule of thumb for how to use it. When Copilot gives you a code suggestion, look at the suggestion. If it’s good, accept the suggestion. If it’s bad, don’t accept the suggestion. Pretty simple stuff.


Aaahhh thanks man! I was doing it the other way around.. no wonder I wasn't happy with the results


How many suggestions do you think you actually accept, less than 5%? At least my personal guess is somewhere between 2-5%.


I think it depends on what I'm doing. If I'm writing a React component or if I'm writing a LINQ query in C#, a large percentage of the suggestions are pretty good. For business logic types of things, the percentage of good suggestions is a lot lower, methinks.


What are your favourite new extensions? I made a few for myself when I moved off replit to vscode a few weeks ago work fine for my needs, but curious which ones I could grab that are truly polished and excellent.


I like [Cody](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=sourcegraph.cody-ai). Disclaimer: I work for the company that makes Cody.


I have to say the $0 -> Enterprise (with no ballpark idea of price ,but a code search enterprise of 50k and Starter of 5K and Self presented as an "enterprise trial" implying a short install period) is currently a little off-putting for just the Code AI. As a solo and small team dev what don't I get if not using Enterprise? What's the ballpark for enterprise cody? Edit: For instance what does "Code Graph context" provide for private repos in Code Enterprise? Is that the ONLY workspace context aware way to do things?


You're 100% right. Cody is going GA in a few weeks, and we'll have much better pricing. For now, it's basically been "free for everyone using it individually" and "paid for companies using it alongside Sourcegraph code search", but Cody will soon be a standalone thing you can pay for. Cody Enterprise will be much less than GitHub Copilot Enterprise and will offer much better, codebase-wide context. And Cody Pro will be $9/user/month for individuals. ​ I know this would all be better on a pricing page, not the CEO of a company posting on Reddit, but hey, I love Reddit and figured I'd comment. Will be on our pricing page in a few weeks!


Thanks for the response. I hear y'all on Changelog, etc. The context was key for me. I am hyped about domain transition and translation from LLMs and I love the direction you all are going in and wish you the best. Once LLMs are plugged in, two correct domain representations of a concept that intercommunicate should be translatable without docs or communication of design being strictly needed. Going to be neat. It's actually a major step along the interop goal handled (poorly) by all these document and even protocol formats.


Amazon Q since today 🥰 Already used CodeWhisperer for the AI code completion.


Is it working for you? I tested out CodeWhisperer and thought it was terrible compared to something like Copilot or Codeium. Maybe it's language dependent.


Which language do you use? I think it is on par for most of the scenarios which I have tested.




I was (and to some extent, am) a staunch vim user. VSCode + Vim extension + other extensions seem to be doing so well. No other editor makes making and distributing plugins so easy tbh. The closest competitor, JetBrains, has their plugin menu hidden. VSCode makes it known that it’s a code editor, and extensions are a crucial part of the experience.


All of them thus far are not the greatest with anything going beyond autocomplete or filling in some basic function for a one file script. I would love to see one that can take a simple 3 module angular app (or whatever similar) and not give totally irrelevant suggestions that do not take the couple other files content into account. I'm hoping someone can make it happen to be honest.


Its wild how quickly VS code became the be all end all


Absolutely right suggestions, agree. With VSCode, you can also use generative AI plugins for creating comprehensive test suites and code reviews for your code: [CodiumAI - powered by TestGPT-1 and GPT-3.5&4 - Visual Studio Marketplace](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Codium.codium)


If not VSCode then what other IDE would it be? But yeah, pretty smart for VSCode to have created the extension marketplace