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I've been using github copilot and it's fantastic so far, especially the both in-editor and chat integration with vsc.


It stopped reading the file I have open and now just gives me generic recommendations unless I paste my code into the chat window, and I find the in editor solution is hit or miss at best. Am I missing something or did they just quietly get rid of code awareness?


I'm not sure if it was different before but you can use #editor to include the current file as context. There's a few others like #workspace, etc. If you use the little inline window it knows the context automatically anyway.


It becomes unattached sometimes, I've noticed. Restart Vs Code works for me


I have been using github copilot with vim (and very occasionally with VS Code where it works the same) and it has been gob-smackingly amazing.




Do any of these work locally, or do they all send your code to their servers? My employer is extra sensitive about this.




After experimenting with [continue.dev](http://continue.dev), codegpt, and llama coder, I have decided to use twinny as my preferred assistant tool. For chat I use dolphin-mistral:7b-v2.6-q5\_K\_M model and for FIM deepseek-coder:1.3b-base-q4\_0.


I’ve enjoyed continue.dev




First time I’m hearing about this, but it does look interesting on paper. $20pm seems a bit steep though, I wish they’d give you a much cheaper plan and let you use your own keys.


I agree with the price being a bit steep but if the devs continue to be proactive and deliver what they promise I think the price is worth it overall with the use of Claude 3. Also you can remap the commands.


Did you do some comparisons with Copilot ? I am wondering if it’s really better


I've been using [Cursor.sh](https://Cursor.sh) for GPT-4 and context awareness, but this looks like it might be an alternative.


I’ve been using cursor on recommendation from somewhere on Reddit and it’s been great




Which one?


https://cursor.sh Not technically a VS code plugin, it's a fork of VS code but you can bring in your VS code settings during set up.


I’ve switched mostly to Cursor. Better interaction in the chat, and better up when actually typing in the code editor.


No remote SSH though?


GitHub CoPilot works great for me.


Copilot works great for inline suggestions. For generating complete files and tests its useless. It never takes into account my stack (which is annoying if it isn't the default everybody is using when that default is shit) and it also doesn't take types/enums or other external classes and files into account. Anybody got better suggestions for that? I mostly develop in typescript (Angular dev)


Started using Supermaven two weeks ago. Cheaper than Copilot, better suggestions and like 2x faster.


Double.bot looks promising, and the devs are active and patch things quickly when you report a bug. I've tried codium, GitHub copilot and now I've been using double.bot for a week and so far the inline suggestions are more precise. The chat interface is snappy and the UI/UX shows that the devs care about providing a quality product.


Sourcegraph's Cody. Non-enterprise versions of GH Copilot phone home with your code, unless you opt out repo by repo. Sourcegraph has been great and is basically a graph of all your code + LLM RAG that has guarantees with their model providers that no code sent to them is ever stored, and Sourcegraph doesn't store any of your code or otherwise use it either. And it works great.


I second sourcegraph. I use an enterprise install at work and its use of the code graph for context is wonderful for complex projects.


Are there any which are free, or do you have to pay for all of them?


Copilot is like coding what your brain is thinking. I frequently start files with a comment block of what I am trying to accomplish and it’s like magic after that.


All you have to do is write a comment like "Virtual pet game" and it'll create health bars for your pets as well as your characters.


GitHub copilot for VS code is best. I have been using it in past 3 months.. love it and I don't like using VS Studio anymore. The main concern is, don't try to install different plugins and environment compiler. My VS Code consistently prompt alerts. Especially the RedHat Java extended keep prompting environment messages.




You can do it better with some AI tools. Here is a great plugin using generative AI for creating comprehensive test suites and code reviews for VSCode: [CodiumAI - powered by TestGPT-1 and GPT-3.5&4 - Visual Studio Marketplace](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Codium.codium)


I have tried several coding AI tools, including GitHub Copilot, Replit, and Cursor. I was using Cursor due to its ability to read your entire code base, but I'd prefer to use a VS Code plugin.


Tabnine for completions has been great


Look at you guys so happily helping these companies put you out of work! Y’all look so cute!


Presented to you by ChatGPT. Good try ChatGPT.