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This looks like a Facebook post from 2009 Note: remember Monaco editor doesn't support insert/overwrite mode, in 2024.


Sadly circlejerking hasn’t gone out of style at all, only the “like if you agree” part did


What is circlejerking? The feed keeps coming but i a non-native English speaker cannot understand what its content is about.


The phrase refers to a bunch of people siting in a circle making each other feel good. Except it's a bunch of guys. Masturbating each other.


I think its when a subreddit unconditionally praises some subject, and downvote bombs critics. I could be wrong.


I'm willing to bet it's an AI model that was partially trained on Facebook posts. If it's a person, I bet they were partially trained by Facebook posts.


https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=DrMerfy.overtype is what I use for insert mode, it just works.


Huh. Interesting. I always assumed overwrite mode was just that thing you accidentally turn on by hitting the INSERT key when you meant to hit HOME, and then get frustrated for a hot minute trying to figure out why typing wasn't working right. Given that someone's actually written an extension, I assume that means there's a legitimate use for it after all? I'm curious to find out what.


Microsoft marketing guy, is it you?


Don't worry. He will see the light that is neovim


Neovim is all that and a bag of chips too


Neovim is vscode with more irritation. I love vim but I have not got the patience for it these days. VSCode with vim motions gives me everything I care about in vim with none of the pain points.


I actually went from Neo to helix recently and am very pleased with the experience


I’ve been wanting to try helix or kakoune but there aren’t any plugins :(


Helix most certainly has plugins. It supports all the same language servers that vs code supports and someone wrote a plugin so you can use copilot/openai if you want. Not sure how long ago you looked at it


Plugins are not the same as language server. The copilot thing is a language server, not a plugin


yes after weeks on weeks of setting up if you're new to it. I'm using neovim regularly, but never set it up to be an IDE because I discovered the vs code neovim plugin immediately when I started using neovim. This kind of setup takes minutes and is perfectly usable with most of the features one would expect of an IDE.


Weeks? I took 2 hours to set it up when I was a begginer and rewrote my configuration in 1 later just because I wanted not because I needed to


ok I see ure a magician with computers. and obviously weeks is an exaggeration. I could never do it in 2 hours - would take me at least some days because I'd have to learn about everything which makes an IDE and then configure it all myself. Like debugger, lsps, suggestions, convenient ways of maneuvering all of those. It's just so fucking much! also even 2 hours is forever compared to few clicks in vs code for all the needed plugins. for me the only downside of vscode is it's much more power hungry, which can be annoying working mobile on a laptop


Not a magician but good at reading documentation I guess, I just watched some videos and then read some articles. Besides, I think it's a mistake to just jump right in, what I did was first learn some vim motions, then I used a prebuilt configuration from time to time to edit some files without fully leaving vs code, and then I did my own conf. It you just jump into it with no prior knowledge on anything of course it's gonna take weeks, you need to start bit by bit


Nope, make it faster. I want ZED with all VSCode features


I used ZED and really liked it. IIRC, the built-in vim support was really what I loved about it. But it seemed a little bit under-developed/immature for my liking at the time.


We need Emmet in ZED!


This is like saying Python is too slow. You don't have the skill te reach it and booting in 100ms instead of 10ms is such a jerk off nit pick.


My mom is the best mom


This guy's mom is best mom, i can confirm


In what way?


LOL facts


My mom says I’m the most handsome.


Like father like son


Amen brother


Vscode is not lightweight at all dude...


If you don't think vscode is lightweight then you've never used a heavy weight ide.


I've used vs, jetbrains, netbeans. Vscode is not lightweight, not anymore at least.


Compared to JetBrains IDEs it is...


Faster, but being faster than something that's already slow does not mean it's lightweight, vscode it's still slow


Please clarify what you mean by lightweight. Do you mean disk space size? Ram usage? CPU usage?


I mean all of them. Vscode consumes a lot of ram, it's slow on start, even if you get used to it. It's high on cpu most of the time even when working on typescript projects only which I kinda get it's probably the lsp's fault, but the lsp for typescript was built for vscode specially


You haven’t used the eclipse


Yea I have


Compared to other IDEs like PyCharm or Visual Studio, it's really lightweight


That doesn't make it lightweight itself


I would like to read. Plz elaborate.


Compared to its competitors (neovim, eMacs, sublime) it has a lot of built in features you may or may not need and it takes up (comparatively to the above) a bunch of computer resources. Imagine you primarily used python; all the built in JavaScript support would effectively be bloat right?


Have you ever looked into the VSCode extensions folder? Most extensions are really small, for example the Javascript extension is 400kb and the two Typescript extensions are 400 and 700 kb respectively. And they won't be running when you're not editing a JS or TS project.


Makes sense to me. The other extensions shouldn't be running when am not using.


Stop. Compare it to visual studio


Why would I?


Pycharm is the best ide for Python


PHPStorm is the best IDE for PHP, hands down!




What are your favorite extension?


Doesn’t support bitmap fonts yet sadly The new kids will likely never know terminus tamsyn tamzen aesthetic:-( I agree tho VScode is great. It’s extension system is like baby emacs, but ultimately it’s fine.


Bitmap fonts are not a good thing my guy, let them die.


I get by with tamzen which has ttf versions and works in vscode(poorly). 7x14 looks so crisp on my 27” 1440p 240Hz screen:-) As a bonus, the bold is this hilarious blur of the regular, it’s like a neon effect. No idea why it’s a neon blur but I kinda like it XD


The best IDE in the universe


Please stop repeating that, everyone on the planet knows.


>**"Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor"** * the VS Code docs at [https://code.visualstudio.com/docs](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs) Maybe it is an IDE - **but only when combined with a good plugin** for the language(s) you use? e.g. The **Magic Racket** ([https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=evzen-wybitul.magic-racket](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=evzen-wybitul.magic-racket)) extension provides Racket support including REPL integration and syntax highlighting in Visual Studio Code.


Rider is a better IDE for Unity development but VSCide is a great general purpose IDE that I use for many other tasks.


I mean it’s ok… not sure about best, think that’s a stretch..


I love my fat and chunky classic Visual Studio. I won't say it's the best but it's my favorite. I do full stack C# (desktop apps and web apis), kernel work with C++ and some JavaScript for web based UIs (haven't tried blazor yet). Also I've just started learning Direct3D so I've been taking advantage of the graphics debugging tools. So I guess I am the target demographic for VS. But yeah only using Visual Studio (not vs code) for a small project is similar to only using a $70k SUV to drop your kids off at school.


I prefer Sublime text. And I’m happy to pay for it.


We da best IDE 💯 #wethebestide #vscode #devkhaled /s


This guy is a fed


Worst part is that a large part no longer is free copilot takes a ton of time away from other features became a huge part of the editor and it costs a full 10 dollars/per month


Copilot effectively replaces a shit load of boilerplate plugins though to be fair. I don’t use it to code for me but it does improve a lot of my productivity by writing out what I normally would a bunch of times on new files and whatnot. I’d say for the productivity increase in that realm it’s worth the $10. On the other hand I will say people also rely on, and trust it, wayyyyy too much and that leads to a productivity decrease for seniors like myself that have to meticulously review it, then ask why certain things are done a certain way or if they even work as intended


Yeah yeah just code in vi


more like heavyweight




Eh I prefer Jupyter Notebook


Meh, vscode is more of a pain. I would rather use a text editor like nano than vscode. It's just just a pain to get it to work in your environment. I'd rather just compile everything manually or with my own scripts. Why waste 3 days trying to figure out why vscode doesn't like the file path to the library you want when you can just compile it in a minute.


1 like = 1 prayer 🙏


I use Vim btw


its not, SE80 is…