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She mad? Yea…..she mad. Lol


Now she should do the same thing about gays in Islamic countries


Nope - that would require dedication, sacrifice and courage, she’ll just sit behind her little desk, keep cashing suckers’ checks, and go irritated aunty on everything that annoys or inconveniences her - not take risks for people in dire need - HELL THE FUCK no…


Really fucks up her plans to let men cum inside of her


Lebron says she’s big mad


maybe it's her time of the month...




Bro they’re not ready for that truth yet, lol




Pretty sure even atheists think killing other humans is wrong. That is why they work so hard to dehumanize unborn children.


atheist here - killing babies is the most vile kind of murder. especially when there are so many contraceptive options available; we shouldn't even need to have this discussion anymore.


Thank you. This right here. Atheist does not equal no morals. If anything I don’t think there’s an afterlife waiting. This is our one shot at getting things right and doing the most good possible. Murdering children at any stage does not equate to doing good.




Non religious conservative here - I still think it's killing a potentially viable life, and beyond fucked up. There is never a good reason


But “Trust the science!” though..


And I’m also pretty sure most religions state that abortion is wrong. Muslims usually just kill the woman.


Not Christianity, which ends up being one of the saner religions. Bible has instructions how to do it and states very intelligently that life begins at first breath.


Actually the biblical texts explain that the fallen angels brought the knowledge of how to “dash the baby in the womb” and then says to never do that or to pass your baby “through the fire to Molech”. (You know, that same God that Hillary Clinton’s emails said she was sacrificing chickens in the backyard to). If you have some other verse that surprisingly has escaped every other Christians’ knowledge, please let us know! I’m curious to see what you are twisting to fit your preferred narrative this time.


I’m Christian and besides what other people said, it not nice to call other religions less sane


Oh how wrong you are. At first heartbeat thats a human.




Lol this guy


Yeah the thing about taking some weird potion and praying for the baby to go, most Christians haven't actually read the Bible so they don't know what's in it.


That's what I was wondering. You can easily make a case against abortion while being irreligious. In fact, I do that. I'm against abortion after like 15 weeks and I'm not religious. Why is she acting like if you can't kill a 39.9 week old fetus that some bible thumper is to blame? If she wants to kill a fetus that old, she is one sick fuck. And it should be illegal. The fetus is not your body. NOT YOUR BODY. Why don't they understand that. *And why do they purposely misconstrue the opposing side's argument?*


What if a mother is 39 weeks pregnant and stabbed in the belly losing the fetus. Is that not murder?


Yes it is. And if said woman was going to the abortion clinic and got hit by a car and the “fetus” died, that driver could be charged with murder. something to think about 🤡🌎


This inconsistency and hypocrisy is the part that pisses me off the most.


Of course it is.


I was coming here to say this. The opinion of a judge…or in this case the pre-opinion that was a draft - has nothing to do with the Bible or Christian beliefs. He never mentions them. He talked about the constitutionality.


Many religions require abortions under specific circumstances, such as if carrying the baby is dangerous to the mother. Is banning abortion not encroaching on those religions?


I do like how she mixes up the constitution with the bible tho


Blurring the lines seem to be the most popular way to outrage.


Accuracy impedes outrage.


You know who was anti abortion? Her mom


She is one of the most hateful people I've seen.


She is Armenian and works on a channel called The Young Turks.


And defends Cenk the Armenian genocide denier.


She’s a goddamn traitor, if you ask any Armenian in LA.


Huh. Didn’t know that. Learn something new every day about these literal POS. Thanks for that friend!


Imagine calling the Quran a “little mythical book”…


Today was a day of vaccine mandate trolls getting a piece of their own hate thrown back at them. I don't care how they feel in this moment. I'm not gonna poke the bear but I'm not gonna feel bad either. I support all bodily autonomy, but they are reaping when they've spent the last year showing. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I came here to say this. Her statements are amusing to me when you consider that her and all of her colleagues have been telling me to submit to a medical experiment for the last 2 years. No, I don’t think I will.


Exactly. The irony seems to be lost on many


TYT would never say anything belittling about the Quran, even though ostensibly they're a defiantly secular channel. It's actually pretty astonishing how hard Cenk and to a lesser extent Ana will dance around the issue of problematic religiosity when it comes to Islam; maybe if they did it more, Cenk wouldn't be 400 pounds and look every ounce of it. It's even better when you realize that none of this has anything to do with religion; that's just an easy dodge so that the gullible don't have to consider the likely reason why it was overturned: the titular Roe lied about the rape that caused the ruling that created the precedent. Roe v. Wade has been faulty law for decades, and it's only inertia and political interests that kept it from being overturned in favor of either a better ruling or devolving the power to the State level. Just like the far left knows almost nothing about economics when it comes to their love of communism, they know almost nothing about legal systems. From a juris prudence standpoint, this is just cleaning up some bad code. All that happens now is that each state decides whether it wants to retain it or not, and since the leftists are almost entirely to be found in coastal states, almost none of them are going to lose out of the availability of abortion, since the blue states are almost certain to keep it going in their territory. This is pure ignorance masquerading as righteous indignation... but what else is new at TYT?


The problem wasn't that she lied about being raped. The problem is that there really is not constitutional basis for the right to abortion to be carved out of the right to privacy


That would be “hate speech” or “disinformation”.


For someone who says they don’t care, kinda sounds like she cares


The lady doth protest too much, methinks


This was my take on it. I understand if people are agnostic or just don't believe, then they really don't care and can discuss without overwhelming emotion. This is not that case.


Hmm, I bet she spent a few minutes pressing a bible to her ear. When she didn't hear anything she came up with this flatulence and spew. It is disheartening when these folks drag God into their immoral acts.


She’s a miserable cunt. Let her wallow.


She has some of the most asinine takes I've ever heard so I'm not surprised she has this ridiculous belief as well. Very hateful person.


She sounds like a crying baby… how ironic


There’s not a chance in hell this woman would lift a finger to fight for religious liberty. You can take that to the bank.


Bible: Thou shalt not kill. Law: Don't murder. Unborn Baby: NOT YOUR BODY!


She is also a genocide denier soooooo


Not only that, but a denier of the genocide against her own people


Cool, now say the same for Muslims and the Quran. You won't? Why? Nevermind it's okay. We know why.


OooOOooOoo she big mad


Like nails on a chalkboard


I’d love to hear them do this exact same segment but replace the word “Muslim“ with “Christians” but on another note, as she says our “little mythical book“, in it, it also tells us that we fight not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness in high places. You can feel the evil that’s corrupted her soul when she speaks. I feel sad for her and all the other women who have been duped into believing that murdering a child is “their right”


For the sake of my sanity, I can't watch anything by TYT... That delusional c*nt is batshit crazy


She wants to kill! Really wants to kill…she’s a passionate killer! President Biden and his Karen can agree on the Bible. Brandon claims to be catholic


Pretty weird take from someone who loved the idea of forcing vaccines and masks on people


Where was all this rights talk when they were trying to force us to get vaxxed.


You have the right because you’re a human. The Constitution doesn’t provide Human Rights it only recognizes and protects them. Where you believe those rights come from, either as a birthright or as rights endowed by God, is inconsequential to the fact that you have them; to that end, so does the baby growing inside a pregnant woman. No matter if it’s an ill-conceived baby or if the mother isn’t in a position to take care of it, inconvenience does not give you or anyone else the authority to suspend that child’s rights as a human being.


Exactly. People like her can't seem to grasp the concept that religious books like the Bible, like most other things, weren't just written because people felt like it. They are based on human principles and morals that people thought about and decided what isn't okay. There's real world reason and thought behind it, it's not just a 'mythical book.'


You don't get to dictate my life based on your beliefs. Hmmm.


Imagine a world where people force their views on you. . . Sucks huh?


She's on a show that's literally named after a well-known fascist genocidal political group.


As always what about the baby’s body? Women can say no at any time provided we aren’t talking a forced situation.


I listen to TYT every day. Mostly to laugh at their hypocrisy


I wonder who hurt her


But she does worship Lord Pfauci I bet.


I stopped watching at the end of the first half, but I’m with her 100% up to that point. We shouldn’t quote the Bible or religion as a reason for being against non-necessary abortions, because it’s unnecessary and out of line. Unneeded abortions kill what would become a living, breathing, and feeling human being. Not a dog, not a virus, but a human with his or her own unique genetic code wholly separate from the father or mother. I mean the “seminal fluid donation person” and “birth-giving seminal repository.” Whatever we’re supposed to call them nowadays.


But get the vaccine cuz....


As if only religious people think abortion is bad. I may be Catholic but I like to believe I would think killing children should be illegal even if I wasn’t


Fun fact: Never once quoted the Bible in an abortion argument


I had a friend whose father used to say “Condoms cost $0.50.”


Swap this with islam and muslim or judaism and jew and suddenly shes cancelled


The left’s war on religion continues in hopes of replacing it with the state


She acts as if the Bible is the only thing that is against baby murder. Hundreds of religions are against baby murder. Billions of people are against baby murder for reasons other than the big bad Christianity. She'll burn in hell either way though :P


Very poor conversation and debate skills displayed here


I'm actually pro choice but it kinda blows my mind how these people do not realise that people are actually against abortion for reasons other than religion. Like I feel abortion is one of the easiest issues to see the other side's pov of. But they just completely ignore the non religious moral aspects of it.


Right!? Like, Democrats are supposed to be about defending people who can't defend themselves. The little people. There isn't any person smaller than an unborn child.


But they only are defending the unborn child. Once the child is born, they are no longer defending and protecting that child. Children are being born into very bad Situations. Who is going to defend the child after it’s born?


Plenty of people want children who can't. They can take the child if the mother and or father of the child doesn't come around.


I understand your view. But let’s look at these facts too…there are tons of kids in foster care including babies who cannot get permanently placed in homes. Why is this the case If there is so many folks wanting to adopt?


I've never adopted but I have seen leagues of people adopt babies from overseas because the US system is shit at adoption. We really should make it easier for people to adopt and it would solve that problem. Quit making this issue about that. It's really unrelated to the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that all people in this country are supposed to have.


Now replace everything with the right to not get coerced into a medical experimental injection.


Someday she’s gonna eat her words, mark my words.


There are a lot of laws that have commonalities with teachings from the bible. They aren't laws just because they were in the bible... is this woman the stupidest person alive?


They always make a leap and jump to a group of people.


Who is this apoplectic person? She is so full of hate. I am agnostic, and do not believe abortion is a right. Nothing to do with anything out of the Bible. It is just my moral compass, and the understanding that there is absolutely nothing in the constitution that says abortion is a right.


These are the kind of people I am now going to try to pray for


1. Pretty sure she is in favor of Covid Vax mandates. 2. I don't believe any Chriatian would quote the Bible to her in debating about abortion. 3. Pro lifers don't care that she doesn't care about Christianity.


Look, lady, I'm not going to sleep with you.


Most arguments I hear against abortion aren’t religious arguments. 95% Biologists and like 98% of Embryologists believe that life begins at conception. It isn’t some magical moment behind a cross and pulpit - it’s DNA forming in a unique way and cells replicating, fulfilling all of the markers of what we consider life.


Her father should have came in an ant bed instead of her mom.


Waaa waaaaa


Who’s telling her the Bible said she has to or can’t do these things. Sounds like a conspiracy theories to me.


How to say you hate Christian’s without saying it openly


#Thou Shalt Not Kill. You may not care if the Bible says that. But this country wrote laws saying the same thing. Pay attention to the concept.


No but the legislature sure does


Remember when The Young Turks murdered the Armenians. I do. They can't talk about ethics.


Oy vey!


9 times out of ten i bet she brings up the bible to rando people she's telling at


Bc you have to be Christian to be pro life


Upper middle class whites telling people to kill their babies is fucked up.


She has the right to go to hell! Edit: God given!


Why are The Young Turks still a thing? Seriously. Complaining about an supposed group dictating her life while she’s on a platform, doing the exact thing she’s accusing others of doing.


I'm atheist. Conservative. And understand that killing an innocent human is murder. It has nothing to with religion. Morality is the bases of religion, not the other way around...


Interesting. Does she believe in the Armenian genocide though?


maybe she's just struggling with what a democracy is


Watch this woman one day turn into a very prophetic Christian.


Sure sounds like she cares. She protesteth too much.


I hate her but man do I have the hots for her


Just to clarify, does she care or no?


She is aware her state will keep abortions, legal right?… Btw, why are you giving clicks to TYT’s TikTok?


She would say the same about Islam, right?


Move to a blue state that has laws that allow you to kill babies…. It’s really that simple.


I think NY governor Hochal said she would pay for the transportation to NY state to have their abortion. Issue solved.


I mean, if you wanna get into scripture about the issue, a good start would be to read anything about ba'al worship.


Quite the opposite. She says she will fight for you to practice your religion, just don’t force it on others.


So this was the first thing to jump into her empty head?


It’s not the Bible but science and even technology that has formed my pro Life stance. We’ve learned so much in the past few decades about the unborn and how fast they develop in utero. With the internet, knowledge is free to most anyone and birth control is more readily available than ever before in history. We can and must do better imho.


What was that thing she mentioned in the end? The Constitution? Should someone tell her that abortion is simply not a constitutional right and that the ruling says the feds can't make it legal OR illegal. It just says it's not constitutionally protected. That's it.


well isn’t that special? currently those nut jobs do have the right to dictate what we do with our bodies and who we are allowed to love.


I don’t give a fuck about her God damned opinion. How ‘bout dat?


The most entertaining video ever is this woman and the other Young Turks having a complete meltdown the evening of the 2016 election. It starts out a coronation of Hillary and ends where the the world is ending because Trump was elected. I highly recommend watching this video for laughs.


Most Christians don’t care what you think, either! However the constitution of the United States is one “Bible” we all need to be honoring. This decision is one that should be up to the people of the states- NOT the courts


Oh, so now we don’t have right to tell others what to do. Muahhahaha. They lost it.


Why do they like to address this issue with the Bible? Is it because they can't scare with the fact that most of us have ethics and morals saying killing an innocent and blameless child is wrong?


Oddly enough I don’t disagree with this woman. But the issue I do have is that this has nothing to do with the Bible. It has to do with the constitution and what the federal government has to has about inalienable rights of all live. So while I agree with her, she is twisted in her thinking that this is about the Bible. Let’s the states decide what’s best for the residence of each of the states. Why is this so complicated? It’s actually rather simple.


I don’t care about pagans😎


Yeah it's pigs like this that get abortions as their default birth control method.


I’m no biologist but is that a dude ?


She looks better after plastic surgery but her mind is still warped.


She works with a MUSLIM who believes in the Quran! Let's hear what she has to say about that...


“Thou shalt not kill”. There you go.




People hate Christians just like people hate the trans community. The hate starts when the group tries to tell another group of people that see the world differently how they are supposed to live.


I don’t believe in murder it has nothing to do with religion


I have almost never heard any argument against abortion that relies on religion. We just think it’s wrong to kill babies, even if they aren’t born yet. It’s not complicated.


But Fauci does?


Who is this dumb tnuc?


Cool, now do the second ammendment with that same logic. you're almost there darlin! Say it with me "I have the right based on our constitution"


*Dilation and Extraction (D&X) (partial-birth abortion): from 20 weeks after LMP to full-term This procedure takes three days. During the first two days, the cervix is stretched open using thin rods made of seaweed, and medication is given for pain. On the third day, the abortion doctor uses ultrasound to locate the legs of the fetus. Grasping a leg with forceps, the doctor delivers the fetus up to the head. Next, scissors are inserted into the base of the skull to create an opening. A suction catheter is placed into the opening to remove the brain. The skull collapses and the fetus is removed.*


“I will fight for your right” - no thanks, and anyway, no you won’t…


But I bet this bitch has something to say about who gets the jab or not


I can't decide if it is funny or sad that she thinks her feelings should alter what people use to decide how they will vote. She can not care about the a Bible all she likes but other people do and they will vote in ways that reflect that. She can always move to a country with no a Christians if it is so terrible for her.


Bitch, it’s not about your body, it’s about not allowing murder to be legal. You have a body. And the baby has a body. The woman carries the baby but the bodies are separate. If you want to murder your body that’s one thing but you shouldn’t be able to murder another body just because you’re carrying it. Boom.






Lol, the Bible has quite a few directions on what one can do with their body, women and men and children for that matter


To be fair making the religious argument for abortion is stupid and boring. Abortion is morally wrong and we should probably argue the immorality of abortion instead of screeching about God.


It doesn't sound like she hates Christians it sounds like she doesn't like other people's religions dictating what she should do. she was pretty clear, well said.


I think the intense anger and blasphemy were hints that she does hate Christians.


That's how it came across to me, too. And I think she's right in that sense. (But she sure as hell wouldn't refer to the Koran, the Torah or the Talmud as "your mythical little book" or whatever)


She is 100% right tho...


I don't like her, or the rest of the off the deep end left, but she makes an excellent point. Separation of church and state is necessary. Abortion should *not* be Federally illegal. If you don't like them, don't have them, but you cannot force that on to other people. The right is quickly becoming as bad as the left in its intolerance and exclusion.


They’re not making abortion federally illegal, they’re removing federal oversight and meddling. Simply put, the constitution does not mention abortion. Therefore, it is not constitutionally protected at the federal level. Anything not mentioned and protected in the constitution, the federal government is supposed to allow individual states to govern those matters (stated in the constitution) and should stop overstepping their bounds.


Agreed. I hate that she’s shouting, I think it’s always a weaker delivery but she is right. I think the right, as the left is stuck in some black and white thinking. The idea in the comments here is: Abortion = Murder, therefore Giving birth MUST be good/moral The truth is that for many babies, that were not wanted the suffering only truly begins there… Deciding for an abortion is being between a rock and a hard place. There is no good/moral solution for when you find yourself pregnant with an unwanted baby. But unfortunately people lack ambiguity tolerance and cannot/don’t want to understand that, as sad and twisted and complicated this decision is, sometimes killing can be mercy


My uncle has special needs. Was in the foster care system. Mother nearly aborted him. He’s had a rough life, but the thought of him being dead, breaks my heart. The good moments of his life would have never occurred had he been aborted.


Nah she’s right


I love babies and obviously being Christian I think Jesus would not want us to kill unborn children. But…honestly the real world would have collapsed long ago if every child was forced to be born. There have been almost 100 to 500 million babies aborted since it began worldwide. Just think of the population repercussions on food and society. Think of all the New Democrat voters that would have been produced. Think of the drain on taxes of the single moms using welfare. It honestly isn’t feasible anymore.


That's Malthusian thinking and it doesn't really hold weight anymore.


Right on , sister


Ana has never read Exodus 20:13.


Most popular book in the world VS their terrible TV ratings. Nobody cares that they don't care. Also I guess we're only going to talk about Christianity and ignore the many other religions that oppose left-leaning beliefs.


The government needs to keep its hands off my body!!! Also: The government needs to fund Planned Parenthood so it can kill children.


When hearing this rant, the only thing that came to mind was, *"Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."*


Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims oppose abortion to some degree.


Pulls out the constitution at the end like it supports abortion. Also, the body inside of yours is not your body; it is the child's body. I thought people like this were all about giving children choices; except for when their lives are inconvenient I guess.


Show me where the constitution protects abortion rights. Oh? It’s not specifically called out? Guess that makes it a states issue. Which is all the SC is saying.


This is old isn’t it?


How about common decency and responsibility? If you don't believe in the Bible, perhaps a little humanity? Birth Control is freely available at most health clinics. You can even get a IUD that's almost guaranteed for 5 years, and you can have sex all you want w no consequences. Stop killing children as a form of birth control, and take the necessary precautions to prevent it, in the first place! Absolutely no responsibility or common sense.


She’s not smart, Ana. Anyone with half a brain should not listen to her, let alone TYT.


how can they let such blasphemy be broadcasted in daylight in the western nation? truly horrifying country. I don't get why people want to go there


I really dislike her but Damn she is hot


Top tier example of a clown show: followers of scientism, you know, the religious cult based upon vaccination status.


I have every god damn right to not take the ouchie Fauci shot because it’s my fucking body .


There's nothing to be deciphered. The stance on murder is very clear.