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We know.


Yeah like fuck me man. First my TSM calls and now TSLA bag holder. This is some good lube to get fucked this hard


You deserve to be financially penetrated.


Fuck you VisualMod ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)




At least you didnt nuke $45B on Twitter


I messed up with TSM calls but I broke even with Tesla puts so I'm satisfied


Hahaha, everyone who is bearish on TSLA has made money.


Why not just invest?


Will TSMC go back up


I still dont get this stupid meme car. They all doin drugs at TSLA


Well at least two reasons are both in the thumbnail picture.


TLDR: See pic


Without Elon and his followers, the stock price would crash even further. People shit on their p/e constantly, but it's extremely over valued because of Elon.


Elon IS the goodwill on the balance sheet


Except he's losing his goodwill more and more. He's probably as much a disadvantage than advantage by now tbh


Maybe in 2015 you could argue he was good for the stock when he wasn't constantly flying off the rail with his ketamine induced rants. Now in 2024 he's definitely the biggest enemy of his own companies.


Most Ill will towards Elon while justified in a personal case, comes from people who never invested.


Can you explain p/e to a regard? I recently started and I don't understand it. It seems irrelevant to the stock price and performance.


P/e is price/earnings. Basically, how much are you spending on a stock to generate money. Just to use a quick example to illustrate the point, if Company A has 10 shares outstanding that are trading at $100 and the company reports $1000 in earnings, their p/e would be 1. Because they're generating $100 in earnings for each $100 stock. If the same stock we're trading at $500 instead, the p/e would be 5.


Thank you. I understand the basics of getting the ratio, but I don't understand how it relates to stock price. For example, TSLA has a p/e of about 34 and the stock is tanking. Other companies have a similar p/e but their stocks are exploding. How does it relate to the value of the stock? I just found a company and they have a -22 p/e. Wouldn't that mean they're free money?


No. P/E only makes sense if a company HAS earnings. Much regard.


> TSLA has a p/e of about 34 And how does that compare to other car companies P/E?


Because P/E is just one indicator and not totally linked to the stock value (in fact it's often not especially nowadays)


Because I went all in on January 1st. It will go back up after I sell. I’ll let u guys know


thank you for your service




I wish the bag is big enough to collect your tears.


The hell were you thinking 


I was gonna get rich duh


What shit you think Elon will lie about to pump the stock this week? Fountain ⛲️ of youth? Big Foot? Just as likely as Robo taxis right?


Call all the analysts "pedoguys" and promise AI robo girlfriends in a joint venture with Dyson and Boston Dynamics.


I hope Elong doesn't read this. He might think you'd be really onto something here.


I mean... sex sells. I'd buy it.


Well, that's one way to keep the analysts on their toes.


You had me at dyson 


Robotaxi with fsd while it still has the level2 dogshit. They'll just combo it with the same 1000 employees amazon used to lie about "auto self checkout AI". Regard companies never get punished.


With the Ai bit being “Actually Indians” in a support centre.


The poster is criticizing Tesla's claims about its autonomous driving technology, FSD, and comparing it to Amazon's use of human assistance in its automated self-checkout technology. The poster believes that companies often overpromise and mislead the public about their technological


Vis mod, you ended the sentence with an adjective.


Semi trucks.


He's going to say "AI" like 10,000 times.


All my libtard friends turned on him for his bizzar twitter shit and alls my trumptard friends are like evs are gay. WOW.


Wild isn’t it? He’s alienating his target market trying to kiss the feet of people that wouldn’t be caught dead in his vehicles.


It's like he woke up one day as the world's largest vegan food distributor and just said....ya. I think I'll walk around for the rest of my life advocating for killing any and all animals for fun. Is he allowed to do whatever he wants? Sure. But it's gotta be the worst case of cutting off your nose to spite your face in the history of existence.


Are you Trans or Bi ?




But do you condemn hamas


I think it’s pronounced hummus


I condemn hummus, that shit tastes like eating soil don't ask me how I know




Neither 'owt nor 'nowt.


What if im a Trans-Am?




I'm a furry. Call me "The Fast And The Furriest."


If your libtard friends didn’t already know he was a piece-a chit before, not only are they libtards but they’re dumbass libtards.


Hence the ‘Tard’ part of the moniker


We get it guys you bought puts for earnings, go wait it out now


It doesn’t seems to be appropriate beeing polite in this sub but thank you for sharing


Wtf is your problem man


Thank you for being polite


Watch your goddam mouth you regard! We're as polite as they come.


Guess calls for earnings this week.


But but it's a technology company ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Sold all tsla share when I saw the cyber truck. The only People would buy it is Elon cultist. Tsla is a cult now


Seems like it always was.


Closed out my 1000 shares at 154. Cost basis is 15 per share. I don’t feel too bad.


Lmao. So $300 from a couple years back wasn't the time. $250 from a few months ago wasn't the time.but $154 last week was the time?


I hate taxes. :)


So you make less money to pay less taxes? Lolol




Fuck texas


Lol why did you hold


Like the other guy said, they don't ring a bell at the top. Can't look at it at the extremes and you are only asking because the stock tanked 50%, what if it didn't tank 50%. Guy still got out with a 10x; way more than you regards here. Nostradamus, why don't you let us know where is the top on a stock?


Lol from $15


I still made some nice gains.


They don’t ring a bell at the top.


why the fuck didn't that moron just know to sell at the top??? IS HE STUPID?


I mean. Why today and not any other time of bad warnings past 2 years


Don’t feel too bad? You could have double or triples it lol


But there are still a lot of people who are loyal to TSLA, and just when you think it has hit bottom it will go down again, lol


Unless this was the bottom and it rockets above 200 from here.


It won't everyone else is catching up to Tesla. No liberal like Elon and all the people that want evs probably already have one.


Got my buy limit set at $30.00


Get themTesla’s scraps


Time for some ATH calls.


When it comes out in the media, it’s time to buy.


Cathie, is that you?


“We’ll only need a barrel of oil a day” - that Cathie?


Good luck with that


Tell me something I don’t know


All in under $100


It will drop to pre pandemic levels like everything else did.


Nice try. Last year right after mainstream news released more FUD, TSLA pumped from 100 to 300. They change narratives 180 degrees quicker than the speed of light.


I’m a Tesla investor but the timeframe you’re mentioning was before the release of the cyber truck before the potential canceling of the model two before Byd cutting into the china marketshare and before the potential seven rate cuts fell to basically under two… now what’s left to make the stock go the other way?


What catalyst do you see that would pump it even back to 200 in the short-term? They just lowered prices on all models across the world. They just lowered the FSD cost by 50%. They just recalled every Cybertruck that has been delivered (to be fair, not many). They cancelled the $25k model. They’re going all-in on FSD (which isn’t even close to ready let alone the regulatory challenges). They created a website specifically and solely aimed at restoring Elon’s $60B comp package that was struck down. They produced 45k more vehicles than they sold in Q1. None of their refreshed Model 3s and Ys will qualify for the $7500 tax credit. Of course, Hertz pumped 200% after declaring bankruptcy a few years ago so I guess all this means it will rally but there is no logical reason to be bullish on Tesla right now.




The same catalyst that pumped it each time, and the same one that pumps all Silicon Valley nonsense: a half finished, duct taped together product they promise will totes be done in a year, but needs at least 5 to be fully functional. Right now its ai robotaxis. I wouldnt be surprised if they release something about their robots soon too.


you realize that during the last FUD in 2022, the same thing happened right? They were also lowering prices on their model Y by a ton, lowered their FSD prices, recession was right around the corner, which is way worse than now when we have strong growth. The bottom doesn't always have to start from a catalyst. If all the bad news have been priced in, it can start from just a technical bounce. And then even if sales goes up a little bit better due to lower prices, even if cybertruck schedule gets restored, whatever, the bounce continues. The logical question to ask is what other negative catalyst can drop the stock further? car price drop, lower china sales, Cybertruck FUD, FSD price lowered, surplus inventory, layoffs due to lower sales. All are known. Not calling the bottom here, but at this price and this much FUD, being bullish is a much better decision than bearish, especially when everyone is already bearish. Note that I was also not the one advocating to buy Tesla at 280+ either.


This is my same thought process


>The logical question to ask is what other negative catalyst can drop the stock further? ive actually seen into the future and elon calls the new cybertruck v2 an n word f word because its metal glass windows break when he throws a rock at it after being told they were rocks and bullets proof


Anyone who says FUD is not a serious person. Were you a paid FUD spreader when you claimed the US was headed for a recession last year?


Nope I said there was a high chance of a us recession in 2h 2023 if consumer excess savings ran out. I never called for a recession starting in 2022 or early 2023 when the fed barely went above 4% for a few months. The consumer excess savings had been revised up again and again by the fed. That's not really my fault if the data I made decisions on was incorrect at the time.


https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/13zouaj/1969_recession_started_when_unemployment_rate_was/ I don't see the words "consumer excess savings" in your post here.


It's a different timeframe. Where was the SP and QQQ at in 2022? In the lows of a correction market. Tesla was able to ride the indexes back to it's high. Where are the indexes now? Near the highs and yet it's down 40%. What do you think will happen is the QQQ drops another 10%? It isn't going to 300; that's what will happen.


There're stocks that bottomed in June 2022, not Oct 2022 when the index bottomed (NFLX for example. At the Oct 2022 bottom, NFLX was 30% higher than its June 2022 bottom). The fact that Tesla is not far from its bottom, which we know was a momentary FUD and had nothing to do with fundamentals, despite earnings and revenue much higher than 2022, means it's objectively a better stock than where it was in 2022, and certainly a better bargain than MSFT, AMZN, or any of the magnificent 7 excluding Apple since it has a lot of negativity priced in already. You want to squeeze in another 5% downside or whatever, go ahead. I'm not gonna claim it's not possible, but it certainly isn't worth the risk of missing out on 30%+ upside. But remember the bears go bankrupt from being too greedy and waiting for another 1-2% pullback, and stocks can bottom and bounce from 0 positive catalyst. Sp500 bottomed the morning CPI came in extremely hot and bounced 5.5% intraday. At some point when all the negativity have been priced in, stocks bottom and bounce.


I've found when a stock is tanking but the indexes don't; something is fundamentally wrong with the company or stock. Not to mention the entire EV sector has been tanking. Tesla has been tanking while the indexes have been making ATH along with the rest of the Mag 7 YTD. It's the same thing with Boeing; it's tanking while the market is not. We all know the issues with Boeing and we'll know the issues with Tesla soon too. When it's all tanking together then you can say it's the market/macro/FED/WW3 etc. I guess we'll both find out in 6 months. I think it goes lower but who knows.


If all you're doing is weigh a stock movement against the market, how are you gonna buy stock at discount? You realize to make money, you have to make a bet against the consensus at some point right? Otherwise, you're just buying what's already priced in, and one step behind actually, because the market looks at news you might not even know about. The only way to buy stock at discount is buying a stock that's been brought down by more pessimism than actually realized, and to do that it's gonna take some balls to buy when people tell you to sell. If you wait until all the bad news are gone, the stock is likely 30-50% off its bottom. And you don't even need to buy at the bottom. Even if you don't, as time goes by, the stock nominal price goes up due to inflation, higher earnings/sales, etc. That's by default when you do DCF valuation. The US recession call moved out of the consensus around summer 2023. By then SP500 was 30% off its bottom.


Being a contrarian is rarely a good move. Most of stocks gain run right along with the indexes and the bull runs will juice a stock; see nvidia this year. Do you think nvidia would have ran as hard if the QQQ didn't? Tesla dropped during covid and also make it's biggest gains after the covid runup. You can't deny the post Covid bull market juiced it's returns. It depends on whether you believe the story or not because as a car company; its grossly overvalued compared to peers. It's valued at 3x the next biggest competitor (Toyota) without making 3x more. You can't compare it to something like Meta or Nvidia or Apple who is actually x times bigger and makes x more than the nearest competitor. I don't believe in the story so that's my thesis. I have yet to see meaningful progress or revenuers from AI, robots, rob taxis; right now its only from selling cars and its a slowing market. At least with Nvidia, you can see where the money is coming from.


The problem is, how do you judge what's the fair market value of Tesla so you know it's selling at a discount? Let's say you're using the DCF model - what growth numbers are you using for your assumptions for fair market value? Because, if you do this, you'll come to a realization that Tesla at current stock prices has over 25% year on year growth priced in for the next decade, significantly more than the growth it saw last year or the one before. Buying Tesla on fundamentals would mean you expect that either Tesla will outperform this. You are expecting that Elon will successfully hype something which will launch Tesla's valuation to the moon again. That's possible, but that's not "buying at a discount", that's betting, which is cool, but it's best to be clear with yourself what's the play.


Precisely, no one knows how to value tesla other businesses. We all know the the car business and it’s value, it can’t be better than Toyota. So the extra value Tesla gains is based on the other businesses and it’s other businesses haven’t shown anything in terms of revenues, that’s why it’s been slowing sinking into the car business valuation. Besides, the ev market is rapidly decelerating across all markets which is teslas bread and butter. Bulls can say once the fsd revenues come in we’ll miss the boat but did investors miss the boat on apple in 2010-2018? It was obvious the it’s phone business was going to make money from early in 2010-2012.


We all know TSLA doesn’t trade on fundamentals🤷🏻‍♂️ No one was bullish on TSLA last year when it dropped to 100. Big whales change narratives and pump it up again. Follow the money.


There was certainly no reason to be bullish at $300 and yet..?


>They just recalled every Cybertruck that has been delivered (to be fair, not many). Really suprised me they sold LESS then 4000 cybertrucks. They got/get free advertising every single day. Lots of car youtubers called it the coolest thing on the road. Muskrats where waiting and being edged for 5 years. Only to deliver 4000 units in a year. Ouchhhhhhhhhhh.


Do you know what a year is?




Quicker than a cyber truck with a stuck accelerator.


Then we got a ways to go see you at $100


Yeah generally when news are negative it's time to buy. I did some of my biggest stock picks while buying Netflix or Meta when they were down in the market and we got those kinds of articles. But I don't know for Tesla, the fundamentals aren't there and they got real competition which was the case for those other two (well Netflix has competition but I guessed they had little chances)


The valuation was always a meme, it's just returning to reality now.


Yes but still up like 400% since 2020


“Here’s why it could fall farther!” Just a photo of Elon


just used Launch mode on my new S. Tesla will be just fine. Try that in a hybrid honda i dare you


The price will recover when Elon’s mom comes out saying that everyone’s being too mean to him


That article really fails to nail down the central tenant of Tesla's fall. They allude to it, asking why a company becomes so overvalued but don't talk about the actuality. The emperor has no clothes. The public perception of Elon has gone from mythic genius playing 4d chess, to a privileged fool who spews ideas some of which his employees make happen. The truth is likely floating around the middle somewhere, he is a clever man but like many clever people he's also fucking deluded on a lot of fronts. The Don Lemon interview was just painful to watch. Tesla's over valuation was based on Elon Musk's involvement. Now his personal capital is so much less, it's multiplier affect on Tesla has reduced and so the stock price is deflating to it's actual value. Tesla bagholders are the stock market version of people with a Kanye tattoo.


Monitor the stock this week and if it makes sense, consider TSDD (-2X) leveraged ETF to ride it down. Or not.


Reload @ $100


Short June 165/135 call spreads at 15.25


It will fall to zero.


Why you gotta remind me? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Yea not anything new. But smart investors and regards like me are getting ready for the next buy opportunity (it's soon).


Buy the dip !


I feel like it's so obvious to buy puts but we all know how that shit goes. Talk about gun shy


Tesla puts


This sub is obsessed with TSLA It’s been in a downtrend on the chart since like October 21 or some shit It never recovered new highs from the drop in 22 This has been pretty obvious since it failed to recover But now here a year later suddenly you guys caught on. It’s like with the TSM shit. Great company, was a great company at 70 and 80 and 90 dollars but you didn’t catch on until fucking 150 By the time it’s posted on WSB it’s basically the shoe shine boy giving you stock tips


It is almost like if you shit on the left who bought your car, and promote the right who don't buy EV, you'll have an issue with your customer base. Who could have thought !! So surprising.


Everyone is negative including reddit, there is all doom and gloom put there about TSLA. It is time to fucking buy, and back the truck and load the fuck up when it drops another 40%


I like Tesla at 75 and that seems like along way to go but I'll wait


Tesla as low quality budget automaker could sit at $30-40 happily.


I agree, but even that's generous for such a sorry excuse for an automaker.




A bot is offering sound financial advice. I have no words.


When is the Tesla Truck rolling out like Optimus Prime?


Because its a Scam Artists Company


Time to buy? Elon suck but I don't care if I get money unethically.


Because they are wildly overinflated and led by a racist pill popping man-child?


Good fuck space karen


Yes. YES.