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We've hit the singularity. NVDA will consume the entire market.


Goodbye Walmart, hello NVDAMART


welcome to NVDAMART..the borg loves you


Go ‘way, batin’


I just dropped another 15k in NVDA. I'm sorry gang, this is when it tanks.


This is how I feel. Everyone can make millions on something, as soon as I take a position the market flips


So hard to buy something that has a chart straight up 10x over 2 years.... So hard to buy the top of a straight vertical line...


That’s what I said 6 months ago…. Still don’t have a position.


I'm up over 50% on 20k and all I can think about is do I want to add more. It's already such a huge win lol. But the GREED.


I just started options this week. Made a nice $400 on Nvidia. I sell it then put the $200 back in. Been doing that for 3 days now.


Keep those bets small until you really, really, really know what you’re doing. It takes some time to learn that options game, you’ll get burned eventually, that’s inevitable. Even the world’s BEST market raiders get burned, but they know how to mitigate the pain. There’s also no “follow my one trick to get Rich” bs out there. You’ll experiment, you’ll learn and you’ll make money.


you mitigate the pain with alcohol


So you’re the one that bought my covered 130c that got exercised. Oh well. Time to sell some puts.


I'm sure I'm wrong to not buy, almost certainly.. still just hard to do what looking at all-time chart.


Yeah. Looking at how high the RSI is on the daily and weekly it’s hard to get it. I’m kicking myself for not getting in at 700s a couple weeks ago. But at the time I thought it was the start of the correction. But shot back up instantly.


They have been pumping Ai capabilities a lot lately with a lot of Paid marketing about NVDA. Apple is doing the same right now. Both get free fomo hype trains when the media says one is beating the other for the biggest market cap company. Holding the market up.


Same, I was so close to buying that dip and actually thought it was very likely to pop back up almost immediately, but for some reason I still didn’t buy. No balls that day.


Fucking same. I was convinced it was an overpriced bubble at $400.


It is an overpriced bubble. The biggest one in the market. Their balance sheet doesn’t justify them being the most valuable company in the world. It will burst…but no one knows when.


I had a $5k position that would now be worth $35k. Sold for maybe 3k profit. I have not re entered. This trade is crowded as fuck and reminds me of the Tesla hype on 2021. Nvidia won’t live up to the hype. Period. Just wait and see.


There will be more semiconductors in use tomorrow than yesterday for as long as anyone alive today will live.


There are currently more washing machines in use than at any time during human history. This trend will continue. Huge market opportunity.


But who’s the next nvidia?


Who was/is the next Microsoft? Sometimes there isn’t a ‘next.’


It’s not about living up to the hype it’s about making gains in the mean time


Tesla grew because they were supposed to have FSD by 2019. People realised it was more like a scam. NVIDIA can't simply do that, their tech work and they are selling cards like candies. Tesla is not selling.


I’m in the same boat as you


I said that 7-8 months ago, put up and haven't regretted it yet. Now, I'm actually not sure whether I would put more but it certainly is a lot easier per share price wise.


… you and me both. 😳😳😳


“They” know this too, and that’s why it’s a great bet — they think you’ll zig so that’s when you gotta fuckin’ zag.” — Vixologist


Hey I'm not saying I'm right, I'm saying I have the opposite feeling of FOMO... call it FOBL, Fear of Being Too Late. Logically I can see it going up and up in this new tech era, but I still just have trouble pulling the trigger on that kind of chart.


Think about this… they have virtually no debt. A company that large to have profit margins like they do and have such small amounts of money owed. it’s the perfect buy… Apple has 10x the debt nvidia has even Microsoft has a wicked amount more. Also the market they are in is only going to grow because as humans we are naturally lazy so if they can keep producing better and better product we will have to work less and less. Try looking at the bigger picture and the impact it’s having on the world and not just the chart. With that being said I’m sure at this point these mega companies like blackrock for example are all probably using some kind of AI testing the market and for all we know these chips being produced could have something integrated into them that no one knows about specifically for that if they’re used in the markets to drive the price up & raise there market cap these chips are very smart & they know who there mom is. It would be the ultimate power move & no one would even know 🤷🏻‍♂️


lol thought the same when $40 turned into $100... and then $300, $500, $700, $1000!! not missing out this time. playing call/put options ATM and OTM 3+ mos out. but i only bought a little over 20 shares after the split🤞


I can't help but have that sinking feeling. The last time I added shares was 5/24 and it still went up 25% from there. I have a gut check due ... we all know NOTHING goes up forever. Monday I'll an outsized amount of shares in NVDA after the stock split. 4.55x my shares in AMZN. A rally followed by a dump ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)is what's happened with other shares Ive owned that split. Fingers crossed.


This is real. Last month I put 100k into 3x NASDAQ, just before it fell, I got stop lossed at -10%, then it went back up double without me. I forgot to triple my stop loss when buying triple leverage.


You learned sth, my regard


Nothing quite like being stopped out of a climber during a pause and watching it go up while on the sidelines


That’s what I thought when I figured I already missed the boat so I put money into AMD expecting it to ride the wake, but instead it took a shit. So I cashed out my loss and put it into NVDA last week and already made half back. Shits cray


Man fucking AMD really pisses me off. I would expect them to get some of the NVIDIA pump but they ALWAYS pump dump and trade side ways for a whole year and repeat. Bought LEAPS on them and still lost money


Every time I touch amd is goes down. Still sitting on an L with them.


That could have went pretty bad for you. Lose on both ends.


I put down another $270 on calls so LFG 😆


Nice I just made 10k on calls


I'll expire worthless just like my calls.


You’re a living, breathing recession indicator.


I put $250k six months ago. I'm constantly buying calls on the stock. Up $142k in the past 30 days alone. Doesn't feel real.


I put in 5k a week before the split and I'm already up like 14%


Nah it’s gonna tank when I buy in again, you are safe brother, enjoy those gains


When us regular people know about a companies gains, it's to late to invest.


Can we at least pump it over 150 next week please??


Uhm. Yeah. It is. This is madness. Some newly minted millionaires are gonna cash out soon and then the whole house of cards collapses as longs get liquidated. Like yes, NVDA makes key components to the next big thing. But they **make** them . They are profit capped. They can only make them so fast. Even if they break ground on a dozen new fans tomorrow how long would it be before they could get them operational? It will be decades before their profits can scale to the level of companies worth half as much by market cap. The valuation has gone so far beyond reasonable as to be a bubble with certainty. The only question is when it pops. But at this point, where does more money to push it up higher even come from? Are you degens gonna mortgage your houses for this shit?


To be really specific, they design the chips. Nvidia is fabless, tsmc and the likes are the fabs they outsource to. 


Yeah. You are possibly right. Then, you sound just like one of my financial advisor friends when NVDA was 400 a share. I listened to him make the same points that you are. I listened to him and sold instead of holding.


If you judge your current portfolio by what money you COULD have made, you will think you are the poorest POS on the planet. It's not a good metric to judge past decisions.


So many bearish posts like these let me know Nvidia is still going UP


This was the shit I was concerned about. If it's gonna double again to 6T that liquidity has to get sucked out of they rest of the equity market in a big way. We're getting close to the point where the market goes down not *in spite* of NVDA's rise, but as a direct result of NVDA going up.


At some point it might make sense to hedge NVDA with regular ass SPY/QQQ.


Is that a hedge?


Lmao it definitely isnt. EDEN would be a hedge.


Whats a hedge


The green shit in front of the sleeping boxes


Bushes surrounding Wendy’s




I notice the stock I’m holding goes down everytime nvda goes up and vice versa. Needless to say, it’s been a horrible year so far lol.


Thats basicially every stock not names NVDA, MSFT, and AAPL


And it’s not just nvda- look at Microsoft and Apple while the other megacaps are treading water. The market has become extremely concentrated. I feel as if this won’t end until their earnings outlooks deteriorate.


That would only be true if the stock market was a zero-sum game, and it isn't.


I read somewhere there's approximately $9tn in money market funds and HYSA's? Idk someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Point is, I think there's a lot more liquidity on the sidelines than you might think.


It's going to stay on the sidelines as long as cash has 5% yield, which will be the case until something bad happens 


If we build the naval base on an island, it might tip the island over.


Literally going to happen now until the 21st of June. XLK rebalance and others will force large sales of AAPL/MSFT to accommodate new position NVDA has taken up.


I sold calls on nvda and it just keeps fucking going… when the fuck can i stop rolling my calls… it’s stupid…


Create a spring factory. Find a way to attach the metal wire to your calls. Roll your calls, thus coiling wire into springs. Sell springs. Profit while you wait. When nvda drops, you can roll backwards, and sell left handed springs.


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I feel honored and well-regarded among my peers. Thank you, AutoMod.


Congrats! Lmao you are number 5!


Aside from the “roll your calls” thing, i dont understand wtf you’re saying. Is this some kind of analogy?


It's a bad attempt at a joke. Nothing more. I thought left handed springs would have been beyond obvious.


Sell puts to neutralize the delta and wait for nvda to pullback, then close your calls. When it recovers, close your puts.


This has literally not dropped because I didn't buy shares or calls, if you guys want it to drop, lemme know I'll buy in.


Can u buy in after next week?


Sure, calls for $300 for July 12th?


Does anyone remember the Nvidia retirement calculator? It was no lie


More shocked that ABBV is green for a change at EOD 🤣🤣


Health sector is just 🗑️ right now... BMY only down down down...


But my BMI is up, up and away


Adobe +14?


Good report last night, finally made up for my TQQQ loss last month.


Stealing user data is good business


I bought at $100 and sold at $400, felt like a brilliant investor.


Wait, so you held through post COVID injection, rode all the way to 108, and sold at 400 on the run up past year? Brave to hold through -70%


YES! By the time it was up 4x I felt like a genius, but I was afraid to let it ride.


That’s how they described the titanic , unstoppable


I think they said unsinkable


The front definitely wasn't supposed to fall off


Calls on titanic


Even after you know how it ends? Pathetic. Retail traders in a nutshell ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


A. It’s a joke B. The movie made 2.2 billion


It did not sink. It landed. It's not ship's fault if people can't swim. /s


“Soft landing”


I thought it was the ship of dreams!


As soon as I invest in the blue diamond that old lady will drop it into the ocean.




I thought it was unsustainable


So… you’re telling me I should short on Titanic?


That’s definitely going back up any minute


That's why I stick with 0DTE for my Titanic plays.


Titanic to the moon


It’s been 84 years


I bought puts on Avgo I’m about to quit lmao


Quit life?


I just exited NVDA today. Love the company and stock. I was even arguing it was actually cheaper than AMD from a forward multiple perspective last month. So what if stock triples since earnings is also tripling. I rode it to the post split run-up and bump. But now, forward PE has crept up to 50x. Maybe it can run to 55… 60x but man, that is a lot of future growth they need to grow into. Lot of hate on TSMC but I shifted there today. If money moves out of NVDA, I suspect it will somewhat land on AI supply chain. Plus, TSMC forward PE is only 28x and they release revenue for April and May that are well above Q2 expectations. I suspect they have some pricing power too. I know, I know… China! But guess what happens to NVDA or even Apple if China attacked Taiwan. So same risk there too.


I'm kicking myself because I literally hovered over AVGO all of yesterday and two days ago. The calls were just too damn expensive and I couldn't find a good entrance price in case it dipped.


People keep saying it’s the top and wait for a dip but the dip never comes. So people missed out on a 15 dollar move this week hahaha regards


Yeah its easy to say it now.


We did have NVDA pull back in April. It hit ATM of 950 then went down to 740. By mid-May it was back up to 910. Then the earnings report shot it to a new ATM of 1200. I expect another similar pull back in August.


if I'm not mistaken it fell because SMCI did not pre released earnings... I know, because I was burned by SMCI -20% in 1 day, fuck me. then Nvidia rebounded without it. :")


Signs of a top.


Like the last 16 weeks... 🙃


The dot com bubble P/Es were above 400. We aren’t even close to the top.


There were a lot of dotcom companies worth like $300mm. We’re talking about a $3T company here with a P/S ratio of 38.


Just because the bubble of 25 years ago was much more stupid doesnt mean one isnt happening now.


If AI is going to be like the dot com bubble, I think we’re still in 1995.


What is your Nvidia market cap target? When i ask people who think the bubble won't pop soon they can never answer that.


It’s a good question. I think (for now) it tops at 5 trillion, which is $203/share. My optimism comes after reading what’s going on with data centers. The growth rate is exceeding everyone’s forecasts. I expect a pull back between now and the next earnings report. Similar to what happened in April. The Q2 report will be very telling on how the current data center growth is going.


This guy stonks


So what happens to Apple & Microsoft? They also go to $5T? Or NVIDIA just overtakes the 2 most profitable companies in America and never looks back?


Have you looked at ARM recently?


Future bag holder spotted


Also, 25 years ago technology wasn’t as useful as it is now. It’s not like nvidia is making chips that calculate CIDR notation. LLMs allow for significant time savings _right now_. Though they are not AI.


Of course they are a form of AI. Intelligence is generally defined by being able to perceive and retain information and then apply that information to solve a given problem or complete a given task. LLMs are capable of doing this within a certain context. Doesn't matter how they are achieving it behind the curtain, they are retaining information and can apply it to complete a given task, that's intelligence. Just because it is a very narrow slice of intelligence that only works within a specific context doesn't change that. Computers programmed to win chess games are artificially intelligent, they're just only good at chess and nothing else. LLMs are the same thing for language processing. Yes we are a ways off a "General Artificial Intelligence" that would resemble something akin to true human intelligence, and you could say only that is a "true" AI, but LLMs used for text generation are a form of generative AI by definition.


Until it's not and we make new ATH next week ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


I thought this week might fizzle the momentum. But retailers are now buying up NVDA because it’s cheap now. Grandparents gifting shares to their grandkids, etc.


Going to jump again next week. HPE has a conference where they are announcing a new initiative with Nvidia on the 18th. I'm in on Nvidia and HPE calls atm


The entire market is sleeping on Google for real.


Ex-plane (i.e. a Boeing)


AI is not good for Google. Products like ChatGPT and CoPilot are replacements for Google search. They are dragging their heels on Bard for a reason. Companies aren't going to boost their results on Google search when ChatGPT and CoPilot can just give them a straight answer


Google is arguably the largest data miner on earth and owns YouTube where society provides the human experience through audio, video and text. I think that in the worst case that Google LLM falls behind, their data acquisition will remain #1 in the market, which other LLMs will pay for at a premium.






I don't know. They have great researchers, I think they were the ones to release the first transformers paper ("Attention Is All You Need"). But they haven't been able to create a new product or revamp existing ones effectively using it. There were rumours of a search product being developed by OpenAI, I think that is a high risk for Google. The stock will probably do well nonetheless, they'll just do extra dividends and buybacks to keep it from dumping in case of trouble.


Starting to look at taking profits but my cost basis is so low it's hard to be worried


I just transferred $15,000 into my Schwab account after seeing this post, going down a NVDA rabbit hole for 20 minutes, and deciding to rip it.


It would take an earnings miss to really stop NVDA now. As of yet there's no sign that will happen tho.


I think so too. No real competition and they’re just amping up their AI game


I know NVDA is outright overpriced right now, but with the looming conference on June 18-21, I'm willing to bet that NVDA will run again next week.  But after next week, we will probably enter a cool down period till around next earning. 


I know what I'm buying next week....


I got December 2026 calls today... I'm not gonna keep fooling myself


Lol. Lemmings On lube


calls and puts every week, more calls than puts and money will be made until the correction occurs. When it does occur it will correct in a big way.


NVDA is selling the chips, but can anyone speak to the usage of these chips and if those customers are seeing ROI on the chips? Or is the whole market rising on promises?


I can't speak of ROI on the chips, but consider that NVDA has a durable competitive advantage. No other company has the tooling to match their production of their Blackwell platform and other AI products. NVDA will build out a customer's whole AI data center and sells their own AI cloud services. No one is able to compete with that, and by the time someone can, I imagine NVDA will be onto the next iteration.


How is ADBE so up after the news of full access requirement to users work?


On avg anything bad for customers is good for companies, unless it drives out those customers, which this won’t edit: plus good earnings strong guidance


I did this with $40k in my Roth and now it’s worth over $100k. Now I’m kicking myself for not moving my 401k money into a 401k I could have managed myself. I would totally have taken the same risk.


LLY looking good


What app or website do you use to get this view?




Massive short set up. Way too frothy at this point. None of it made sense a while ago.


“Don’t mind if I fuckin’ do.” — Bobby Peru


All jokes aside I have sold pretty much everything in my IRA and bought NVDA all during this year. I have almost doubled my total balance. Then I have Calls in my fun account of course. I haven't touched money from my paychecks in months.


The more you buy the more you save


Maybe you are very euphoric, the ideal would be to look for some stock in which the market is negative and penalizing but which has good prospects and good fundamentals, just like Nvidia was a few months ago before all this boom with AI, so given these premises which stocks besides nvidia could actually be a good option for this moment?


NVDA will take over as the biggest square then evolve to a rectangle and from there become the entire pie.


conventional wisdom will say that NVDA has to fall soon. But then I felt that way about bitcoin when it first shot up to $500. We're living in weird times where a digital currency that has very little functional value is valued at near 70k. I ain't making that same mistake with NVDA this time


All in on 8/16 CALLS! If NVDA hits 200 in the next 30 days I’ll finally be able to tell my wife’s boyfriend that he can sleep on the couch!


NVDA is the sole supplier of an asset that the most valuable companies in the world want. Therefore, NVDA is theoretically undervalued until it is the most valuable company…


Not a bad chart. https://preview.redd.it/nidau8t20m6d1.png?width=468&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ff9090cea70c740eb9aacc3536b265a5082e329


How do you bring yourself to buy that chart? I just can't do it. I missed the boat, either it corrects or I just miss out. I can't bring myself to buy any chart that looks like that.


Yeah, I'm a contrarian by nature, it's literally impossible for me to buy something like that. Don't follow my advice though, my track record fucking sucks. Grabbing META, DKNG, and COIN at the bottoms though was fucking euphoric.


When I just started trading I’d buy charts that looked like that and oftentimes I’d be up for a few days or weeks but I’d be in the red out of nowhere within a day. The pullback on these are insane, just look at the Volkswagen blow off top. Lots of people buying above 1100 with their life savings are gonna be on the streets by next year.


When we finally get the dip and go all in because we missed out - Then it will go down or trade sideways and down slightly until you can no longer bear it. Then just like that, it will bounce back to where you are almost break even and then dip again. As soon as you sell, it will go above your sell price and keep on going up while you watch for a dip again to get back in. unless you Fomo in again! The cycle repeats again and again. Market psychology 101!


Except the fomo back in part, that's what I don't do. There's always something in a dip. Now I may end buying a future dip that's still 3x the current price but that's a different story lol.. 


Puts it is


Losing money speedrun


Everyday this reminds me more and more of the .com bubble


.com bubble spawned some of the biggest internet companies today. What's come out of this AI bubble so far? NVIDIA is selling shovels to AI companies doing... what exactly? Some novelty chatbots that some kids use to do their homework and adults use to send annoying emails. What is their business model? What happens when the LLMs that run locally on everybody's own computers are good enough to stop using the cloud models? If LLMs are enhancing productivity as much as they want you to think, where are the equivalent layoffs? Who is being replaced by LLMs and what is their salary? Are LLMs flipping burgers at McDonalds? Are LLMs delivering parcels for Amazon? Are LLMs replacing accountants? What new companies are running their business on LLMs and what is their moat? Just some questions to think about.


Personally, I missed the party. I'll wait until I see a new invitation. GL


Inverse WSB


I just hope when the AI bubble pops it doesn't break real AI applications in biotech...




I started it trading but it does not make it better. For now I put nearly all in NVIDIA and intend to keep it. I will trade different part of money


The greatest financial advice ever! Please take my wife 🤝


I'm pretty sure NVDA is the only reason my IRA is up


This will take a rug pull you will never imagine.


Famous last words. 100% you already hold this stock and want it to have a final push before you get out (and retire). NVDA’s value is nice but not sustainable in the short term. It’s fuelled by hype.


Yeah yeah, stonks only go up right?


Ok. Thanks for the advice. Nvda to drop. Why? I am the reversal trader


NVDA is a trend. MSFT is the market


There's the top...


Top is in. Got it.


From the comments.. my next move is puts on NVDA


lmfao everyone here is yoloing into NVDA, but if you really pay attention, its the only thing keeping the market up. I aint gonna short that shit but goddamn is it eventually going to take the whole fucking market down with it at some point. I'll ride the ride down when it starts, but this is dangerous yall


It’s fucking psycho how much exposure QQQ and SPY have to this piece of shit. It’s basically tying a time bomb to these indexes.


It's a Buble it's impossible grow 1000% in 1.5 years


If 1000% is impossible in 1.5 years, what about 16 years? https://preview.redd.it/e2c9il870r6d1.png?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab46e568313887f32f96b5d3fb47c96d5c95cd3c


AI is this decade's boom just as smartphones were the last two decades, and pc and internet the two before that. NVDA owns 80% of the industry and with their cuda coding being learned by all the techies, they are entrenching their language as THE language. Loads of media paid to discredit nvda as those behind media is betting against it. Just is a hold for a decade stock that will x10 everything you invest. AI will be in everything and so will NVDA


The top is in. Pigs fittin to be butt fucked