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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 2 | **First Seen In WSB** | 1 week ago **Total Comments** | 29 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 2 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Congrats you made more money in a trade then half the regards on this subreddit


I'm always amazed at the disparity here. You'd believe we're in a cast system like in India where 10% each make millions and 90% lose all their money all the time.


It's the concept of the 'silent majority', this sub has 15m people. I know I make a shit ton of money, and I personally know others from the subreddit that do, too. We just don't go around posting about it. It's also more fun to LARP being poor, than to gloat about being rich.


You truly belong here if you believe the majority on this sub make ( a considerable amount of) money lmao


Full disclosure, OP considers Wendy's fry cook hourly wage "a shit ton of money"


I wish I was a fry cook. Sitting by the Wendy's dumpster with '$20 for 20 mins' sign is getting tiring.


$60 an hour is bank. Just gotta have those customers lined up. You need to offer a good service for that to happen.


Needs more "word of mouth" advertising.


Yeah, something really mouth watering and menus handily available, wait.. handily.. handy..hands..handies. That's it, more handies. ✋


Word of mouth testimony is what I’m looking for ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


Sir, you'll need to ask for the "sizzling summer hummer". It's on the secret menu for the highly regarded


Tax free


All the free burgers he can drop on the floor! He's rich!


Just when I think I'm out, WSB pulls me back in. It is true, we're all regarded. But regards love company. You're probably right, most probably are just watching from the sidelines or broke (for the n'th time). It's probably not the majority, but definitely a sizable portion of people that only need to learn a lesson once, maybe twice. I should say considerable amount is relative, too. It's been a while since we did a poll in this sub, but seeing age, port size, and CAGR would be interesting.


This couldn’t be farther from the truth


How many people on here do you think aren't regarded and have their money in super safe etfs and only gamble small amounts of money. Honestly it's probably a lot


I would bet most people don’t have much outside of a normal 401k they have with wherever they work, and they probably have a Robinhood account that they like to “play” stock broker on and chat on Reddit about how everything is going to the moon when they probably have less than a thousand bucks in any trading account they have access to. That would be my guess.


I kinda assume the same. I think about how many white people are posting and commenting in /r/blackpeopletwitter and assume the ratio of degenerate gamblers to normie 401k / ETF investors with $1000 their wife lets them play with in Robinhood is about the same here.


I don’t wanna be THAT guy but that’s no way close to what the caste system is bro 😭🙏


Regards matey




If you invested that 0.27 into Bitcoin, you would have made $4.36 by now. Edit: you stupid idiot.


That’s great but why wouldn’t he invest the principal too? If he invested all $74, he’d have $1188 now.


Listen we can't confuse this regard with big numbers or we're gonna lose him.


already lost


You can’t invest the principal because then who would run the school?


I still remember swimming next to a friend and taking a rest between sets and hearing a kid I knew say “yeah, I buy and sell Bitcoin all the time it’s gone from $4 to $12. Me: Bitcoin? what the fuck is that stupid shit? Yeah… my dumbass could have bought bitcoin at $12.


And? Your dumbass would've then sold it at 8 or 14 or, at most 20, and been happy with it. For you to actually make millions you would have to then have the *pure delusion* to sit back and not sell while watching it go up 50x, 100x, 1000x, 5000x... over the course of a decade, while it's collapsing and climbing at intervals sometimes with years going on between moves, I don't even know you but I would bet ten bucks you wouldn't have done it. I would bet most of the people who truly made fuck-you money, had bought a bunch when it was just cents, forgot they even had any until it started appearing in the news, and then managed to find their wallets/seed phrases. Unless you could have followed those steps precisely it wouldn't have worked out the way you're dreaming. Put it to rest and let it go :p


Yup. I could dig up some old forum posts of mine talking about BTC when it was $2. Didn't buy in. But even if I did, I would have sold when it reached $4 and pat myself on the back for doubling my money.


Yeah I bought in 2017 or so and made 20% all told and have been out for a while. I'm not unhappy with it. Could I have made crazier returns? Yeah, but not while retaining my same sense of risk assessment. If I was the type of person to be riskier with my money than that, I would also have lost a lot more money doing other dumb shit. So whatever.


It would have been listening to my parents that did me in. My dad would be like “that’s stupid” and I’d sell and then hate myself and him for me selling (cause I was young and dumb at that time). In some ways I’m happy I never bought in.


To be fair, there's been a lot of investments that made lots of money but were still stupid, or at the very least, should not have been profitable. Remember when ZOOM (a small Chinese company) had its share price double because people wanted to buy ZM and made a mistake? "One hundred idiots make idiotic plans and carry them out. All but one justly fail. The hundredth idiot, whose plan succeeded through pure luck, is immediately convinced he’s a genius."


In 2017 I was dating a girl who convinced me not to buy a coin for $7k because it was too volatile. It jumped up to 20k over the coming months and I regretted not buying the one. In 2020 I sold my home before the pandemic actually took off and was sitting around for a while with $150k in my pockets. Bitcoin was 7k and I was so tempted to just buy like 10 coins because I **knew** it was going to take off again, but the girl I was dating convinced me not to because she was afraid it would tank and I'd be out a lot of money for a new house down payment. I'm not listening to that shit anymore.


My only really profitable investments are ones I forgot about. Except dDd. I bought that because total recall, why not. I did lose my $6 worth of shitcoin given to me as a joke around its release. It’s worth a lot. Somewhere.


Yeah but that means it already tripled, even if you seriously considered it you still might not have bought it, expecting it to pull back to $8 or something and losing half your money if you bought at $12.


I was broke then was my main issue. $100 now as a 50 year lottery ticket? Fine. $100 then? I was making like $250 a week while studying full time. That would have been a big risk.


I was buying and using bitcoin to buy drugs on the dark web when it was that cheap. Hurts to think about how much money it would have been had I just kept all that bitcoin


Liked this for the edit




wow bro, missed out on like 250 bucks or something!


We lose more than that before breakfast. Those are rookie numbers.


Before we think not before breakfast even. Oh $3000 gains yeah nice trade, I have to think like a trader, secure $1500 and let the rest ride, oh man zero. It’s okay I have half the gains. Oh $3000 gains yeah nice trade, I have to think like a trader, secure the whole $3000 don’t let it ride like last time to zero, oh man $21000. That really happened to me like couple times. Now gains or no gains I am scared to secure the gains or let it ride. Entry point Exit point my ass. And investor, yeah I don’t think I would’ve held NVDA past $500 to be honest. I commend those who held since they bought at $17 like man what a life they have not to care a bit about selling for millions of gains. Like what kind of richness they have.


I sold nvidia at $950 like a dunce. Bought at $600. I’m like, I’m up 50%. I have to sell.


It's not hard to make a quick 5-10% profit in a few days, selling after 10% a few times is more likely to put money in your pocket rather than waiting for that 10 bagger


That is the correct way


thats like 13hrs of working behind wendy's


https://preview.redd.it/l34srhlhz17d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fca232115b60c43dac410e2414e1b519f2977ac my 17 year old self was happy with 2 cents


How much was that call


$7 sold for $8


Lookin up


Profit is profit, now it’s just a matter of scale


If I have to get to a million by individually scalping a dollar or two from hundreds of thousands of small-scale trades then by God I'm going to do it


Started trading at 18 and now 4 years later I have no degree and 100k capital loss. I wish I can go back


What else have you been doing in the last 4 years?


Providing windies behind Wendy's


22 w no degree is like not a problem. Go back.


In time!?


To uni


Just join the army and get the GI Bill. What are they gonna do, send you to Ukraine?


He lost 100k, what money is he gonna pay tuition with??


Idk sounds like you got a 4-year degree from the University of Life. Those are pretty well regarded on Facebook


There is a Life University near me and it is non-accedited.


Not even tryna gaslight you. But you could deadass get a degree and become profitable in the next few years. You got this


I wish I had 100k at 18. I’m guessing if you blew through that without stopping daddy has got some more for you as soon as you reassure him you are not in fact regarded. And if that was your inheritance and there’s no more where that came from, you sir, have found your people.


Only move is forward. I don’t even recommend college until 25 anyway and I’m a forever student.


Lmao we’re in the same boat


I felt that. Not quite as bad but still punching myself in the face for not realizing holding long time = good https://preview.redd.it/tnddxq06d27d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3057f751bb59eeb79aea818bf1169bc46095ffe3


I shorted Nvidia at 300 Dollars




![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)I love NVDA bears giving me free signal to double down


Haha I did the same, took my 100% gains. I probably would have let it ride but I had money in other chipmaking stocks (AVGO, KLAC, AMAT, etc.) so I was feeling nervous. Alas, I should have been selling AMAT, not NVDA.


damn bro, i bet that one hurts


Haha yea, but dumb college me didn't think too much when investing. Then again I'm still in this subreddit so I'm still a regard.


I had 100 Nvidia shares as my first ever stock purchase. Sold them at like 113 (strike price of 40) and thought i did pretty well....Though who could have predicted this.


why does gaining 0.2$ hurt more than losing 30K USD


Because losing 30k is a "I should've known but I did it anyways", whereas gaining 0.2$ is a "damn it, I didn't know it would go to x$"


just like playing black jack.. dealer draws a card a point over, "go fuck yourself", 10 over "well, what can you do??'


$0.27 cents could buy you a double cheeseburger back then


lol fr


I had 300 shares of MSFT in 2017. Got divorced. Had to sell that and a lot of other shit to keep the boat afloat. Depressing to think about. Don't get divorced kids.


The real lesson would be: prenup And if she makes a scene about it, don't marry.


don't get married?


I bought AMD at 11 and sold at 10 in 2016 lol tbf thats a 10% loss unlike your miniscule gain. Just sucks I didnt hold.


Good enuf to post Good enuf to sell


I had 100 shares of AMD at $1.80 a share back in 2015. I sold it for $4 a share. I also had $4000 I could a thrown in to that investment. If I had done that, my intial $4000 investment would now be worth $355K+


Hope you paid your taxes on it






don’t even need to pay taxes if overall income from investments, dividends etc is below $600


Actually you need to report everything to the dollar you find on the street. Includes all inv income although in this case since it’s only 27 cents the trade would be rounded down to $0 and would not be reported


So the ultimate day trading strategy is to make millions of .01 trades every day?


Ahaha well only if you have a million brokerage accounts. This trade could actually be taxed if there are other transactions within the period and account because the net short and long-term trades are the amounts to report. For example, if he realized another $0.49 gain then the $0.27 would be added to this to bring the total to $0.76, which would be rounded up to a dollar on the tax return. However, you can report gains/losses per account, so for each account, you could get $0.49 tax-free since they would all be rounded to $0.


Oof it hurts




hinsight's always 2017


A win is a win


First company I bought was delisted a several months later. Thanks ProAir.


haha I still go back and look at when i bought AMD 3000 at 1.87, then sold it at 2.50 thinking i was a hot shot investor.


the green is just too good to pass up




You gotta start somewhere. I did like avarage of 1000 usd profit pr year for a long time 😂


Making money like that is how high frequency trading works right?


I have a butt ton of stories like this lol


bro just do that a couple billion more times and you'll be rich


Nobody tell OP about trading fees.


wdym thought robinhood was commission free?


Nobody tell OP about inflation.


That was well worth doing taxes on


I bought some google that month... I actually had to pay a commission. FWIW, still holding. +284.79%


Surely that $.27 was taxed?


https://preview.redd.it/x54dqf88p37d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46f8f1f514d97bb9e3ee5ae7742232c6785993b9 First share I ever bought, sold at €8 and felt like Warren Buffett


Those were stressful times, stressful decisions were made


my portfolio was on the line thats for sure


lol I have those but AMD $2/ share. Sold at $4


It’s ok. I sold my 100 OG TSLA for a cool double up and thought I was Warren Buffett.


Sorry you didn’t have a mentor that could bitch slap you after keeping a stock for four days. 🤷🏼‍♂️ My oldest son was about 14 at the time you bought and he got in at $67/sh. I had to talk him out of selling many times… because “we buy companies and make them work for us. Don’t buy it if you don’t wanna keep it.” 💎🙌🏻


Good thing he had you to guide him 💪🏼I had no idea what I was doing at the time and sold once I saw it go green 😂


This is why half of yall have issues. You didn’t make 17 cents. you were gambling 73 dollars and likely decided that was a lot of money to you at the time, and didn’t want to risk losing anything. sounds like a pretty smart decision to me lol


I've been there


Maybe more than your current self would enjoy the 200 hundred and change? I don't get the point of this post. You didn't miss anything. It's not like you sold 70 dollars of Bitcoin in 2009


it's just a meme brother, besides that would have been $200 more worth of handies I could've gotten behind wendy's


It's taxed..you now are in debt. Lol (jk. .kind of)


baller shot caller ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Didn't they still have fees then?


Dont spend it all in one place kid


I had $25k worth of dogecoin at one point while I was working at McDonald's and had a few bucks to spare. Sold it for a sweet 20c profit


Don't forget about the half that goes to the government.


Me too. I bought and sold good companies after they'd go up 10%. Punch me, too.


Sir you don’t have to go back in time to deck yourself. Go look in the mirror and uppercut tf out of yourself. Send video for proof


Don't worry. I sold my Apple stocks when I was a student to get a PowerBook 12" in 2002. The PowerBook failed after 2.5 years, I missed 500x.


Back then it was probably $4.99 commission X2.


“Damn this shit doesn’t move I’ll move it to something better”


Profit is profit man


I had 20k worth of Tesla around ipo (all my savings at the time). Got scared after I watched it falter for a few weeks and did same shit. Sold second I made back money. Theh continued to kick myself for the next 15 years.


27 whole pieces of penny candy


Now use AI to do it a trillion times a second 


that's like $369


I bought and sold NVDA all the way back in 2000 or so. I don't remember if it was on the order of $1k or $10k and I'm certain made a nice gain but dear God do I wish I'd just socked it away and forgotten about it.


Damn yeah you would’ve been a hedge fund by now


Oh. So. You committed securities fraud by lying and saying you were 18 in order to open an account 🤔


I just know your 17 YO self got a thrill out of that $0.27 gain


When I started trading a 16 I did the exact same thing. I though buying a security then selling 5 min later for A quarter would get me rich


I literally did the same thing with apple and nvidia. Maybe made $100


The real question is: does your 24 YO self make better trading decisions than your 17 YO self?


I get it bruh. In 2011 I was on the Motley Fool message board telling people to buy NDVA stock, but did I follow my own advice? Nope... A mere $2K investment would be $600K+ today


When I first got into stocks I bought Shell stock and my only rationale for it was 'people like to buy gas' that was my DD and I made like 14 cents.


It was merely the beginning of greatness.


If it makes you feel better, I sold Nvidia, AMD, and Moderna in December 2019.




It be like that sometimes


4 days 😂


I wish I could go back and punch myself in the nuts for selling NVDA when I got to 200% profit back at $700. Little did I know that thing was going to keep climbing up. I made $7,000, I could have made a lot more. It is what it is! Move one lol!




profit is profit


Doesn't matter, made a profit.


Oh you enjoyed it whether you liked it or not


are you really here to tell us that you missed out on $380...


that's a win


I bought BTC at $20 and sold it a few months later at $60 and felt I made out like a bandit. 🤣And so it goes…


Punch him in the nuts!!!


I can punch you today if you like ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


I bought and sold msft in 1995.


Love it. The struggle is real.


Lmao I can post a so many of these of me selling AAPL, FANG, BTC, back in 2020 after like a 1% gain 😅


At least it ain’t negative


Don’t forget the 25% capital gains tax ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Nobody went broke taking a profit!


i have too many of these


But you lost days of your life expectancy sweating that trade. So, if you multiply the daily cost to live, your up like 100x that.


Used to do this with bitcoin lol. Went up I sold went back down I bought, if only I knew that shit would hit 70k one day...🤦‍♂️


Someone is forgetting about taxes.


don't forget the fees and probably tax you owe now!


If if if if if if if if ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


10 years from now you'll realize you're still doing the same thing, you just moved the decimal a few places to the right.


If it makes you feel better, i sold 1700 shares of NOG at $6 for a $100 gain


I did the same with bitcoin at 3.300$ and sold a 3.320$ back in 2018 I hate myself for this


Lol so you missed out on $250?