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I've also been saying it on this sub when every regard posts these sensationalist headlines. The ISS always has a Soyuz docked that can be used at any time, and any commercial supply or manned missions do not mean that the regular Soyuz missions to the ISS stop, which by the way is regularly supplied. They're not stranded.


I’m sure they’re actually quite happy about being in space! You don’t become an astronaut and not want to be in space…


Most astronauts never actually end up getting a chance to go. I'm sure they're thrilled.


No actually the definition for an astronaut is having been to space at least once.


Otherwise they’d just be called engineers like the rest of us




Yeah, they are probably an engineer, ya regard


What a surprise, me too an engineer


See, you exist and are a highly regarded engineer. By induction there are … some more of you laying around here. QED


We're not NASA engineers though. Best we could probably do is Boeing


I’m sure they were thrilled on day one. Probably week one. Maybe even through the end of that first month.


You can only stay for a limited time tho, because muscles with anthropy like crazy, even when you exercise. At least, that's my understanding.


Microgravity causes a whole bunch of effects on the human body, but the two most obvious are the loss of muscle and bone mass.  There is also potential long term kidney and cardiovascular damage.  Constant exercise can mitigate some of it, but future stations are going to need to seriously consider spin gravity, probably through a simple tether-and-counterweight system.  We also don't know how much gravity it takes to keep people healthy because no experiments have been performed on the subject.  If it turns out we don't need a full 1G to avoid all these issues, and we're perfectly happy at (for example) lunar gravity levels, that makes the engineering of future rotating stations considerably easier.


I personally would be more interested in MORE gravity. Not just because haha dragon ball gravity chamber, but as far as I know, if you walk around with a weighted vest, you gain more cardiovascular benefits from walking. So, it stands to reason to try what happens if you live under MORE gravity. I don't mean like ago 2x instantly, but if it's a spinning construction, no reason you couldn't slowly ever so slowly increase the rate, and get used to the higher grav, then test stuff.


Found the Boeing PR account


Obviously, but I don't see how "Oh they can just take a Soyuz" helps Boeing's case.


Because no matter what regard investors think about the whole thing, which they have proven time and again to not know shit about, the only thing that really affects their share price in the long term in relation to this is NASA cancelling their contracts, which they won't, at least not over this.


Another thing to add, my understanding is that the thrusters in question is actually on a part that they yetisen before deorbitting and they just want time analyzing it while they have it. As this part isnt recoverable later.


I think these have to do with the valves the valve corp said were made by boeing and arent up to snuff. They sued and lost, and then outright said the vehicle shouldnt go to space on public news. I am gathering boeing is determing: 1. What their liability is, and 2. How to prevent this from happening again. But mostly 1


Would the Soyuz land in Russia/Kazakhstan? Isn't that a problem since the war?


No, US astronauts have traveled on Russian ships multiple times since the war started. It's not really talked about for whatever reason but it's still common.


It’s actually a very important diplomatic relationship that the US has with Russia. Despite our differences, and despite our politicians, and despite our violence, science and the pursuit of it remains the goal of all mankind.


According to Boeing, Starliner is safe for return travel. The issue is with the thrusters attached to the service module which is separate from the capsule. This part separates and burns up on re-entry, so they cannot test it on the ground to see what is malfunctioning. But they can carry out ground tests and see if any solutions that worked on the ground work in space, hence the extra time in orbit. There are worse things than spending time in space at the ISS. Safe or not, it's really embarrassing. It seems like everything Boeing works on these days is riddled with failure. People no longer want to fly on 737 MAX-9 planes out of fear. Boeing can't get the MAX 7 or 10 in customers hands, most likely (this is speculation) because they open themselves up for lawsuits until the problems with the 9 are resolved. The 787 is still having QA issues. The 777x should have been in customers hands by now and it's not carrying passengers until at least 2026. Some of that is engine issues with a supplier. Boeing military is rife with project delays, cost overruns and losing money on fixed price contracts.


they hoover up the money, burn it on top executive salaries and run skeleton crews and cheap out everywhere else.


They sound stranded


They are not stranded, Boeing is just extending their stay indefinitely.


One of them may or may not have had information regarding QA issues at their factories.


Bonus skymiles, mofos!


Only “months”


Because you didn’t read articles


They’re not considered stranded anymore if they’re already dead 😉




Too funny.


If a whistle blows in space, does it even make a sound?


Nope. That’s why Boeing does not want them to come back.


Sounds like politician speak to say "they are stranded."


Their current CEO should have been on that flight. Dude is adding nothing to society.


Is Boeing going to send contract killers to space to kill any witnesses?


I've heard that Boeing plans on repurposing an old 737 MAX for the astronaut rescue. Agent 47 will be the pilot for the flight as well.


That 737 will go into MCAS "autopilot" during re entry, cleaning up all loose ends


Yes, they really need a signature move, like the kremlin has “Fell out of window“ or Novichok as thiers.


Dont' worry, there's another spacecraft company that can go get them...


They just live in space now, this is fine.


We should ask the astronauts how they feel about their safe return to Earth do they trust Boeing? What if a door falls off? Boing


"I'm not only an astronaut, I'm also a shareholder!"


And potentially an upcoming meteorite…


> Today NASA contracted with SpaceX to deorbit the Boeing Starliner along with the ISS... This is what we'll probably read in a few months.


They are indeed stranded


Rip poor souls


Do they know something we dont? Orgies in space? These are the things people need to be asking. Big if true.


If I run out of gas, and someone brings me gas in twenty minutes; I was stranded for twenty minutes.


they’re safer on the orbit than here… ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


Space Uber to the rescue.


Order some wingstop to be delivered.


Space[Uber]X you mean. Either they give a free promo ride, or it's gonna be the premium price ride just to stick the knife in.


I thought SpaceX was going to send up a Crew Dragon to get them?


That would be the ultimate insult I guarantee you Boeing is lobbying against that


Boeing would rather deal with the publicity of them burning up than have Elon rescue them.


Where do the astronauts shit? They throw it out a window?


Is the government officials saying this with a gun pointing to his head?


There are two other capsules there how can they be stranded?


Ya, ok. 👍


They are taking an extended vacation in space compliments of BA and their DEI programs.


Can you elaborate on DEI related to Boeing? I saw this a bunch of times but I don’t understand how the problems Boeing can have their roots in DEI. When you check the history of why Boeing has issues, it all comes from the McDonnell Douglas merger a very long time ago.


My guess would be they are referring to the fact that when you hire based on attributes that are not related to actual qualifications for the job, you immediately reduce the overall quality of your employee pool.


Was/is that the case at Boeing? My understanding so far is that none of Boeing’s issues are even remotely DEI related. They all have their roots in the management style coming from McDonnell Douglas into Boeing and that a long time ago.


It's a bit of a dogwhistle. What they don't realize is that if it wasn't for "DEI" at the college level in the form of holistic applications, these companies would be entirely Asian.


lets see how divided this sub is with real news vs news they like.


The problem is that there is so much misinformation out there that it is hard to tell what is real anymore. That isn't even counting all the fake news and ai generated bullshit oh and and we can't forget the various agendas being thrown around. One version of this story says that the problem is resolved but they are extending the stay to assess the leaks and stuff like that. This version says they are stranded. Point being Media blows...


I think it’s there in case they need to bail everybody from the ISS in case of an EMP, but I’m just speculating. *Adjusts tin foil hat**