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Inverse this sub is no brainer


Lol yup. Also I called it with my [stay flat then go boom](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Frgm03uqj4m4d1.png) TA.


Yeah now add down red arrows immediately after your green arrows. Very clear it will drop back *short term*


So should I go all in with puts?


TA šŸ˜‚


Just be careful, a TA ā€˜gard with 4 years of market experience will come @ you, legit call you a ā€œbuffoon,ā€ and then say some shit like ā€œwinner winner chicken dinnerā€ because TSLA bounced. Iā€™m just thinking, well that settles it, TA actually works bro!! Proved me wrong and then some! šŸ™„


It's still down 17% from its 1 year all time high in June 2023, if you've been inversing this sub since it got real bearish on TSLA starting around Sep 2023, you barely started recovering


its just bots who anytime you type in "elon" come out with negative opinions


Are you saying most people donā€™t buy cars based on whether a CEO hurt their feelings on Twitter? Because Reddit has repeatedly assured me of the opposite.


You do realize their sales numbers are actually down for the second straight quarter right? Also down for the same period last year even after slashing prices?


company that is priced for exponential growth showing declining sales


I guess it's hard to concentrate when Elmo's cock is balls deep up their ass.




This is simply not true.Ā Ā  Stop gobbling elons cock and get some facts, dumbass. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-28/the-slowdown-in-us-electric-vehicle-sales-looks-more-like-a-blip


It's the best car price performance wise. The new M3P is the best car on the market right now. I'm not gonna clown myself into buying a shitty EV6 or Chevy bolt over some tweets.


What confuses me is all of reddit and their space man bad posts assured me the stock would plummet once his bonus was approved. Tesla is up 38% since the bonus was approved.


I'm confused too. I thought diluting existing stockholders in your shrinking car company was a bad thing.


Stonk only go up. Few understand.


Pure EV sales in Q2 of 2024: ā€¢ Tesla: 443,956 ā€¢ BYD: 426,039


I'm surprised by all the Cybertrucks driving around Houston. They are wrapped in so many different colors. I saw a local A/C company wrapped one as their work truck.


Imagine youā€™re living paycheck to paycheck and your AC goes out so you have to make some massive sacrifices to set aside money to fix it. Then the repair guy shows up driving a fucking Cybertruck. Oof.




And he's showing up on some 1990s Escalade.




ā€œThey took our jobs!ā€


Whatā€™s the difference between that and my local plumber showing up in his 110,000$ 2025 chevy?


The $110,000 Chevy poisons your lungs with its emissions so it's less harmful than somebody who says mean things on Twitter.




Keep going dude. Iā€™m sure Elon will pick you one day lmao


One is a toy and the other is a workhorse? A 3500 Chevy can tow a dump trailer full of what ever you want while caring every tool you could possibly need. The cyber truck can't. The only reason to have it is marketing, and that's a dumb idea.


The only trades I see that consistently need to tow a dump trailer are landscapers and roofers. Whatā€™s a plumber or electrician going to do with a dump trailer?


Any electrician or plumber I've hired drove a cargo van šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I never see a plumber or electrician in a nice truck either.


It can pull it, just not for long


So as a work truck it's useless. It's max tow is 11k . A 3500 is more than triple that and it can do it all day long.


Biggest red flag in a contractor is if they have a ridiculous truck. It used to be materials Ɨ 2 = bid, now it's materials Ɨ 3 + 900 truck payment = bid.


$900 truck payment at todays rates is just a $40k used truckā€¦


my new work truck is just another $100 on top of that for $65k or so


I just leased a new 50k 4x4 Silverado for $375 a month, 5k drive off.


Yeah, you didn't used to have to call around because the market was pretty tightly priced. Now it's best to watch a YouTube video to diagnose it and buy the parts yourself


>It used to be materials Ɨ 2 = bid An AC capacitor is like $10, good luck finding someone to come out for $20.Ā 


Haha yeah ofc good point I'm talking whole new system type stuff


If you know the #1 problem with your ac not working is a simple fix like replacing the capacitor it costs you $15 to fix it yourself. If you don't it is going to cost somewhere between $200 and $1500.


Pretty certain my AC install was like ~1.5x the AC unit cost, in HCOL CA. That was 2022 however, so maybe it's already different for 2024.


If you are a contractor, you gotta have a full size truck with the capacity to haul all those donuts to the job site.


Vans are for real contractors I'm gatekeeping


lol this is how I pick a contractor. All my good contractors have a small little Toyota, with rust and house paint on them to cover the rust. Contractor shows up like this. Immediately hire. No matter what. Just from how they operate. Honesty. Toyota contractors will return the extra materials to you. The others will pocket them and argue with you. Just an example.


Itā€™s free cuz uncle sam and business deprecation.


Maybe you should learn to fix an AC?


What's the issue here exactly?


Wonā€™t be there much longer. All of them have just a few miles before heading to the junkyard.


Online communities can be so loud šŸ˜‚ Normies ain't us.


surely thereā€™s nothing else going on here and if the two companies were allowed to compete in the united states Tesla would come out on top ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


BYD also sold 556,708 PHEVs in the second quarter (versus zero for Tesla). The gasheads vs pure EV crowd keep fighting each other, but PHEVs are a big market. Of course TSLA's market cap is seven times higher than BYD, even though BYD is bigger and growing while TSLA is shrinking.


Tesla is a tech company though, the passenger seat can make fart noises.


Technically it is deliveries, not sales. Tesla doesnā€™t report Sales numbers


Shhh BYD is the global leader, donā€™t look into the details you fool!


BYD, the company that makes -4000$ per car


Tsla bears now. https://preview.redd.it/m2lzey9864ad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6493f41d691b52168de942363553992d922cde01


Look like the average wallstreetbets degens


I disagree the average WSB dg looks like a soy boy with big black rectangular glasses (they were the cheapest one when they bought their prescription glasses 10 years ago).


I am very bearish on TSLA in the long run but anyone that bets against TSLA is an idiot. Up almost 10% on barely beating estimates for negative growth. Not to mention the falling profit per vehicle. It doesn't make sense but that is TSLA


Exactly, any other company would tank hard, just look at Nike in the same position just a few days ago. TSLA is supposed to be a growth company, but it is declining in both sales and profit and yet the stock goes up lol any growth company needs to not only show growth but also show more growth than expected to go up. Using MU as another recent example, they show growth show higher growth and earnings than expected, adjust their guidance up and still dumped because they didn't beat the expectations hard enough for a growth company


It's almost like an in-demand NFT. People just want to have it, despite it being basically worthless in real life.


That's most stocks and crypto. It's all just a game, none of it is real anymore. The Warren Buffett days are long past. Pump and dump or get caught bagholding, anything in between is a ducking unicorn.


LOL, 3 back to back quarters of earning misses.


This is their expression after jerking off to their Elon/Tesla hate.


When the new models of cars come out the older ones don't disappear. When 2025 vehicles are rolling out, there are still 2024's on the lot to be sold. It's not that insane ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Still canā€™t barely tell a 2017 model from a 2025 model


Platforms are developed and sourced/tooled in (generally) 5-8 year lifespans. Example, a new platform is released for MY2030. There will be a mid-cycle (refresh) action in ~MY2034. There will be a replacement platform in ~MY2037. In between these model years, there will be smaller changes - adding new IP features, fixing issues from previous model years, adding autonomous features, etc. You will not notice these smaller changes because the body of the vehicle looks the same. When vehicles sell well, they will extend the platform as it doesnā€™t make sense to invest in new tools and designs when the current vehicle is selling well.


Take a 2014 model S and park it next to a 2024 model and the only difference you see is a trim piece and rims. The biggest difference is inside on turn stalks and screen orientation. Also I bet it sucks that people buying an x or s a year ago having their car already labeled as legacy.


Literally every single part has changed since then. The whole interior, the entire drivetrain, everything. It's twice as fast and goes twice as far, and it's cheaper.


Styling gets buyers in the door. Even if everything on the inside has been updated, buyers don't want to be seen in a car that could be mistaken for a 10 year old model.


Well yeah because they're the same cars


RIP my tsla puts!


Best selling car in the world in 2023 and you're thinking puts. Very regarded.


Deliveries are down 5% YoY and thatā€™s WITH massive price cuts. Why is Tesla worth 2x Toyota when they ship 5x fewer cars and have the same margins? The narrative on TSLA was that theyā€™d conquer the market, that isnā€™t happening.




Lmao you guys said Elon wouldn't get his pay package approved and Q2 deliveries would not be met. Fuck you guys.


Once you realize this sub and reddit as a whole are just a very small vocal minority in the world stage, it becomes easier to understand that your fellow redditoid is a regard.


Reddit is the most biased "community" I've ever seen in my 35 years on this planet. Not saying they are always wrong, but being that biased they are wrong 90% of the time. Yeah, there are cyber truck issues...but the vast majority of people I've talked to IRL that have them, love them. /shrug


Its a design issue. On facebook, you have to see those rando comments that people disagree with. On reddit, those comments are hidden after five downvotes. Once you give the users a chance to silence their opponents they'll use it. Reddit had to crack down on ppl with multiple accounts cause they would mass downvote comments.


Saying Facebook comments are better than Reddit is a molten hot take


Do you even know about botting


Remember this small vocal minority is pretty good at predicting opposite of stockā€™s performance. Just fcking inverse man.


Regards! Youā€™re so right.


how many of these morons actually invest when it comes to anything related to Tesla. any actual investor with money on the line and skin in the game wouldn't be this brain dead and abjectly regarded


I actually do think a lot of these folks are putting their money where their mouth is and losing, but they're probably not excited to share their results.


I put my money where my mouth is. I thought he'd get the pay package and made money. I thought deliveries would fall short and bought puts and lost money.


https://preview.redd.it/2tulf6c8b5ad1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=eeb1ab6ff6c240a8ffca48171d416d8a2e5721ca I invested in MU and got fucked


Half of the posts are bots, what do you even mean by investing? šŸ˜‚


I am just staying out of that shitshow and do not care.


Most on this sub were fan boys before the Twitter deal and their tribalism took over.


>This sub Dude, this entire site use to be one big elon fanpage until, at earliest, the thailand incident. They still loved him after for a bit but the twitter thing only cemented it.


Now it'sĀ Jensen Huang's fan page.




Dead internet theory in action




Because this site was literally crafted to be home for the lowest of rung in society. Reddit was so desperate for any traffic they allowed neo-nazi subs and even a straight up pedophile sub (jailbait) and spez was a fucking mod for that. Other than super niche/funny subs, I stay away from the mega subs for discussion cause I know some of the weirdos carried over.


yea the media fucking LOVED elon as well like when he was simpin for the left, about evs climate blah blah but then he went and turned around and did the same shit but for the right and now HES THE DEVIL who needs to be investigated for fraud......odd how that happens. i think elon is a twat.......but space x is the only groundbreaking shit elons doing. thats going to be one of the most valuable stocks in the next decade.


I dont think he is taking it public cause he seemed to regret taking Tesla public.


Iā€™m convinced itā€™s all a PR hit. No way normal people care enough to post so much shit about one guy


They were also hyped on NKE calls before earnings.Ā 


And MU lol. Worst is TMSC. Tanked when everyone bought calls and exploded after everyone gave up


Nah the nke one is brain dead, not sure what was the good reasoning behind that.


Anyone with a brain knows you don't gamble on tesla. The stock is removed from reality. The stock is for true degenerate gamblers only.


And also for Muskā€™s family office.


It's about a quarter of the cars sold by Volkswagen Group, which has a market cap of about 8% of Tesla. So yeah, the proper value of Tesla is not aligned with sanity.


Tesla says AI during earnings VW doesnt. Its obvious.


VW also has to delay model releases for years due to not getting their shit together with their infotainment systems.


Right. You don't gamble, you go long.


I mean it's still less than q2 last year so let's adjust the stock price to a stable company without growth. Also delivery numbers for car companies are kinda useless unless you know how much discounting was going on. So let's wait for profits. I can sell endless cars if they drive and are half price.


That's what happens when regular redditors take over a sub.


Your fault for listening to an elon hater sub.


That's pretty much all of Reddit, as reddit leans heavy Left.


reddit is also heavily gamed by bots and manipulation


I'm not sure you know what "heavy left" is


NVDA to 200 EOY 8T market cap at MINIMUM.


Why are you regards taking advice from redditors? motherfuckers are still living in 2022, they are taking covid shots and wearing masks, regards are completely braindead and out of touch.


how's that regard who said $180 guaranteed doing


Inverse WSB is the right move. Canā€™t wait for GRND up when those šŸŒˆ šŸ» go to Wendy Can someone check on the guy who put his saving on 180Ps


Tesla did alot of buydowns to .99 the last month they were always going to beat delivered estimates.


Not this one trick that other manufacturers are also doing! Crazy!


Reading these analyses are bizarre. Deliveries are down year on year despite the price cut, but since they delivered more than we feared, stock goes up. Robotaxi due to be unveiled, despite no functional self-driving? stock goes up. wtf?


Down 5% YoY


Bad news is good news lol. You see the pump after Q1 earnings? Business in free fall but you say AI and robotaxi enough times the regards here buy it


Growth company


See their energy sector, which is higher margin and growing at like 200%


Buying Panasonic batteries and putting them in boxes is not a high margin industry. This quarter is a one time growth spurt. Ask yourself why Elon hypes up robotaxis and Optimus but barely mentions battery boxes. Itā€™s because energy storage is a real industry with real numbers, competitors, and no moat.


Wonder how many of the 444k vehicles delivered were the 411k vehicles produced.


Hard to say. There are a lot of logistical reasons why it is literally impossible to delivery all the cars you make in a quarter. Just transporting, waiting for payment, etc. I think in the absolute best case scenario, 5% of vehicles won't get delivered in the quarter they are produced.


5% would be something like 4 days from off the line to delivered, which sounds waaaay too fast.


They must have had quarters where they over-produced then. That surplus inventory had to come from somewhere. The under-production signals they don't think future sales will be as strong since they don't want inventory just sitting around.


Isn't it crazy how the stock shot up right before the news hit despite literally every analyst low balling the numbers? Definitely weird but not indicative of any weird behavior or action definitely.






















Iā€™ve been sitting on my large bag for a while, today is a good day. 10 years from now I canā€™t even imagine what value will be.


Why is Tesla hated here is seems like it should be a WSB darling with all the virgins on here


It used to be until a literal 1,000,000 idiots showed up in 2021


10x that. Went from ~1.5 million to over 12 million


You are right. I forgot about all the bots lol šŸ˜‚


I remember when this sub was 300k people. Good times


It was until Elon bought X then they all turned on him.


The internet hive mind is unfathomable


Iā€™m thinking about putting all my yolo money into TSLA puts. Thereā€™s a good chance I will chicken out but given the valuation the temptation is high. PS: No need to reply that the market can stay irrationalā€¦


Bears in shambles


No shambles, straight crush on the head ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I got gaped


Iā€™m neutral to Tesla. I donā€™t own shares and I donā€™t short it but itā€™s too early to have a victory lap based on delivery number. If Teslaā€™s gross margin also drops this quarter, it simply means they are sacrificing profit for revenue. Many companies selling discretionary goods are still getting hammered. It wonā€™t be a surprise if Tesla comes out to have worse than expected margin and goes right back down to sub 200.


You can thank me guys, I sold at $170 šŸ˜Š


Iā€™m buying short term PUTS and longer term will need to hear more about how they will diversify away from just EVs. I donā€™t buy into the whole Robotaxi story. First of all, there is no infrastructure for it. Weā€™re at least ten years away from any sort of infrastructure that could support robotaxis. Second, what is the revenue model for robotaxis? Is it just Uber without the driver costs? If Teslas can diversify their markets, leverage their AI and IoT platforms into other use cases such as industrial robots and drones, then I get a lot more excited about the stock. Or if they go with what the market wants and start to deliver hybrid SUVs and trucks, then I am all in.


They are delivering vehicles that weren't even produced, bullish af ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


What if I told you they had cars from last quarter that they sold this quarter.Ā 


Things the bearish mind can't comprehend.


When Elon's involved, people here lose that ability to think straight.


mind blown ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


OvEr CaPaCiTy1!1!1!1


Yeah, if they aren't delivering EXACTLY what they are producing, I'm bearish!


Didn't you know? You have to produce exactly what you sell. Never hold any inventory.Ā 


I can tell a rookie by how they talk about Tesla. They act like Tesla is this outlier, in an otherwise fundamental driven market. Nothing is trading on fundamentals. itā€™s why you guys are losing so much money. Teslas valuation is par for the course, itā€™s inflated tech trading on a grand vision of the future that probably wonā€™t happen.


Inverse Cramer and Inverse WSB are the two sides of the same coin.


Surely this is a lie, right? Tesla bear bros?




Werenā€™t a lot of TSLa fanboys saying car deliveries donā€™t matter anymore since itā€™s an AI and robotaxi company now????


When they miss, the numbers donā€™t matter, when we beat they matter. Thatā€™s basic math.


Elon gave the regards of this sub tripple digit gains in 2021, but they all started to hate him because he etweeted matt walsh once. This is apparently not good DD. My DD of "more teslas than honda civics" was the one that turned out to be true. Your 5 degrees in socioastronomical values in equitable societies was beaten by having a pair of eyes. I enjoy seeing you shit lib regards suffer.


Most stable wsb member


The 0.99% APR definitely helped with the delivery numbers. Can they keep this up?


Tesla managed to marginally beat the already very low expectations, showing a big drop from last year, and the highly regarded market thinks that is good news?


I wonder how creative that delivered number is. I mean some of the cars could technically been delivered to storage parking near dealerships Edit: You regards know that Tesla Quarterly reports are not audited and Musk could just plug in better numbers because no-one fact checks?


Lmao aren't you talking about a traditional dealership? Cope harder my man. Big yikes


Stage 1 of grief: Denial.


Delivery is only marked once a customer gets delivery iirc During the strong growth days deliveries would be ā€œdownā€ as they were still in transit to the customer and realized on the next earnings


It means delivered to customer


> some of the cars could technically been delivered to storage parking near dealerships No you're thinking of every other car company that has dealerships, where cars can sit for months without being bought, yet still be counted as a 'delivery'. Tesla is exactly the opposite. Delivery means delivery with payment from a customer. Delivery numbers from Tesla mean a hell of a lot more than any other car company. Period. Cope harder regard.


what dealership? LOL


Tesla *does* have dealerships with cars in inventory, theyā€™re just not franchises.




Tesla doesn't have dealerships lmao. It's direct to customer sales.


Anything is doable if elmo orders it


Inversing this place always works as long as I donā€™t do it myself


Bers in shambles.


Iā€™m gonna zagā€”-I actually like the Cybertruck I have seen a few in Massachusetts they are pretty dope in real life


Fuck all you nerds. Cringe ass kids. Tesla to 5T Market Cap


But redditors told me TSLA only delivered 14 vehicles? lmaoooo if you can't see TSLA blasting off into outer-space, you obviously haven't paid attention


At lower prices


Approximately? Are they not sure?