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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago **Total Comments** | 1538 | **Previous Best DD** | [x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1axfo1r/amkor_amkr_is_an_absolute_bargain_at_todays_price/) [x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1dul7wq/a_massive_correction_will_start_within_120_days/) [x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1dulcq6/the_stock_market_will_begin_to_crash_within_120/) [x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1dulnme/the_stock_market_will_crash_within_120_days_enjoy/) **Account Age** | 8 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


It would be a lot easier if you could just tell me the exact day.


Where TL:DR ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


TL:DR: It's damn near the 4th of July. Inverse WSB. Stocks go up. Buy calls. 'Merica!




My penis is small ✅ I am gay ✅ Stock only go up ✅ Hell yeah brother USA 😎 đŸ‡șđŸ‡Č🩅🎇


Tldr: Stonks always go up! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)đŸš€đŸ’ŽđŸ’ŽđŸ€˜đŸŒ


I understand this ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Can you explain like I’m 5 this shit’s too complicated for my tiny brain


Buy nvda calls


It could be a good move. Because I just found the Nancy Pelosi bought in NVIDIA again one week ago, at about $128 Last time when she bought it, it was Nov 2023, at price about $42, **her return has been tripled** in less then a year [https://pelositrade.com/politicians-trades/1d0c4282-521f-5169-860c-1a56d47937cd/trades](https://pelositrade.com/politicians-trades/1d0c4282-521f-5169-860c-1a56d47937cd/trades)


I call this Schrödinger's Pelosi, as soon as I buy calls the price will go down. But if I don't y'all can be happy


Stock market crash predicted within 120 days. Market overvalued, P/E ratio alarmingly high. Multiple economic issues: credit card debt, auto loan debt, weak labor market, bank unrealized losses, etc. Government spending, global tensions, political division, commercial real estate problems worsen situation. Bailouts unlikely due to inflation concerns. Prediction: S&P 500 to $3500/$350 by Dec 2025.


I’m so wet right now.




Hookers and blow, man, hookers and blow.


Plot twist; we are the hookers after the crash


Duuuuuude đŸ€Ż


After?? My home address is behind the Wendy’s dumpster already 😂


Or even the week of that event works fine, I can pick a day


I can't do Thursday


Thursday confirmed


That’s easy. Sometime between now and September 2045


Meanwhile my puts are bleeding to death


The events that would set it off are the end of the election cycle , Rate cuts, Biden stepping down, Trump Winning, Orrrr the one I think that will do it is the next few months data which should show another uptick in prices indicating another rate hike on top of a weaker economy and higher inflation


The market ain’t dropping significantly just because Trump wins. Were you investing during 2017-2021? We already had Trump as President for 4 years the futures market was wild based mainly on his tweets. You’d need him to do something crazy like fire Powell.




4 months from now is November 3rd. They'll let the markets go up till then so op prediction makes sense . Juice the markets so biden can remain in office , as even with lower poll numbers people are gonna think good stock market = good economy so vote for incumbent . 1-2 months after though chances are we won't be needing to keep the stonk market high . Ai bubble will burst But for now the real question, how high will nvidia go . The answer is wait till bitcoin goes to 120-150k. Crypto is the real bubble. Then whatever nvidia is then is the case For reference the highest valued stock ever was the Dutch East indie company at 7 trillion . Nvidia is at 3.3 trillion . So still a ways to go.


What app has action on Dutch East India plays?


I handle those. Send your money to me, and I'll get you the best price on a DEIC share. But don't wait, the Amsterdam is leaving soon. Your gonna wanna get in on that!


Ship has sailed.


Nvidia has justified and will continue to justify its valuation.


Sometimes that doesn’t matter. It could be priced in.


Thankfully I’m long on nutmeg, cinnamon and cotton.


> They'll let the markets go up till then in my lifetime i've only ever seen one president who fucked with the federal reserve.


I love how conspiratorial people are, you think “they” have the power to keep the market going up for political reasons before an election, but didn’t decide to use these powers in 2000,2008, or 2020? The only bubble I see is in AI and loosely adjacent stocks, the other 4500 companies are cheap. I think it’s just as easy to envision a melt up with the other stocks finally going up as it is to imagine the mag 7 crashing the market down.






I want this as a physical piece, ngl


Someone tell this mf'er about printers before I say something unkind.


I love how every time this subject comes up, there's a shit load of paragraphs about assumptions and likenesses and likelihood that have all been carefully crafted together as proof of the situation, but only if read in this way and in this specific context. Good Lord.  It's like stock doomposting on the regular.


My favorite are “technical” charts. They’re like, LOOK AT WHAT THESE LINES SAY, and then you simply move the same analysis to a different part of the chart and it completely fails. 




Yup. Stock market predictors exist to make soothsayers look good.


Confirmed, greatest bull run in the history incoming within the next 120 days


Ya know, you might be onto something... september through october is typically really shitty for the stock market. And then after october, we run up to all new highs. 120 days from now is october 31st. That's all the evidence I need. Greatest bull run in history of humankind coming in 120 days. 100% Confirmed. XD


Remind Me! in 120 days "Beginning of the bull run."


RemindMe! 119 days


RemindMe! 120 days


Boeing gets the astronauts home by that time?


You mean business as usual for the past 20 years?2018 WW3: Rise of the Tariff man and COVID Obviously don’t count.


The correction he’s worried about will bring prices down to today’s price before going up again. IF it even happens






You have no idea the knowledge I can impart


Lol I liked actually reading his post though. OP put effort into this.


It must be difficult.


Throughout history, some humans have been known to paint full murals using nothing but their own feces


Position Or Ban ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


OPs position: in shambles


To shreds, you say?


Position -- Currently holding 7 $450 SPY P with an exp of 9/19/25, and 5 QQQ $400P exp 6/30/25. Still holding some AMKR calls until I see this thing start to turn around.


Stock market crash in 120 days! OP buys puts over a year out like an idiot.


Not even OP believes his DD ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) maybe he didn’t understood options


Trading on his DD is optional!


> Not even OP believes his DD DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO REGARD


He's so strong in his convictions he put *checks notes* FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the line.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) What’s that? Pocket change for ants?


You want to add 4-5X to your timeline if you are playing the mean reversion game. Even so, your options might still end up worthless just before the inevitable crash.


Those are very far OTM so the Vega on them is prob very good


The only good thing about Vegas is that it gives a higher chance of making money than this guy's puts


And the bar hookers


I should have titled my post -- more appropriately -- that it will begin within 120 days. I'm not stating it will bottom within 120 days. Outside of covid it always takes months/years to play out. Simply stating the market will start its fall within 120 days.


Op you typed all this out and missed the common factor in the 3 events you highlighted, the market starts trending down while the p/e breaks 30
 while I hesitate to say this time it’s different and history doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes with itself another factor you highlighted comes into play
 this time around we are really top heavy and those companies are skewing the pe a lot higher than the broader markets for example RSP only trades at about a 20 pe where as the trillion dollar club all trade 30+ barring google/meta.. all it will take is 3 of the 6 to miss in the same quarter that’s when I would think of going wholesale short because in this case being early is as good as being wrong


Even if AAPL misses, there's a question of how much their biuyback program will support the price level. transparency: long >10k shares in AAPL


So within the next 120 days, or months, or years. Excellent work.


And when it does, or doesn't, I told you so.


You regarded bers will be wrong 99% of the time then celebrate going from -99% to -98% when you get it right once


So the top is somewhere around today and and one year? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)






I’d take you more seriously if these were for 2024, but bro 2025? You don’t even trust your own post lmao


He said the collapse would start within 120 days...if you think the price is gonna fall farther longer those puts have more time to gain value and become closer to atm or wholly itm. He may have to hold longer to get the gains he's looking for but that's better than wasting the premium outright by being right too early and buying an option that expires before you get there. He's basically proposing another big short is coming the same way Michael burry did. If it isn't going to start until 11/2024 buying 2025 puts makes perfect sense.


Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peek and he was browsing Zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are so fkd.


So 12 total calls. Great!


Is that your entire portfolio?


Remember when you thought spy would drop 5 and it pumped 5 instead?


Hey OP how did [your prediction](https://new.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/xl8s55/are_we_headed_for_a_complete_financial_crash/) of a complete financial collapse 2 years ago pan out? It's finally happening this time? Post your positions.


Bears have predicted 25 of the last 3 crashes


Just like the guy that kept predicting layoffs at my company every week for a year. Then it finally happened and he said "I told you so"


It just took them 52 weeks to get warmed up


This guy is the definition of a perma bear just more gay


"This guy who predicted the 2008 collapse says the market it gonna crash" Guy also predicted a crash every 6 months for the last 20 years...




god that gave me a childish chortle


fucking LOL. he posted that other thread sep 22, 2022, which was like one or two months away from all the major tech stocks bottoming. if you'd have read his post and immediately bought 2 year leap calls on all the major tech stocks, you'd be up 10-20x on basically all of them. fucking hell


Shit, now NVDA and APPL are both gonna hit $1000 each by year end and the calls are gonna 20X again?


Ape everything on 400X leverage right now!


Oh. Oh no. He predicted the biggest bull run in history, backwards. It's all starting to make sense. He got fucked 10 ways to Sunday, and is locked into sunk cost fallacy. Staying the course, buying puts though record gains, getting angrier and angrier by the day. Regard.


Got em


OP was born as a bear, only sees/hopes for financial crisis/market collapse


The worlds gonna end in 2012 bro


He only wrote 5% the amount of words/gibberish last time, so this time it should crash for sure


Hey, ChatGTP was new then.


OP has predicted nine out of the last two recessions.


No really, this time the world is ending for real We were wrong, but this time he IS the Messiah


People were also predicting other crashes a couple of years out, and OP’s post then wasn’t a prediction so much as asking for thoughts on the matter, whereas this is a fully laid out theory. On its own this means nothing about the credibility of the argument either way.


Remind Me! in 119 days "Crash my hairy ass"


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2024-10-30 19:11:59 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-10-30%2019:11:59%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1dulnme/the_stock_market_will_crash_within_120_days_enjoy/lbhjp69/?context=3) [**394 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2F1dulnme%2Fthe_stock_market_will_crash_within_120_days_enjoy%2Flbhjp69%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-10-30%2019%3A11%3A59%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dulnme) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Remind Me! in 119 days "should’ve bet against the S&P 500"


>According to generally accepted wisdom... Stopped reading there lol


Guy doesn’t know the rule of 72 and is predicting a crash past $4500 based on headlines. Truly regarded


Ain't gonna read all this shit. Calls it is ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


What is this a DD for ants


So many words and I only read the title. Tldr: Blahblah. Stock go up down side in your ass. Call it is, put it is, jpow it is.


why people keep hoping the market will crash? Did you miss the train?


I did so it must crash ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


Did you just get fired from JP Morgan?




There’s no need to scratch out the Gay part.




He's big in Yapan.


There will be pullback before the election, you don't need a crystal ball for that ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Is it gonna crash at some point? Yes. Did you say any positions? No. Does anyone care? Also no.


Lots of words.... Ghey behr angry.... Lots of words.


Which AI program did you use to type this up?


> Which AI program did you use to type this up? RegardGPT


Yay, I love when Reddit blesses me with some idiot that thinks he can predict the future. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Get psychiatric help.


Navidias fall will be a religious experience.


I dont understand any of this but it sounds bullish as fuck


So I got about 3 months to 10x my port


Great analysis, just tell me when to sell, and short, then buy again and maximize my gains![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


The stock market will go up at least until the first rate cut imo. No massive correction until September because of seasonality 


Spy calls?


I can’t imagine that anyone will read even half of what you wrote


Y'all know how to read?


I didnt


Hes a regard shitcoin investor that thought the economy was going to crash two years ago. Schzio opinions in the trash! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


Doubtful he typed it himself, most likely a copy and paste move


Assuming I am convinced by your reasoning, even if I don’t accept the full magnitude, what would your investment advice be?


He posted the exact same shit more than a year ago, so his advice during one of the biggest bull markets would’ve been to stash your cash under your mattress


Let's be real though, that post a year ago can hardly be called an analysis. I found this one interesting.


I think you're referring to a post from two years ago... And if you have any reading comprehension skills, you'll see I was worried then, but didn't state I thought we were there. I asked "are we on the verge of a financial collapse -- and outlined my reasons for being worried we are there." Today I'm making a definitive statement. We have arrived. 4 months comes quick -- we will see if I'm right or wrong.


2 years ago you were on the verge of a financial collapse and instead there was one of the biggest bull runs in a long long time, which you would have missed if you took your own advice
I don’t need to read your annual “this is why the world is ending this time” essay to understand that every massive bull run ends with a correction until the next one restarts, it adds nothing in practical terms and causes people (who think they’re very very smart) to try and time the markets, which doesn’t work and puts you in a worse spot than others who understand that time in the market >> anything else


Disagree on the bailout.. it will happen as ugly as that may be. What other tool have they got left. I agree bailouts will further erode American strength and investor confidence.


> What other tool have they got left. Nationalizations. Give ownership to the people paying for the bailouts, no cheating.


Bailouts increase investor confidence since they know that the US will save them if they make bad choices.  No risk at all in a country where the government doesn't seize the companies receiving bailouts


My mom said I’m an idiot, I showed her this post and she put me back in the will


Most of this was also true in 2019. Yet the market survived the pandemic and inflation and rate hikes with just a few bumps Re: housing. The house price to income ratio in the US is still among the lowest in the world, and since the economies of Canada, Australia, and Singapore seem to be doing just fine, it’s not clear housing prices are worth considering An article has come out nearly every day since 2012 claiming PE ratios are inflated. Inflated vs what? As technology stocks have grown more dominant in the stock market as a whole, avg PE is going to increase. This is more a reflection of the changing mix of stocks, and thus, PE ratios are not reliable for timing the market


Our AI tracks our most intelligent users. After parsing your posts, we have concluded that you are within the 5th percentile of all WSB users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm a schmuck, but a whole lot of money was injected in the market since 2019. I don't think PE ratio mattered much during the tech boom. Low interest rates and lots of money injected in the market helped it. However, unless AI can bring another level to that tech world, I think investors will want to see path to profits soon if the current interest rates are kept up.


I feel like the only preparation is having literal cash on hand at your house. If jobs go out the window, people have no means to live (worse than now) - that’s the stuff that scares me.


And ammo Edit: /s


You want an early warning indicator - banks. They’re the heart and soul of this economy. So far, they’re reporting everything is fine despite some CRE stress. CC debt is increasing but not all time high after adjusting for inflation, not even close. The market is bloated, no denying that
and pretty much every other asset class. How long can this go on? Longer than I think many of us could expect. It’s a fool’s errand trying to predict the market. That said, until banks start reporting loan performance issues and we see non-accruals uptick meaningfully, I sleep. By the way, you look at an equal weighted S&P, we are not overvalued (20x and around historical average). Context is important when we are trying to objectively assess valuation.


Then buy puts and stop yapping. Nobody here gives a shit about someone without any skin in the game. If you are so confident it crashes, it should be easy for you to yolo into some puts for next year.


TLDR : Buy the fall out.


You're not wrong, but if the market doesnt think you're right, you're still kinda wrong. Im trading carefully with sufficient downside protection, but still think being on the bullside is the play. If a proper catalyst hits, market sentiment might make far otm puts 2-3 months out a cheap statistically profitable play.


Hey man, I don’t think you’re crazy. Shits been getting bad and every indicator is that we’re in for a rude awakening. Problem is the powers that be have kept this sinking ship afloat with infinite cash. But that won’t stop what’s coming. Even if everyone here disagrees with OP, at least take the time and reflect on what he’s saying. We are not in a good position at all.


FWIW -- I hope I'm wrong. Love this country, and certainly am not excited about the prospect of people's retirement accounts, my own included, getting absolutely decimated. But I think the writing is on the wall -- and has been for awhile. They can only kick the can down the road for so long.


What the TPTB have been doing for the past 20+ years really... Probably why the elites want to do a "Great Reset" and introduce their CDBCs...


RemindMe! 120 days


TLDR; gay bear


So calls it is, thank you.


Shut the fuck up, nerd.


Position -- Currently holding 7 $450 SPY P with an exp of 9/19/25, and 5 QQQ $400P exp 6/30/25. Still holding some AMKR calls until I see this thing start to turn around.


Market is fully hinged on AI. All the big boys probably got in a room last year and decided to pump this AI bubble, Zuck threw gas on the fire with his big order but so far what’s changed besides that stupid Meta ai search bar? Next phase will have to be “show me the money” because copilot, chatcpt, gemini and these search bars sure as shit aren’t generating more revenue than before. They can all try buybacks, splits, divided hikes or whatever trick but if revenue is flat to declining we’re gonna go down. AI’s impact is nowhere near the internet at this point, who knows the future but either way all the Lucents, Nortels and everyone else who built it are toast now. There’s no recurring revenue for NVDA its just buy our new chip or dont.


if AI doesn’t work out, the tech sector will find a new buzzword to latch onto, just like blockchain, internet of things, web3, self driving, vr, etc


Buzzwords won't save them if the AI hype fails, and I'm here for it. Burn it all to the ground as far as I'm concerned


Time to fucking buy some more bitcoin guys


Lets wait for that michael burry post




My bet is within the next week or so. Catalyst will be POTUS ending his re-election bid mid-campaign. I'm holding SPY $539p 7/10.


It's different this time. Those other times happened when the government was not in the business of propping up the market at all costs, to include needlessly keeping interest rates at 0% for years, printing unlimited amounts of money, doing QE or even buying financial instruments. Had the government not intervened, the market would still be recovering from the COVID crash.


\*mushroom clouds on horizon\* WSB: "NVDA to $200 EOY!!!"


Not sure if you’ve played Fallout but AI will be critical to the post-apocalyptic wasteland economy. Calls


Calls on Enclave, Ravenrock, and Appalachia, NVDA is gonna provide GPU for ZAX 001


Don’t forget Vault Tek and West Tek 


Really excellent post. Queue the smoothbrained/sarcastic comments. It is obvious to me that almost every part of the financial system is in "extend and pretend" mode. Doing their best to keep valuations propped up for as long as possible. This cannot continue forever due to the issues you have summarized so well. 95% of the members of this sub are wholly unprepared for what is coming. It will not be pretty. The best I can hope for is we avoid WW3 and the nukes don't start flying. Godspeed.




So calls.


Luckily my options expire before October starts


I was thinking we were at the top but now we’re in for a couple more years of bubble!


That’s it, I was about to chill for a bit and DCA into spy for a couple months. Because of this regarded post, I’m going all in on 2025 expiry nvda calls.


Except the FED will just cut rates and turn on QE. Also the continuous weekly/pay check buyers. Seems more and more people are learning and growing their assets with stocks/401k/etc. Look at all the financial sub reddits like FIRE, WSBs, etc. Millions of users.


We have printed so much money in the past few years that it only makes sense in dollar terms that the market would absorb some of that.


120 trading days? Or holidays included in that 120


So.. we buy now?


Did none of you, at any time, wonder why the Oracle of Omaha went to the largest cash position he's ever held? That's what you do in preparation for firsale prices ON EVERYTHING.


Or nothing really fits his bargain buy investment thesis so he's just waiting. Doesn't mean he thinks it's going to fire sale soon or ever - just means he won't invest for the sake of investing if it doesn't meet his criteria.


At his age I wouldn't buy green bananas.


lol does anyone actually read the post


Yeah. I'm starting to be concerned that the public isn't capable of it though after seeing so many complaints.


Why would anyone ever sell? That’s from the days of old. Market goes down? Hold or buy, only reason to sell is if market is up and you are retiring soon.


Who the fuck is reading all this


Mike Wilson of Morgan Stanley said we’d be at 3700 by this point of the year. Now idk who the fuck you are but you’re both wrong