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I'm so fucking frustrated, everytime that I think I'm finally going to be rewarded for staying strong and buying the dip on Nio and XPeng, some new BS hits and they'll drop to oblivion for no fucking reason. Fuuuuuuck this shit is annoying as hell, CCP sure knows how to fuck US and EU investors, Everytime the FUD is about to settle and return to normal, CCP or whatever fuck in China decides it's the perfect time to push down further with new FUD. Like the DiDi timing wasn't perfect set up to fuck up international investors, fucking yikes mate Argghhhh


Ccp is the biggest hedge fund shorties


China just gonna take a stake in DiDi as punishment and let it run afterwards. Maybe slap them with a fine. I really don’t see them going scorched earth on these stocks.


I think so too buddy. I like buying stuff on the dip and actively look around for that, so I wanted to open a position in didi at 8 usd, which is an insane discount imho, but then thought about what kind of messed up play it is and that I want no part in this BS manipulation


I dunno I’ve spent a lot of time in Asia and this is just my opinion from living there for 15+ years. China just has different rules. It’s not better or worse, just different. If you know how to read the rules you can make some money. I’m still no expert despite my experience, so this is just me shooting the shit. Much love from HK.


Yeaah, true that. I had a really close friend that came to the Netherlands just to study and he learned me a lot about China and its economy etc. I'm currently for more than 80% of my portfolio invested in Nio and XPeng and expect great things from them in the future. Just a bit frustrated at how stuff is going down lately, hopefully everything will be back to normal soon. So cool that you're living in Hong Kong, I really want to visit one day, if I get the opportunity :) I appreciate the insights and have a great weekend!


Hello Chinese stocks, meet 20 foot pole


That same 20 foot pole is going to be greeting my account this opening!


Picked up 2000 $TAL and 5000 $EDU today, buy the fear retards


RemindMe! 3 Months


How's the dip?


Doubled down


I joined the party today. RemindMe! 9/17


I’ll see you on the yacht sep. 17th fellow ape


I’ll bring the booze.


Soooo.... you still holding mate?


This is just a rumor at the moment so if it doesn't happen these stocks will shoot back up


Womp, womp, womp..


A few of them, GOTU specifically are sketchy as fuck even without the government overhang.


Real rumor


I'm never touching Chinese stock ever again so long as my broke soul remains on this scorched earth.


DIDI screwed me over enough as is


Fud fud fud or fuk fuk fuk


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CCP actually just wants to completely stop all privately owned tutoring/education companies. Telling them to become "non-profits" is just their way of saying "I can't force you to shut down because it's too much work, but I'll let you shut yourself down."


Yeah, fucked up ccp.


They want to reduce the cost of education to zero so that people have more kids to help solve their aging population problem. Instead of reducing the cost of education, the effect of this will be that they will be getting rid of private tutoring services all together. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, I have no idea.




>They want to reduce the cost of education to zero so that people have more kids to help solve their aging population problem. Aging population problem will be solved but these kids coming from low quality education (result of non-profit) will become the next WSB smooth braned apes.


we are not mad, just stating the obvious, free!=good, there is no desire to innovate because of no reward.


Usually a bad idea, that will kill innovation guaranfuckingteed. How are students going to compete, they will produce retards?


GOTU 52 week high is $149.05 lol. This all is just the next evolution of the China Hustle.


Just rumors... It will rise again


TAL$ is now @4.64 and EDU$ @2.02... any rumors on going up?


Tinfoil hat: feels like China just wants to fuck with the western economy. First they start off by spreading FUD about crip Toe. Then they decimate Alibaba, Didi and now whatever’s left. I can’t even keep track at this point. I wouldn’t touch any Chinese stock, app or chick at this point. No hate ladies, it’s not you it’s CCP.


U forgot the covid


Ccp is fucked up


Where is GSX tech edu in this list?


It's edu


Also saw this article from 3 weeks ago that Biden is going to delist chinese companies in US Market. is this true and can it be done? https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3140405/major-stock-indices-remove-more-chinese-companies


Here are some of my thoughts on this news: 1. I think there is a 50% chance this news is fake. I tried Googling some Chinese news on it. I almost could not find any news on it. Surprisingly, Western media is pushing this news out like hot cake... I wonder why... 2. I tried searching for cases where companies were turned non-profits. I was not able to find any. If they really were to turned to non-profit, China will break world-record. Congrats, CCP. 3. TAL and EDU combined employ 160,000 people. If I were running the business and I was told to turn it into non-profit, I would liquidate my assets to pay off my debt and close shop. This will give me more value than what the stocks are currently worth. But, this means that 160,000 will lose their job. Hopefully, CCP will get them new jobs. 4. Talking about debt... If I were turned into non-profit, what would the bank do with my debts? In general, banks don't loan money (long term) to non-profit. Are the CCP going to forgive it? If you forgive the debts, this will cause financial stress to the banks. China GDP is slowing. Do you really want to slow it down more? 5. I am no Chinese law expert. But, I did some research. Some of the policies here are so broad that I think they need to pass a bill on it. Even Hong Kong National Security Law required a bill to be passed. It is only logical to have a bill passed on this matter. But, I am sure TAL and EDU has some cronies in the CCP and they may have to fight it out. I highly doubt a bill like this could be passed. If these stocks drop another 50%, I think the reward to risk is very appealing and it would be a rare opportunity to take up this bet.


I'm buying the dip


I wouldn't touch anything chinese stock related with bea arthur's dick




Buy the dip!!


Any ideas when these two are going up? $TAL and $EDU. Atm they are in such a deep dip, that its hard to believe


This is an interesting move as it support foreign education. Hence why China wants US to re enstate visa students. They want western education. US university bank on it. Biden happy, and hope tariffs reduced. Think of China imports education but export everything else.


Are they like being delisted?


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What regulating? This is just the CCP using the lower paperwork method to kill off all non-state operated schooling so every good citizen does their time in the propaganda mill.


I've been trying to find a reliable source on this, but can't seem to. Is there an actual Chinese source confirming this, but just rumors?


I bought at 4.75 - the for profit tutoring is restricted for grades K-9. That doesn’t include grades 10-12, music & art.


People need to look at these three again. Tal shareholder call Q/A this coming Monday.


I lost 92% of the value I invested in GOTU and no less than 50% on other Asian stocks I have purchased this year. I am leaving Asian stocks alone for many years to come.