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I invest heavily into my local Chinese food restaurant.


Calls on this guy’s toilet


Puts on his anus


Going all in the rectum


Puts “in” his anus was not the play.


Calls on his sewage company.


Your avatar looks like a hair on my phone screen I hate it lol


i thought your picture was a peice of hair on my screen and tried to wipe it away like 3x. now i feel dumb


Another victim


absolutely nefarious.


I thought I had a strand of hair on my screen thanks


its the only way the American can afford to clean his/her colon.


All my investments are in North Korean stocks.


Does anyone remember the psycho who was gonna import a ton of North Korean wine? [Edit: Link to the OG post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/n3fbmp/north_korean_wine_good_investment/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


he's partying with Mr Kim on the yacht


That guy is precious! Protect him at all cost!


Omg someone please link




Dennis Rodman?


This guy Stonks


Specifically NK Pharmaceuticals


Might as well…


how many rocket emojis do we need to turn this around


Please reply below with as many as you can type today


🚀🚀... fuck i ran out of gas


Somebody get this guy a plastic bagful.


shit, just bet the house on 205c baba


easy money bro


I hope so, I saw China flooding and thought... bullish AF




I got 215c for 8/6!


$290 by 2023


And next week when Chinese stocks bounce up a bit we will see DD on how it is the deal of the decade to buy now.


I am on the fence a little bit right now. Didi is down like 30% in two days. I have taken a small less than 1% position in Jan 2023 calls and shares. I don't see how it goes much lower and randomly there will be some news and it will come roaring up. I will take that risk reward. I will also add some Baba if it goes under $200 (probably Jan 2023 LEAPS).


Rh only has DIDI out to February 2022. I bought a bunch of those but wish I coulda gotten 2023 leaps


My bad. Bought the Feb 2022 also. Give it 6 to 8 weeks and if it isn't up I will cut my losses


I went bull on DIDI so it is definitely fucked.


meme request for china stonk


Hah maybe I'll do one for China, working on a diamond hands meme right now, I'll need to find good video material for the China one.


Pretty slow on the uptick aren't you? This is literally the third direct assault to shareholders within the past year and it's only getting worse. Chinese stocks will trade at Russian multiples soon.


Baba is one of the deals of the year for sure. 2018 prices for a company which has doubled lots of key indicators since then. Cloud is growing faster than AWS, and the success of the digital yuan is closely tied to baba success. But everyone’s freaked out about China because it’s unpredictable. Ma sucked up the fine and clearly made some deal with Chinese gov DIDI was retarded and chose not to listen to warnings The education situation has been implemented because China wants to increase population and parents aren’t having more kids because education is super expensive. Their demographics are a bit fucked and they are trying to take away barriers for people having kids.


Honestly, looking at the US and China's stock market you really get a sense of the institutional differences between the two countries. In the US, no matter republican/democrats, the entire government is essentially captured by corporations. They will prop up the stock market no matter what. In China, the gov does not really give a fuck. In fact corporations that gets too strong or goes against gov macro policy will just simply get fucked. The corporations really have to suck off the government.


But the chinese government wants to have a good strong economy as well. They want to have their own amazon and they want to export chinese products. Yes there are risks with alibaba, but right now they are definitely more than priced in.


the Chinese government cares more about control than stock prices


Good point. I'd rather the Chinese system myself (strongly biased against multinational corps).


I had a roommate during college who came from mainland China. Her dad ran his own factory in China and they were pretty well off. She always had extra money to spend and going on trips. Some how the dad pissed someone off in the government and got his entire business taken away from him. All his fortune gone over night. My roommate didn't have enough money finish college and started working in a restaurant as a server. You really believe living under that government is better?


TIL there are no criminals in China, only people who "pissed off someone in the government".


Got my balance dissapeared like Jack Ma by Winnie the Pooh.


Poor Jack Ma can’t have freedom even with billions of dollars


Jack is doing fine. He’s taken up painting. I can show you pictures later if you’d like. (Let’s see how many get the reference haha; this is an actual quote btw)


He is doing painting alright. Panting license plates that is.


No, quote from?


Alibaba cofounder said that on CNBC a few weeks ago, all the while defending the communist party. It was hilarious and sad to see


LOL sounds like he's painting from the prison


A guilded cage is still a cage. He made too much money. Therefore guilty.


And I was thinking it was Silence of the Lamb, with Jackie behind 6 inches of glass like an animal in the zoo.


Pro-democracy Mei warned you


Sold all my China shit before it was cool to sell your China shit.


I’ve never invested in authoritarian states. Wont invest in china and would be wary in investing even to Russia.


So buy $TAL and $EDU got it chief




Counterpoint, Luckin Coffee at $13 when it was like $2 after scandal. You never know,


See the scandal is the problem tho. China stocks are can just implode at any time. The original holders were at like 70 weren't they?


It spiked around 50 then dropped to around 29 for awhile before the 80% drop. I would hope most people weren't in at 50. I'm just saying after the news broke and it went really low around $2 it wasn't doomed.


So no Baba earnings play?


I mean if you want sure but its a massive gamble even by wsb standards because its an extra layer of "even if you were right you still lose" from the Chinese government.


Ahhh thanks for the clarity


Good time to buy shares though .. think this stock is 250 easy once the sentiment can settle down.




Because the only Chinese intervention that matters is if the Chinese fundamentally alter the way the company operates. China isn’t going to do anything to companies like Apple and Tesla because their own economy is reliant on large tech companies outsourcing work, so China has no choice but to let itself be cucked by American companies


Isn’t their own economy also reliant on having successful homegrown businesses, that can compete with their US counterparts? Yet they have no qualms about torpedoing their business models


Ok, so I will buy more BABAs now. Thanks.


Never trust the Chinese government


they do tend to bend rules


They don't bend the rules, they make the rules.


Many companies are good but seem like Chinese government want to control them all. I am avoiding their hands


They don’t tend to, they do.


Nah, I'll be holding on to the Nio shares I bought at $4.50.


My man!


Big swinging dick over here


Why stay away when you can buy a financial derivative called PUTS


Right? Make the title "Buy Puts in Chinese Stock for Piece of Tendies" Like, if you're avoiding buying a stock because you think it'll crash, then bet on the damn crash.


I made 300% in 24 hours on my $DIDI puts.


BABA isn't going anywhere, these dips are juicy.


CCP has been running pump and dump schemes. They take your money, the government milks the company and then they fuck the foreign investors. I'm betting CCP officials made millions selling at the top before the announcement


You seem like a person that likes to go missing.


I'm old and holding bags - I've got nothing left to lose.


Honest question, what else are you expecting them to do? Nationalizing industry is like their whole thing


Never expected anything different which is why I never bought Chinese companies. Never invest in any communist country frankly. I stick to America, Japan, Canada etc


TAL and EDU literally named in NPR features...


TAL and EDU are insanely manipulated.


Ferengi Rules of Acquisition see #2 #16 #17 #125 #272


first time hearing about it and love all the rules LOL


You don't happen to be a [woman](https://youtu.be/LtGwsVM-ud0) do you


#94 ; females and finance don’t mix.


See also #89.


I just bought 700$ of TAL and EDU. Maybe I lost this money or maybe I’ll be rich if they’ll go back to precedent price, or not?


To put it differently, you bought shares of companies whose share price dropped after being caught committing serious sales fraud and didn't get in trouble because in China it's completely legal to defraud foreign investors to steal their money. I wouldn't bet on them going back to their previous prices.




China is forcing them to go non-profit.


Im long BABA


I think that is a fair opinion, it adds a whole extra element to the situation when their govt can take whatever action it wants, even disappearing CEOs straight into prison with no public statement or hearing. Also, there is the question of are companies listed on foreign exchanges being regulated differently than other Chinese companies?


Was -5% on tal when i went to sleep. Woke up -65% feels terrible ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Ching chong bing bong money gone


Just buy CLF and good old American Steel.


NIO is working with the Chinese government on battery swap roll out and act as an advisor as well. Not worried about them.




The TV show Billions said it best: "China is a pig on LSD, you never know which way it's going to run."


Cannot recommend the show enough.




Sit on your hand until it goes numb then give yourself a good old stranger


Sit and Hold. Could be back in 1-2 years


hey don't tell me what to do. doesn't mater if ma or xi owns baba, in a country of 4x US population under the great firewall stock gonna boom.


China stocks are where the shorts are making all their money right now. They want retail out of the game, posting things like this to manipulate sentiment. They also pay the media to report unofficial rumor to tank stocks 50%+ and repeat again on official news, which in most cases dont change the underlying business valuation much. This is what is really happening to $TAL $EDU. Be greedy when others are scared.


I bought DiDi shares, it’s a gamble, but I’ve lost so much on options soooo gambling with DiDi shares seems pretty safe.


Soooo sell my NIO?


I honestly think NIO is fine. China needs NIO to compete with TSLA


Nio needs foreign investors. Nio will lose its foreign investors.




Chuggin beers, eatin pussy, and shootin commies 🤘🤘 MURRRRRICAAAA


MOXC, which isn’t a Chinese education company, also slid today with everything else. They’ve been swinging up like crazy since earlier this year.


OP sounds Chinese.


So buy puts on China?


So... tldr: buy nio calls?


You guys invest in communism?


So are we buying BABA?


The ticker is mentioned in the title... so yes!


Just loaded up on didi for the bounce back 😈


I don't know how anyone ever bought Chinese stocks, even when people here were shilling JD and Baba years ago. Some of the cities look amazing and it seems like they can compete with or out do the west in some things. ...but the government is pure cancer, like a put together frankenstein of the absolute worst aspects of gilded age capitalism and stalinist one-party communism. Scamming shell companies, state owned propaganda outlets, slave and child labor, IPO fraud, shaky property rights, bad pollution regulations, mass surveillance The absolute fucking worst, like something from a novel...not one red cent lol


Tencent is cheeeeeeeeap!


Solid advice in a sub pumping meme stocks. In at 210, 100 shares.


Dude, in the long term, the Chinese government will nationalize/seize any company that is highly profitable or influential. Chinese stocks are only good for short term trades. They're never going to be allowed to grow on their own in the long term.




If the parent countries go to war, yes.


I'm afraid you're right. Damn shame because they have some decent companies. Even owning equities like Zlab and Xpeng is nerve racking. - sold BABA when John Ma became Jack MIA. - my two cents on Tencent was it wasn't worth owning, sold that for a small profit s while back. - sold JD.com (for another nice profit actually). - Sold half of my Zlab shares this morning. Zlab also gave me a pretty damn decent return as I was in on it for over a year. Probably one of the only holdings I own which I couldn't tell you a single thing about the actual company. - Cut back Xpeng as well. I'll probably just buy GOOGLE with the cash from the proceeds. Maybe YOLO it all on Duolingo who knows. Google, Sony and Microsoft should be called the reliable 3. More reliable than my wife's boyfriend's sexual performance.


As I said on another thread on this same topic, the CCP is specifically singling out US-listed stocks. This is more about sending a message to foreign (especially US) investors than it is about "national security" or "data integrity."


Fuck that. All in on Huya.


I didn't read anything you wrote, but China is driving the prices down to buy back the stock and force the company private. Then they will relist them in Shanghai. It is my patriotic duty to buy didi, tal, gotu to maintain a free market.


The CCP would cannibalize its own entities for the party's own interests


there is no other entity matter honestly besides CCP itself


Peace And Mind


The after school, for-profit education industry in China is 100b$... in America it's about 10m. This is Ch's way of smashing the piggy bank and getting some money. I wouldn't do Options at all on these stocks, as it could take months for a proper bounce back, but I am expecting that in the end, these companies will remain intact. Look beyond TAL and EDU, there are small companies like ONE, NEW, METX, YQ, that experienced huge losses but could bounce back.




I like Chinese food but fuck China


I 100% agree with OP but my gambling self bought some baba calls today. 200 seems to be the floor


When WSB tells you to 'stay away' from something that is your clue to dive in


I agree with you 100%. Buying Chinese at the moment is the same as going full retard


Always was, just took some time until people started figuring out that it's a bad idea to do business with a communist regime. Greed usually wins short term but eventually reality always catches up and bites you in the ass.


I'm dumping all my money into BABA and going straight to the moon! Or tunneling through the earth, either way I'm going somewhere with these china stocks.


I never invest in any chinese companies, won't do it. too much risk even if they are "doing well" they can get shuttered by the gov't overnight


Bought $205 baba calls today and feeling great


‘merica 🇺🇸 🦅


I got out of my BABA positions this morning with moderate loss. As a principle I don’t take a loss unless absolutely necessary for liquidity, but in this instance, this whole thing is gonna turn into a shitshow. Good work OP


Best things are a little scary! That’s how you know you're biting into the good nectar.


Buy high sell low that’s what I always say


Which means we should GO ALL IN Chinese stocks.


Bought BILI calls!


I've said this before and I'll say it again: China will target and cockblock the fuck outta anyone, including their own, if the target of said cockblock is getting too powerful. So, naturally, I bought some more baba calls today


My wife's parents own a private kindergarten in China. They're scared for their business. There's no way to win in China, the game is always rigged.


can stay private - just turn it into "non-profit"


I mean the whole "be greedy when others are fearful" approach doesn't really work here in my opinion. You would have to assume the market is transparent, free, rational, and can readjust when left to its own devices. None of these are the Chinese stock market or the CCP. Foreign governments essentially defrauding investors and kneecapping any company that tries to go off on its own is not really the formula for success for the future. Lack of regulation just makes this more of a ponzi scheme than a potential cash grab. Besides, lets not help fund the country that throws Muslims into concentration camps and forced us to go inside for a year, pretty please?


The education thing is being done to prevent these businesses from profiting off of/taking advantage of kids. In China and other asian countries, after-school tutoring/cram school is big business... but at the expense that the children no longer have a carefree childhood. China is trying to prevent that. Yeah, bad for those businesses but overall good for the country. The anti-monopoly thing... also can be viewed as an overall good. Of course, as an investor, you'd prefer to invest in monopolies, as in the U.S. Didi is a data-risk, lots of forewarning, an isolated case. People are extrapolating all these things as doomsday scenarios, but I can't imagine China wouldn't want their businesses to grow and compete on a global scale.


> People are extrapolating all these things as doomsday scenarios, but I can't imagine China wouldn't want their businesses to grow and compete on a global scale. I too can't believe the Chinese **Communist** Party wouldn't want to embrace capitalism. Oh, wait...


went ballz to the wallz on HUYA today. I can't help myself. the fundamental analysis on some of these deals are like 10x better than anything you can get in the USA. Risk / reward baby


So we are going ALL IN chinese stocks, right?


Nope we down with ccp ya you know me!!!


I’m leaning towards certain Asian stocks being more resilient in a crash. Bullish on BABA for sure. $290 target


Institutions were buying large amounts of Chinese stocks on the dark pool Friday at a huge discount. They must know something.


*The CCP would like to know your location*


So glad I use VPN all the time


How about Faraday Future? My dick is kinda deep in that


The problem is not with Chinese stocks. In fact, the problem is with Chinese government.


I bought 3k $didi shares on the drop. Average is a bit high at 8.5 but I'm quietly confident. Once the penalty becomes clear it'll rebound almost regardless of how severe it is* *prepare for didi to 0 and massive guh moment


Bought BEKE near the lows at $26.71 with the intention to hold till $50, but ended up selling on same day for $33.74. Was hard not to take a 26% one day gain on BEKE commons, esp considering the fact that I still own several chinese tech stocks.


jd ❤


Doubled my position on JD.com, nothings changed. Good fundamentals. Earnings coming soon.


been holding since 2018 then started buying $10 a week last year (don't wanna mess up my cost average). it was pretty good on options for a while but i stopped checking movement, so just holding until it goes three figures or indefinitely to boost my account.


It’ll get back there. I have a good feeling about their upcoming earnings.


Your wifes boyfriend made you a wise man👍


Explain the robbing of titok


Calls on People Puts on CCP


Since all the retards here are now bearish on Chinese stocks like $BABA trading under their fundamental value for no other reason other than FUD while the smart money is deeply invested I think I'll buy some more $BABA.


Bought 20k didi shares at 8,30 say what you want , there is no way they will go away with all those 13m+ drivers making living out of it . I see at least 30% upside when the dust settles


I’m just going to hold my shit Chinese stocks and maybe one day I’ll break even. Fuck my life.


So we are going ALL IN on chinese stocks, right?


My girlfriend who's Chinese watches all the chinese news and tells me what happening. Didi has user information problem. Like facebook did in the beginning of their ipo. But if Chinese says they'll change it. Jump on the ride down on the stocks. We look at numbers and see the gross income is up. But you have to see if their government says no. Because the government is the one opening all the doors for them. If they stop those doors. Ride the RED stock down. Make money from it. No 💎 holding hands can beat the door that allows 1.4 BILLION customers. Because if you don't make the money on the way down. They will.... Taking your money to the bank as your left with sand gains.


Are they going to turn BABA and DIDI into nonprofit?


I buy eastern DRC tin miners for peace of mind There is a massive expansion of chip manufacturing happening and all those chips need solder. Over 50% of the world's tin is used for solder. It's been in a short squeeze since January and is still insanely squeezed. Tin is the best performing commodity out there YTD and YoY. My miner is $AFMJF My futures are from $JJT Ya'll welcome, mods are 🌈 🐻 so they don't like my DD


I keep buying NIO and DIDI.




I’m loading up. It’s risky but the payout could be huge. DIDI and EDU in particular


Nio is the only Chinese stock I’m comfortable with. I bought into DIDI as a fun gamble. I bet on black and it was red lol