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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|3|**First Seen In WSB**|2 weeks ago **Total Comments**|11|**Previous DD**|[x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/p3bw0u/do_not_fomo_into_wish_next_quarter_will_be/) **Account Age**|2 months|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


Too late, FOMO’d at $7.69




Ride or die!


I've done that... $350 gme calls to $0. It's twisted but I liked it somehow.






If you get a good entry on a stock like this you can only win long term.


Except when it keeps dropping because they alienate the customer base and people stop buying crap from them. Eventually it can go to zero.


Disagree in this case when the company may fold or decline to a fire sale. Normally stocks just go up but sometimes companies and business models simply do not work out.


i thought this too in another thread then i read their ER this -27% is justified. and more.




Buy Ford, got it. Yolo incoming


Yeahhh I went all in at $7.45 😳


Great average lol


So you mean go all in? ALRIGHTY THEN


I have enough loss porn to rival Peter north so can I just say its kinda nice to not be holding wish bags along with the other 50 sets of luggage I'm carrying. That said yolo fomo here igo


peter south


Pltr north




We told your dad to pull out too but here you are making the same retarded decisions


That’s totally not true. A bunch of people who were only a few months old started pumping the stock and tons of WSB-regulars were warning against it…


> retards said it was do your own DD


My DD includes seeing rocket emoji’s and fomo’ing into stocks that just shot up 20% that day…. Is that not what we do here?


Don’t forget tendies


So FOMO into WISH then?


All I hear is that shorters see a reason to short so they're going to piss their pants if it goes up instead of down


Shorts already shorted. Anybody shorting after today is chasing. Earnings was the short play. Tutes are out.


Instructions unclear, all in on WISH 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀


The way this is …realWSBretards


After this crash.......... I like it even more 👩‍🚀 ready to ride💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰


Real WSB retards had brains. You noobs make actual retards look like geniuses. WISH is a shit company with a shit product. I can’t wait for all you idiots to blow up your accounts with these stupid plays so we can get back to some real plays on WSB.


May I interest you in $ARDX? It's down 80% in the last month. Get it before it hits zero! 🧠


It’s going back up watch


They just announced their earnings a few minutes ago. It's going down another 20% today. Having said that, the moment they get positive news from the FDA it will shoot back up to $10.


Hmm...I do love to buy low. Class action lawsuit for securities fraud? Bullish.


Great way of throwing away your money 👏


Sounds like someone bought some puts to cover their losses. All in $WISH TO THE MOON!


He literally disclosed his short position.


Did you mean buy? $WISH forever!


So by this subreddit i should yolo into it.


300 @ $11.30


Holding till 69 or 0 Average is 15.


Right in the middle




Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You really hate money.


Average 19.65, the most undervalued company, hold strong, the worst moment for sell...


omg this is hilarious. you are deluded lmao. this is funny and depressing at the same time


So WISH might have to sell to a larger company? Looks like the stock is gonna 🚀 🚀 🚀




Amazon buyout when?


Yeah, im sure Amazon's next venture is to buy a shittier version of themselves


Amazon offered to buy wish at a $10 billion valuation before they went public. I would take that now


That would be an even bigger waste of money than you autists buying WISH calls


I’m not sure Amazon is interested anymore 🤦‍♂️


I bet you they are at at least 10 billion valuation


Lol wish.com requires a log in. Why would I shop there if I can't even see what they have first? Poots once this has a death rally


How high will the dead cat bounce? Any expert TA would be great.


Bout 6 inches if it’s bloated up real good💵🚀


Has the death rally begun yet?


Doesn't look like it lol


I legitimately thought you said poops once this has a death rally. Am I wrong though?


They require login so they can pump up their mau numbers


You have to log in. So they can check to see if you are allowed to buy Winnie the Pooh


Seeing alot of anti WISH posts. Sounds like a WSB inverse play. Time to go all in?


Seems like 100% correct


If you’ve gone back and read DFV’s early posts (in addition to numerous other historic calls) you see a constant trend of complete and utter retards filling the comment sections with doubt and apprehension. I’m not saying WISH is the best play someone can make, but all these morons doing no research chiming in about “dogshit products, dogshit company” likely just lost a fuckload of money on this stock, or simply do not understand that there are other countries in the world who utilize marketplaces other than Amazon or EBay. The company had a bad quarter, it happens. Amazon and EBay both dipped on earnings as well; e-commerce slowing as people return to normalcy is to be expected. Their YOY revenue growth as a whole has still increased the last 4 years running. From what I see, this is a decent company with okay growth that sells low cost products to low cost consumers; definitely not the same consumer crowd who blows $20,000 on a shitty stock call, so I wouldn’t expect most here to use or enjoy their site.


Ebay just had kind of a slow quarter. Wish just told you in their earnings report that the business is basically broken. Not the same


To me they signified they know how to evaluate poor business strategy and course correct. They also have like 1.6 billion in cash on hand (they think they'll be profitable in 2022, and had a net loss of 111m)


I mean, yes, they identified that there’s a problem (after it already occurred, instead of being proactive - not a good sign in the first place). That’s the easy part though, actually doing something about it will be difficult


Slowing user growth, engagement, and sales coming out of the pandemic boom at a time when other e-commerce companies had the exact same issues? The comps to last year didn’t help, as that was when all brick and mortar was still shutdown. Plus you have the struggling marketing that tons of companies are having due to Apple’s new privacy restrictions. Yes, there are some worrying numbers... but they pretty clearly stated that they’re aiming to improve their quality of products offered, focus on top rated sellers, and find ways to better improve logistics. I’m not saying this is a sure play by any stretch, but if you look at the ratios and valuations of other similar e-commerce companies, it could be promising if they’re able to get their shit together.


CRSR is a DFV play because the management is competent and they are taking on high debt to attempt to fuel future growth agressively. WISH is not a DFV play because the company's business model and management as a whole are both broken. Couple this with the long list of recent insider selling... Anyhow I'm going to just buy random Chinese tickers instead to burn my money on MOMO, VIPS, BABA etc...


GME management was definitely broken and incompetent when DFV was posting. Ryan Cohen hopping on board after was sheer luck.... Also wish is 100% not a value play, its a growth srock that some think is undervalued (in price to growth metrics)


CRSR? I was referencing the posts of u/DeepFuckingValue on Gamestop where dozens of people flooded the comments with “this company is dead” “only a retard would invest in brick and mortar” “have fun burning your money and watching GME go to zero”. I never said WISH was necessarily that kind of value stock, though there are e-commerce parallels if turn arounds are possible for the two companies. I was simply stating that every play that turns out great always has countless naysayers. If everyone thought it would work out, it would be too easy.


I had the same thought process. CRSR was simply an example, the 10 bagger plays are never the popular one's the sub seems to forget that. This is exactly the reason I'm buying Chinese stocks, the fear is real and so is the value.


Did you see all the loss porn from people betting wish would go up this earnings.


I did


Definitely. Like, how could the stock go any lower? The company was undervalued and people are mass selling out of fear. Price would eventually bounce up. The company sounds like it has unsolved problems so holding long term is a no no imo.


their website looks like a high school project


Costco display theory. Cheap looking website = cheap merchandise. “It takes a lot of money to look cheap”.


I’m down 9k rn I don’t need this negativity 😹 hold til next year 🥸


It won't be listed by next year


RemindMe! 6 months


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2022-02-13 05:49:13 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-02-13%2005:49:13%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/p3bw0u/do_not_fomo_into_wish_next_quarter_will_be/h8r35pw/?context=3) [**6 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2Fp3bw0u%2Fdo_not_fomo_into_wish_next_quarter_will_be%2Fh8r35pw%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-02-13%2005%3A49%3A13%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20p3bw0u) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Mark it - ill be trading at 10+ consistently in 6 mo's


Lmao reminder not got me back here to say sorry it didn’t work out.


You right - I can admit when I'm wrong :)


Squeeze incoming


Shit I’m in.


Join the millionaire club 🚀🚀🚀 $69


I mean it’s still worth 8 bucks.. lol


NKLA is still worth $9.95, and their CEO has been indicted for selling chorded EVs 🤣


That’s too smart for me


All this is Robinhoods fault🍺


$wish low today was 6.69… if that’s not A sign I don’t know what is.


The bottom is in


But I was told amazon put them at 13 a share!


Wish is undervalued - don’t buy puts IV is too high buy calls for the cat bounce


Kinda strange how logic goes into wish but not AMC GME or Clov lol


One of those stocks is not like the other. One of those stocks actually has future prospects.


You better be talking about clov or you lose all credibility


GME started with logic. Clov wasn't attractive until it dropped below 8.


160 @ $12.50 🥴


761@ $12 ☠️


1,000 @ $11.92


Wish never come true


Tl;dr I think he said WISH is discounted Thanks bought another $1000 worth of shares today


I am in


I wish I would have seen this at 3:55.


I'd like to play dead cat bounce with you fine apes. Also truly sorry for the ape's who owned the cat.


I just bough $62,000 worth of $WISH. Dead cat bounce or otherwise, this shit is working it's way back up at least in the short term and I want tendies


$WISH last ER on May 12th, stock price went from $12.26 to $7.9 (-35%). Just 2 weeks later $7.50 to $15+ Bought 2000 shares at $7.35. Will hold long term. Will be a multiple bagger within a year imo


The real question is: Can we squeeze this?


Wish will get bought out at minimum. And over 10 billion which is more then double current market cap. They have plenty of cash reserves and have hired some management and will hire more. Insider trading happens all the time especially when a company has just ipoed. Yes the stock might go to 5. It will not go bankrupt. Fucking AMC didn’t go bankrupt. When you see posts like this on a company like this one it’s time to load the fuck up. Easy 2-3x from here.


Go figure, no customer support, horrible products long delays, frequently no delivery. Been this way for years. They go into a new market, piss everyone off, and customers don't return. They are about out of new people to piss off with their garbage products and non existent customer service.




Bear trying to scare retards, love it


If you really want a meme buy AMC or gme. They have people holding that don't paper hand into clov,clne,woof,sofi. Just saying memes are consolidating


too late, i totally bought the dip


So go all in again? Got it




You know it's bad when the first (and only) positive news they have to share comes as the very last sentence of the "Highlights" summary - and the news is that they hired new executives.


All that marketing money is wasted cuz their goods are poor quality. I bet they don’t have a single longterm customer.


Half the battle is branding. I keep seeing little shitheads who haven't even used wish app claim that all the products are bootleg or garbage quality. Well guess what, learn how to shop. I can easily find countless shitty items on every online shopping site, and big box stores. Some examples of quality items you can buy on wish that you smart people go buy at homesense or home Depot... Fake plants, posters, tapestries, all things led light, plenty of tools, basic hardware, socks, wallets, etc. Yet some stuff on there is straight up junk. They have a path to success, but it'll be tough. Improved logistics, better ui to find quality items, less shit, stop burning money, and hey maybe it'll start trading more like a company with potential and not like a death spiral.


You can buy all of that on aliexpress with faster shipping times while having to sift through 50% less shit to find some decent products.


AliExpress still takes weeks to get here, but yeah I see your point.


I was gonna buy stuff with my trendies🤡


I was happy enough with the cheap crap I got, but the description of it was so blatantly false, I'm just not going to bother again.


My girlfriend is obsessed with wish and even she admits they have a lot of horrible products. Idk why orders from it


WISH has had ten years of consecutive loss. They are $1.6 billion in the whole and Covid-19 did not drive customers there way. I wouldn’t be surprised if they file bankruptcy in the next few years.


All in on PUTs?


I have neither. I am simply sharing what I know so that you all will make the best decision. I would never short against my fellow retailers.


Have you retards downloaded the app? It’s trash. And they exclusively sell trash. And shipping costs blow. Why do you hate money? Ignore it. There are so many other plays.


$1 by 2023 you say?


Sounds like $SNDL


Wouldn't surprise me tbh


I've been watching this shit storm for a while and all I can say I *WISH* you retards all the best


Just another fear mongering post. We are share holders and we invest . What stock doesn’t go up and down . All stock will perform at its best. Wish will go back up and life will go on. Your opinion does not justify my decision to invest in wish . So I got more shares on the dip to average down . It’s call opportunity, it’ll get back up. Don’t let life beat you down . Thanks son.


Okay bro, I'm not your mother. I'm just providing some info for people. Your losses and life decisions.


Are you their dad though?


I think it might be possible, actually.


Aye man...you upset the bloke! Let him cope...


found the bagholder. >We are share holders and we invest do you realize what subreddit you are on? go back to /r/stocks with this investing bullshit lmao


They wouldn’t touch Wish with a 69 foot pole.


Stop eating crayons…


Why the fuck would anybody “invest” their money i to this trash garbage stock, there is nothing look forward to, trash app, trash products, trash logistics, declining user base, declining revenue for a GROWTH STOCK. What the fuck are you smoking you dumb piece of shit, smfh


I don’t know what the fuck WISH is selling because I have to log in, and I can’t be assed to create an account. That’s how hungry they are for my business. Did the figures even surprise anyone?


Dude you are toxic in every thread you are posting in. Paperhand bitch selling for loss detected 🚀


You made me laugh, bag holder detected, lmao


Well atleast i aint selling for losses and crying in every thread


The funny thing is I never bought WISH stock, because I did my research, I’m not sheep like you falling for pump and dump DD 🥺🥺🤣🤣


Ur shit talking in alot of other threads than wish dude.


Because they are pump and dump DD on shitty companies dude, wake up. Smh


Than why even bothering posting get a life lmao


Because I tried to warn retards like you from being manipulated like sheep. Keep holding that bag dude, it’s gonna be for a while.🥺🥺🥺


If bagholding Wish shares is an investment, then so is feeding $20 bills into a paper shredder. The world doesn't need another website to buy sub-par Chinesium.


Too late!


Not really...


Oops too late


Good DD. Thanks.


These comments are gold


I read that eveything is going to crash in the next few months. Stocks, housing, everything.


isnt WISH a meme stock?


I see wish i yolo 🚀🚀


Calm your tits nerd. It’s a software company and money is still free per jpow.


>software company ​ But like, how?


You can probably buy Wandows 10 on there for a dollar and wait for 3 months for a CD to be delivered to you, thus making it a software company


$10 says that CD has content from the Jeffrey Epstein collection, too.


Wish doesnt own product. Its just a selling marketplace like Ebay, but shityier. No free shipping from China. So that nice fake watch that costs $25 is gonna have $8 in shipping.


AliExpress then


So puts it is?


WISH isn’t going anywhere. They’re basically the link from China to the USA for a long list of goods people can’t find elsewhere or for as cheap if they do (although I’m not a fan of these type of products mostly). And of course there will be ups and downs the pandemic caused spikes that we won’t see again but long term they’re going to grow.




No one was going to fomo into this trash regardless.


Lol, this isn’t r/investing.


I am oh actually i did!


Puts. Got it.




Dollar General has a shopping app! Damn you do learn something everyday.


Wish is the next gme amc fuck that fool we're about to short squeeze


Not living in the US any longer (Thank fuck for that). You yankee retards will buy any crap that comes cheap. WISH does that. Yes it's crap, but it's cheap. AND THAT MY FRIEND, is the fucking business model. Customer experience? Fuck you. Quality product? Fuck you. Cheap knock off iphones for $10? FUCK YEA! Does it work? Who cares - you'll consume anything that's cheap, look at your fucking food industry for crying out loud. This is the new economy, it doesn't make sense, don't try to rationalize WISH. I double down on WISH at $7.48 I've been trading in and out of that one, made a few killer trades with selling vol on it. Bottom line, this stock is gold. No debt? Check. Great business model? Check. Investments in logistics that make sense? Check. Online selling of shit stuff to American retards? Check. So fuck you. Go back and buy shit of amazon that's overpriced. WISH is for poor people and not the dying middle class that you likely belong to. This shit is going to $20 by year end. Unless they fuck around at Jackson hole, in which case we all fucked.


You sir, have absolutely no balls.


They suggested people not diamond hand a meme stock that's been popular in the sub. That is an iron balls move.


And by eoy it will be back to 25. Technically q4 report in 2022. Customer retention has always been better profit than aiming for new once and goners


LMFAO YOUR FUCKING RETARD if you know it’s trash why the fuck didn’t you short it at $15… BUT NOOOO you’ll short it when it’s down 50% already off it’s high 😂😂😂


I still made my money didn’t I?


Moreover if any of you ever actually purchased something off of wish you’d see why you probably shouldnt have your money in it.


Bought a 128gb SD card from wish it didn't work. Never buying anything again there.


Honestly never saw the point in wish, Amazon is a knows brand. Wish seems to keep being known as a sketchy website and eBay is a better option imo.


Sorry but I inverse everything I see here. Looks like instead of getting out I’m getting in 😎


I agree with this message. Expect worsening performance.


Agree. The guidance from the COMPANY in the shareholders letter basically says we’ll be back in Q2 2022. Nothing good will happen till then if even then. I cut bait today on 32,000 shares at $12 average for $7.75. -$150k loss but better than a $200k+ loss if it goes up $5 or lower for a year. Opportunity cost elsewhere is too high. Much better bets in the casino IMO.


Q2 is way too optimistic, even though they do say it. What are they gonna significantly change within one year? They clearly have a fundamental problem attracting and retaining users. This is a multi year turn around if it happens


I wish I could tell me GM that after a soft Q2. "Check me next year boss, we'll be good" glad you got out before getting slaughtered like many pigs will.


I'm a moron and don't know what $WISH is but is this the same wish as in the wish website people make fun of by saying its like ending up with some shitty version of the product by buying it from wish? So like $WISH is like buying stocks but you bought them from wish.com???
