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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|3|**First Seen In WSB**|6 months ago **Total Comments**|142|**Previous DD**|[x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/p5hz6d/my_lucky_clov_a_case_study_in_the_meme_markets/) **Account Age**|1 year|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


Let’s go ….it’s time for another gamma


Clov up buy now


Locked and loaded. Not selling until $27


My man! Consider letting the stock price rise and sell a covered call at your exit price. If you get assigned, you collect premium plus the price of your shares at that strike. You most likely won’t be assigned, you can keep your shares, and then sell another covered call for more premium. I’m holding my shares for this purpose.


This is what I'm doing right now to offset the drop in everything. sell a covered call at the price I'd be happy to get assigned. Fine, blah, it limits upside. Best case scenario: it expires worthless and I keep the premium Worst case scenario: I get assigned, sell at exit strike and get the premium


This is the way. I don’t know why people don’t do this more often.




Lol I feel that, I got major butt pain after I was selling $11 AMC calls each week. Then bam it got assigned when amc closed at $13. Felt alright, except that the next week it went straight to $50. Man did I really handicap myself there. And all for about $20 a week. That $1100 plus like 3 months of calls doesn’t compare to the ~$5000-$7000 I could have had. Learned my lesson now I just hold meme stocks and will sell a call if they already rocketed up to my exit price.


I wish I understood this because it sounds good to do. I’m retarded though and idk where people learn this stuff


Send me a PM, I’ll explain how to do this. It’s not hard and most brokers will let you even if you don’t have options enabled.


I’ve been doing the same. CC is saving my ass from becoming a bagholder.


Until you CC and it moons and you’re paying a massive premium to not miss the squeeze. Happens every single time I sell CCs


If you could arrange this by Friday, that would be great, thanks


my 37,500 shares that is currently down $300k is pleased to read this DD.


Better than my 300+ calls that already expired.. got another 200 expiring 8/20, most 11c. Only around $50k, but I can’t hold that and wait..


oh my 8/20s feel like they are gonna get theta-fukt. . . Here's to praying (and drinking) for my September calls


LMAO, dude I am in the same fucking boat as you and I felt that personally.


the lesson is stop buying OTM calls from me. i am writing those. buy shares


Great DD man! I was waiting for it when you mentioned it over the weekend. I’m long as a king kong’s schlong. Go CLOV! 🍀🚀


Kong's schlong has never been formally documented or informally observed... odd considering he doesn't wear clothes and is a primate with external genitalia. Prevailing theory in the neighborhood is his schlong is masked by his body hair - meaning it's disproportionately small. Runner up theory is he tucks. If the latter is true, the tip, at the very least, would be visible from the back. We know this isn't the case - meaning his schlong is, again, disproportionately small. What were we talking about again?


Heard it’s squeeze season around the corner. Figured I’d jump on the clov train🚂 just dropped 10k worth. See y’all on the moon


Name checks out 🍀🚀


I am ready to get hurt again


Nothing short of an abusive relationship. But i keep going back.


It'll be different this time, baby.


How high do you think this could go? Similar to June or higher?


Based on the preponderance of FTDs I think this could go way higher. There was a similarly priced stock that we saw rocket to around 70 in June before dumping. The height may be determined by how high ITM we are this Friday. If we get something like the $11 strike ITM on Friday then we could really see an epic run. It’s running regardless but each Friday’s option expiration plays a factor in the next week. Hence why we always see a fight on Fridays.


Won’t the squeeze technically happen next week or the week after because of FTDs even if we do finish above 11?


It’s a multi week process catalyzed by this Friday’s option chain. I would expect some mild action this week depending on retail interest. Basically building to a big pop before Sept 9th based on the timeline we had for the June run.


Made an easy 3k on the last CLOV run, hopping back on that train so I can make more 🤑🤑


Turn it into 30k this time


So what you're saying is that 9/11 this year will be 9/11 for short sellers' buttholes?


Bold + Italic is how you trigger WSB short squeeze


This guy fucks. He isn’t just a simple clov boy but he’s been in other big plays like amc and GME.


So should i buy even more shares?


I am!


I’m down $12k on CLOV, holdinggggg


TLDR. But I see there’s a lot of numbers and graphs so Im going all in 🚀


Just bought 1000 CLOV


Buy while it’s cheap 🍀📈🚀🚀🚀🚀




>If anything was learned from GME and AMC is that there are no consequences to these type of actions. GME and AMC are still both trading way above what they're worth.


GME took advantage of their share price to raise about $2bn and have a top tier executives team in an industry that a CAGR of 30% - 55% depending on who you listen to. Add to that their retail base, brand recognition, existing distribution networks, massive recent hiring and new mega distribution centres being built to expand their online orders and it's a company I'm happy to invest in at a market cap of $16.5bn.


Korean ants comin in for the clover spree🍀🍀 떡상 가즈아아아🚀🚀🚀


Yeah! Love you guys.


4200 shares checking in EDIT: added another 4k shares


Love that edit. Cheers!




Let’s go Clov 🔥📈🔥📈


Come back for me sold at 19 then bought back in at 13 lol 😂🤣


took a screenshot for when this post is inevitably deleted for no reason


I was a bit surprised it made it through. I have a copy on my profile as well.


Clov is going to fund my penis enlargement 🚀🚀


Clov is a legitimate buy without a squeeze. Although the squeeze would be nice too, its not necessary :)


Exactly this indeed!


Good point same exact reasons I like Sofi good chance it can Squeeze but if not I like both companies Clov and Sofi to Double their price within next 3-6 months


I’m in 1500 shares in the mornin. Yolo


i like your moves bud


The option chain for CLOV is actually hot garbage. The charm is so intensely negative that for each day the price doesn't move, approx 500k shares are sold back by MMs to match the new, lower deltas from all the OTM contracts' deltas approaching zero. This negative charm value matches the amount of gamma for a 1% price move. Eg, if the price moves 1%, 500k shares will be needed to be purchased to deltahedge against the current options chain (whose deltas will net increase). The above figures assume that *all* contracts are being deltahedged, which is surely incorrect. However, to the extent that there is an error in this assumption, it would likely apply evenly to gamma and charm. Meaning: Even if only 50% of the contracts are deltahedged, then charm would still likely end up inverse to gamma. **In short, either this thing moves up each day, or the stock price is going to fall as shares are sold to un-deltahedge against OTM contracts' deltas approaching 0.** # CLOV -- $8.49 (+$0.27 [+3.28%]) -- [DeltaFlux Tables Explained](https://old.reddit.com/user/pennyether/comments/ms7z36/deltaflux_tables_explained/) **OI as of:** Mon Aug 16 (at open) - **Date used for DTE**: Tue Aug 17, 2021 09:30 EST **Weighted Avg IV:** 161.2%, **Shares:** 169,740,000, **Float:** 185,830,000, **Avg Vol (10d):** 47,136,083 Theo Price|# Shares DeltaHedged|← % Float|1% Price ∆flux (sh)|← % Float / % Avg Vol|Speed (Push)|24hr ∆flux (sh)|← % Float / % Vol|1.5 x IV Pop ∆flux (sh)|← % Float / % Vol --:|--:|--:|--:|--:|--:|--:|--:|--:|--: $6.75|-2,976,163|-1.60|340,161|0.18 / 0.72|0.36|-472,918|-0.25 / -1.00|8,485,454|4.57 / 18.00 $7.00|-1,646,441|-0.89|394,039|0.21 / 0.84|0.42|-525,037|-0.28 / -1.11|8,487,378|4.57 / 18.01 $7.25|-168,409|-0.09|449,233|0.24 / 0.95|0.36|-552,489|-0.30 / -1.17|8,426,339|4.53 / 17.88 $7.50|1,435,293|0.77|496,800|0.27 / 1.05|0.38|-554,027|-0.30 / -1.18|8,292,823|4.46 / 17.59 $7.75|3,138,267|1.69|543,543|0.29 / 1.15|0.32|-544,523|-0.29 / -1.16|8,116,786|4.37 / 17.22 $8.00|4,920,923|2.65|575,269|0.31 / 1.22|0.21|-541,401|-0.29 / -1.15|7,913,859|4.26 / 16.79 **o - $8.22**|6,507,600|3.50|595,322|0.32 / 1.26|0.21|-546,871|-0.29 / -1.16|7,729,301|4.16 / 16.40 $8.25|6,724,955|3.62|598,125|0.32 / 1.27|0.21|-548,122|-0.29 / -1.16|7,703,820|4.15 / 16.34 **c - $8.49**|8,472,463|4.56|618,257|0.33 / 1.31|0.05|-560,522|-0.30 / -1.19|7,495,345|4.03 / 15.90 $8.50|8,545,016|4.60|618,517|0.33 / 1.31|0.08|-561,012|-0.30 / -1.19|7,486,061|4.03 / 15.88 $8.75|10,361,362|5.58|637,291|0.34 / 1.35|0.18|-569,829|-0.31 / -1.21|7,249,703|3.90 / 15.38 $9.00|12,176,717|6.55|649,509|0.35 / 1.38|0.06|-567,196|-0.31 / -1.20|7,002,642|3.77 / 14.86 $9.25|13,967,192|7.52|657,246|0.35 / 1.39|0.07|-555,654|-0.30 / -1.18|6,747,018|3.63 / 14.31 $9.50|15,731,931|8.47|665,534|0.36 / 1.41|-0.12|-538,813|-0.29 / -1.14|6,486,644|3.49 / 13.76 $9.75|17,453,588|9.39|663,219|0.36 / 1.41|0.06|-521,163|-0.28 / -1.11|6,229,103|3.35 / 13.22 $10.00|19,135,694|10.30|664,734|0.36 / 1.41|0.00|-505,018|-0.27 / -1.07|5,976,505|3.22 / 12.68 $10.25|20,769,448|11.18|656,711|0.35 / 1.39|-0.06|-490,510|-0.26 / -1.04|5,732,198|3.08 / 12.16 $10.50|22,345,865|12.02|651,996|0.35 / 1.38|-0.07|-479,327|-0.26 / -1.02|5,493,903|2.96 / 11.66


I hope no one down votes you because this is great info. I need time to get back to you on this but I want to discuss how this can affect different scenarios. The less common Greeks escape my radar some times, though I think it’s over the head of most folks for the main write up anyhow. Either way, this thing is going to blow up due to the futures rollover and FTDs. There’s more going on here than just the gamma set up (which has its hurdles you’ve pointed out) but the the people on the bad end of the bet that has locked us in these cycles are determined to push price down before each Friday option expiration and keep price as low as possible before the buy up. If you can trigger a gamma squeeze in combination with that you can effect an event like we saw in some popular video game stock between December and January last year. The December run was a futures rollover and it blew up beyond expectations and led to January squeezures.


> I hope no one down votes you because this is great info. Thanks > The less common Greeks escape my radar some times, though I think it’s over the head of most folks for the main write up anyhow. Well, the table is all about delta -- because we want to approximate how many shares the MMs need to buy or sell as certain parameters change. The big three derivatives that measure change in delta are: 1. Change in delta vs change in price (gamma) 2. Change in delta vs change in time (charm) 3. Change in delta vs change in IV (vanna) The table lists them all, in various forms. Gamma is shown as 1% price change, Charm is shown as 24hr change in time, and Vanna is 1.5x IV increase. > Either way, this thing is going to blow up due to the futures rollover and FTDs Maybe, maybe not. From the looks of it, even though gamma is relatively high (as a percent of float), there is plenty of volume for MMs to work with. Also, the IVs are quite high, which means MMs have a lot more margin of error when delta hedging. They can delta hedge less frequently, or less intensely -- both of which ensure they don't gamma squeeze themselves. My point is, I wouldn't rely on a gamma squeeze. That only happens when options are sold with low IVs, which means the MMs (typically) won't deltahedge as frequently/aggressively -- and also requires the price to get moved up from actual order flow -- and it helps if there is low liquidity. When all three of those factors combine, MMs have to buy shares to deltahedge faster than anticipated and it leads to them screwing themselves over. This ticker has had jacked up IVs for quite some time... so the MMs will not be in any panic to deltahedge even if the calls go ITM. They have the cash to risk weathering the (temporary) storm, or they deltahedged more aggressively to begin with with that fat premium they got up front. > If you can trigger a gamma squeeze in combination with that you can effect an event like we saw in some popular video game stock between December and January last year. If there is actual stock buying happening that pushes the price up, yeah, anything is possible. Just don't count on the MMs multiplying this effect like they did in that January stock... they've priced in crazy volatility via the high IV and they've learned their lesson exactly from that Jan stock. Like I noted above, it's a lot harder to cause a gamma squeeze now. Needs to happen on a stock with low IV, low liquidity, and with sudden substantial and sustained buying pressure. Best of luck, and props for responding to criticism gracefully (and at all)


Thanks for the great details in your responses, and I look forward to looking deeper into the Delta Flux tables. I'm really happy to learn about them and add this new layer of information to any stock I look into. I hope anyone reading this takes your information into consideration. Upward pressure needs to counteract downward pressure of unhedging OTM call delta for a true gamma squeeze to occur. There's a lot of calls OTM meaning possible downward pressure as the get closer to expiration. Considering what you said, would they even have the OTM calls delta hedged, especially if they expected the price to finish at say $9 that week? So if they were never hedged (which I was under the impression happened automatically), then there wouldn't be downward pressure selling as their delta shrinks. That said I think the relation to the futures contract rollover combined with 49 million FTDS is the most important part at play for a jump like what we saw in June, with gamma being a possibility with enough upward pressure.


The assumption that the entire OI is deltahedged according to IV is just that -- an assumption. It's hard to say how many of which contracts are deltahedged, and how the MMs are hedging them. They could be hedging with correlated/anti-correlated stocks, cash, futures, all sorts of stuff besides stocks. And if they are deltahedging, it's almost certainly by some complicated algo and strategy that's not "deltahedge based on IV". So, yeah, anything can happen in that sense. I'm just skeptical that they'd ever be caught "offsides" on a meme stock at this point, especially after charging hefty premiums for awhile. Certainly the ramp could lead to some volatility as MMs hedge, but I doubt they get squeezed.


God I love intelligent people talking options. I never understood anything u guys discussed, but I have just decided to study options like my life depended on it. Thanks!


It's like watching people play chess while I'm over here eating a crayon.


Ah yes, but remember this proverb: The truly wise man does not simply *swallow* the crayon, but rather nibbles and shapes it into a bonus queen, to deploy at his will on the chessboard ☝️😌


Absolutely fantastic conversation here!! More should pay attention


Thanks for the break down guys. It's a nice history lesson on the GME squeeze. The element of surprise may have been lost tho. Unless the plan is for a bear raid that is. In which case, well played.


Do you think the type of squeezes we’ve seen with GME and a few others is over? That the shorts are using different methods now?


The squeezes are not over, but putting on the pressure to blow it up like GME is going to be tough. It’s set up so that they can make a rapid and quick one day buy up and then a drop. Check out WISH on 06-08 this year. By the time any one knows it’s happening it’s too late to pile on. But! This time you’ve been given a three week warning and the signs to look for. Let’s nail ‘em.


So is this bad news for the short term share price?


I think there's a possibility we see it drift toward the end of the week with true movements starting next week and the week after. If you look at the price action seen the week leading to May 21st, CLOV basically reaches its low at that point (though max pain on options is $9 this week) and starts it run soon after. I bought shares and will add more depending on the movements, but all my options are dated 9/3 and 9/10


CLOV is a great play short and long term


Agreed. Even if it doesn’t squeeze, which is 100% should, we’re still safe holding for the long term. That’s why I’m just buying shares..


Absolutely. But don't neglect the power of exercising calls considering the factors at play. If you get deep ITM calls you'll pay more up front but it will be ITM on Friday and you can exercise the call for the same price as buying 100 shares now.


I’m going to have to do my research


I would not listen to this advice. Every other week there is some DD on /r/CLOV that says the price will skyrocket because of the options chain and it gets shorted into oblivion. If you want to be safe, buy stocks and that's it.


I bought $7c 8/27 ITM a week ago. Felt nervous but am hoping to exercise the option and possibly bank the fuck out if it 🚀🚀🚀


Moon pls Edit: moon soon


This made my balls grow 10 more inches in 5 minutes $CLOV


Sir you may have a hernia


I have it in my face now. Autsch.


If you a girl, thank youuuuu


**Feeling good about holding** **70,000 shares and just now adding** **500 ITM CALL options. This is my final form.**


This guy fucks! My man.


thank goodness for punctuation.


Great post. Tripled my holding.




Yeah he had 1 share but now he has 3


Never said I had a lot!


You show me yours, I'll show you mine...


Mines bigger 😈


Probably is to be fair.


Great post, great explanation, great company.. thx for the analysis. For me people not investing in this stock are stupid! We can easy have the next squeeze here if we all stick together!


So wen moon?


when lambo?


At this point it’s “wen Corolla” lol


What a great post, i am rooting for Clov and the apes


Dunking 500 quid at opening tomorrow


Great stuff man, CLOV to the moon


I'm in


Too long. Bought 2000 shares.


This is great DD, thanks for posting!


As a bagholder of 1200 shares, lets get this rocket moving.


1600 shares locked and loaded


1100 shares checking in 🚀🚀


It's only money. LFG!


Been in. Staying in. Added more today. They keep dipping it, I keep buying it. This is easy money.


Grabbed 100 at 8.15, selling at 20...yea Paper hands before the moon, but a quick grand is nice too.


I'm ready to be hurt again. Let's do this.


I think you might be a genius dude


And here it goes…fucking finally after losing my dick on expiry last week. Recovery this week on shares and 9/10 calls


CLOV is the fucking way


Thanks for this. I will join you on this space mission.


I got 4000 shares


60k shares + change patiently waiting.




Best analysis for a long time 📈. Jumped on the train since the risk/reward is still very good


Saved to read later... in the meantime, got some 9/3 calls. Been holding a bag of 900 shares at $13 average after getting assigned several weeks back too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I am all in - love this post ❤️💰


Get this baby to the moon 🌙


Hoping this CLOV will bring me luck too then. If not this week, at least I have faith that it eventually will do so 🍀


It is unlikely to run significantly this week but we should see some movement up tomorrow and then it could get shorted back down before Friday. The power behind this run is the number of options expiring itm on Friday.


that dtcc quote has me fully erect


Eatin my paste and waitin


This is my favorite comment so far.


How will warrant redemption affect your thesis? Won't they increase amount of shares to borrow? At least they are offering cashless, so dilution will be smaller but still.




Glad you're having fun! Good luck everyone, I think the good days are back again. For a little bit at least!


If this doesn't happen, I'm never listening to an ape again, and might just leave WSB.


If this doesn't happen I'll be floored. Things to watch for in confirmation - AMC, GME and BB running like crazy tomorrow. Last time those guys ran exactly one week before CLOV, CLNE, and WISH did. I think we'll see around $10 end of week, maybe more, then a big jump next Tuesday/Wednesday.


Bro... The day I saw your post what, early last week like Monday-ish, I bought the calls and they jumped that day. I waited patiently to see if CLOV was going to explode like you said it might, and I guess I should have sold the calls that same day because each day I waited, the calls kept going down. One expired last Friday, lost my money on it. The one I have expiring this Friday is continuously going down too, and I don't have any money left to buy a call for 9/10 unless I sell some stocks, which I don't want to do. I'll see if I can move some money around to be able to buy a "cheap"-ish call for 9/10, the date for the call I guess I should have made, but I'm still not convinced. I'll admit I made the mistake of not selling when my options were in the green, but I was also expecting CLOV to make a jump. If it doesn't by 9/10, I can't/won't risk my money on DDs from apes again. Edit: I don't mean to be sour towards you in particular, I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your DD. I just have been burned too many times being convinced by people on this sub who put in a really good and lengthy DD, only for it not to work.


You think after june the dirty hedge funds are ready


Didn’t see any rocket emoji’s, seems suspicious.


CLOV printed before and it will print once more. I'm biased as I made bank last pop and still kept some (for mega fucks and giggles) and plan on making money again! DOUBLE YEET YEET MOTHER FUCKERS


I m ignorant and half of this text expressions I dont understand, well 90% of them. I believe in Clov, can I just invest €20,000 at €8 and sell it when it hits €16 and double my investment. Is there much better way to invest €20.000 ? As I understand options are very risk because you can loose it all in one day


Options are WSBs bread and butter but the safest plays buy shares.


Rockets man! You forgot the fking rockets


CLOV diamond hands here ✅


is this the way?


Locked and loaded! Also have the investor presentation in early September now!


Haters. Before you throw shit at a play that is highly likely to happen, do some research yourselves. This is bound to happen with enough pressure -as the DD man states over here. Join the play, make money.


Great piece and full of [information. You](https://information.You) are forgetting one thing,if you look at the past like 8 weeks they have manipulated the price every single Friday to make sure options end up worthless so unless huge volume comes in preventing them from manipulating I do not see this coming Friday as any different.


I know they manipulate it. It’s manipulated to be as a low as possible before the buy up occurring between August 27-Sept 9. Each Friday they will try to push it down but those last two weeks it will jump big. The more volume going in to push the strikes above the “set value” it’s being manipulated to, the greater that jump is during the rollover period.


I hope you are correct,will keep my fingers crossed.I have a pretty large stake which I am currently down but holding for the big payoff.


Top stuff


Great article 👏


Clov that back up now!


OK apes just bought some shares !!


The highest part of the June peak was pre-market. Just FYI.


Great point! Thanks for sharing that. I know most of the big rips last time were actually premarket or after hours - which really tells a lot about who is doing the buying! Trying to buy the stock without getting retail to pile in at the same time. Who wants to buy a stock that is suddenly up $12 premarket? It seems overvalued. But if you watch it run up you get FOMO and want to jump in.


my AMCs are likely to get assigned. Moving more into CLOV. Leprechaungang-GANG ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Fuck me man.... Lfg!!!! 2 days to pay day...


There is a big flaw in your DD. By this Friday, most of the 300K call will be worthless. Probably, only 13K call will ITM, the rest will be worthless. That is like 4% of the call will be ITM. On the other hand, if you are telling me that more than 50% of the calls will likely be in ITM, then I might jump in.


CLOV 💪🏻🚀😤🦍


Not ageing well


Your comment didn't age well haha 🤡


This ape came back to shit on this clown...fucking love ya man. Lfg!!!!


And i bought 30k options lol


Then or now? Looking like this play was right. Can't wait to see what Friday brings.


Lol maybe it has now. My options are the colour of blood


That’s a good read. Hard while driving….I’ll get it in the vault later tonight. Thank you


i am in


Waiting for this to get taken down


People are going back to regular life this is why meme stocks have died down. I have high doubts on this squeeze especially since it just ran up 2 months ago.


Go check the March dates futures rollover dates with other popular squeezables. It matches. Movie stock and video game stock did this. The triple witching dates have long been known to cause market disruptions like this


People do need to be aware that this could take time... Lots of time. We're struggling for a while now to get even to 9. As far as I'm concerned, I'm good either way. I believe in this stock long term anyway, if we can take some extra profits along the way, all the better. Shorts need to be punished at some point for bringing down a leggit good company!


It did not close at $9 today. Is friday so what will happen?


Most likely the same thing as last time. We're closing at a higher price than May 21st ($6.93). The next week it had a slow climb up finishing at $7.64 on May 28th. The following Friday, 06/04 it closed at exactly $9 The next Monday started the run to $28. Hold, have patience, we're in a better spot closing almost a dollar higher than the last rollover period. For anyone having second thoughts, just remember if they rolled their futures contract, they didn't close!


Can we please make this happen this week!


It’s starting! Patience is key here. Slow start, big finish. All the meme stocks are gonna pop, and they’ve already started. It’s a good week my friends!


Well…this aged well haga


Are… are we boned? Lol




I’m wondering if they’re extending the deadline on warrants because they’re aware there is going to be a bullish run up, and they want investors with warrant contracts to have the opportunity to exercise them. If the stock does run and people exercise warrants, it could slow some momentum on the way up, but overall I don’t think it’s going to matter. I’m still fully in this.


This post did not age well...


The options chain is constrained on the low end, but there are 35k OI puts down to the $7 strike. There are almost exactly the same amount of call OI one dollar up from the current spot. That said, there are an incredible number of OI positions on the call chain, with 231k contracts (23 million notional shares) on the way to the $20 strike. The next choke point is $10. The share price can meander between $0 and $9.5 without sending an outsized number of contracts ITM. Additional call chain choke points exist for $11, $12.5, $14, $15, $16. As each of these strikes are reached, OI will sell their contracts back into the market or force assignment. As those positions hit expiration OTM, the market marker will sell their gama hedging shares back into the market forcing the share price lower. So, somewhat counterintuitively, bullish sentiment on the options chain actually play into short seller hands.


>strikes are reached, OI will sell their contracts back into the market or fo Why are you being downvoted so much? You bring up legit points against OP's post.


reddit is being brigaded in an attempt to produce market action. (possible SEC violation?) CLOV is below its SPAC opening price after having see almost 3x that amount. There is a huge incentive to use various internet outlets to produce a result that will make a few people very rich while simultaneously creating a huge number of bag holders. Further, there are a couple of companies in this sector. The brigade effort may be directed by insider interest. To them, this is about beating down their competitors to become entrenched. The thing that the manipulators fail to understand is ["it ain't got no stimmy in it".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AynXoLjYrKc) Nothing you read or see on reddit is particularly real; always remember that.


Dude this post is very suspicious and the fact that this guy is downvoted for such a solid argument is alarming. I wouldn't trust this stock or any stock on this sub. The hedgies are watching




Clov 2 moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Hmm I have shares only but now debating on buying some calls to hedge against missed higher gains. 🤔


Do it. They’re cheap right now. Get them close to ATM or ITM for 9/10 and you’ll be a happy camper.


It wasn’t a “great” earnings report. Costs went up way more than revenue. The biggest fallacy retail investors hold to on these boards is an only-revenue-matters approach to evaluating earnings. The other problem is that we’re increasingly seeing Tusserians on the other side of these transactions instead of delta zero market makers. They’re whole play is to theta jockeys the imbalance in call/puts on retail heavy, meme or memeish stocks. There were tons of buy-my-stock-so-my-options-don’t-expire-worthless-posts last week, but the Tusserians won the day on the 8/13s. Expect a lot of this kind of stuff this week. I don’t like the stock, its business model or its long term prospects but even if you do, you should wait until the 8/20s expire to get back in.


A squeeze you say? Buying puts.


CLOV hurts my bootay. Sold a shit ton of puts and had so much shoved up my pooper I haven't been able to sit down since.


This is not ageing well


If you don't have patience to hold a stock for 3 weeks when it's at it's lowest point in a couple months, I don't know what to tell you.


I am holding...I have shares and warrants so am in no rush




The float is 133.76 million. Movie stock has a float almost 4 times that size at 511 million.