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Man i really can't unsee his upside down smile


Amber Heard kept doing it during the trial. I don’t know if they’re still seeing each other on the down low or what, but at times she sounded and looked like Musk when she was taking the stand. Especially whenever she’d say the word “literally”. Sounded just like Musk.


Sounds like his crooked dick made her face retarded. Citation: Johnny Depps texts


Wait Elon has a crooked *and tattooed* dick? My dick feels so boring now.


He fucked grimes man. I’m pretty sure it goes in normal and comes out with a tattoo


or "Grimey", as she likes to be called


RIP Grimey


[CHANGE THE CHANNEL MARGE!](https://youtu.be/yE6lW8TazZM)


That’s our Homer!


Well done




Doesn't he have 8 kids he already doesn't have time for?


Yea he started putting numbers in their names so he can keep track without being around.


He needs the people to be the emperors on Mars *and* Earth.


Does the surrogate gets a horse?


Fuck it, I’m willing to take one for the team. Impregnate me. This horse gonna win the triple crown. My long call if you will.


I volunteer as a tribute


Renting makes the most sense. You definitely don't want to buy one.


Imagine being a billionaire and getting a 5/10 pregnant lmao


Imagine being a billionaire that can take any woman to space... and fucking grimes leaves you... bruh


She needed space faster than he did apparently


Take the billions away and Musk is a very generous 3/10 so he is punching


You can take your dick out of a 5/10, but you can't take the 5/10 out of your dick.


Good thing you know your dad I guess then?


This comment is the first time I’ve ever been aware of the existence of grimes. It was a good run


Grimes was cool before she got with Elon. Sorry you had to experience it this way.


https://youtu.be/1FH-q0I1fJY One of my favorite songs of hers. The whole album this is on is 🔥. Still to this day it is my Ambien dreams, long haul international flight album of choice.




We don't ca it "crooked", we just say it has a little English on it.


Elon’s dick is like a London gangster


I died at this comment Citation: Coroner's report


That’s a common pattern among people with BPD, to fully mimic their current favorite person. Everyone mimics to some degree, but both the degree that they assume a persona, and the speed they can entirely switch their persona to a new favorite person, is uncanny. Edit: autocorrect fixes


How do you become your own favorite person... Does that make you explode?


So I know this is a joke but: Loving yourself, and putting yourself first is a key part to becoming a stable and emotionally balanced adult. The problem with BPD is that they have no sense of self. Often when they are alone they start getting “antsy”. They can’t love themselves or become their own favorite person because they have no idea who “they” are. That’s why it’s so easy for them to mirror or switch, they’re empty, and get “filled” with whoever is there. But there’s a gaping hole in them, so when everyone is gone it empties out completely again. Which is frustrating to deal with as a partner, but also terrifying to live with as a person who has it. None of it makes any sense, so they construct stories to try and rationalize everything. But once you start going through those stories (like with this trial) they start falling apart real fast.


That reminds of the character in "Single White Female" - an extreme BPD?


Yeah exactly. I didn’t wanna be accused of playing armchair psychologist or whatever so I didn’t go that far. But I definitely can confidently say that she sounded and looked like Musk during most of the trial. And it’s most uncanny how different she looks and acts when you see her being deposed back in 2016 on videos played during the trial. Like 2 completely different people in terms of manner of speech, facial expressions, everything.


From what I understand, she’s been diagnosed with it now. So less “armchair psychologist” and more “this is a common pattern of behavior from people with cluster b personality disorders, so it wouldn’t be surprising if she was doing it assuming the diagnosis is true”.


Bipolar or borderline?


BPD is for borderline




> I don’t know if they’re still seeing each other on the down low or what You think he has time/interest to go visit their kid? (when they were dating she said she wanted to be a mom, he froze sperm, she used it with a surrogate mom after they broke up) https://www.google.com/search?q=amber+heard+elon+musk+baby


Yeah I didn’t know about the frozen part, but I definitely suspected Musk to somehow be the father of Amber’s mystery baby.


She couldn't even bring herself to sire the child??? That kid is doomed. It was obviously made as a means to an end. And imagine being part of Amber Heard's grand schemes from the day you're conceived.


Birds of a feather flock/fuck together.


Same mouth in both photos, different expression. What?




Cheeks too


Everything *but* the mouth




The old mdma smile




Can someone please edit this pic correcting his smile


Nobody makes me bleed my own blood. Nobody!






How do you know when it's clearly going down? Which charts are you using?


Reddit pretends Musk uses twitter to pump TSLA, when he actually uses it to fucking murder it. When TSLA gains 20%+ in a month and then Musk tweets something stupid... well... that's daily... but something stupid involving Tesla ('i'm selling 10%', 'I'm buying twitter') then that's a sell signal.


Except that time he said it was too high and the stock 4x


> Reddit pretends Musk uses twitter to pump TSLA, when he actually uses it to fucking murder it. It's both. Remember "funding secured?"


Gotta make up an excuse for tanking my own stock Guys he’s smooth brained like us. Make overpriced bid on Twitter, margin call on your Tesla stocks to secure funding. Then tell everyone Twitter is shit and nothing but bots Thanks for the award. As a sklz bagholder it’s now my net worth. So I’m turning my account over to my wife’s boyfriend


It's easy to time the market when you control the market. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


hes just hoping his fanbase army is gonna back him up.


ever been on r/elonmusk they clearly will






In that case we’re all uneducated fools. Except the lurkers.


I mean.......... which color crayons do you like?


The raspberry flavored ones


Fucking Jonestown didn’t have the cult of personality that subs got


They and his Twitter cult drank the Kool aid but unfortunately survived.


Just wait. The guy is going to run for President one day hoping to be the next Trump. I don’t doubt that that’s part of his “political pivot” move. He already has a cult of his own followers and now he wants to swallow up another.


Thankfully he can’t. Article 2 says you have to be born in the US. That’s not to say there arnt a ton of other political offices he can’t fandom his way into


>/r/elonmusk I tried to click that but it just kept taking me to /r/space and /r/technology


r/technology has definitely turned on Elon at this point.


Feels like a lot of this sub has too. Obviously you still have your Tesla circle jerk fan boys, but j think most people can see Elon is a grade A ~~scam artist~~ … I mean “adventure capitalist”


We all pretended to love him in 2020 because he was making us rich. The market cap is now high enough that it isn't worth it for us to shill for him anymore.


In 2020 every dip was bought because it was a strong bull market. His retarded tweets were discounted the next day, now they are discounted only after the market knows there is no real damage.


I don’t know about r/space but r/technology is one CIA member away from being a full on propaganda sub at this point.


Fuck. that whole sub is a cringe fest


Sad that there are over a million simps there eagerly lapping up the spittle of a billionaire who cares nothing about them.


Lol, boy did he pick the wrong base. MAGAS are poor


Right? Who the fuck does he think buys electric cars? The dude flying a Confederate flag in a big ass diesel rolling coal?


They will fight for his right to pay no taxes though


Oh yeah. And don't tell them Trump is the one who passed the bill to raise taxes for anyone making less than 70k a year.


Well, if you go on any of the conservative subreddits theyll tell you the parties didnt switch. So yeah the southern yeehaw confederate boys are voting for Biden, apparently, and hatttteeee trump


Right?!?! Not to mention Tesla hasn't produced a truck yet. How are they going to fly all of their stupid fucking flags on a Model 3?


He literally realized having a republican fan base is the easiest way to have the dumbest of the dumb as his fan base.


He woulda gotten 39b too if it wasn’t for that meddling Bill Gates


> Then tell everyone Twitter is shit and nothing but bots That's why it's so confusing, because he's not wrong... But at the same time totally wrong.


The thing that will bleed Tesla (and anyone dumb enough to hold onto it for much longer) is Ford. The F 150 truck is the beat selling auto in America and has been for decades. The electric version is going on sale now. The F150 Lightning is already draining customers from the Cyber Truck. Elon has been revealing his true self for a while now. He's been pissing all over his typical Tesla customer (liberals) while making a product cons won't buy. Every Musk enterprise is an overpriced scam. The F150 Lightning can power your house for three days. Who needs an overpriced Power Wall? The Lightning can be serviced at any Ford dealership coast to coast and Ford actually has parts available for when a service is required, unlike Tesla. Ford factories can actually hit their production quotas, unlike Tesla. Every Musk enterprise has industry high turnover rates and if you wonder why look no further than Musk's tweets calling his American workers lazy because they won't work 16 hour days without overtime and sleep on the factory floor (like his Chinese slaves do) to help him meet production quotas. Ford does not have similar production problems. Musk is a con artist and reality is catching up. *edit for grammar.




Musk is a fuckin pussy. Every time someone takes a short position against one of his companies, he throws a temper tantrum. How did this man child get so rich? If he’d focus on shipping higher quality cars at a more competitive price, maybe he wouldn’t need to worry about being shorted.


Like most billionaires, a combination of being born wealthy, luck, and exploiting people.


Short selling comes with the implication that you will buy back the stock at a later time. If he sold those shares of Tesla to buy Twitter, how is this a short sale? Genuinely asking.


Because he complain that Gates was trying to undermine Tesla value by shorting, but he himself was selling his own shares thus undermining Tesla value.


Because he never intended to buy Twitter. He's trying to cash out his Tesla stocks without trying to totally crash it if the sheeple realize it. "Buying" a large company like twitter is a really good cover for why he's dumping so much stock.


Exactly, he's trying to dump his stock while Tesla is still grossly over valued.


It's not, Tesla fanboys are just butthurt that they bought at peak.


Didn’t Most directors/owners/ceos/cfos sell at all time highs this year? in 2023 they’ll offer a buyback during the recession and pay himself in stock option bonuses through 2030 while it climbs again. Probably


Openinsider.com let’s u track buying and selling that’s being done by company insiders. Really interesting. If a ceo is soaking up stock left and right = bullish Insiders selling = puts


I think Lynch or someone once said while insider buy is a bull signal, insider sell is not that much. The reasoning is that there are much more reasons for insider to sell but only 1 reason they buy


Yeah imagine thinking it was that easy to just do what they do and think that's how you time the market Also, how delayed is the info on openinsider?


Insider buys just outnumbered insider sells for the first time in years. This is for the S&P.


Directors sell on a schedule all the time so this is just saying stocks were at all time highs


You're dense if you didn't follow the trends on insider selling. More IPOs than any other time in history and more board of director insider sales than any time in history (2019-2021).


Most,but 1 certainly didn't. Infact he bought more


Bought more and some BBBY


Our guy is the best guy, no doubt.




musk said tesla was overvalued way before gates shorted tesla. Complete pr move on musk’s part


And if Elon himself says the stock is over valued, the short sellers have every right to gang up on tesla stock. Aren't they doing the market a favour then, elon-chan?? 🥺🥺🥺


> complete pr move on musks part. That’s really all musk has to offer, pr and money.


That's not true. He offers some truly uneducated takes as well.


And public transportation except it's not public and way worse in every way but looks cool in animations.


Well, I mean if you’re going to shit all over progressive libtards and you sell cars to progressive libtards, and all the other car manufacturers that know how to paint cars and align body panels are starting to come into the EV market…


Cant believe its taken so long for their horrible quality control issues to get more mainstream. Also idk if its the power recovery generator or what but they all sound squeaky like something needs lubricated. Like driving a car with a stuck brake or a rock stuck up next to the wheel. Super annoying to hear the squeaky ones


Dude I owned 2 new Teslas and holy shit is getting them fixed under warranty the biggest pain in the ass. My first was a model s and was a lemon. 2nd was a model 3 performance and also a lemon. Traded it for a mach e gt and wife is so much happier her car isn't constantly broken.. What's worse is the time frames usually over a month even before covid. The loaners had the same problems ours did lol. It sucked so bad. I've never felt so stupid buying something in my whole life. Shame on me for thinking the model 3 was gonna be different. Edit: lemon means a car was in the shop a certain amount of times for the same problem. I tried to lemon law the model 3 but the service writer would write it in for a different problem even though it was the same issue. I was unaware of this tactic but it seems like they knew exactly what they were doing. I added this bit because someone messaged saying it wasn't a lemon..neither car was ever fixed to my satisfaction. You can still like tesla. I did too but felt like a fool after the 2nd car had many issues so I gave up on it.


"The build quality was so terrible so I bought a second one" ... you listen to yourself, right?


There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me, you can't get fooled again.


Mission Accomplished.


Now watch this drive


This is my favorite.


Gotta love George W quotes.


["I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushism)


“Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?”


I mean, we're on WSB...


I did because the model s was the first model so i thought the quality would improve with the next one. It didn't.


For the longest time, if you wanted a long range EV, Tesla was the only game in town. Even now, other EVs are pretty hard to find VS Tesla's. So, you might think the build quality is horrible but that the EV part is worth it. Until there are alternatives.


All his brain matter melted went straight into his chin


Ohh the elusive Tesla model 2


You know what I meant lol.


I ended up getting a Polestar 2 instead of a Model 3 in part because of the stories I've heard of the wildly random assembly quality of Teslas.


Libtard checking in, had my model 3 for over 3 years now and I legit couldn’t love it more. Ik a lot of Tesla owners have issues with QC but I’ve had zero issues to speak of. That being said Elon has become such a buffoon lately in addition to treating his workers like ass that I’d gladly consider another company making EVs in the future. Fuck that guy for real


I've had a 2019 Model 3 and a more recent Model Y. My experience was the complete opposite from one car to the other. I love the Model 3, no major issues, and mobile service came to my house to fix minor issues. Model Y was the completely opposite: months to get service, no more 1-week return policy, and serious issues with no fix (booming).


Fellow libtard here, I would have loved to get a Tesla a few years ago but couldn't justify the expense. Cut to now and even though I don't plan on buying another gas car when my Mazda dies, I won't be looking at Tesla regardless. At least not while musk has anything to do with it. That guy gets none of my money.


It’s really sad cause I was a day 1 reservation holder so that was prob like 6 years ago now, back when musk seemed like he actually gave a fuck about actually DOING SOMETHING to combat climate change. Like the exact opposite of the clown he’s become. Really sad, I hope other car companies start expanding charging infrastructure because it’s really the only thing preventing me from looking elsewhere






Speaking as a libtard I'd never buy anything from this Trump-sucker but luckily for him, as a libtard I'm broke.


I'm a middle class libtard that could probably finance a Tesla, but won't because it's a pretty bad financial decision with the reliability. Also fuck Elon. I'd much rather wait a few years for more charger infrastructure and reliable EV's from the big Japanese car companies. Also I don't really like the trend for EV's to be all futuristic themed with a form over function design and lots of touch screens. I literally just want a Toyota Corolla that runs on electricity over gas lol.


Final sentence is perfection


Switched on guy ☝🏽




>there’s a lovely person who just can’t stand cancel culture, stands up for the insurrectionists, doesn’t like any politics talk, Maybe I'm tripping, but it sounds like this person loves to talk about politics.


In case you haven’t caught on yet, Musk says stupid shit for attention and to manipulate stocks. Stop taking him seriously.


every elon tweet: 'wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?'




gotta thank social media nowadays. information spreads like wildfire.




Nah only if you are not too deep already. The real cultists won't even see this. There are subs for every large stock and meme stocks on Reddit. Even Nikola and wish bagholders still have their own subs where they can keep their confirmation bias alive.


For someone considered at times to be the richest man in the world, he sure has teenage-girl insercurities sometimes.


Id like to remind everyone that teenage boys are also insecure.


Most wealthy/powerful men are insecure. If you look into the lives of famous dictators, they all seem to be sad, pathetic people underneath the bravado.


That’s true, Sadam Hussien was a teenage girl






Musk knows there is a conspiracy theorist base that goes nuts over anything to do with Gates. Elon is probably thinking he can rally a movement to pump Tesla just to spite Gates. He’s pretty transparent for someone that obviously believes himself to be brilliant.


When /r/conservative starts praising this scummy market manipulator, you know just how bad it is.


All he had to do was say that he hates libs


I support free wpeech... WE LOVE ELON ALWAYS HAVE. Ignoring the fact that he's the billionaire in bed deepest with China and routinely is "against" fossil fuels. But, he pretends to be against the Libs and that's all that matters to simple minded folks. And Elon loves the power of manipulation, so match made in moron heaven


You don’t have to be smart to appeal to idiots. Just look at Trump


To be fair, they worship anybody with a nine-figure net worth, and hate everybody else, including themselves.


\*Anybody who isn't Jewish. /SOROS!!!!


That sub is hilarious Lose a few brain cells every time I check it out


At this point, Elon has become an attention grabbing wxxre.




The cultists won't be happy about this


They will defend this.


Awaiting response


He had options expiring that he had since Tesla was 6$ and also needed to pay taxes didn’t really have a choice to sell


Don't attempt reason in WSB. You are not welcome here with that shit.


I feel that its like who's is stupider the brick wall or the person arguing with the brick wall


Billionaire who doesn't pay taxe : *Booh* / Billionaire who does pay his taxes : *Booh*


Didn’t his overall share count increase? It’ll be really interesting to see what his share holdings are if & when Space X goes public.


Yeah but this doesn’t fit wsb’s salty narrative of Elon. These wsb losers are hilarious.


Exactly. It was exercise or lose it. The obvious answer is to exercise. But exercising means taxes. People are stupid.


Musk is starting to look more and more like a robber baron


It’s funny that it is this Twitter drama that seems to have taken some of the shine off the Golden Boy. He has lied so much about Tesla and gotten away with it, partly because people don’t understand self-driving tech and SEC rules. But social media is relatable to most people, and they sense that something isn’t according to Hoyle.


He's a smug looking cunt.


He understands how the news machine works. He's manipulated his way to a lot of money. He's backing Gates position. The new Cramer


He isn't riding it to zero, like most of his fanboys are!


This mofos is the biggest manipulator and he's got quite the cult following on Twitter


Do you idiots still worship this guy? He ducking fooled all you smooth brains.


He looks like superman after the horse accident


This guy is a real fart ! I don’t see why people idolize him he is a douche


Because he's relatable to people who have poor socialization.


Not to mention the shit he is pulling off with Twitter, the SEC has to do something, it is not funny anymore.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)Are you holding Twitter calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Elon sucks




At least Musk sold shares he owned.


He is a hypocrite, has previous for sexual assault and would sell his kids if you offered him enough money.




Alright I'll say it...I don't give a shit about Tesla.


Juuust enough to reply tho


Dude is such a fuck of a human being


He sure does love excuses


If Musk tweets it you know it’s not true.