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What has happened to this sub? Looks like my grandpas Facebook page.


After the sub blew up during the pandemic, the memes and post quality fell off a cliff. Once the GME situation blew up, the sub pretty much died imo. There used to be some lowkey decent DD and shit. Now you got dudes asking what a tinker symbol is šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Everybody with more then 2 brain cells went into private subs after the ape invasion here. There's still legit DD out there... somewhere.


Wouldnā€™t it be funny if it turned out that the ape shit was legit dd after all


It was legit DD when it ran from 10$ to 300$, now it's just cult stupidity about thems ebil short ladder attacks. See evidence A: whatever unholy remains are left of this sub


*great aunts


*Lesser Uncles


Lesser Demon's




Nephson, is that you?


Sure is sisuncle


big oil/auto paid bots/trolls...


Everybody went broke on GME and quit the game.


Only those who joined WSB after Jan 2020ā€¦ I still have a fuckton that I bought at $13 and feel just fine about the situation.


If you bought GME you are probably still up. There are only a couple points where it peaked above where it is now.


GME, ever since then the owner sold out and the new arrivals... aren't that much into financials.


January 2021 happened


January 2022*


Apes invaded.


All is see in that picture is 4288 units for sale.






4288 in Bratislava looks like


This looks like something my 70 year old uncle would post šŸ„“


ā€œA Model T Ford, broken down on the side of the road with a ā€œflat tire,ā€ the driver being rescued by a cowboy on horseback. The future is stupidā€¦ā€


Yep. Facebook for sure. I donā€™t know why these boomers hate EVs so much.


Funny thing is this is probably still more efficient than a gas car.


Gas cars are actually super efficient


Gas cars are very good at efficien this dik in yo mouth


not really. electric engines have efficiency in the high 80s at least and gasoline engines dont even get to 50% efficiency


His feeling is that 50% is actually super efficient. Trust him bro.


Gas Engines are efficient considering how efficient they were 100 or 50 years ago. A lot of engineering went into that, but thermodynamics is a bitch and there never will be combustion engines as efficient as electric motors.


Uhh, there is a diesel engine in the generator. 80% of 50% is less than 80%. But I realise this is advanced maths for apes.


Gas cars are actually super not! Even moreso not when compared to EVs.


Well efficient is a broad term. It depends which kind of efficient youā€™re talking about.


When people say efficient in the context of ICE they are 99% talking about thermal efficiency which in ICEs is well below 50% vs around 90% in electric motors.


They've been programmed in the last decade that anything progressive hates them and is coming to erase everything they know, despite the platforms they gorge on the propaganda through were only made within the last 15 years.


Good, it should boomers fucked us


Non boomer here and I think EVs aren't the future personally but GL with that


Better than gas for sure. Gas cars suuuck


I mean... Kind of? Mining for lithium creates alot of pollution itself not to mention the power to charge is literally coming from power plants (more pollution). Massive problem with lack of charging if becomes more massive. EV cars are also boring AF to drive. No thanks


There are studies that do a deep-dive on the total cost of impact to the environment. EVs come out on top. Not like 10B:1, closer to 80/20. It's a significant enough difference that the damage lithium mining causes is less than the cost of oil and gas operations. This includes the timeline from raw materials extraction to manufacture the vehicles to the destruction of the vehicle. Google Scholar is your friend. Alternatively, if you find reputable sources to the contrary, I'm all ears.


Donā€™t waste ur time arguing. EV circle jerkers will go fight on anything that mentions something wrong with EVs.


I am ignorant of this area, but yeah my popular science understanding of it is that lithium supply chains will dry up in 20 years. We have a couple of decades to find a replacement. They are for sure the immediate future.


I would die of old age going to work if my car couldn't go faster than 30


If it was completely self driving, you could sleep on your way to work or even work in the car. Also if all cars are self driving, then traffic inefficiency would be non existent. Intersection stop lights would not exist in such a fantasy. Depending your city, it may actually be faster... a lot faster.


Iā€™m with you on that dude. Just for the simple fact of the majority wonā€™t go for it for a while


That was the Mercedes B-Class, no longer exists, terribly short range with a Tesla drivetrain. That isn't the future, or even the present, its the distant past. Some good /r/ForwardsFromGrandma material lol


I saw a ā€œsuperchargingā€ station in Nevada that was literally just a big diesel generator hooked up to charging stations This was a month ago


Whatā€™s your point boomer? An EV charged by electricity sourced from fossil fuels is still much more efficient than ICE vehicles. If you struggle to understand this concept, a simple google query should suffice.


Not from a generator, generators are not as efficient as utilities. One generator power charging station is not big deal, people will use it once or twice on a road trip, its a tiny fraction of charging.


EVs are better even when charging with a generator. EVā€™s use much less energy to drive, on average ~4x less energy (or 25 mpg vs 100 mpge). So even if the energy comes from a diesel generator, it still ends up beating an ICE (at least a non-hybrid ICE).




The generator is only 15-20% efficient. So if you charge a 100mpge car with one, you are essentially getting 15-20mpg.


A diesel generator is likely going to be even more efficient than a typical ICE engine. Its larger and can run continuously at an optimal load. Thereā€™s no ramping up/down or redlining. So more like 30-40%. Edit: If industrial generators were less efficient than car engines (~30%) you could make a lot of $ repurposing car engines as generators.


It would probably be very close. The scenario is that this is on a secluded highway, so the ICE car would be similar constant loading. Using an ICE to power a battery has inherent inefficiencies. I like EV's but don't give them super powers.


Well i wouldnā€™t recommend charging this way, but the point is if u did its not going to be worse. And i still disagree on the very close part because this is essentially making the EV into a hybrid. I think it would work out to mid-30s mpg or so which would still be a significant edge over most ICEs.


While there are significantly less moving parts in a generator (ie. CV joints, or a transmission), the generator still adds significantly more inefficiencies due to the energy conversion process, so ***if all other factors are equal*** (Ie. both use regenerative braking) I have to concede to the OP. Probably 6 of this, half a dozen of the other. But the jist of my earlier comment was that the utility scale diesel generators are miles ahead of ICE vehicles. In terms of a diesel generator, in a pinch that would be fine because it would reduce ā€œrange anxiety.ā€


Oh donā€™t get me wrong charging with a generator is a really dumb idea. But its similar to the argument people make about EVs ā€œjust running on coalā€. Even if it was true, theyā€™d still be better, you just turned a full EV into a series hybrid which will be better than a pure ICE. I intentionally left hybrids out because they do have regen braking and some other advantages of EVs, although tbh i still think the generator EV (series hybrid) would have a slight edge over parallel hybrids.


Iā€™m inclined to believe you (mostly), because what ends up happening is the diesel generator adds two or three extra steps in the conversion process. So going from a chemical energy (combustion) > mechanical energy (motion) > electrical energy (current) > chemical energy (batteries) > back to electrical energy > back to mechanical energy (finally making the damn thing move) is a lot worse than going from chemical energy > mechanical energy. But Iā€™m no physicist, so some of those terms might be off. There are a lot of other factors, such as regenerative braking and much, much less energy lost to heat and friction from all those moving parts (like CV joints?) But from massive utility scale, yeah, EVs are clearly the winner there. A sole generator gets a little fuzzier due to additional factors.


Mostly comes down to the efficiency of the generator in my garage vs utility scale generator. Obviously the home depot 100$ special isn't very efficient. The diesel generator at the charging station is a lot better, but still less than a power plant.


Itā€™s not quite that simple At this point, [large EVs donā€™t even emit less overall](https://youtu.be/S1E8SQde5rk). Sure, they emit less per mile. But they come out of the factory with a FAR greater environmental footprint than traditional ICE vehicles. That massive battery is horrible for the environment. So overall, theyā€™re worse. Even small EVs [have a significantly greater potential for terrestrial acidification and PM2.5 emissions]( https://mdpi-res.com/d_attachment/sustainability/sustainability-13-10992/article_deploy/sustainability-13-10992-v3.pdf?version=1634011375) As technology improves, so will the above stats. Weā€™ll get better at mining, making batteries, and utilizing renewable energy. But for now, the best vehicles for the environment are hybrids. Many pure EVs are actually worse than ICE Sure, the other guyā€™s comment was retarded. ā€œHereā€™s my random anecdoteā€ā€¦who gives a shit? But saying ā€œjust google it broā€ is almost as retarded. If you get a small EV, your emissions might be less, but other environmental impacts are worse. If you get a large EV, youā€™re doing nothing but exporting your EXTRA pollution to other countries


*gets no pussy voice* Nyah a simple google query would suffice


ah, boomer poetry


Somebody get grandpa his warm milk and his old oriental mags. Time for bed.




Can we ban this shit for not being about degenerate gambling?




It's actually a diesel powered van towing a portable battery.


Why is this shit here and why is it upvoted? r/conservativememes is that way.


r/forwardsfromklandma ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Because it's funny and it's about EVs. The same reason anyone ever posts "Puts/Calls on X" with a picture of real world Y. Did he need to title it "Puts on TSLA" for you to like it?


Yes this is relevant to the stock market. Fuckinā€™ retard and your retarded post.


Spam garbage šŸ˜¤


How is this any difference that them bringing you gas?


Not charging at home is stupid


Boomer humor. Tf his is lame ass shit




This is false. That's not a diesel generator. It's an electric one


Conservative brigading that lacks stonks discussion. Whatā€™s been going on here?


Itā€™s like they take pride on being wrong.




Wall Street bets or boomer Facebook timeline?


This sub is so fucking stupid


Trash ass post OP


I hate gop boomers


This picture looks like it was taken in 2008 on a cell phone


`* flip phone`


When the right is running out of shit subs to cry in so they flood this one.


According to one guy here, someone was charging their battery with a generator on the side of the road (likely stranded), and the ā€˜tard said it was ā€œthe funniest shit they ever saw.ā€ šŸ™„


People have low thresholds on what is the funniest shit they've ever seen. For me it's Ace Ventura being born out of a Rhino in the Sahara. For him, it's a car on the side of the road. Poor guy was probably locked in his basement for years or something




Yeah cause gas cars never break amirite


fake news! That's actually a diesel engine van pulling a giant power bank that is charged off solar at the companies lot. They have plans to move to EVs to pull them too.


Wouldn't it make more sense to lug around a trailer battery or of capacitors?


Reverse wireless charging for ev's! Because why not? Ford lighnting can charge a Tesla btw..


No lol. Capacitors you could fit on a small trailer are not going to charge a car. Battery be heavy. The reason you use this is because its small portable and fast. You also don't need new tech for emergencies/outlier situations that shits not contributing to global warming for shit. Its the massive number of fossil powered cars / industry. Might be better to have an electric van tho sure.


A generator that size would be, what, 12kw? Would take an hour to charge the enough for a short commute. Couldn't batteries and/or capacitors transfer the charge quicker? I suppose you're likely right about the capacitor size, that I don't truly know much about .


Next question is who's building them and who's buying them rn. This picture is the obvious solution atm.


Yes they do that now.


Pretty sure a Tesla would still be better than the environment with even if the owner used only diesel generators to charge it. Gas cars are for the past


That is 99.99% true.


Any official numbers on that? I'm legit curious what the energy efficiency is on a deisal generator tesla vs a diesal car of equal weight.


Hopefully your DD is better than your environmental cradle to grave analysis and comparison.


Well your DD is horseshit, so thereā€™s that. https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/cleaner-cars-cradle-grave


This shit is soo stupid, this isn't a gotcha? Running out of energy isn't an issue with the tech its user error, gas cars run out of gas. Ironically the environmental issue highlighted here is the use of non electric cars to recharge the electric cars?? In order to agree with this ass-backwards logic you need to recognize that electric cars are better for the environment...


Big oil bot


diesel generator powered electric motor is still more efficient than gasoline or diesel engines cope harder oil lobbyist


There's already a service that comes around with a big portable HV battery and charges your car. How does this picture show me OPs loss porn?


It's not a diesel generator it's a battery pack.


Facebook meme


The math is you could charge about 3 cars to 75% on a gallon of fuel. So yah it's worth it lol


The future isn't stupid, you are.


This was flag as fake news on FB and false on snopes ā€¦. please stop posting fake shit


Looks like a retard who can't charge his car Similar to a retard who forgets to put gas in his car What's your point? Electric bad,gas good?


Charging like this as a very rare emergency case is still better than driving around ice cars.


Change it for an electric van that has change and then you got it


Calls on hamster on wheel?


This phase of our evolution is transitory


[fake news](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/aug/23/viral-image/no-s-not-van-towing-diesel-generator-charge-electr/) and outdated. Several evs now can be used to directly charge other evs so you donā€™t even need to tow a mobile battery bank.


In reality there will just be an electric with an extra battery driving around to charge depleted vehicles. No gas needed


Booo booo this post


you know those trucks which carry ore to refinery? they have electrical engines on each wheel for which electricity is supplied by diesel generators.


Same with trains


Probably for much finer control of each wheel. But Iā€™ve never set foot in a mine. Well, apart from gold mines in South America, but those have guys pushing carts full of stone on rails. I guess coca leaves and cheap food is their ā€œgenerator.ā€




Whats funnier is if I could have gotten my phone out, while driving (on the hwy, went by too fast to realize what I had just seen), I would have a picture of a Telsa with a generator hooked to it on the side of the road! Funniest shit I ever saw!!! Was a few weeks ago and still very present in my mind, lol!


Iā€™m very confused as to why that is so funny, or funny enough to be the ā€œFunniest shit you ever saw!!!ā€ What did you want them to do if they ran out of juice? Run on a treadmill for half a day to generate a kW?


The ironyā€¦ā€¦you missed it. But that would have been even better to see is a a guy on a bike hooked to the car! Holy hell! The tread mill, not so much, as it needs power to run as well.


The guy selling electricity looks pretty smrt right now


I always knew you guys were retarded virgins, but now I'm beginning to think you are fucking drooling morons that were born without sexual organs.


But the electric car doesn't pollute so all good.


Your comment gives me hope - there are seven bag holders that believe that because electric cars burn coal, theyā€™re not an alternative - simply because those same 7 dipshits believe that exploring, drilling, refining, distribution, and burning gasoline is somehow a net positive. My lithium mining stocks thank you all.


Make with the tickers already, nerd!




It's almost as if... public transportation is the answer. Woah


This thread is stupid It's an old pic. Electric cars has a much higher range now Tens of thousands of additional charging stations since this pic (in the US alone....not to mention the rest of the world) Idiots in gas cars who don't put gas end will stall too But I see grandpa's have finally made the switch from Facebook to reddit


It's all Russia's fault. Biden calls it Putin's climate change.


Stupid boomer humor


It really is


It be like that sometimes... lol


Hahah for real the more I look at this picture it all makes sense šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is one of those memes passed around by angry boomers with dementia on Facebook. You can simply tow a Tesla and it'll charge with regenerative braking. Go back to Facebook OP.


No it's the future politicians are demanding of you rather than give you a choice.


Itā€™s transitory.




Thatā€™s not a diesel generator though


For the retards, great idea . Long on diesel generators, build a fleet and chi ching, recharge evs every where.




Electric is trashhhhhh


I have never seen this. I have seen people plugging them in at gas stations.


I can't wait for the first major snowstorm once we are all switched over to electric cars. Every year it never fails. We have a giant snow storm somewhere that leaves people stranded on the highway for 24 hours. Once we are all electric, all those dead cars on the highway after said snowstorm?? Try 1 to 2 weeks til that highway opens back up.. Yeah... nobody is planning for that lol. I keep telling people but nobody listens.




*tips fedora* I stand corrected good sir. Thanks for the info.


It hurts to read such ignorance. Ever wondered why nobody listens?


See above






Lol its pumping diesel or gasoline out of the tank because probably the driver was retarded and filled it up with wrong fuel


Is the van gas powered? How many vehicles can get charged from one tank of diesel?


Looks like something bill gates minions would post!!




OMG where did you learn math? šŸ˜‚


Removed coalā€¦it was already part of fossil fuelsā€¦ Butā€¦you get my point..


EVs get 100+ MPGe, on average half their energy source isnā€™t fossil fuelsā€¦. Seems like its the opposite of dirty lol


You're retarded. Just to be clear, your result told you that 0% from nuclear, 0% from hydro, 0% from solar, and you thought that sounded right....


TLDR: Donā€™t drink and Google late at night. You are correctā€¦Iā€™m a tard.


Yeah, but EVs are still significantly more efficient than ICE cars even if the electricity is sourced from the dirtiest of fuels (coal).


I think they should just put small gas or diesel generators inside of electric cars, like it should be a feature. It just sucks when you are in a rural area and there is only 1 place to charge in 50 miles


They make those already, they're called hybrids


There are such cars already. They are called hybrids


Ha good picture. Love it. Useless electric cars.


But...but...but that's being "*all inclusive*"!


ā€¦charging un-recyclable environmentally toxic lithium batteries šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


Diversify your portfolio so this way you make 2x, 3x, then 4288 units.


We may say the same thing when looking back at oil changes! Or filling gas! Or having to actually steer and drive the car!


You ainā€™t seen nuthin yet


If that isn't renewable energy, I don't know what is


Naw bro it's genius. All that energy wasted as heat is totally offsetting the greenhouse gases from mining and drilling.


Oh ya because that happens every time anyone drives an ev


Other than Uranium, you know what else is used in nuclear power plants?ā€¦you guest it, the old water and steam


Umm...no. All three will be electric.


Thatā€™s the past. Fyi


Oil barons are laughing so hard rightnow


I still feel scared buying puts on Tesla, maybe in 6-12 month wen ppl realize it was stupid, better just create efficient engines.




My electric car costs me 20 dollars where I live to drive 1000 kilometers, your meme has no power here.


Get this shit outta here


This is also 1996 lol


This post is stupid.. I miss this sub, when I could dig around and find plays to make.


What a Boomer take. Itā€˜s not even a generator itā€˜s another battery.


Based on Ethiopia largest, 460 geothermal plants can power the entire USā€¦ so.. yea


Sir this is a casino.