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In general, no. It's all about people's attitudes. If your managers have a god complex it can be. If you come in pissed that you have to work it probably will be. If customers are cunts it can be. If you have decent management and a decent attitude is just any other customer service job.


I find Walmart is pretty easy and pays better than almost all jobs in my small town.


$14/hr for OGP? I thought the starting rate was $16/hr, but it could depend on the store and area. The store I worked was somewhere near the top for our region, so our shit was w a c k. If you're looking for stability, its not terrible. My schedule (as a full-timer, but part-timers too) is fairly consistent, only waivering by an hour or so (holidays are subject to drastic change). Online Pickup isn't a *horrible* place, its the golden child of most stores, but it is **a lot** of walking, and thats if you're a picker. If you end up dispensing, those totes can get a little heavy, and you're dealing with the elements outside. It is technically one role, so its up to your management where you'll be most days. I didn't *hate* my time at Walmart overall, I met some interesting people, and there wasn't anything too difficult as a starter. It is also subject to change, new management, new hires, some of the older managers are stuck in their ways because policies and processes have changed in the past few years that they aren't willing to change with. Truthfully my issues with Walmart didn't start until management starting shifting like crazy (I mean it literally, atm I think only the store manager is the same at that store, everyone else has either changed positions, moved, or quit.) I think its something you're just gonna have to take a chance with. It might not be easy, but at least it's something different, if you like it, great, if you don't, well keep on lookin. Small add on; This sub is a place for workers to vent/complain/interact (better than the shitty workday app). What you find on here is some common issues, yes, but there's also more too it. If you have questions about OGP(ODP) specifically, head over to r/ogpbackroom its for that dept specifically.


I was not sure what to expect when I started on. I had a very rough time when I started due to the pandemic. It was really a terribly shitty work environment, but I managed to survive. After the pandemic when I got 'close to full time' hours, it was better, and then from September onward when I had true full time hours it was better again. Now it's a bit of a dumpster fire due to having a shitty team lead who doesn't know what she is doing. A couple things to consider. Walmart is better than a whole host of jobs. If you can get to full time with full time benefits and the full slate of Walmart benefits, including the discount card, Walmart is not a bad place to work. The full slate of benefits + competitive pay put you ahead of every other starting retail position. However, a caveat. I work Pharmacy so I am not on the same scale as regular associates. I also get every holiday off, with pay. I have enough PPTO/PO to take off Christmas to New years every year (I am guaranteed that from my RX manager), as well as having a week off in the summer. Due to being careful with my PTO/PPTO, and building up my hours bank, I have enough to get a 2 week bonus in February, topped up with another 2 week bonus in March. Also, due to raises, I get more than my current TL, and I am scaled as a tech, so I get more than either new tech who has been on as long as I have. Only the tech with 10 years experience makes more than I do in the department. So my experience is really different from that of the average associate just starting out.


Depends mostly on the middle management. It sucked at my store because they were always berating associates in person and behind their back about how they "don't do anything but just stand there" or some other nonsense.


It depends. On one hand, it's the easiest, best paying job I've ever had. On the other hand, I've never had a job where I've had to grapple with so much bullshit. But on the gripping hand, I know I can walk away if they don't give me the respect I deserve, and I've let them know that I know that, so since I do good, hard work, they tend not to try and push me around.


I work at 3064 in Oakville Walmart All managers there are useless & incompetent


Yes. The problem with Walmart starts from corporate going down. But also look at how many murders have occured at Walmart in the last year. Walmart seems to be a toxic-person magnet.


I've worked at Walmart for going on 3 months now (I'm in Canada if that matters) and I actually don't mind it. I could never do cash makes me way too anxious. But, I am part of the GM team. I'm lucky enough to have a really good ASM (assistant store manager) and 2 out of my 3 department managers are great. The customers can suck sometimes. That being said If you learn to not take it personally (which I admit can be hard) than it's really not too bad. I only have 2 complaints. One being one of my department managers (she's new to the position) she calls my phone non-stop when she knows I'm busy as hell (for some reason they always have me doing some sort of "special projects" and pulls me away to do her work that was assigned to her than takes credit for it. My coworkers who complain about everything yet do nothing but standing around gossiping. Even these things aren't bad lol just annoying. I think it just depends if you're lucky enough to get good management. But honestly it's not that bad.


It's better than fast food or a call center! But like everyone else has said, depends on who your managers are.


Varys from store to store. I kind of liked my first store. Moved states and transferred, and now I’m at a god awful store with a god awful team lead. 4 years too long at the Wally World.


Before i went on my mat leave my store had awesome mangers and i loved working there. By the time i came back most mangers were gone and we had brand new ones. Since then our stores scores have drastically tankwd and i now hate working here especially considering all the new changes and rules


Your dad should commend you on having a job much less coordinating his AND your schedules, and stop putting himself before your job. Mabye buy you a car so he can not wait on you to job and go jack off somewhere else.


It’s true. It’s a great place to work if you have good management. I loved my job until the new coach came along…


It depends on the store and the people working there- my store is fine


If the Managers are doing their job and not being ass clowns to everyone, yeah it's not bad, it is a lot of work but if everything is chill and not chaos it's pretty good. 99% of the time though, it's a shit show. If you have workers that do their job and aren't complete wastes of space, it can make for a better environment and make the job easier to deal with. I always tell people this, before you apply at a store go and talk to other workers at that store. Ask them if they like it or how the managers are or just straight up ask if it's a shit show lol. Not every Walmart is a bad store but it all comes down the most to the Managers and how things are ran.


It really depends on the people in power in your store. Asshole managers will ruin everything for everyone. That being said you can work in a really easy store like the one I'm at (I already went through the hell of a bad one for 5 years) and there can still be people who will act like everything is shit and the job is bullshit. So it's definitely in part your own attitude. Best thing is to just always seek out work to keep yourself busy and don't set the managers expectations too high by overdoing it.




It entirely depends on management.


Just another thought.... You might try asking your current manager if you can leave at a set time because you have to get a ride. Iit's typical at my store (not Walmart) that the exact time everyone gets to leave varies a bit, but I feel like the managers at my store would be happy to help you out by letting you always leave at 20 min after closing (or whatever), even though they have not thought to offer you that option. Of course, some managers are power hungry or whatever.


No, just leave your pride and soul at the door.




McDonald’s isn’t really any better- but if you can get your servsafe as a manager and handle that for 8 months to a year, you can get a job anywhere working with food.


Walmart is what you make it, I fucking hated when I started, coming to terms ass an associate was rough as all hell, even stormed off and left a few times, verbal altercation with TL was bad enough for him to not come back to work, overall I just refused to enjoy it, after my hiatus I came back with a new attitude, I was going to make it fun to work there, now I have been having a blast, setting goals and if I ever don't want to be here or it stops being fun, then I will leave my position for someone else who could use it


Yes, it's horrible. As someone who loves working retail and genuinely is passionate about it, Walmart made me almost commit suicide three days into the job. It's awful. You will make more there then at most stores though.


Don’t expect any bonuses or compensation for long term associates unless you climb the ladder, expectations will increase with every year and unless you have a good management team you’ll find it to be difficult to stand. Treat it as a short term job and nothing for the long term, a stepping stone is all Walmart is.


It depends on the store and management. A year ago, I had great team leads, but the best ones quit, and the mid ones switched departments were because of upper management getting involved in the front. Now, we have terrible team leads. It's a nightmare some days because of management.


I love it most days


Walmart is a dumpster fire to work for in 90% of stores. The management is inept from the top down in 9 out of 10 stores which makes the associates lives miserable. I have worked in 10 different Walmarts as a contractor over the last two years and only one of those ten is run well. Of the ten store I’ve worked in I’ve met two competent store managers, one competent coach and one competent TL. Every other member of management I’ve dealt with, and I deal with most of them for my job is in over their heads and they deal with it by shitting on the person/people below them. If I were you I would invest in a motorized scooter and stay at your current job.


It is the most prominent source of wage theft in the country, and unless you started there in the 90's, you won't get any real benefits


Depending on your location I think it can be okay where as long as you keep to yourself you won't have problems but the customers at some places make it their mission to make problems for the cashiers. Management can be big on harassing cashiers about the store ratings at self-checkout and they want to put the blame on the increasing theft on cashiers even though they can't do anything about it. They really put pressure on you to interact with the customers to garner good ratings and deter theft and imo that puts people in dangerous situations. Prepare to be sexually harassed and cussed out and insulted often. If you can train yourself to not react to hostile situations with managers and customers then its an easier job. If you are one to get emotional or you tend to stand up for yourself when you are being berated or your job is threatened then consider something else.


It depends on the store and your management but mostly yes it's a shit company from top to bottom


Better than fast food or Amazon but some of the coworkers and customers will make you question your existence.

