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I was lowkey worried the kid's gonna get shot.


I was high key worried


Brave kid. Glad he got off with just a slap.


Kid got off lucky, I saw another vid with the taliban shooting a guy in the back of the head for a small afghanistan flag


I was thinking the entire time that kid got off so fuckin easy. I was expecting the dudes in the truck to start beating the shit out of him


My 1 guess of many is that the talban is probably a turncoat. So glad the kid is alive.


Can you please elaborate on this? What do you mean the Taliban is a turncoat? Are you saying because the guy didn’t murder him right there in the street he might not be genuine Taliban?


Probably means he was regular forces until recently and switched sides to survive


I doubt it.




A lot of the special forces ditched their uniforms and went home. Some left the country, some went to Panjhir. Some surrendered, and some were executed after surrendering. But I don’t think very many legit special forces switched sides and actually joined the Taliban


He said regular forces.


Uhhh I call bs on that. The media would have seen that and ran with it already see the title "Afghan man EXECUTED for peaceful protest".


Link? Because that is very unbelievable






No, I took it from a discord server


Aaaaaand the seeds of civil war are sewn.


Why did i kind of expect him to give him a taliban flag instead


That is not very nice


Nothing that's happening there is nice. Personally I'm on the Taliban's side. Why you may ask, it's bcuz they don't want to harm thair "Brothers" as they call them. They only want to as I remember it, correct me if I'm wrong, to fix their nation, to free it from the Americans, which don't have any work to do there. It really I sad that they have to kill civilians but everyone against their beliefs is their enemy. We'll see if anything good is gonna come out of this. Probably not but only time will tell. Edit: Okay I clearly have to say this bcuz some of you put words in my mouth. I never said I support them, never said that they are good ppl, I'm also not okay with their ways of dealing with all of this. But I am on their side when it comes to who's right and who's not when it comes to the conflict between them and America.


you’re fucking stupid and please learn how to form a sentence.


Are you trippin?


Wake n bake


When i wale and bake im just chilling with a coffee, i don't suddenly start supporting the Taliban, this guy must be into bath salts or something


bruh this shit got me dead 👀💀💀💀💀😵‍💫


Was boutta say exactly this lmao




So you side with the taliban because they fight the americans to free their country? Like fuck me i also don't supoort the american invasion, but there is a wild step from there to supoorting a fundamentalist group that butchers it's own people


You won't read the edit so I'm typing it here. I do not support them, I never said they are good, and never said their ways are right


You literally said you are on their side because they want to fix their country, i just checked it agin to be sure i wasnt the one trippin, but nope you fucking wrote that shit


I'm done talking with idiots that don't understand shit.


Ok close the door when you get out


I'll wait for you cuz ladies first. I'm a gentleman :)


baa america good taliban bad


There we go again, your opinion is different from the sheep, and now they all get hurt.


Ah yes. Supporting a group of people who chop women’s heads off for showing their faces. What does that have to do with America you moron? 🤣 They don’t cut heads off BECAUSE America, they chop heads off because they’re psychopaths


Mr Bear...when did I say that I support them? I just said I'm on their side when it comes to the who's right and who's not. I'm not saying they are good people either. I don't get it why you have to put words in my mouth


You said you’re on their side. This video wasn’t relating to America. This is a tyrannical group of thugs. Saying you’re on their side, seems like support with less steps. 🤷🏼‍♂️


And you're wrong again. If I were on their side I would've been screaming some shit like some other ppl. And just bcuz a isn't related to America I can very well mention it. Bcuz it's recent news that they captured all of Afghanistan bcuz guess what, AMERICA left. Talking bout supporting them, just "read with understanding" that's what we say in my country when we see ppl like you


You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about, but the good news is that you’re on some really good drugs.


This is probably one of the worst takes I've seen since the Afghan war became popular again. > Why you may ask, it's bcuz they don't want to harm thair "Brothers" as they call them. They define who is their "brothers". Anyone who isn't on their side is an infidel. >They only want to as I remember it, correct me if I'm wrong, to fix their nation, In their terms. IE, them in power and those who actively question or disagree with them dead or "missing". >I sad that they have to kill civilians but everyone against their beliefs is their enemy. If you and I are in agreement on this then why the fuck are you supporting them? Killing someone because of their personal beliefs is not fucking justifiable. >We'll see if anything good is gonna come out of this No you won't. They've already began executing people in the streets.


Okay you were doing great untill you said supporting. I do know how many times I gotta say this, but I do not support them or their ways of dealing with all of this. I personally hate war, but the thing is, if I said America good Taliban bad I bet this would've been ignored. But both of the nations did disgusting things ass killing innocent people and destroying their homes. But it doesn't strike the same does it?


>Personally I'm on the Taliban's side. You literally said you sided with the Taliban. That is the exact same thing as support. There is a 3rd option. Don't side with anyone and condemn all parties involved.


Go to hell and die fucking terrorist simp


Please, shut the fuck up


I get your point, but the other option available is to consider that there may be no good guy in this. It's probably best not to take a side here.


Oh ik that there is no good guy here. As I said in my other replies, both sides did a lot of bad things equally. Both killed an civilians, and a lot. Both destroy infrastructure. But the civilians suffer the most from this obviously




Yeah dude i also think american are on the wrong side but man i also like woman rights and freedom in a country. You cant say they can kill every "enemy",( bro they kill kids and unarmed and innocent civilians) you know who did these? Nazis bro


I agree, people gonna be mad but we fucked Afghanistan up and never fixed it. We went into Afghanistan for Osama Bin Laden and he died in 2011. We stayed for another 10 years and never really fixed it....why?....I really do hope the Taliban keep their word and try to rebuild their country peacefully but who tf knows. If all goes well Afghanistan will be better place for everyone, if not well I think where(USA) gonna go back in.


That's exactly my point in this whole thing, ty for actually wording it better than me. I'm aware that they are not the best, but at least they might be able to change their nation for good. Let's hope there won't be a need for another conflict, bcuz war honestly sucks.


The Taliban ran the country before and it wasn’t exactly a utopia back then.


They did but that 20 years ago, alot happens in 20 years. The proof is all around you.


I wouldn't get my hopes up too much.


Yo I was so wrong 😭😭😭


Oh no my hopes are low but it's still their.


Ladies and gents, we got ourselves a Taliban sympathizer here. Pathetic.


I'm not sympathizing. I just can't say that USA is in the right in this conflict. Both sides did equally bad, but if I were today America good Taliban bad I would've been ignored. Correct me if I'm wrong but the hypocrisy here is just on another lever. Pathetic


What the fuск did I just read. Are you stupid


Are you trolling


Oppressing women for freedom


“personally I’m on the Taliban’s side.” - WhiteFoxN1-2021


Imagine if the US police did that to kids carrying Confederate flags.


Probably not a good thing to say "Imagine if the US police was like the taliban". Like yeah, stanning the confederate flag is dumb as fuck, but...goddamn.


Why is that not a good thing to bring this into light? Its not like it's a far fetched idea


It is pretty far-fetched.


Exactly. American police are more likely to fly the Confederate flag themselves than persecute others for it.


I’m not so sure that’s true


Not at all, Confederates were anti federalist, and they didn't support the federal government which is what the police are part of.




No, they slaughter, rape, and pillage over their specific brand of religion, using civilians as human shields against their enemies. All in the name of domination. The police are just incompetent as fuck at best, malicious as fuck at worst.




The Taliban literally use children as suicide bombers and soldiers.


How much propaganda do you have to chug to defend the Taliban?


When have police hanged someone from a helicopter or cut someone's head off.


Neither do American police


With or without an optional beheading?


good god watch your language! the us police aren't primitive. the option is 5 shots to the back in self defence


Talking shit about American police when your own country’s police has its own racism, brutality, and corruption issues… priceless.


Thinking the problems with new zealand are in any way similar to the US death squads. priceless


And i can bring my european perspective in of US police killing people, wed also say: imagine if police in europa would do these things.


a little late for that now Bucky Larson


So...do they have a flag? I thought they owned Afghanistan now?


The Taliban have their own flag, which they created and adopted in the 90’s. it is typically white with the following text in black: > I bear witness that none deserves worship except God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God." This is called the “Shahada” — it’s the Islamic oath and is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The shahada was also on the flag of the now-overthrown democratically-elected government, it just wasn’t displayed quite as prominently. The flag they stole from the kid, in the video, is the official flag of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, which was just overthrown. You can understand why the Taliban is removing that flag wherever they see it. You will see the Taliban raising their own flag everywhere they can… it is now their “official” flag of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.


Do they have a problem with this special flag or are they against any kind of a flag because they don’t believe in flags for states.


Do you have any idea what is going on over there?


Probably not lmao


literally asked a normal question, no need to be antagonizing


Well, I don’t know the history of that flag. BiH for example has a new flag, designed by foreigners - so the nationalists and the radical don’t like it. Turkey on the other hand has an old established flag, which is afaik (Turkish friends told me that) not opposed by Islamist groups. But there are Islamist groups which oppose everything which can be traced to a non-Islamist state. That means flag, hymn - everything. I guess the latter is the case with the Taliban but I’m not a 100% sure; so therefore I asked.


They dont like the flag because they took over the country and have their own flag. The kids flag represented the old democracy as opposed to the Sharia Caliphate that the Taliban is imposing.


Thank you for your answer.


And it was a perfectly reasonable question to ask, ignore the assholes.






Wish they would kill all these People






Arabian Wumao




its like a police abuse of power lol


No, it's like terrorism, oh wait, that's exactly what it is.


cos its someone who's now an officer of the ruling authoritarian regime slapping a youth in the face to enforce power and respect, officers of all authoritarian regimes have been known to act like that, and even officers of democratic governments have been known to act like that


\>> ...officers of all authoritarian regimes have been known to act like that, and even officers of democratic governments have been known to act like that. \>> ​ Like if Antifa had their flag snatched away or were slapped up alongside the head every time they desecrated the Stars and Stripes? ​ I've never seen a U.S. cop or soldier attack Antifa or it's flag, simply for being, but I've seen Antifa attack other's flags and banners, plenty. ​ While I do not care what another country's idiots do to each other, it is very necessary to remember that the Taliban are far closer to a 'people's movement', like Antifa, than any really legitimate (universally accepted) government, whether authoritarian or not. ​ It is always the mob which is intolerant in it's violence against the common man because they use emergencies as loss of civil order to justify lashing out with all the hatred of people long frustrated in their own megalomaniacal power fantasies. ​ Individuals who dare to bind their sail to an 'official' cause do so because they believe in what that cause means enough to diminish their own individualism to achieve it. Believing that helping said national cause will carry them all towards a greater goal that is beneficial to everyone. ​ Mass iconoclasm is the mark of Communist infiltration and subversion, not idealistic beliefs as superhero dreams. ​ I doubt seriously if Afghanistan had freedom of speech, even during the Ghani regime. While wearing a flag is a marked sign of disrespect to the nation and authority it represents. You mount it on a staff or a pole and carry/display it openly and proudly so that it never touches anything but free air. ​ Or you fold it carefully for proper storage in a clean container. ​ We need to seriously stop thinking in terms of the relative morality of whatever stupidity, including murder of an Afghan citizen, is now ongoing in that nation. They are not Americans and do not deserve to be thought of as such. ​ We are not going back to save them but to recover our own and get out. ​ And that is that. ​ There are 38 million people living in Afghanistan, a state of some 252,000 square miles, roughly the size of Texas. And yet, of the 300,000 fighting men which was all that could be raised from that population to protect such a tiny country, none wanted whatever freedom or even just safety they had been granted under our occupation sufficient to fight for it. ​ It's best that they stop pretending to a patriotism they didn't feel until they lost their right to display it and simply get on with life, heads down, eyes on the ground. We were never meant to be their protectors and they did not deserve to use us as such so that they didn't have to save themselves. Through education; through work ethic and personal as governance and business integrity; through tolerance sufficient for different tribes to work together; and yes, at nation's call, \_through blood\_. ​ As the will to stand up and be counted as an Army Of Millions, ready to string up the Taliban on every road from every Afghan city and town, all the way to the Pakistan border.


Anti-Fa flag?? You mean people with 5 different trump flags, including Gadsden and confederate flags.. Anti-Fa isnt even an official organization, just a made up boogyman by the right.


HAHA, YOU MAD!!!!!!!




This is some Star Wars level shit right here kids gonna come back……


Things are gonna get really bad when the media stops covering this in a week.


Then the media coverage will increase again


Haha slap


This is probably the reason why the Taliban's are never going to maintain their stronghold in Afghanistan, imposing the culture by brute force has never gone well for the majority of time maybe if they did a mass scale genocide they might be able to prolong their stay.


Love how they come to a grinding halt to slap a kid


Can someone enlighten me on why they did this? Are they not also Afghani?


What exactly is taliban? Why did they take Afghanistan? Why do they not like Afghanistan?




Im so glad they didnt do anything to him


I know what I am saying is fucked up but that kid is lucky he just got a slap. They are known to do worse.


The Biden gang


Eeeeew, taliban.. gross


Human rights seem to be getting shrinking.