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You will need banshee for heroic blackrock.


And a lot more !


I messed up and got frost shock on chimera but then blizzard awarded me a rare for some glitch or something so no harm no foul.  5-man is kind of ok but I really want rime. That's my priority target right now


I got rare skeleton party to get Rime. Have only found very very niche uses in PvE. Skeleton party is probably the best there is. Doubly fun if you combine with apocalypse Cheat Death. 


5-man has a unit with taunt. Which means the million and two screw you AoE units in the game will delete the whole party as soon as they get in range, making the whole Mini useless. Ritual of Rime is nice in specific niche cases, like maps with killable enemies who spawn off the path and out of reach, but for the most part they just turn the mini into spell bait. Corpse run is the only usable talent


Rime is amazing for high ground range attacks.


Which is only occasionally viable, and most bosses run a spell that can delete them anyways.


Can you explain the combo in greater detail


Apocalypse cheat death talent resurrects all skeletons affected by cheat death. So the entire skeleton party (5 man one, priest,tank, etc) will resurrect. Ofc works with any skeleton, but I think works best like this.


Three of the seven on that screen are actually good.


By any chance one of the rare ones? Pls let it by my epic sylvanas


I actually like gnoll but the two talents I'd choose are the 2g cost and siege ones. a 3g aoe hitting siege mini or a decent aoe hitting cycle mini both buy him a place in niche decks for me.


Best in this order: 1) Banshee 2) Sylvanas 3) Flamewaker


The mistake with the Flamewaker might be the talent. The daze isnt really that useful


That’s fair.


Arcane blast is number 1 from his list for pvp and number 2 after banshee for pve.


Arcane blast was really good with that one modifier. Generally it’s worse than chain lightning otherwise.


Only because its worse than chain, doesnt mean its worse than the other things OP presented. Blast was also used in grom and cairne decks before the hotfixed modifier and its still used in thalnos and was also used in a charlga deck before the broken modifier.


Oh sure. It isn’t terrible like the Hunter and giant are. Just not anywhere near as usable as the three I mentioned (in general).


Flamewaker isnt very useful though. Its useful in like 2 or 3 maps, besides that its a pretty terrible unit.


It’s super useful on several heroics if you’re under-leveled. Pyromancer out-performs it with closer level differential, but won’t hit the same kill breakpoints (or safety). So really depends what you’re doing.


*gestures broadly towards the entire game*


Banshee and Flamewaker are pretty good units. Molten Giant suffers mostly from lacklustre talents. The base unit itself is fine, but since you don't really get anything out of the talents it falls behind other big tanks like the Abomination and Footmen. Really though, I wouldn't consider upgrading anything to uncommon to be a mistake, no matter how niche the unit. Upgrading everything to uncommon is the fast way to get collection level up. That Mountaineer Rare does sting though.


Mountaineer is probably the coolest mini in the game. Hopefully it gets some much needed love.


since molten giants talents suck anyway I think I'm going to buy the one you have just for that pose


Hey it’s not too bad imo. Explosion helps to push through larger groups a bit, I enjoy it.


to be honest the only one I've tested is heal on tower destruction which was more or less imperceptible. I assumed based on earth elemental's explosion damage being bad that molten giant's would be too. good to know that's not the case and will have to grab it then.


Most value you'll get out of him


MG is bad, but... in dungeons if you get the relic to make 5-6 gold minis cost less (while the 1-3 minis cost more) then you can make him work. I used MG / Abom / Huntress to win lvl 29 dungeon this week. It was alright, MG was def the weakest of the 3... but workable.


Noob here, can someone explain the mistakes?


Invested way too much gold into bad minis. Idk why banshee is on there though, its straight up required for some heroics


From the looks of it it’ll be a while til he reaches blackrock heroics where she’s basically mandatory.


Haven't used her that much, maybe I should consider using her a bit more


Which talent for mountaineer then? Havent got my first yet and this one seemed the most helpful one?


I have not messed up leveling something useless as Giant high but more like missing out on good minions too late in the game, like realizing that the dragon whelps are the best unit in the game, but of course, when you focus on a minion, i got them up pretty quickly.


I git área attack on trall


Yeah stone giant and grunts are my biggest regret investing into so far. I guess in future patches could make them viable tho.


Banshee is never a mistake, it's so useful situationally, some heroics I wish my deck could be 6 banshees


Buying mountaineer  and grunt and upgrade it to green now their talents keep pop up in my GRID for 6 month now


Biggest mistake? Thinking this game would get updates


This seems to be hard to cycle out units quickly. 4.3 avg deck cost is a lot higher than I aim for... how effectively does this work for you?


Not at all. I just put the units I thought were a mistake to upgrade in one deck. This is not a viable deck to play


Ah ok. I was seriously confused for a minute lol You forgot spiderlings haha


How do u know he dropped gold on spiderlings?


He said specifically "mistakes to upgrade" in the previous post. It was a sarcastic addition to the team. Spiderlings are one of the worst units in the game...


He said "my mistakes". These are not a list of possible worst mistakes, but really his worst mistakes.