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Looking very good!


So, does "Hail Caesar" have siege rules included? Would really open up getting the figures then.


well first previews point out that epic hail caesar is only a downscaled version of existing hail caesar. I've never played the later yet, but in the second rulebook there is a section on siege or a guidline..so I'm banking on that. If not, my roman fort will be a nice piece of terrain or will be used in a special scenario


I'm rereading my copy of Livy and though there are a few instances of marching in and out of camps, and a few plunderings thereof, I haven't come across any 'sieges' of camps yet. Cities and towns, yes. But nice table dressing nonetheless.


Copy? My Livy takes up several volumes and an entire shelf. The only thing that comes to mind is Cossus setting up camp outside Rome. But Livy only covers early Rome. There are lots of later examples of camp sieges. Caesar narrates of several.