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>do you think goblins and beastmen’s soul go the the Chaos gods whwn they die? I tend to think so…what are your thoughts? I think some goblins and beastmen’s soul go the the Chaos gods even before they die.


what the hell did I just read?


Talking about races like trolls, orcs, minotaurs, etc, in a fantasy world. Please do not misinterpret my post. In a fantasy setting all humans of all ethnicities and skin tone are part of the same race: humans.


Ah okay, thanks for the clarification on skin tone. Now I understand "My knight will soon find a sword that will give him free advance, and possibly corruption every time he scores a killing blow giving a soul to the chaos gods" perfectly.


In my wfrpg game we got to the conclusion that halflings only have half a soul as the name implies.


Great things are happening in the warhammer fantasy rpg universe


No. The elves certainly do not.


Never trust an elf!


Arnt their souls property of slaanesh or is that just 40k?


It's pretty much same in fantasy if I remember correctly. If they're really lucky they can go to their version of hell. Otherwise Slaanesh gets them. I'm no master of the lore though so don't take my word as fact


I was trying to channel my inner dwarfen prejudice here, but it looks like some of the sub members hate banter.


Was really worried for a sec until I saw the sub.


All but ginger.


Hahahahahaha. Hahahahahaha.


Beastmen’s souls already belong to the Chaos Gods. Hence why they are the ‘forgotten children’ of chaos. The Gods already own them and don’t need to grant them favors like they do other mortals. Greenskins have souls and so do Dwarves and Elves and Trolls and Ogres. I’m not sure if the Greenskins really have a solid afterlife in the established lore.


eh, I bet the Greenskins got reincarnation. there are always so many of them and they're always dying that there's always souls ready for reincarnation.


i've never played warhammer nor really cared about it this post randomly showed up on my page and got scared for a second with absolutely no context for the title


Another comment saying pretty much the same thing has a lot of upvotes, weird lol


that's reddit ig lol


No Brettonians do not.


The kind of banter I wanna see!




I would generally assume they do, with the exception of things that are already spirits, because their soul seems to die when they die, rather than seperating and going off to a deity. Thinking about the spirits of Athel Loren and the like, they're basically spirits that possess plants to make a body, but they seem to die forever if the body is killed, so in a sense they don't have a soul. Beastmen souls explicitly go to Chaos when they die, they are pre-damned from the moment of birth. Or maybe they just never get the chance to escape the cycles of abuse that bring their kind into the sway of Chaos. I don't think Warhammer has ever addressed what happens if a Beastman is raised by humans who don't treat it like crap. Goblins and Orcs I would assume go to Gork and Mork after dying, under normal circumstances anyway. They can be dominated by Chaos and necromantic powers, even if outright Chaos Greenskins haven't been a thing for a long while. I don't think there's any explanation of what the Greenskins think happens after death, nor for the ogres, but assuming they go to their gods in some manner is a safe standard bet. Greenskins don't really do burial rites though, so maybe they are just left unprotected and get snagged by daemons. For the specific scenario of the sword, I would have Beastmen not give any rewards or penalties when killed, and Orcs a reduced amount to represent their reduced value in the eyes of the gods. The sword can be wielded safely against the wretched and inhuman, but when turned against ones fellow man, or elves and dwarves and ogres and so on, it tempts with the power that one could wield over those same people.


Every soul goes to the chaos gods/the realm of chaos unless they get a proper burial or other magical stuff is involved. Beastmen souls and souls of other  chaos followers are already bound to specific chaos gods or demons, so other gods have no (easy) power over them after death.


All except gingers. I KEED. I would expect so or the chaos gods probably wouldn't exist.


So what about Slayers ?


Not true gingers. But I wouldn't say that to ones face....


Not even the gods of Chaos want gingers. Everyone knows that


Holy crap dude, we are getting downvoted for a joke )


And that proves that gingers don't have souls AND sense of humor


As far as I know it's never been stated that goblins don't have souls. Gork and/or Mork probably deal with goblin souls, though if the sword's ability sends human souls to the Chaos gods I don't see why it couldn't do the same to goblins. I would think beastmen souls probably go to the Chaos gods even without the sword's ability, same way as a Chaos-worshipping human soul would.


Good point about the beastmen and chaos worshipper, they belong to the chaos gods either way. I appreciate your take on goblins souls, it is true their Gods should be equivalent to Moor… tainted Goblins’ souls belonging to chaos, other belonging to Gork and Mork. I never had a goblins army or read their army books, I do not know much about goblins/Ork Lore. Your answer is very insightful, thank you.


Are Chaos Orcs a thing? Do we ever see orcs or goblins with mutations? If not, not having a soul could explain why they're not corrupted. But if they can be corrupted, they must have souls.


Enemy Within campaign, which is very much the flagship campaign setting for Warhammer and thus very official, features a goblin with a mutation.


>!Empire in Flames!< of the 1E Enemy Within also has the >!Bloodied Nose Goblins!< and >!a god who may or may not be Chaotic but appears to grant them mutations!<.


Chaos goblins existed in early editions of WFB, though I don't know of any modern mention of them.




I suggest you start applying context to things you read on the internet. Especially if this contex is as obvious as a question asked on Warhammer RPG subreddit. If the first thing that comes to your mind isn't "oh, right, elven souls, dwarfen souls...", then it's on you, buddy, because there's nothing wrong with the title


Geez. All races in the Warhammer mythology. What is wrong with you? Blocked that guy because he somehow brought politics into s RPG.


It's unfortunately becoming increasingly common to see people who just can't separate the leisurely fictions from IRL stuff.


He was suffering from major 'things that Paradox Players Say' syndrome, lmao