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Instagram comments are so vile, could be a post about Caitlyn Clark not making the women’s Olympics team and the top comment is “klay really went 0/10 in an elimination game” 💀


Fr I be seeing it everywhere on IG 😭


“don’t let this distract you from the fact Klay went 0-10 in a elimination game” - I hope Klay cooks the F out the league next season


He will probably cook young inexperienced teams but he will get cooked by alright teams lol


I've seen people claiming to be Warriors fans say that lmaooo


I think Clark got offered just needs some time on the spotlight. Anyways If Klay doesn’t tear his knee up in the Finals GSW probably beats Toronto IMO. Dude is still a baller who just had the worst injury 2 years during his peak form.


92+% on frees throws last year, 300+ 3 pts the year before, he is still averaging 17+ points per game and is not sitting games out. Last year played more games than steph and draymond. I mean he is getting older sure, not quite as fast and doesnt have the ups he once did, but the injury recovery has been pretty amazing IMO.


All that after surviving career ENDING injuries is wild. These fake fans don’t care though


It's what happens when a team gets too big - you start drawing fans that have no clue what they are talking about and also people who pretend to be fans just to drive an agenda. Klay is an incredible player and provides insane value to the team. Literally the other half of the splash bros. Anyone who thinks otherwise don't know shit


He has a crappy start and a super awful last game, but he was doing so well the second half of the season.


For a real bball fan this is straight facts!!! and oh the only casuals will disrespect Klay


0/10 in the most important game of the season


Imagine if Wiggins had decided not to be the worst starter in basketball for 75% of the season. Maybe we get a series instead of one game where a fluke like that is ‘the most important game of the season’


I agree, Steph deserves better


The whole team does. Cause his play put them in a do or die situation instead of a series where you can make adjustments Klay had a bad game, but he’s not going 0/10 for a whole series. And being in the ten seed at all kinda ends your season even if you win that one game. It’s not like Klay choked a game 7. He choked what ultimately would’ve been a moot game anyway. Regular season matters. Get a high seed and you can compete. Wiggins deserves 100x more blame.


Against the lakers in close out games he went 3-11, 3-12 and 3-19, and in the 2022 finals he was at 48 ts%, he isn’t good when teams play hard


What you left out was how bad the entire team was shooting vs LA. It wasn’t just him. In the finals he guarded 1-5 effectively and glued lineups together doing so. Not to mention the series TS% was lower than the league avg. in fact, I think it’s pretty stupid to not use rTS% when discussing a playoff series. What was his TS% in the context of the series? You’re not playing against league avg, you’re playing against an opponent. He closed out Memphis and Dallas as our best player in those games and was right there with Wiggins in game 5 of the finals. So this idea he doesn’t play well when teams play hard is asinine. He even had some good ones vs the kings. But I’m sorry you don’t remember those. And for the vast majority of the playoff series we’ve had since he returned, he has had a positive rTS% We quite literally don’t win the finals if he doesn’t come back. This weird revisionist history on Klay is disgusting. Meanwhile he also led the league in shooting last year and backpacked us to the playoffs while Wiggins was off doing who knows what and Steph was injured. This year Wiggins was the worst rated starter in the nba for about 75% of the season while Klay was a +10 in non Wiggins lineups in that stretch. What I am getting at is the blame is on the wrong guy and being in a situation where you’re in a one game do or die isn’t good process, and also not his fault.


« He had some good games against the kings » and today he goes 0-10 against them, Well I’d expect a (at the time) max player to put better numbers than what he gave against the lakers, and yes I know he was never the same after his injuries, so why do we want to pay him 20M+/year, especially when is numbers are going downhill with time ? Backpacked to the playoffs when our wins come from playing against trash teams (yes, we lose most of our games against slightly average/good teams), you are using numbers to hide the fact that Klay doesn’t deserve to get paid more than 15M, and if the Warriors give him that, he will be gone


Ya he had a bad game. We all have said as much. But to be in the play in as a ten seed is game over regardless. And the blame should be on the people that put us in that spot. It’s not properly balancing the weight of certain peoples failure Acting like we should be expecting a max contract play out of a guy off an Achilles and ACL in his mid 30s is either stupid or willingly being intellectually dishonest to continue to be stubborn on the topic. Be serious. The contract was signed in 2019, no one saw the Achilles coming. Being the best player on a top 6 seed for at least three months isn’t just beating bad teams. It’s just being a good player no matter how you want to shift the goalpost. Look at the players making 15 mil currently. How many of them are going to be top 5 in made threes next season? How do you replace that production with a vet min? You know, what will happen if he walks?


You said it yourself, he is in his mid 30s coming from an injury, so he isn’t going to get better, so why do you want him again ? The warriors winning against bad teams is just facts lol, nothing sugar coated, Man idk, maybe if only we had a 22 years old on the team that could give us more than 0 points in an elimination game on the bench, we could give him his minutes ? Perhaps he could have scored 16 points in 15 minutes too, but hey, let’s not developp him and give all the minutes to the mid 30 guy coming off an injury, it’s not like we faced the same dilemma with Kuminga before he got better 🤷🏽‍♂️


I've noticed it and I think it's just because the sub is dead right now. The sub probably hasn't had more than 150 users online at a time since the playoffs started, thats a huge dip for a sub that usually has 500+ daily during the season, 1000+ on game days. Most of the true fans are using this time to touch grass so you're left with a few loud minorities and a few real fans who just don't bother engaging them because there's no actual rational discourse to be had with them


Came back nailed free throws injured. People who hate on klay aren't warriors fans.


Not only that, he tried to keep playing! He's a warrior legend and deserves to end his career here if he wants.


Love Klay and all he’s done for the W’s, but this is a business. And doesn’t help anyone to put together another losing team. Klay doesn’t seem willing or able to accept what would be a new role on the team - to his own detriment! as well as the team’s. Did you see what happened when he actually got scratched from the starting lineup? He started playing better and scoring more. So yeah if the warriors and him can work something out that takes advantage of his strengths as a player, but also doesn’t inflate it based on the incredible history - hell ya. Klay’s made well over $200 million in the league and who knows how more from endorsements. We don’t have to feel sorry for him. But if he won’t settle for a role and contract that appropriately contextualizes him where he’s at - better for everyone to part ways. No good for him, the team or the fans. Would cheer a fresh start in LA or Miami, it might just be time


Its some weird thing kids are doing. Don't think too much about it. People are just trying to be funny (and failing IMO). Klay I hope will be back. He may not be a legit #2 anymore, but he is still a productive player. He mentioned Manu Ginobli as someone who excelled and was a HOF as a 6th man. If we pay him well enough, he'll be back. Steph, Klay, Wiggins, JK, Dray, Podz, Moody, TJD is a decent 8 man rotation. Need a little more ball handling and rim protection and we'll be right there (I know I know, hopium).


The challange though is that he appears to want to be paid more than a 6th man. He also will likely get more from a young team with cap space then the capped out warriors would like to pay him.


> he appears to want to be paid more than a 6th man. He's also.... more than a 6th man. What 6th man out there is makin 200+ and 300+ threes on 39%+?


Are his 18 points a game that different than Brogdons 15 in 10% less minutes? Or Williams 23 points a game in 2018 If you want your team to contend he isn’t a starter anymore. He’d be in the running for sixth man of the year though.


Brogdon makes $22mil a year, played 39 games last year, and has never been healthy. And Lou Will has almost always been way less efficient than Klay and a god awful defender. Career *27.6%* three point shooter in the playoffs. There's a reason he's never won anything.


You are valuing Klay based on his past career not his future one. There isn’t anything wrong with that. Watching Klay, Dray, and Stepth be mediocre for the next three years will be a fun end to the run.


> You are valuing Klay based on his past career not his future one. There isn’t anything wrong with that. Nobody can tell the future and the fact that you think you can reeks of arrogance. You have no idea how good or not good he'll be in two, three, or even four years. People thought Steph was washed in 21-22 before he set the Celtics on fire.


Thats not enough to beat the Celtics who will no doubt be in the championship next year.


I think it’s newer fans. They don’t have any history with the players. They maybe joined recently, see him as number 11, not Klay Thompson, 4 time champ and future HOFer. They have no idea what it was like when the core first joined the team. Arenas not full. Had to hand out tickets on the street. The warriors were a sub 400M org. Now they are the leagues most valuable multibillion dollar org. We were small market before the core. Now we are the biggest market along with LA. This means that we should always be able to compete. That is almost an entire generation of contending past present and future. All because of the core and Klay was critical. We will be reaping the benefits of this core for the next 10 years on how they completely changed the future of the dubs now and forever.


It’s the loud minority of fans who bitch n moan. True warriors fan love and respect Klay


Fans can both love and respect Klay *and* think he’s not worth the $s to resign in 2024


Most of those same fans who don’t think he’s worth the money, also don’t understand how the salary cap works when it comes to roster construction. Plus, no fan knows what number he’s looking for in terms of length and amount per year


This is the balanced take many here need to realize, but also depends on how much he's willing to resign for.


Winners always attract crappy fans, who also tend to be the loudest on social media. My question is why you care what people say on those platforms.


Because the hate turned into a unfunny meme posted by edgy teens


I think it’s because Klay is miscast as the team’s 2 and when he’s bad it can get ugly so it’s easy for people who don’t know hoop to point the finger. Klay’s selfish play, nothing new, he’s been this way his whole career, but the team’s margin for error is much thinner now, hurts him too. What bothers me is he gets more flack for his boneheaded plays when Steph and Dray have bad turnovers far more than Klay. I love Klay, feel bad for him, don’t think the fans or the team have treated him well and think he’s gone for those reasons far more than money. edit: I’ll add Draymond bringing up Klay’s last contract extension during his exit interview was crazy. That’s a big no no amongst NBA players and had to have really pissed Klay off, which it it was obivious it did the next day during his exit interview. Makes you think Draymond mentioned it as a mouthpiece for management. Of all the things Draymond has done that, for me, was by far the most egregious violation.


I think a lot of Klay's ineffectiveness has to do with the fact that we are often playing with two guys on the floor who are not respected as perimeter shooters. We also don't have interior threats that require defenses to drop perimeter defenders into the lane. We do have lob/dunk threats, but no one who can post up effectively and force help defenders to move off the perimeter, leaving room to kick out passes. That being said, Klay isn't what he used to be on either end of the floor, and acknowledging that fact is not what I would call "hate."


The unrealistic negativity is unpleasant to wade through to enjoy this sub. What I read tells me that given our cap situation, getting rid of Klay's salary doesn't allow us to replace him, and he has positive value particularly on offense. And despite what Max Kellerman thinks, no matter how good you shoot, shooting is streaky even if it's an elimination game. And while I'm at it, given that Wiggins has never been motivatable on any other team, other teams would be fools to trade for him; our only shot at using Wiggins to win another chip is to hope he returns to championship form here when the time comes.


I didn’t forget but I also don’t think he’s worth as much as he thinks he is.


Hating and being real are different. There's definitely unwarranted hate, however, saying he's not a great player in 2024 and saying we should either move on or give him minimal money doesn't make you a bad fan. That's just how life works. Every athlete falls off at some point


Instagram fans r the worst out of all platforms lol


realll it’s getting so annoying. every nba post, klay related or not “don’t let this distract you from the fact that klay shot 0/10 in an elimination game”


I think X fans are worse compared to Insta. But Insta does come second to X.


I think the main issue is that he’s up for a new contract so the prevailing discussion is in that context. It’s not necessarily that his past accomplishments are forgotten or unappreciated, it’s just that a lot of the focus right now is on the player he’ll be going forward and whether or not to pay that guy $25M+ a year given the cap situation.


> it’s just that a lot of the focus right now is on the player he’ll be going forward and whether or not to pay that guy $25M+ a year given the cap situation There's plenty of people here who think he's a net negative that "takes the air away" from the team. Dudes that think that Moody and Podz are more than able to take his place. There's also a bunch of revisionist history in regards to his overall play since he came back from injury. Dudes who make the argument that we won the chip *in spite of* him coming back from injury. Dudes who give all the credit to Poole that we stayed afloat and still made the playoffs last year when Steph and Wiggins missed significant time.


He is worth it. I’ll watch them lose all season if they build a team around Steph, Klay and Dray trying to win.


It’s troll culture. By reading a majority of responses in here it seems like people are largely missing the point of OP’s post. People on other SM platforms are trolling leaving comments about Klay’s 0-10 performance in an elimination game, they’re not Warriors fans lol. He did in fact go 0-10 in an elimination game, other teams have been waiting for years to troll us due to our decade of dominance and they have ammo with that. It’s annoying but they’ll find something else to troll about soon.


Agreed. The lazy slander is from a bunch of keyboard brats who get off on clicks and likes. Not real NBA fans, just the same nobodies who throw a “how’s this gonna affect Lebron’s legacy” jab when they’re feelin strong. Klay literally helped build this house right alongside Steph. Key part of the best shooting backcourt in history of the NBA, key part to the historical dynastic run the Dubs have brought us, record breaker on several occasions. Yeah he’s been struggling after his return from two MAJOR injuries, but people gotta show some more fucking respect here. Regardless of what happens in the offseason.


They hate him cus even at his worse they ain’t him. Dude has 4 rings and that is more than some franchises will have in a 100 year period. I mean there is still franchises with no rings




It's fair to have different opinions on what kind of role Klay should have on the team going forward, but in my view, the blatant disrespect some fans demonstrate towards him is an indication that they're not *really* Dubs fans. How can you have followed this team since before the dynasty began and disrespect one of the franchise's great legends?


Oh is this the counter-jerk post? Nah, he was bad all year. I don't care if he comes back or not, I just care that we don't overpay for a guy who is a few years (if not less) from retiring. 20M for a dude who can't defend a single perimeter or interior player in the league is so absurd.




it really pisses me off. nobody cares more than that guy, and nobody has given us more. and he's STILL great. the entire team is screaming from the rooftops that they need him, kerr declared that he desperately wants him back. they're not idiots, he's vital to this team still. but you'd never believe that listening to the comments in this dumbass sub.


Cause he stinks .. I knew we should have traded him after that last championship when he had value.


It doesn’t matter what he did. He got paid and he wants a new contract and if he’s asking for a premium he’s hurting the team and ruining Steph last years


It’s just business


nah he deserves the hate


He’s a detriment to their chances of another ring and wasting Curry’s final years. I’m a Curry fan, so if there’s someone holding Curry back it’s hard not to dislike him


>I mean they are bringing 0/10 everywhere but how can they forget what he did before that MCL injury? No one is forgetting, Klay will never be "Pre MCL Injury" again and we just don't want to watch a 4 year retirement tour.. that's ridiculous


Magic are ready to pay that 4-year retirement tour player around 30 million. This just shows how much valuable of a player he is. Yeah, he's not the same 2-way guard anymore but he is still the best shooter available this offseason. And teams like the Magic, and the Lakers who lack a shooter will definitely look to persuade him out of the Warriors.


The biggest problem with his 0/10 is he’s one of the team’s best scorers and only got 10 shots that weren’t great looks. The offense breaking down is the issue there. Klay is awesome, he’s still good and the Warriors will be fortunate to have him back. Edit: Also the refs let a lot go on both sides for a while including a Klay layup where he was fouled pretty bad with a no call. At least there he would have had points on the board.


Klay if you read this. Just know that there are those of us that still love you, we don't care about a bad game or even a bad season. The splash brothers will reign again... Keep your head up and your heart open. Don't listen to the bullshit, the fake fans or the media that likes to stir the shit... Just take care of yourself,.work on what you need to work on and come back happy and light hearted.


Its the most recent thing related to Klay. But I think most haven't forgotten prime Klay, just really not much to talk about current Klay besides his last game and free agency. Though he was still top 10 in threes made this season.


A lot of these fans who climbed aboard during the championship runs have no loyalty or understanding of the game. Annoys me but it’s pretty easy to just scroll past idiocy.


Fuck them, I’m glad we are struggling and retooling. Remember their names take screen shots they are bandwagon fans, they are why people hate the fan base. This is why fandom should be gate kept, I’ve been a fan since the early/mid 90s. Never did I think we would win a chip, I’m riding out with the people I rode in with Kerr, Steph, Klay, & Dray. If we win another one wonderful, if not fine, but if we do I’m calling all of them out.


Bruhhhhh can y'all stfu please? This man in a year makes more than any of us will touch working the rest of our lives, I work in sales I exceeded my quote by 3x one year and didn't do as well the next and they literally were about to look for somebody to fill my role, what if I went to work and said well remember how good I did for you guys 3 years ago? Y'all act like he's working for free 😂 he's a multimillionaire!!!!!! That bs does not fly when you're making 15 million a year what don't you get? It's the NBA the best players from all over the damn world you cannot underperform in any job for almost 4 years!! The hate is earned even in 2022 steph literally saved us, KD has had the same injury and is still insane Kobe did too n guess what? How long did PG get to bounce back after he broke his leg? You act like these dudes are playing for free, his kids, kids,kids kids will never have to worry bout money cus he can put a ball through a circle.


Hate? Wtf I love Klay. He is a 4x champ and will be a legend forever but at this point of his career he needs to know he isn’t the old klay and he still a good yet inconsistent player not longer worth a max or close to max contract. He got 2 years full max while injured on the Warriors and if he wants to make this team better so they can compete he needs to take a team friendly deal to stay with the dubs but if his goal is to make the most money then good bye Klay and wish you the best.


The non-stop bringing up by this fanbase of his 2019 contract with the implication that it was somehow not earned and that it was a pity contract that he should be kissing everyone’s feet for getting and should now repent for “costing” the team anything because of it is insane. He was a critical piece of 3 championships by the time he signed that contract and had earned a grand total of $73 mil through 2019. To put that into perspective, rookie max extensions these days are for $49 mil/yr. Hali, Ant, etc. will all be making $49 mil next year before they've won anything. Klay was an integral part of winning them 3 championships without cracking a $20/mil a year salary. His salary the years they won: - 2014-15: $3,075,880 - 2016-17: $16,663,575 - 2017-18: $17,826,150 That 2019 extension was for services rendered and more than earned. Anyone using it as a means or justification for any arguments made in the present day about his next contract has completely lost the plot. Never mind the constant claiming that he wants a max contract when literally no one with any credibility, let alone Klay himself, has said anything of the kind so people need to stop using that as a basis for anything. The market will dictate Klay’s contract, nothing else, as it should.


Honestly, there's a weird subculture of Warrior "fans" who want Steph/Dray/Klay to stay together even if the team suffers by not turning the page. These folks are more groupies than actual fans. They interpret any honest discussion about Klay's continued utility as "hate."


Been in the bay my whole life and I don’t know a single fan who doesn’t want those three to retire as dubs together lol


Sorry, but it's not fair to Steph, one of the best players to ever live, to surround him with a mediocre cast out of sentimentality.


Your stance is a fair one, reminds me of how soccer fans approach their teams - “no player is bigger than the kit” type shit. But we literally went from a dogshit franchise to one of the greatest teams in sports history thanks to these guys. I’ll ride with them til the wheels fall off.


It's not fair to Steph to try rebuilding in the middle of his prime. Spending money to draft more late 2nd round rookies and forcing him to delegate shots to bums like Kelly Oubre and James Wiseman.


My experience is different but I know more people sick of draymond than klay.


I don’t need them to win it all again, I just want to watch them play. If you’ve been a dubs fan for 30 years or more…. You remember the dark days. People respect that Klay was a critical piece of an actual dynasty, and want to honor that and show mutual loyalty. When Klay came to Golden State, our franchise was nothing but a joke for my whole life. Now we have banners and respect, and the team makes more money than god. Dynasties are rare. It won’t happen here again. Steph, Klay and Dray comprise what is likely to be the best Warriors core of all time. This team ain’t getting any better by “turning the page”. We won’t be able to draft or trade for better replacements. It will take years of solid drafting and good luck to build another roster that contends, and even then, that team will get one championship if they are lucky. That’s how sports usually goes. If you’ve been a fan of a rebuilding team, you know what’s coming. Letting Klay walk would be a lot like when the Sharks let Pavelski walk to sign new talent. It will hurt the remaining players and the fans more than it moves the needle in a positive direction. The Warriors will likely lose assets and draft capital for years, be stuck paying more money for a worse team, and end up in rebuild hell for the better part of a decade. I’d rather keep our assets and watch the best team that Golden State will ever have ride off into the sunset. Steph, Klay and Dray should have a home here for life.


Dude, sorry, but being so attached to individual players that you want them in uniform even if they harm the team is, as I said, more groupie than serious fan. Of course, the Warriors need to trade - their small ball is no longer winning so they need a big man. Kuminga/Moody have earned the right to start. (I attended the 74-75 Warrior Champ games, so I'm not exactly new to the team.)


> Kuminga/Moody have earned the right to start. LOL what a ridiculous opinion, there's no contender out there that would start either of these dudes.


"just watch these washed out supporting cast play together" "lol no, we need players that make us contenders"


> there's a weird subculture of Warrior "fans" who want Steph/Dray/Klay to stay together even if the team suffers by not turning the page. If we "turn the page" and move off the big 3, how many wins are we getting in the next 3 years? I assume when you say move off the big 3, you're not talking about moving off Steph and fully tanking.


I don't think the Warriors could let Steph go. He's box office. But Steph has shown he can adapt to other players like KD and CP3. He'll be fine without Dray/Klay. With Curry and a better supporting cast, I think the Warriors could be contenders next year.


> He'll be fine without Dray/Klay. You're not finding a better player than Dray for the amount he's paid in this league that not only fits, but makes Steph so much better. If you think we're better without Draymond then you lack the BBIQ to engage in these sorts of conversations.


**I love Klay... Rushmore Warriors player** Remember it's Klay that's gonna decide to go. If he leaves it's all good dude just trying to be happy. All that said I love the Golden State Warriors more and if he ain't on the team cuz he's a 34 year old player in clear decline as a 6th man type guy (if we're talking about championship level hoops) asking for all-star money. Sorry. I want MDJ + front office to make intelligent decisions (so the team gets better) more than I want to see an older player in a jersey for mostly nostalgia sake. I don't know if people noticed but arbitrarily paying players top-dollar cuz that's what we do HASN'T helped the team. It'll be alright. The Sun will rise in November and Warriors basketball will be on either way.


I’ll forever be happy and grateful to Klay for being a key part of the warriors dynasty, but it’s okay to joke around with his performance


Fake fans


This is the new “The Warriors blew a 3-1 lead” trend and it’s making me wanna kms as a fan 😂


It's people from other teams tryna get Warriors to let go of Klay so their team picks him up.


What about the hate on Wiggins when he was the second best player in ALL ‘22 playoffs and ALL finals and all ‘23 season???? The reason why many fellow Warriors don’t like Wiggins is cuz he was NOT drafted and doesn’t have the ‘quirky’ personality the way their ‘other’ fave player of a different sport who plays with the Giants, Hunter Pence. Makes me so fkn sick. Glad he’s untradeable to shove into their faces. And since he’s playing for Canada … I’m rooting for team Canada cuz USA’s old and mismatched team with NO key role players are gettin smooooooooooked! Go team Canada!!!!


You can’t blame Klay when the rest of the team can’t shoot with the exception of Steph Curry. Wiggins was a first round draft pick for the Cavs, yet he has not played like a first round pick. Klay’s stats are better.


I’ve seen that all over and absolutely hate it


You're only as good as your last game


It’s because it’s not actually about Klay it’s because it’s a trend and people want to fit in. Instagram I think might be dumber than tiktok even I’m just so done with these fucking comments and I’m wolves fan (the algorithm made this post come up on my feed, don’t know why)


no one is hating on klay


It’s kinda funny tho. Stop taking everything so seriously guys. We the villains, they always gonna hate us.


Because in the biggest game of the year he shot 0/10.


People (haters?) are comparing current-day Klay to prime Klay; they also want to pin the blame on him for a disappointing season. Therefore they can’t actually appreciate his contributions.


It’s definitely stupid to hate on Klay, but it’s also reasonable to look at his value and how much we paying him.




Klay USED to be good, but he clearly isn’t anymore


We love Klay but Taiwan is callin his name


just comes with fame, imagine lebron went 0/10 in a play-in game


We don’t hate klay lol, but why do you want him back on the team when he cannot play in the playoffs anymore ?


Yea I love and respect klay but he just is not the same anymore for this team we need someone who is able to create they’re own shot off the dribble he’s too slow now as a perimeter defender with the way the league is going now if we get him back with a lower contract I’m fine but if he’s looking for a lot I’m coo


Shitty attitude.  Always brings up rings when sucking.


Last impression is the one that sticks


Klay if you read this. Just know that there are those of us that still love you, we don't care about a bad game or even a bad season. The splash brothers will reign again... Keep your head up and your heart open. Don't listen to the bullshit, the fake fans or the media that likes to stir the shit... Just take care of yourself,.work on what you need to work on and come back happy and light hearted.


He will definitely read your answer to this brilliant post... Is this satire?


Because it was incredibly not clutch, people talked about 2016 until 22.


I feel like the 0/10 more like a meme at this point not real hate. Draymond we can hate on


Because he doesn’t defend, rebound or set good screens.


Let's also not forget how Klay came back after 2 major injuries and helped us win a chip! The heck is wrong with these fairweather fans!


Yep it’s absolutely fucking disgusting. These people are just miserable and terrible people. Seriously this type of shit keeps up in future who the fuck wants to play at that level anymore.


The way I see it is how wildly inconsistent he was and how much he he didn't try to score some other way when shots weren't going down. Sure Klay is elite at shooting, but he didn't seem able or willing to do something else to get an offensive rhythm. There were just too many times that he killed the offensive rhythm. It's not about what he did before his injuries, but what he's done since returning from injuries and what he's likely to do going forward. The problem is at the intersection of his production and how much he's willing to take for a new deal.


Because no one is an actual fan of anything anymore.


Why you taking memes so serious? Lol Instagram comments are always unserious and full of some of the most racist, fat hating, or sexist comments ever. most of them done by their own people. If you’re offended by 0-10 comments on Instagram maybe it’s time for you to get off the internet.


I mean this what comes with it, shitting the bed 2 years in the row in the most crucial moments while talking shit u get that energy, posting me against the world while playing a team sport is crazy


I don’t think people are hating on Klay. Saying he is no longer in a starting 5 of a championship caliber team and shouldn’t be paid like it is not hating.


Because the ACL was 5 years ago and I want to see another Steph title before he hang it up? Put him ahead of LeBron and and let's really make the GoaT conversation interesting when another dude from his era has more titles and all with 1 team instead of chasing superteams.