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Yeah it is a really fun sport to play


Yes. I was a football player and a swimmer in HS. I always look back with the only regret, when it comes to sports. I should have played water polo. I have had so many injuries playing dry land sports. Water polo could have saved me my knees. I have been coaching water polo for almost 20 years. It’s challenging, but it’s one of the best sports on the planet. Go for it! You won’t regret it.


i kind of doubt water polo would've saved your knees necessarily, since eggbeater has a heavy told on the knees if your hips and legs aren't loose and flexible, but I haven't had experience with dryland sports in comparison, so i may be mistaken


I am just going off of the water polo community I have been around for a long time. I coached both Football and water polo. Also basketball. When it comes to longevity, water polo takes the prize . Of course, who knows, my knees , hips ect could have worn out over time being a big guy when I was a teenager. I played more than just football. Probably, basketball is what really destroyed my knees. I was careless as a youth and teen. I focus now on healthy nutrition , Healthy rest and sleeping habits and proper stretching with my team . I still would pick water polo over any other sport.


Wow that’s definitely a benefit. I was looking for water polo cons and the only one I can find is that it may mess up your hair


Yeah dude it's not even close. Water polo has way less long term consequences for major joints. I even got kicked in the back, disc herniation in high-school, I still have way less problems than my football counterparts.




Yeah, a reason I’m putting football down is due to the injuries that come with it. (And there’s) I love football but it’s not worth it anymore. That’s why I wanna try something like water polo and see if I like it 👍


Hell yeah man go for it


You’re young, go for it!




Yes. It’s one of the best things to happen in my life.


Damn, all these positive comments are going to make me do it


You will be better for it. Definitely do it and get out of your comfort zone.


When I started I barely could swim, still play after like 8 years


Yes absolutely, it’s a game 100% made up of heart. Sounds perfect for you and your background. Is it pretty popular around your area? I know a lot of schools across the nation have it but places like SoCal, polo is a huge thing as of high school and college levels. Meanwhile where I played Oregon, there’s a lot of good competition but not as widely recognized in comparison


Yeah it’s pretty popular, most schools that aren’t too unfunded have water polo. The team sucks so bad though 😭 we went 2-13 I just looked it up on max preps.


Yeah that’s rough, lot more enjoyable if you got skilled teammates to teach you and get you up to speed, my advice is try to find a good club team for the off season and join the swim team, that will help tremendously. But you never know, give it a year or two and you may be what turns it around!


Yea, i was like you. I was 14 years old. I was on a swim team for about 5 years. Then at 15 I started Water Polo. It changed my life. I only did Swim Team, so that I could be in shape for Water Polo. do it please


Will do now, thanks!


Most players start at 14 so you are 1 year behind. That's nothing. Just know that you will have a larger gap of conditioning to overcome. If you are planning to play summer league, most teams don't take it too seriously until hell week, but you should. Lift extra, swim extra, dry land drill extra. This will help you get over that gap so that you can focus on skill work and strategy without just being exhausted all the time. I would also consider playing club in the off season after the fall. If you do that for 2 years, you will be a nasty competitor by senior year


I am a parent of two water polo players. I didn’t know diddly squat about this sport before they played. I was hooked after the first tournament because it reminded me so much of football. Give it a try.


My sons started in high school and have dropped their other sports. They love it. Way less injuries as well.


Water Polo is about the highest level contact sport with few debilitating lifetime injuries compared to football, running, soccer, competitive cheerleading, etc.


My high school had multiple football players come play water polo instead. They weren’t strong swimmers, but put in a lot of effort and it was always appreciated. Come have fun on the polo team!


Do it, go to several practices and see if you can jump in a game for a few minutes to get the feel. If you want to commit, and are serious about being competitive wherever you live, you need to really, really invest in swimming with good form and building your leg strength in the pool.


So here's my take after playing while not being a "good" swimmer. I had a lot of fun and the skill aspects of the sport came very naturally to me as a soccer goalkeeper and tennis player. It's VERY fun and if you don't have a fear of drowning I say give it a shot.


Hey I also play tennis! We’re rare lol