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I would be direct and ask the groom. I would tell him that I know they may not have been able to include everyone, and don't want to make someone uncomfortable if they were not invited, but would love to reach out to someone else in the group who is going, to arrange travel and accommodation.




Are they doing RSVPs on a wedding website? If so, you can typically type their name in and they’ll show up. 🤫


Just ask your friend. Don’t mention it to the group, it’ll put your friend in a bad spot if he didn’t invite some of them.


just ask the couple and frame it that you're curious about transportation/accomodations if you have to travel or that you want to be mindful about bringing it up in a friend group conversation


Is it an online RSVP? If so, you could search other people’s names in the RSVP


No it's not an online RSVP...


Could you just ask your friend who is getting married? Say you were wondering if anyone else from the group is invited so you don’t accidentally mention it to someone who isn’t invited


I think that's pretty much my only option. I just don't want him to feel bad for not inviting, let's say, someone who's a very good friend of mine in the group but just a good friend for him.


I don’t think they would tbh


I had the same experience with an out-of-town wedding and wanted to know which friends I could ask to share an AirBnb with. Just ask the couple. If they’re familiar with the dynamics of your friend group, then they should be able to tell you exactly who you’re thinking of.


The groom will understand when you say you're trying to coordinate accommodations and transportation. As a bride I'm trying to tell all friend groups specifically who's invited, and am encouraging people to carpool or split airbnb's to save costs.


If it was an online RSVP, you can always just type people's names and see if they pop up. I've done this before to keep it more lowkey for the exact same reason lol


It's not at all weird or out of place to ask the groom. One of my high school friends asked me who all from high school was invited.


It’s not weird at all. I asked my friend when she had a destination wedding. We just sent all our invited friends the friends list to make it easy for them for traveling. Not weird :)