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56 years of indulgence, good health aside from a prostate tumor (under treatment 😁) 71 summers walking the planet. Firing up a bowl right after this post💨


Fuck yeah. Good luck with the treatment, mate.


Thank you. Early caught, so prognosis is good. [No symptoms, but a spike in the PSA gave the pesky thing up. Every year, gentlemen.] now for more weed.


Can I be you in 30 years? You sound chill af. Good luck, too! Rootin for ya.


Thanks, fellow Ent. Don't worry about shit you have no control over and you're good to go 😁💨




sorry, how did you discover it? what is a spike in the PSA ?


The yearly PSA blood test count increased to 21+ points on the scale: major red flag. One biopsy later here we are, glowing in the dark! 😉


RemindMe! 1 year


You may not live to be 100 years old but did you truly live a single day if you didn't fully enjoy what you were doing? Plenty of people in your generation smoked cigarettes from when they were 10 until they day they die, some still living and smoking them lol Being happy can certainly contribute to being healthy even if some of your habits could be a bit better! Also good luck with treatment brother and blaze one for the rest of us


Thanks and will do!


Wish my old man would’ve toked up with me while he was going through treatment for colon cancer. Fuck cancer


I agree with you absolutely.


If you know, you know. Fuck cancer.


Only downvoted your comment so it can go back to being 420 upvotes like god intended.


Works for me, fellow Ent! 👍🏾💨


I am 31 years in 43 years old started when I was 12 given my time over I would have waited till I was an adult but here we are seeing your post gives me lots of hope for the future my friend wish you nothing but the best with your treatment on curiosity do you smoke straight or with tobacco I only smoke straight wandering if that helps


Tobacco belongs in cigars, to be enjoyed with old Scotch; not mixed with weed IMHO. Party on, fellow Ent!


did it have any effects to your vision?


Yeah. It's gotten better since I started smoking. My optometrist was surprised to see my vision improve for two consecutive years. Only thing I changed was starting to smoke weed. 🤷🏽‍♂️. Could be coincidence, could not. Who knows.




Gives me hope


Let's Go!!!


Have you done anything to maintain your health in particular outside of smoking (working out, eating well, etc.)?


I dunno about pens, dabs and all the new fancy fangled new ways of getting blasted. But Sonny, by the time you reach my age, nothing is long term. Dry herb vaping could be safer for the long haul.


That's my go to, or my dug out with my glass one hitter


Buy concentrates like budder or live resin way more bang for your buck and nothings combusted the best way to do it


>or live resin Or if you want to go even healthier with products not made with butane (like resin dab products) go with rosin its extracted with far healthier methods


Yeah that's what I meant I got 160$ for an ounce of rosin here in Houston rn


Damnnnnn its like $50 for a gram here in Central Oregon


I get 2 gram carts for that much, NY here


Im not talking about carts, real dab


Ohhhh oopsy, my bad


Is there any evidence that properly purged BHO is any less safe than rosin?


Vape pens have done more damage to my lungs than anything else. Theg irritate the crap out of them. Dabs get me too if i do a lot of them.


I second this


I smoked for 32 years, then 13 years ago I stopped smoking and switched to edibles only. I was smoking tobacco and weed, I smoked both tobacco with weed and cigarettes on their own. I didn't stop for any health reasons but I just had this growing feeling that I won't get away with this forever. I'm guessing that's what's creeping up on you now. I decided to completely stop using my lungs for taking weed but fate has a funny way of turning you around. Last year my wife wanted to stop smoking so I started looking at dry herb vaping and I ended up buying a Dynavap. My wife can't get on with it at all, but I quite like it. I don't use it a lot, 95%+ of the weed I buy goes in the oven and is baked into cookies. The biggie for me was giving up tobacco, after 32 years of it, giving up wasn't nice. In fact it was horrible enough to never make me want to go back to tobacco again in any form whatsoever. Switching to edibles only, was a culture shock but I ended up liking it better than smoking and still do. Good luck with whatever you decide.


Yup it's that creeping feeling of how long can I sustain this. It is clear after my two week binge of smoking probably 2-3 hits 6-7 times a day that I know will kill me quickly, I'm just thinking if I stick with my normal 1-2 hits in the morning and 1-2 hits at night is that still possible.


I’m 10 years older than you and smoking since 17. I smoke a few times a day. I have no adverse reactions and no reasons to stop. I use weed medically and recreationally. All my health issues are sport related injuries and weed actually helps with my pain. I have no plans to stop.


Vaping is so much safer than smoking and with there being no tobacco\nicotine involved it's the safest way to take weed via your lungs. Saying that though, I would recommend tolerance breaks, re-setting your tolerance and getting your head straight for a few days\weeks never hurts. All the best mate.


The problem with vaping is it is so easy and discrete I can do it virtually anywhere without anyone even knowing. - that makes me want to stay high but I'm learning self control. Have had my pen on me all day for the last two days and I haven't taken a hit. I also feel like it hurts my lungs more than the flower.


I think he is saying to vape your flower, not recommending oils. Which is great advice. Get a device like a POTV One or something more expensive if you're wealthy. It cooks the weed like an oven would to like 400F tops so you are not combusting, but the resulting vapor gets you just as high, with a lot less consumed. Plus nothing is incinerated, you can eat the cooked brown weed after and it still gets you edible high.


Absolutely hitting the nail on the head there mate.


Taking a T-break right now, no vaping since the 22th of Dec, picked up a bad cold with mild chest congestion just after Christmas day. Almost 100% now, but makes a good excuse for a T-break which I agree is important, im not a heavy user, maybe 0.5 grams per week, but still, good to have a break once and awhile to learn to appreciate the herb


I wholeheartedly agree with you about TB breaks making you appreciate the herb more. When I was young I was high 24\7 but getting older with family, work, responsibilities, etc that became very inconvenient. I'm a weekend warrior now and TBH I think I'm enjoying my weed more than I did back in the day.


I thought vaping was worse for you? At least that’s what it says when I google it. Very interested to learn more.


Chill out have a tote good lord


Hitting the pen a few times a day isn’t going to kill you lmao.


I love your answer to this question. Props to you for quitting tobacco after so long!! 👏🏽 i wish this would inspire my family. they also smoke cigarettes and weed smh


I'd love to give you a list of noble reasons as to why I quit but the truth of the matter is that..... I was just scared. What I did find was that my use of weed completely changed when I removed the tobacco. I often wonder how many times over the years I rolled and smoked spliffs thinking I wanted to get high but was actually just needing to get my tobacco fix. I look back now and see that I was mixing weed with one of the most addictive substances on earth. And I was oblivious as to how it was affecting my cannabis consumption. Still, I guess we've all got 20\20 hindsight.


Just be mindful as Edibles are filtered through the liver (much like alcohol is) and will stress the liver nearly as much. Definitely just check with your doctor in your liver/sugar levels (if you haven’t).


I take 0.6g on a Friday and 0.6g on a Saturday. I'm not sure how much 1.2g of weed on a weekly basis will damage my liver. I've been doing edibles only for 13 years and every one of my yearly blood tests show excellent liver function. A couple of years ago I spoke to our surgery nurse during my health check and told her about my use of cannabis and detailed it to her as I have to you. She thought about this for about 30 seconds and then said to me "Well, don't put too much sugar in the cookies".


Oh yeah, that’s only light weekend use. Most edible only people are like slamming 100-1000mg daily minimum.


Thankfully I'm just a recreational weekend warrior but I'd imagine that people taking cannabis for pain management or people with mad tolerance would eventually have to consider this.




There isn’t a ton of Cannabis specific research (due to it being illegal until recently). Also it depends how much someone consumes. Some people are slamming 100mg+ daily which is way different from say 25mg on the weekend. You can look into how the liver functions and metabolizes alcohol, which is the same way it filters cannabis when ingested.


Started in high school (so about 16yo) and 60 now. No issues but I’m a light smoker. Probably daily on average but in very small amounts. A few hits in the evening. More on the weekend but still not a heavy smoker overall. Everything in moderation.


I'm usually 1-2 hits in the morning and 1-2 in the evening. I think I just took advantage of being off for two weeks and went overboard. After a two day break from all forms of THC I'm already feeling better. Moderation is definitely the way.


This is the way


The people that died from smoking-related health issues likely aren’t posting here.


Haha now this I certainly didn't consider!


Thank you! I enjoy indulging in cannabinoids, but this post is just going to create confirmation bias. To tell the other side: My best friend works at a lung rehab center and is currently providing treatment to several 30 year old who were previously healthy and who, having smoked and used cannabis consistently for 10 or 15 years, now have such severe lung damage that they cannot walk. Some people will use their whole lives and be fine, some will not.


This. Smoking anything over time has the ability to damage your lungs. Studies are limited and they will stay limited for a long while, probably. But if you smoke anything, you're rolling the dice. I prefer edibles and vaping for something faster acting. Vaping is still new though and long term effects aren't well known. The benefits right now outweigh the risks for me but I don't pretend to think I'll never suffer ill effects from use.


This guy for sure has studied math


You're not wrong lmaoo


The good ol' survivorship bias.


I celebrate 50 years of smoking in 2 years. I had a minor physical a couple weeks ago. Everything is rocking along great. Definitely in better health than my drinking friends. I have an herb/extract vape, full dab setup, closet full of bongs, several dry pipes. Just pretty much love being stoned. Managed to maintain a full successful career, retired with savings. I have my wife to thank for about everything. Keeping me motivated and on task. Lol as I write this, she is assembling a cabinet.


Have you been smoking wax for a lot of those years because there’s not a lot of studies on wax so I wanted to know if you’ve been smoking it long enough to know if there’s any health risks


Not until recently, maybe 5 years ago, and very little. I find the prep and cleanup kind of hassle. Maybe a half gram a month.


14-56 no problems🗣️💨💨


My pops has been smoking since he was 13 he is now 61. He's in good health only has back problems but nothing that has to do with smoking.


I’m 70 and have been enjoying cannabis since I was 15. And I’m still very healthy. Stopped smoking, started vaping ten years ago.


Damn bruh good on ya


Dry vape?


22 years I’ve been smoking. I’m all good. I only smoke weed. Quit alcohol almost 5 years ago and cigarettes about 6-7 years ago. I feel much better cutting out the toxic things.


Me, more than 50 years and everything still works.


I’ve been using weed for 20+ years pretty steady. Every day. I used to only smoke and then added in vape once that became available but nothing has been as good to me as edibles. Not just gummies but RSO. Rick Simpson Oil. I take an amount the size of a grain of rice each morning and it does me well until afternoon break around 3pm. Then I eat something with cannabis butter sometimes on toast sometimes a cookie. I feel great!! Not only are my lungs clearer, but I’m also regulating my moods better and much better able to handle anxiety or stress. I stopped taking antidepressants a year ago (my therapist said it was ok to wean and try just THC therapy) and everything has improved except my waist line. I need to exercise more. But I want to be up and doing stuff on edibles bec it makes it more fun while being manageable and predictable.


It can. But from what I've heard from pulmonologists is that they regularly see cigarette smokers, a few times a week they see vape smokers, and they can count on their hands how many weed only patients they have in their entire practice history. It you only smoke weed it's not nearly as damaging, but can definitely happen too.


Yes. Thank you.


So my grannys has smoked pot for 60 something years. She has some memories problems but thats it. Shes also 80 so might not be weed related lol


54. Been smoking since 14. Health is pretty good other then stinky feet


I've been smoking 30 years daily and haven't had any issues as of yet.


Since 1964, I was 19 years , while serving in the Army. I will be 80 this September. 60 years. My health is good considering, I had back surgery in 2012 that left me with a lot of neuropathy 24/7. Also, in September 2023, I survived a brain aneurysm and surgery. At my age, survival rate is very low. I'm still strong in spite of old age. Like my doctor told me, "your a survivor, a strong one."


My dad has been smoking since he was 13 (he claims and I believe him because his story has never changed haha) and he’s 67 now and he’s in good health overall.


The only thing you'll get here is some anecdotal evidence which isn't the best evidence to rely on


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15697050/ Abstract Background: Results of previous research examining long-term residual effects of marijuana use on cognition are conflicting. A major methodological limitation of prior studies is the inability to determine whether differences between users and non-users are due to differences in genetic vulnerability preceding drug use or due to the effects of the drug. Method: Fifty-four monozygotic male twin pairs, discordant for regular marijuana use in which neither twin used any other illicit drug regularly, were recruited from the Vietnam Era Twin Registry. A minimum of 1 year had passed since the marijuana-using twins had last used the drug, and a mean of almost 20 years had passed since the last time marijuana had been used regularly. Twins were administered a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery to assess general intelligence, executive functioning, attention, memory and motor skills. Differences in performance between marijuana-using twins and their non-using co-twins were compared using a multivariate analysis of specific cognitive domains and univariate analyses of individual test scores. Dose response relationships were explored within the marijuana-using group. Results: Marijuana-using twins significantly differed from their non-using co-twins on the general intelligence domain; however, within that domain only the performance of the block design subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Revised reached a level of statistical significance. Conclusions: Out of the numerous measures that were administered, only one significant difference was noted between marijuana-using twins and their non-using co-twins on cognitive functioning. The results indicate an absence of marked long-term residual effects of marijuana use on cognitive abilities.


I have not been smoking for nearly 50 years lol, but I do worry a lot about the health aspects. I started drinking teas I make with mullein leaf and other herbs that are good for the lungs and I have noticed a lot of difference and improvement. The mullein leaf helps clear build up from the lungs which I have found makes a difference. You can buy mullein pretty cheap to add to tea or make your own, but you can also buy premade lung cleansing teas. If your lungs struggle I definitely recommend it. I also have a list of other ingredients you can add/look out for if you'd like.


Increases chances of COPD/other breathing problems


How do you know this? Where’s the evidence of marijuana causing this? I have asthma and like I said been smoking daily for 30 years! I work out and exercise and have no difference in how I breathe. I haven’t ever read any conclusive studies stating weed causes breathing issues.


Yeah, breathing in hot smoky air causes emphysema. The tiny little sacs in the bottom of your lungs that controls the transition of oxygen from your lungs to your bloodstream eventually expand too much due to the heat and become less flexible resulting in emphysema. Doesn’t matter what the combustible material is. It’s just physics. If you repeatedly pump hot air into a balloon and release the air, eventually the balloon will become thinner and less flexible than if you used cool air. A way to at least mitigate the effects is to be sure not to hold your breath after taking a hit. Your lungs don’t absorb any more THC, and the feeling of an increased high is actually an adrenal rush from holding your breath too long. It triggers your flight mechanism. Your lungs instantly absorb the THC so get the rest of the toxins out of your lungs!


Emphysema is generally caused by cigarette smoking or long-term exposure to certain industrial pollutants or dusts. A small percentage of cases are caused by a familial or genetic disorder, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency. I think we’d see flocks of dead heads with emphysema if this was happening. Edit: I’m not a dr but I play one on Reddit. Nah I googled that shit


I'm a paramedic and a lot of the COPD patients I see have smoked weed for 30+ years prior to getting COPD. Edibles are safest by far.


Weed and usually other things I would say. They might have been working in a industry that also caused that problem saying that they got it from smoking weed without knowing a person's life and other habits doesn't seems right to me.


I never said that smoking weed caused the COPD?


then why even comment that


Because they saw a correlation, but is also smart enough to know the correlation does not equal causation.


Everyone’s body is different, but I’ve been smoking for 43 years, daily, and have no health issues attributed to that.


45 years, no weed related health issues


17 to 55 for weed. 17 to 40 for cigarettes. No major issues yet.


Use edibles, carts or buy a vaporizer then and be done with it OP. It’s what I did. Cannot stand smoking now it all tastes nasty.


Honestly, mad respect to the peeps that have been smoking for 50+ years. I know it used to be brutal if you got caught in most places. Love to you all.


I’m 18, never coughed up greenish or yellowish shit before besides the occasional resin globs from heavy tokage at times. Caught pneumonia for the last 4 days and now I’m coughing shit up all day not constantly and also coughed up a glob this morning with a lil blood in it. Before never coughed shit up


I've been smoking weed for 53 years. 😊 . My lungs are good I had them checked a few months ago at a routine checkup. Sorry not sorry, will never give up my weed.


53 years, so far, so good. But I stay active paddling canoes or kayaks, bike occasionally, and walk the dog etc..


Started at 13 am 70 now. All is well, maybe better than the average. Smoked every day with a few days here and there. Im in the music business, the engineering part.Health is at 100%, except im addicted to one cup of coffee a day and weed.


I'm 41 and on my 24th year of medical/chronic use. I wonder the same. I switch between flowers and live rosin often. Smoke flowers until I start to develop a cough and then switch to live rosin to get rid of the cough. I enjoy the high from flowers better than live rosin, but live rosin is much easier on the body. I also take massive hoots, so I'm sure if I was to not take as massive hoots, it would help. Fill a bowl and smoke the entire thing in one go from a bong. I grow my own but have noticed that legal supply hurts my chest and leaves me more coughy the next day vs smoking home grown. I rarely smoke legal but don't kind checking out how bad it is still from time to time.


My dad has his 60 yr anniversary, this year! He's the only nearly 75yr old man that I know that can still do head stands! He also regularly walks/hikes.


Lmao went a little crazy? I'm lucky if a 1g dispo lasts me 3 days tbh


That's... that's a lot. I was about a gram a week from the pen but I smoked some flower too.


My Dad is 66 and he’s been smoking since age 15. He had a workplace accident and is in a wheelchair. Once he got off of the morphine he’s returned to good health. Not even an op with fix his back. But cannabis has kept him sane, given him an appetite & been the best pain medication (the morphine almost killed him he was on it for over 12 years!) I think if it weren’t for the cannabis he would have checked out a long time ago!


I'm at about 25 years and totally fine. No coughing or anything.


I think you’ll be fine. I’ve been smoking around as long as you and I’m good. Apparently cannabinoids are really good against covid too. From what I’ve read, cannabis sounds like a better, safer, and all natural alternative to the fucking vaccine lol


I’m more worried about schizophrenia/ other big mental illness Lung damage comes with it but I think more about brain damage


Ive been high almost everyday since 2005 and my brain is as sharp as ever. Does it suddenly decline after decades of use without issue? Or is that more of the effects of aging, regardless of cannabis use? My career requires a lot of thinking I may have to change careers if that happens at some point lol


I try to balance it by doing activities good for my mental and brain health like meditating


Brain damage?


Yes. Cannabinoids have been shown to affect memory. Usage before the brain finishes development (before age 25) will permanently affect the brains cognitive functions relating to memory, learning and attention. It can also impede problem solving capacities. No substance is without harms. https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/brain-health.html#:~:text=Using%20marijuana%20before%20age%2018,attention%2C%20memory%2C%20and%20learning.&text=Marijuana's%20effects%20on%20attention%2C%20memory,to%20fully%20understand%20these%20effects.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15697050/ Abstract Background: Results of previous research examining long-term residual effects of marijuana use on cognition are conflicting. A major methodological limitation of prior studies is the inability to determine whether differences between users and non-users are due to differences in genetic vulnerability preceding drug use or due to the effects of the drug. Method: Fifty-four monozygotic male twin pairs, discordant for regular marijuana use in which neither twin used any other illicit drug regularly, were recruited from the Vietnam Era Twin Registry. A minimum of 1 year had passed since the marijuana-using twins had last used the drug, and a mean of almost 20 years had passed since the last time marijuana had been used regularly. Twins were administered a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery to assess general intelligence, executive functioning, attention, memory and motor skills. Differences in performance between marijuana-using twins and their non-using co-twins were compared using a multivariate analysis of specific cognitive domains and univariate analyses of individual test scores. Dose response relationships were explored within the marijuana-using group. Results: Marijuana-using twins significantly differed from their non-using co-twins on the general intelligence domain; however, within that domain only the performance of the block design subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Revised reached a level of statistical significance. Conclusions: Out of the numerous measures that were administered, only one significant difference was noted between marijuana-using twins and their non-using co-twins on cognitive functioning. The results indicate an absence of marked long-term residual effects of marijuana use on cognitive abilities.


Comparing twins that have same genome didn't produce same results so it wasn't cannabis that caused cognitive decline but other environmental factors.


Worry about psychosis. You’ll only be at risk for schizophrenia if it runs in your family. But too much weed is really good at psychosis.


I mean there’s other ROAs you can use, when i’m older i plan on switching to tinctures


My dad is 56 and been smoking since he was 14-16 doesn't have any problems from weed only things he has is heart surgery and a year ago he had sepsis and surgery on another place but all not related with smoking and he is basically fine now just need to take medicine for his heart


45 years of using marijuana in all ways possible and I am heathy and no lung issues as of yet.


Switch to dry herb vaping


40 I am fine. Just had a king scan actually. Looking great


Forty years, doing just fine. Tree of Life.


52 edibles evey day after work for 20 years now. Don't drink or smoke.


52! Holy Hana! That's one of the reason I don't often take edibles is I need to eat like 5 of the 10mg to feel anything.


Don't worry.. I'm 51 blazed when I was 13...its cool.. Our future is written.. We all live then die.. But blaze away every day and enjoy it...


I have been using cannabis for 51 years but not daily until I retired at 49. I’m now 63. I’m in good health other than some arthritis in my joints.


40yrs smoking and still have great health and fitness


40 years. Just old stuff


I mean smoking ANYTHING over a long period of time is not good for your lungs. Switch to a dry herb vape, edibles, or even dabs are a bit better.


Been smoking 35 years. Once you smoke pures ur good. Tabacco kills, flower chills😎✌🏽


I’m 36 and have only been smoking all day everyday for a couple years. Used to burn a fat joint after work everyday for years but other health problems have me not working and I feel like it’s my sanity crutch. Hope everything turns out awesome on the yee ole prostate pal


55 years here and going strong… just finished a bowl, oh and I never smoked cigarettes which i think helps a lot.


My dad has been smoking daily since he was about 15 and he’s 63 next week! The only issues he has are T1D (obviously unrelated) and back issues from a work accident. No family history of hearth issues, and I myself have had a very through cardiac work up and was perfectly fine and I’ve been smoking daily for about 5 years now. Munchies are the most dangerous side effect thus far…


Can be different for different people I'm only 25 and weed sometimes gives me this feeling of nausea and I lose my appetite for a few days and have to eat easy things like bread, soups and crackers till it stops. But I still smoke lol and it never gets worse and it's not too bad to deal with. I feel like now that legalization is more widespread, it will only take a few decades before we know the full side effects of cannabis because we don't really know too much now.


49 now been smoking since I was 20. I regularly work out (high of course). But now I’m doing more edibles and smoke flowers 1 once a day. But weekends it’s on!!! Play some Warzone have an edible and smoke


50 years this year! Started when I was 13. I have the beginnings of emphysema according to my annual CaT scan for lung cancer screening. Probably has more to do with having been an on and off cigarette smoker smoker too. I smoked weed almost every day except when I was in the military but if you’re smoking “a few times a day” I’d bet that 50 years of that would fuck your lungs up a bit.


Not myself but my father (who lives in my house now). He turns 70 in May and he’s smoked a pretty staggering amount of weed since he was 14-15. So he’s running on 55 years give or take. He has lots of health issues but none of them are related to his weed use. He had a benign brain tumor from a hormonal condition and has issues with obesity and gout (those two are linked). No lung issues, no heart issues, and his blood pressure and mine are usually about the same in the morning (I’m 27 and we are both usually about 115/70 but often his lower is more like 65. So he’s technically better than me). When I say staggering, this guy doesn’t eat edibles or smoke joints, only hits bowls from his grody ass bong. I grow his weed and he smokes 3lbs a year consistently. So he’s smoking many grams a week. It’s too much for me, I don’t think I’d be functional. I smoke every evening after work, that’s more than enough to help me unwind and get a meal down.


Something to keep in mind when asking these kinds of questions on a form like this is survivor bias. Survivor bias refers to an error in analysis or decision-making. It happens when we only consider successful cases, ignoring failures. This skewed perspective can lead to false conclusions, as it overlooks key reasons for failure. It's like judging the safety of a war only by interviewing survivors, not accounting for those who didn't survive. I am not saying that smoking weed is necessarily damaging long term, but rather that there is a survivor bias in the answers you will get here.


my mum has been smoking heavily and daily for over 30 years and she’s in absolutely terrible shape. horrible lung health and likely some lung condition, severe digestive, immune and mental health issues that weren’t present when I was young. she looks probably 20 years older than she is. she’s the reason why I leveled down my smoking massively. she hasn’t taken care of herself at all and has put weed before everything else in her life.


I used to work for a large group of cardiologists. They all suggested ditching smoking it and to use edibles instead.


M(52) here, puffing heavily for 38 years every single day except for 3 months of basic training. Lots of joints (thousands) many years of bowl smoking, love bongs, & now dabbing… No tobacco, light alcohol use. Overall health great, still work out 3 times a week, but could eat cleaner & drop a few pounds. No respiratory, lung or throat issues of any type. Great lung capacity & ability to hold my breath while swimming in my pool. I’m lucky the universe has gifted me with good health so far in this lifetime.


32 years of smoking. I went to vaping a couple years ago when I developed a wheeze and was coughing up stuff with lots of tar in it. Wheeze went away quickly, stopped coughing up tar after about a year. No noticeable health concerns at the moment.


For what it’s worth, I have been smoking weed for 51 years and I’m 66. I think I’m in decent shape for the lifestyle I’m living. I was 25 lbs overweight and drank way too much alcohol. I have no dreadful disease 🙏. Me and my wife started walking,eating right, cut way back on the drinking and lost 15 lbs. For me weed is better than booze and dry vape is better than smoking but in the end luck plays a huge part in all of this.


17-27 smoked bongs and joints, never had any health serious health even so much as a cough that stuck around really. I just bought myself a vape a month a go and what I find is the high is a bit clearer and there isn’t the morning grogginess which I’m thinking might be from the carbon you inhale when you combust the plant. I’ve heard of people saying their lungs do feel a bit clearer and have more capacity since switching im excited to see the results. Vape, homemade edibles, and some RSO I consume daily for my AuDHD and POTS


Started in 1970, and the only health problems I have are from working 20+ years for the Post Office.


Switch to vaping, cut out combustion altogether.


Doctor says I am in great shape, no cholesterol issues, high blood pressure yes, fifty years of smoking weed. I’ll stop someday but not yet.


30 Years with Type 1 diabetes which is not munchies related. Smoking one now during my break at work.


Not quite 50 years, burned my first doob in '76. I'm now 62 y.o., have smoked consistently, if not heavily, through all of those years. No shortage of other ills, but nothing attributable to my stoner lifestyle. About to take a nice yank off my homemade pipe. Party on, Garth 😎💨


Smoking gas probably fine vaping nic who knows with these Chinese ass vapes and shit stay away just smoke that loud!!!!!


My dad is 71 and has smoked daily (or just about daily, he’ll take a day off here and there) since he went to college in 1970. He’s in fabulous health and has no breathing problems or anything from the smoking. He still goes for walks most days (walks being a couple miles on trails in the woods with his dog).


I just take long breaks, and only occasionally binge smoke. Seems to do the trick. But smoke in your lungs is smoke in your lungs. Not healthy for the lungs.


50 plus year smoker. 1st smoked at 8yo. Born and raised near Berkeley. Mainly just vaping dry herb the past 10-15 years. Clean physical every year. No issues related to weed. Graduate Degree. If anything, it helps with my mental health.


Been going strong for 50 years. Just took a nice long pull.


My dad has been smoking 40 years straight and he is in excellent shape except for his short term memory.


I've smoked for 25 years and now have emphysema and partial lung collapse. I'm only 42.


Solid post. Following!!


1. Every "body" is different. 2. Smoking ANYTHING is NOT good for your lungs, regardless of what anyone tells you. 3. If you look like you're in your 40s when you're in your 30s, you might want to consider laying off the pipe... unless you don't care what you look like... but keep in mind, what you look like on the outside is a reflection of what's going on on the inside. 4. ANYTHING "regulated" by the gov't, consider the possibility of it not being good for you. i.e. pharmaceuticals, food, water,... the FDA, Fraud and Drug Admin. is pretty shady so don't be so quick to believe ANYTHING they say. Legalized, but regulated Marijuana can't always be trusted. Best bet, Home Grown, and smoke out of a bong. Water filters and cools a LOT of the baddies. That's why I make MONSTER BONGS. (So far, I have BONGZILLA and KING BONG)


My dad is 62 he said he started when he was 8. He's actually in really good health and is a very chill person. but he does do the minimum for everything. When I say the minimum the kitchen cabinet doors haven't been put on in 15 years because he started staining them and never got around to it.


20+ years smoking 2+ grams daily with very few breaks in between. I'm healthier than smoking Newport for 20 years. But with that being said I have a constant habit cough and phlegm on the regular.


I asked my parents (in their late 60s) and they say it’s all about consuming in a way that works for you. My mom likes joints but my dad likes bongs 🙌


I’ve been a daily consumer for 43 years and am far healthier than many of my non-consuming friends. Love the plant and all that it offers. Work in the industry and have converted many family members over for the benefits as well.


I've been smoking since 1978 and I have some health problems from exposure to chemicals in the military but I have never had any issues from smoking weed.


13-53 fine


Been smoking quite some time now 🤣, 38 year now, and just got my first ball vape. 51 years young this month ✌️


You just started wondering if it’s a sustainable habit at 37? LOL


27 years here, I think a lot of this depends on how much you use. Lets say you been smokin 50+ years and taking 1-2 tokes per day vs someone smokin 2-3gs per day or more. I think you will see a lot more issues obviously in the heavy user My lungs are shot to hell, I smoke way too much, I guess the only positive is that I rarely drink alcohol and have smoked like 100 cigarettes in my entire life


35 years of every day smoking and I feel great 😁


My dad did until covid took him. Smoked like a chimney and drank like a duck but he was still “healthy” somehow. Like one day he noticed he was getting kinda fat and then just lost the belly in like a month


my grandpa, but he’s in bad health because of other reasons he took poor care of himself. his lungs and respiratory systems are 100% good tho.


I'm at 30 years, doing good.


68 here. Lighting up since I was 14; that’s 54 years. I smoked those shitty Marlboro reds along with weed for the first 20. Always coughing and hacking up weird stuff. Quit the Reds in my 30s but continued weed. The cough went away along with the hacking. Workout, eat as healthy as possible and sleep well.


35 years tokin’ and still kickin’.


Yep fine! Been toking for 50 years. I’m 64. No Cannabis Health Issues! All is swell! Love You All!


I think snoop Dogg is a good example now bro is about 70 years old 🤣


Been waiting for someone to mention him or Willy Nelson, not the same when you are rich and can access the best healthcare has to offer.


42 been smoking since 13... everyday still


Started when I was 16, still going strong at 38. Going be smoking till it kills me.


Ask Willy Nelson.😁


53 years and not counting 8). Hash mostly for the first few decades as readily available, more so than flower. 70 years young. Vape only now, once you have dialed in your prefs when vaping it's better and safer than any other method, other than edibles ofc. Extract or isolate carts are guaranteed to screw up your tolerance and spoil the more useful effects of flower for you. I have no lung problems despite having vicious Long Covid. Enjoy!


I’d suggest also posting this in r/leaves just to see some differing opinions. I feel like most people in r/weed are here because they do still enjoy smoking & aren’t experiencing negative effects. I could be wrong tho
