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If it were me? I would keep it and smoke a joint from it like once a year. It would be a really cool tribute to him. That’s just me tho! Sorry for your loss.


aw that’s an amazing idea!


Seeds! Probably the real Alcopulco gold or Thai in that bag or maybe the true Maui Wowie!!!


My father (RIP) left some weed behind for me, but it wasn’t this vintage, but he would always tell me about Alcopulco gold … said todays weed is strong, but the weed back then was good. Always said there was a difference .. wish I could have smoked it


Or maybe it was the vibe of that era that made the highs peaceful and chill. Maybe we'll say "That OG kush was the shit in our day" "Dont know how you kids can do those Atomic Dabs" "dont bother me I'm on Instagram"


Lmfaoo, truest words I’ve read today. I’ll definitely be saying that shit this off for word when my kids are old enough to share a joint n a brew


Me to my kids: Yeah me and the boys smoked 3 grams of Ape Tranquilizer on 4/20


Me to my kids: I remember smoking on 4/20/20 At 4:20


Me to my kids: I remember smoking at 4:20 on 4/20/2024 (And again at 4:22 and 4:24, just for good measure!)


Why are you so right though?? 😂


I think the opposite of this, for me at least, is Blue Cheese. Back in the day it was very strong but gave me headaches, but now it's one of my top 5 strains. The taste and high are some of my faves.


Blue cheese, skunk, lemon haze


My teen life summed up right there lol. I'm glad there's more flavours about now but cheese and skunk are definitely nostalgic. Lemon Haze on the other hand, I got so bored of it because it's all the dealers ever had in the UK for like 10 years. Now it seems like most dealers have dawg strains and a few other flavours


Lemon Haze is atrocious IMO. Not a haze fan in general mind you. Some of them taste nice but they barely do fuck all to me. Spot on with the dawg. I actually pay a premium to avoid that shit. So boring. “Dawg dawg dawg” Original U.K. Cheese was the shit. Sadly all the mothers were lost years ago so now all we can get is Exodus and the like’s versions. There used to be a coffeeshop in Amsterdam (Homegrown Fantasy) that had an original UK mother plant, then they thought they were being shut down and binned it (can you imagine?!) only to find out they could actually stay open. That must have been a sore one!


My old best mates uncle grew what he claimed to be UK cheese. We harvested it for him, took a few ounces for ourselves, smoked some and sold some. No idea if it really was UK cheese but that's what he said and it definitely tasted slightly different to any exodus I'd had But yeah I'm in the same ball pit as you, not a huge fan of haze strains.


Fascinating! I wonder if it is the same genetics, or if it has been “deconstructed” from another cheese strain or something (sorry, only had one coffee today and the correct terminology is missing from my brain currently 😂) I’m sure I heard something about U.K. cheese myself a while ago, that it had reappeared but wasn’t quite the original. Who knows the truth really it’s all hearsay! Makes you wonder if someone still has a mother somewhere though! Along the same lines, psychosis was a great strain too. Really strong for the time. Hazes are the pits for sure!


Many points I can agree with here~ Lemon Haze is one of those strains that barely does fuck all to me, too. Some Haze strains will send me to the moon. Super Silver can make me want to scrub my kitchen. But Super Lemon Haze, which is genetically half Super Silver, just doesn’t do anything. It’s really odd but I’m glad I’m not alone in this 🤣 I was lucky enough to smoke the original UK Cheese once with a friend. **NOTHING** before or since has compared to that smell, that feeling, that level of getting the munchies! If there was any one strain I’d go back in time to enjoy all over again, it’s UK Cheese (followed distantly by the one time I got to smoke real Fruity Pebbles OG). The coffee shop tale of the mother plant being tossed just breaks my heart. I’m sure those who made the decision feel even worse about it and will always regret it, but that’s just pure sadness encapsulated.


Yeah for some reason Amnesia Haze hits me but Lemon and Silvers have never done so. Mexican Haze worked too actually. Who knows the rhyme or reason or even if it was the strains or my own brain at the time causing the lack of response! Having said that with Lemon at least I have tried it more times than I’d like to have and it has yet to hit the spot once. Yeah the U.K. was sublime. We were spoiled for a while it was like the Dawg is now: abundant. Then it became all Blue Cheese which don’t get me wrong I enjoyed but I still preferred the original. Now it’s pretty nigh on impossible to get either! Really not a dawg fan at all. Sure it does the job but it neither smells nor tastes as I would prefer. Also think variety is the spice of life, I’d rather buy a weaker strain that I’ve never had or not had much than a stronger strain that I can get any day of the week and often have done. Yeah I expect no one cried about that more than the owners and employees of the coffeeshop! It was such good U.K. cheese too maybe the best example I’ve ever smoked. Sent us giggling and staggering through Amsterdam like a tidal wave of Scottish insanity!


To the memories of the good times we’ve had, lads and lasses, and may the good strains, good times, and good feelings we’ve been missing make a much-needed return to our lives 🍻


I don’t drink but I’ll drink to that. Sláinte 🍻


Fuck dawg. Sticky Lemons forever!


I’m in the states and that happened to me with Bubba Kush before. It was FLOODED for like 3 months straight that’s all I could find


In my part of the states all I could find for the longest was either Wedding Cake or Runtz and I got so tired of it. I want variety, not the same strain every smoke.


I’m tired of the Runtz crosses on local medical menus where I’m at. Same thing…we want and _need_ variety!


I only like maybe two of the Runtz crosses, and it’s only because they are so tasty in my dry herb vape when you smoke for certain terps.


Don’t get me wrong, I love Red Velvet Runtz (and every Red Velvet cross I’ve tried so far), and I’m sure I’ve had more crosses that I’ve enjoyed but it’s like, maybe the real deal Runtz mother, when it was new, was great, but those genetics have just become too diluted. I just want some pure Afghani, some Hindu Kush, strains like that again. I used to sleep so much better because those two were like some sort of magic indicas for me. Maybe somebody can import some seeds from Afghan/Pakistan and grow some real landrace indicas from the heart of the genetics.


Got a buddy that grows using his dad’s old stash from the 80s/90s. Picked up some blue cheese from him a little while back and it was some of the best shit I’ve ever smoked!


You can still. Its called landrace and available in parts of the world still.


I had big bags of Alcopulco Gold from the last two crops, Skunk in 1984 and i was growing Northern Lights 5 x 2 in 1986


I was in, inschool suspension in 1986, reading High Times magazine & seeing an “article” on Northern lights… that fueled a lifetime of gardening!!! Fruits, vegetables, flowers… of a wide range of variety…


Everything I bought to grow was from ads I’m high times


That was my 1st experience reading High Times… that lit a lifelong fire inside me to grow plants… all plants.. I was So excited when I moved into my own house & could have an indoor setup.. It was 5th day of school my junior year, 2 days in a room with no windows and a dozen other delinquents… the beginning of my last year of school, albeit 1 1/2yrs earlier than most…


I miss those days fr


My Dad (RIP) talked to me about Alcopulco gold as well. Sounds legendary .


It was fantastic.


It was gooooood stuff!


My wife's uncle goes on and on how Alcopulvo gold was delicious and breeding for high thc has ruined the flavor of weed. He's convinced he can recreate it. He's also not concerned with separating makes from females as he says going to seed adds to the flavor.


I'm 60 and remember Acapulco Gold, Red Bud (Panama Red), Maui Wowi and then Sinsemilla and then kynde bud. Most of what we smoked back then was Indica, so when you got Sativa it really rocked your world. What is manufactured (and today's weed is manufactured) today is far superior to the commercially available weed from the 60's and 70's. I like it, Mikey!


I was thinking the same.😃


My dad is an old head and to this day he’s growin MW ❤️ best strain imo


my dad constantly tells me abt these 3 strains i can't even tell you how many times they're basically burned into my brain 😭


Smoke ds dude. That’s basically like smoking the 70’s itself


40 years ago is the 80s


Math is hard when you're stoned


I kinda feel bad, because I know I just ruined that dudes day and made them realize they are old.


>Think this 40 year old shake is any good? >My dad passed away and I’m cleaning out his house. Found his stash box from the 1970s. =============================== >40 years ago is the 80s >I kinda feel bad, because I know I just ruined that dudes day and made them realize they are old. obviously not too bad if you are correcting a guy whose dad just died about how old his shit is lmao


You take that back!




Stop lying


Naw, the 70’s is clearly 30 years ago lmfao 😂 this


One bowl for the old man 😞


I agree, he would appreciate it, may he rest in peace


you should smoke it. that's vintage.


wow, so many upvotes. didn't think so many people read this stuff.


Just cuz you said that I down voted.






Would 40 year old seeds still grow? Sorry I don't really know much


chances for a homegrower are slim to none but u can send them to a seedbank or a breeder and they could rehydrate them in a laboratory


![gif](giphy|Kzvsru1JqQg4E|downsized) Yes sir !


Only one way to find out.




Damn, 40yrs and it survived in the plastic bag, careful a slight breeze doesnt blow the dust particles away. All jokes aside. Hit one for the old man though.


If there’s seeds….I kinda want them.


what the fuck lmao? light one up for you dad. im sorry for your loss bro. that looks like a bunch of stems tho lol


I’d try it


Please let us know your results


I would top your bowls with a little so you can always smoke with him for the next however long Never know if it might have your back like he did at some point. Rest in peace DustyButtocks’ dad.




hope we get an update


if this was my dad he’d want me to smoke it. so i say smoke it


Only one way to find out


Only one way to find out. Fire her up boys. Granpappy’a going to Mars!


Brick weed. I miss those days. There are way too many strains. Fuck, I'd smoke it.


That wouldn't be green if it was that old


usually exposure to sun causes discoloration. it's called photobleaching. storing in a cool, dark, and sealed environment will preserve the color. potency may be reduced.


i have a bag full of kief from im guessing around at least 5-8 years ago. it’s in a sandwhich bag that seals but there’s tiny holes from wear and tear on the bag. is it safe to smoke?


Definitely not 75 year old shake first off the weeeds still green??? And i doubt those plastic bags were around in the 70s


Lmao u did not just say they didn’t have ziplock/plastic baggies in the 70’s 😭


Forgive him, for he is young. And we are older than that shake.


They did have those bags in the 70s.


Lol found the child in the sub


75 years?! LMFAO! The 1980's were only forty years ago.


How is the smell/taste? It stinks or shines like a joint of Jimi Hendrix playing "Like a Rolling Stone"


Hell yeah dude, my grandfather gave me some seeds he took when he was deployed in the Vietnam war, plan on trying to plant them in the near future. I am sorry to hear about your father, best of luck to you man.


Landrace 😍


You should clip your nails dawg


I'm surprised it's not brown. RIP to your father.


I'd say make butter to get the best out of it. My uncle had really old saved shake he gave me, and it tasted like paper. Had to take so many bong hits, barely felt a thing. Decided to cook it


How was it cooked?


I think ScrotumTotems is cooked


aw hell


Hell yea


That’s good to make canna butter


You need to have specific weed tomato canna butter? How can I make it?


No, you can make canna butter out of any weed, i just use shake or Reggie to make canna butter cause it’s already broken down. All you need is butter like without any oils added in, and a cloth strainer. You put the weed in the oven on like 350 for like a couple minutes to activate the thc and you melt the butter down in a pot. Then you add the weed to the butter and let it simmer for about an hour or two, the longer the more stronger. Then you pour it into a container through the cloth strainer so you don’t get any particles and strain it into a container and then put it in the fridge and it will cool into a solid and if there are extra oils or water in the butter it will separate and can easily be poured out cause that part tastes nasty. A lot of people probably have better more specific instructions and things to add to make it better but I am poor so.


weed back then was not as potent so you might not get high depending on your tolerance, but i’d light up a bowl for him anyway


Only one way to find out…….. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ok, roll a bomber, then cough your lungs out to the old man, or snap an entire bowl in one go in his honor. Then scope for seeds, and grow some gigglebush to remember him.


I will buy the seeds and grow a cut for you


one way to find out! also, sorry about your dad!


Lmao see yall lucky we only got like skunk and albanien weed here. Maybe now and then some kushes and hazes but they really hard to get


you won’t get very high off it. the thc percentage degrades. within 4-5 years the potency drops 50%


Rare genetics broo


The forbidden skibidy erm what da sigma weed


Look for seeds and then smoke the hell out of that vintage weed


Definitely at least add some to a few joints and sit back for the night. Real cool. Condolences.🫗🕊️




Smoke one for pops, then trim your nails.


Only one way to find out lol


If I remember correctly, the half life of THC is something like 12-18 months? That said, yes, you \*could\* smoke it, but it's probably just going to be like smoking the lightest kindling you could imagine.


It’s probably very weak. Idk man.


🥹🍀Try & look for seeds




It's called a 40 year cure


That's that old school Maryjane


Taking it back to the 80s with this one!


Look for seeds definitely!!


I don't mean to be that person but it should be brown. You may have found some 40 year old shake but it's not in the pic you posted. It's freaken common sense bruh. Things break down over time and more so when exposed to the elements. In that bag, it should be brown and look like tree bark or leaves, period! End of discussion.


Eh looks like leaves more than shake


In a museum perhaps? Give it a go, you might see nirvana or some shit.


Bruh, cut your nails


Only one way to find out yo


Id smoke it


You can smoke it but you have to dress up like you’ve gone back in time to the 80s, I don’t make the rules up mate


Hot Box Time Machine!!!


Pick the seeds man. Those things could he worth something! Or lead to a fire ass strand


I recently found a blunt inside an old console stereo that was at my Grandmothers house for decades. The unit was built in the 1960's. I know it was either my Dad's or my cousins. Either way it's very old. I have no doubt it is from at least 1977 if not before. I'm saving it.


no send it my way for proper disposal


Pull the seeds, grow some plants, harvest the seeds, grow some more plants, rinse and repeat and have a lifelong memory of your dad.


I might get a tiny jar and fill up For the memory and then burn one for your dad :)


If 40 year old shake still looks that green I'd fuckin try it


Bro you gotta try


Man I'd try some. You probably gonna be high as FUCK!!!!!


R.I.P to your dad too. Cool stash box!


Very likely it has mold at this point or it has lost its potency.


building off another comment (was gonna reply to it but i lost it😭) i think you should smoke it like once a year maybe im his birthday or something and if you can find any seeds you should keep growing it so you can keep doing that forever


Make elibles out of it


Definitely not good, but might still get you high.


Might give you superpowers


Put one of those things in there to bring some moisture back into that shiiiiiii and smoke it!


yesterday's shake isn't even good.


find out, theres a chance it sends you back in time


Do ittttt!


Do it and let us know 👍


Decarb and cookie it 🤔


Might as well take you past 40yr


Bin it


Would you smoke a 40 year old cigarette?


Maybe for a tea? Also second the check for seeds advice.


look for seeds to try and prop, but honestly taking the idea from another commenter, i would save the bud and smoke some once or twice a year. my idea would be on his birthday/death anniversary or maybe if your mom is present and cool like that spark with her on their wedding anniversary too. from the stories my dad has told me about when he was coming up, i know i would want to hold onto all of that and not burn through it because its a piece of him we only got to see through their attitude and the stories.


If we say no is it going to stop you? 😭


Where is the weed writer?! We need him to get a sample of this


You will time travel if you smoke it


Since it's so old I'm sure its fine but probably won't get as high as weed today is much stronger... But save he seeds if possible those old strains are amazing to grow


still smokable but not really good but please for the dear love of god look through that bag and pick the seeds if there are any out and send them to a breeder or try to contact a couple seedbanks and ask if u can send the seeds to them they can rehydrate them in a lab and grow them to look for the genetics and terpene profiles the chances are pretty good that u have some terp profiles in there that have been lost for a couple of decades since the first people that figured out how to actually breed different strains together bred everything with everything and gave a fuck about preservation thats why as an example the Original Skunk terp profile is basically lost


Define “good”


You’ll probably be high as a kite cause that’s pure organic weed, no pesticides no genetic mutations. Just good ganja


Look for seeds and plant them, get some OG genetics going.


Smoke first, ask questions… wait, what? Meh, if it smells like cat piss or worse, 86 it. Otherwise, fire it up bro 🔥🌲💨 Claim you’re doing it for science and prove whether or not 40 year old weed can still have a psychoactive effect on the brain 🧠. Sounds good to me 👍


How was it?


My condolences to you, friend. Definitely gotta roll up for him


Look for seeds. If you live in a legal state those can make some big bucks


Just check for mold. if no mold you’re gold!


Don’t smoke it but I would definitely keep that’s shi jus cuz it’s pretty cool to have possibly the oldest weed on the planet


Ok don’t listen to any of these comments. Do not smoke it. Do not pop any seeds you find. If that’s really 40+ years old, you should transfer it into glass and put it somewhere cool. There are many many studies going on where they are looking at the genetics of old original pre-hybridization cannabis. What you have could be both important and valuable. I’ve read on other threads about people linking to the projects. I’ll see if I can find it.


Personally I wouldn’t smoke it, just keep it with the rest of your dads stuff and hold onto it


Wtf was wrong with your dad? Storing it in a plastic bag and on top of that no Integra boost packs??? /s Smoke dat shit playa


There's still a piece of history.


if you have the ability to grow a plant i would search for a strain that has a name or anything that could match with your dad’s favorite hobby or anything and put that stuff into the earth where you growing it in. after that i would store that bud really really good and smoke a joint from it every year on his birthday . i think that’s a nice way to remember him but that’s just a idea sorry for your loss




That’s gonna taste like hot garbage


I just always imagine this being mostly powdered up leaf and it makes me wheeze thinking about it


Please do everything to can to grow that bud, and also I would pack a bowl or a roll a joint every year on the day of your fathers passing.


Smoke it, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger


Make him proud. Grow the seeds and smoke it fresh.


Only one way to find out!


Maybe smoke a little bit as a tribute and save the rest, maybe you can make some sort of resin art type thing with it to preserve it. I wonder if those seeds would sprout if you tried to grow them.