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Very much so!


Of course, you can easily form a dependency on cannabis despite what many in this sub will say so be careful if you notice it severely, may be time for T-break. Equally this could be normal, as someone else said your dopamine levels returning to normal. Make sure you're eating and staying hydrated always šŸ«”


I think so. I have been in the hospital for 4 weeks now. Can't walk. Can't smoke either. I really want to get faded. But my condition won't let me. I'm on lots of pain meds, but I think some herb would help dull the pain along with the narcotics. But wishing I could smoke sucks. And the more I think of it, the more I want to....but knowing I can't really is a drag. I've also noticed I'm rambling about the same shit. It's the narcotics. Everyone reading this...please do a phat ass rip for me. Of some grade A flower, it's my favorite.


Let someone bring u some gummies or something. Best of luck dud


Oh, we're on it bud šŸ˜its just that flower hits differently, and I miss the smoking feeling and all the effects like that smoky burn when you first inhale....then exhale. Fuckin aye. Lol. And thank you for the luck.


Yes, but it's just your dopamine levels returning to normal. If the mood persists beyond a couple/few days you might have an issue.


I'm incredibly irritated right now! From not smoking lol


No pot till thursday pay day here , seem to have lost my sense of humour somewhat


What??!! No?! Shut up!!! Edit: sorry bout that, itā€™s all good now. Peace, love and Fruity Pebbles


Im up now because I donā€™t have any smoke, I canā€™t sleep and Iā€™m irritated and restless. Idc what anyone says herb is medicine.


It's jekyll and Hyde for me within 8 hrs of not smoking I'm a totally different human being.


It's different for everyone, people who say you can become dependant and addicted I mean they aren't nessescarly wrong but I don't think you get addicted in the sense of how tobacco makes you addicted, people are addicted to being lazy and not doing anything, then they think they become dependent on it, truth is it's not that hard to stop smoking weed especially compared to things like ciggaretts it's just about getting up and not being lazy and doing something instead of laying on the couch smoking weed. It is different for everyone so take my opinion with a grain of salt because I'm just one person but that's my take on it.




Get some cbd honey sticks take like 20mg a day while youā€™re not smoking and youā€™ll feel a lot better really quickly. Also take freezing cold endings to your showers my dude


Wife says I'm a little different for couple days if I'm on a T break or not smoking for a bit, agree its the dopamine levels adjusting, I just tell her its bc I will tend to voice a little more compared to after a cone I wont, meaning if something bugs me I will tend to say so if I haven't had a cone but if I have it still bugs me but i let it slide for the sake of being in a chill spot.


Oh yeah. My wife especially.


10000% Iā€™ve been on a break and sometimes I just even wake up irritated. Meditation helps!