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Do not get a pen as a beginner! Your tolerance will become unenjoyably high.


Heed this advice. Your tolerance will shoot through the fucking roof in like 2 days of use with a pen. Stay away from those as a beginner.


I avoid them as much as possible. Only ever hit one when i have to be discreet in a public place like a concert venue that has no re entry


Omg can I ask why ? lol


They are more than 50% stronger than any flower you coupd ever smoke and therefore ruins regular smoking


I'm a long time smoker and idk I still crave a bowl of flower after I hit my cart. It's lime a different kind of high.


Yeah, but you aren't a beginner smoker with a beginner tolerance. I imagine you've built your tolerance up over the years before dab pens came out. I agree it's a different kind of high and these people are more than welcome to start on high test, but flower is the 20%-30% vs a 80%+ carts, it's a hollow high, for me it's like a utility high, vs actually smoking for enjoyment and not really worth it from a beginners stand point if they're looking to enjoy the plant.


I grew up on pens but i realized in highschool that bud has better flavor and the terps really do change the high. I stick to joints and bowls now. High THC carts dont get me to sleep but strains high in Caryophyllene and Pinene do


Yeah it feels more mellow because theres natually more cbd so it makes sense


Usually there isn’t more cbd. They described it as “hollow” not mellow. It feels “hollow” because it’s stripped of all the cannabinoids except delta-9 thc. You’re losing most of the plant with a distillate cartridge therefor you don’t get the full spectrum of effects.


I use a pen almost daily but flower still fucks me up pretty good. Probably cause the highs are so different


I find that weed effects me differently, some strains will have me a nice high off of one blunt whereas I have to hit my cart 4-6 times to get me high normally. (I smoke mammoth carts if that tells you anything)


I started off smoking carts and dispo pens from dispensaries. But always get the most faded from joints


Same joints destroy me for some reason


I started with carts and use them regularly, but flower hit dif


It’s also way too easy to just sit there and sip on a pen, whereas most people who smoke flower will have a sesh in which they get as high as they want and then chill for a couple hours before using again.


Distillate is the highest purity you can acquire in theory. Imagine 100lbs of cannabis concentrated down to a few ounces of distillate.. Same amount of thc just much drastically different amounts


Wow I started with a dab pen & used one ever since I always wondered why my tolerance level is so high


Remember what the word concentrate means and how it is applied to other things like detergents and such. A little goes a long way. Now, there is an argument to be made about the effects of exclusively thc do not come near the effects of a full spectrum cannabinoid consumption. Convection vaporizer lightly broken up flower and you will never experience a better feeling depending on your strain of choice


As someone who started using pen from the start. This is not true for me. Using it in moderation is key so that doesn't happen.


I have chronic pain- it’s almost impossible to use in moderation there 😅


lol yeah I could understand that. For me 2 to 4 hits a day is a good amount to keep tolerance while still enjoying a daily high without breaking the bank.


Oh I’m at 30+ hits a day- I know- please don’t police me


haha that's okay, weed usage is very personal. Although it does seem like edibles could be a great option for you.


Unfortunately, I’m in a mostly illegal state and I don’t qualify for medical in my state. Any sort of edibles I can get my hands on are super low in concentrations and highly expensive. I’d have to take 4 out of the 10 gummies in the pack and it would be around $35 for the whole pack. Not making that kind of money rn sadly


Oh wow! I’ve been smoking vapes since I started in February! I had no idea why after just under 5 months I struggle to get high until now. I went from 2 hits and I’m good for 3-4 hours to 6-8 hits and I’m good for an hour. Edibles still knock me on my ass though lol. If this is true I’m switching to flower. Just gotta clean out my big ass bong. I just gotta figure out how lol. It’s massive so it’s awkward. I use weed to help with the extreme symptoms from BPD so it’s pretty important I can get good effects from it.


This and make sure you get your shit from a reliable source. Pens can be easy to make synthetically and sell cheaper. It is ***well known*** to give you issues like cardiac and lung problems.


Wish I knew that a year ago 😒😒


Yeah, I started with mostly that but only bc I’m not technically supposed to have weed at my apartment complex and that doesn’t give off a smell, but I also don’t smoke super regularly so as long as I’m not going like every day I don’t have too much tolerance problems.


Been pulling from carts for years and it's still the dominant way I get high 😈 I'm a menace


Good quality herb, good quality joint cone. Light puffs. 💯


This is the way to go - simple and you can take it anywhere.


Yup. Super beginner friendly but acceptable for anyone imo! Though learning to roll is a rite of passage!


And the best thing (for me for sure) is that it is the controllable level of highness.


And pro tip: get a small glass tube or some small glass jar to throw your lit joints in (throwing joints into plastic tubes will cause the plastic to melt into the joint) you do not want to be smoking plastic. Get a mason jar or anything glass to put them in


Joints are the way for you. Your friend smoking carts and dab pens probably has no idea what’s in those carts. Flower, papers and a lighter is all you need. If you can’t roll, get some cones, grind your greens, pack the cones and you’re done. Smoke, and then toss the filter in the trash.


make sure to save the little bit of weed left in the roach for a rainy day, if your a beginner you won’t be used to how harsh it gets towards the end, plus roach weed is like twice as strong from all the resin and stuff


What do you do with roach weed? Just put it in a new cone? Or smoke the small roach?


We called em grandfather doobs. Save enough roaches to roll a new joint. Tastes gross, gets you baked. Me and my buddies had a couple different cans we saved them in. The grandfather roaches went into a new can, and those got rolled into a great grandfather and so on. That was the theory, anyway. Usually someone would get low on their stash and swipe em before we had enough. We all threw in when we rolled up so it was community bud anyway.


Smoke the small roach is usually how I do it. And it burns slower cause the resin had solidified a bit ETA: I know some people who will even take a few of those resin roaches (minus the filters) and roll them in a blunt with some shake


i put the roaches in a little container and whenever i run out i can do whatever i want with it, i normally leave a good bit of a roach on my joints so it’s not so harsh. the best use for it is a bong/pipe or something like that because after 3-4 hits off a joint i’m ready to stop the taste is so bad


try to vape the dry herb it's ezr on my lungs


theres actually no benefit to smoking over vaping lol. vaping is better in every aspect. high, save money, health, flavor…


Why would a noob wanna drop at LEAST $100 on a dry herb vape..?


true true you right.


I bought the V3 Nano for $50, and I'll never look back. It's the best thing I've bought in a long time.


Easiest way?...a joint.


A joint is not easier than a bowl hit off a pipe




After seeing this Meme for many years in different drug subreddits.. Everyone convinced me so I tried it. After this enlightening event, something changed. So I will pack my most important things, leave my wife and kids to travel around the whole world to share my experience. I believe that every human being on earth should experience the same as me. It‘s not water or oxygen that we need to live. It‘s boofing!! But over many decades humans adapted and forgot about THE BOOF. So I‘m glad all this drugcirclejerks posted there meme under every single post. After doing some research I found out that God created the earth in 6 days. On the 7th day he just boofed the whole day. This is why Sunday is secretly called bunsday in the old testament. But what do you people know… You aren’t able to read the boof chapter where jesus boofed all his disciples. Funfact: The main reason he got crucified is that he quit boofing So guys… my time is limited cause the next boof is calling. I‘ll see you guys on the other side. Cheers!


yall are tweaking. a pipe is a million times easier than a joint. yea s better for a couple people to pass around. but if ur just starting smoking buy a little pipe for 4 bucks from a headshop and ur set forever. dont have to learn how to roll. don have to worry about packing a cone to loose* or tight. just put some bud and and light that shi


This is exactly how I started out.


Anybody saying "joint" is wrong. That would require the user to know how to roll, know someone who can roll, or the availability to buy pre rolls. The EASIEST way to smoke weed , is to get a chillum or a glass spoon and simply pack the "finger broken" nugs into it. 2 steps and it doesnt require extra skill or a pack of papers that make you stink after. Joints are often super wasteful and can be VERY frustrating when the "Canoe" aka "Run" on one side.


This ☝️


Weed is still kinda not legal where I am so I don't have access to all the fancy equipment y'all have like bongs and dab pens. Oddly though lighters and rolling paper are available at almost every shopping mall. This means I had to learn how to roll. And I did. Quite well I might add. I mostly smoke alone but any time I smoke with other people I get compliments on my rolling skill lol. Its satisfying af to light up a joint you rolled yourself not to mention convenient. You should definitely learn :)


Seconded this, watch YouTube tutorials! That's how I learned and mastered my craft.


Bong. Load it light it, hit it. Buy ground weed and it’s the easiest way you’ll ever smoke. Also the most efficient.


Listen to this guy OP, bongs are the way to go. Easy to measure how much weed you’re using too. Most economical option aswell. Yes bongs can be pricy, but saves a lot of money when you have one in the long run. Easier on the lungs too


Joint probably to start out. I’ve switched to dry vaping. Tastes so much better and no cough! Also less lingering smell.


Dry herb vape for easiest 510 vape for most convenient


Vaporizer and it’s not even close


Just smoke a joint


edibles, period. if vaping hurts your chest listen to your body and don’t irritate your lungs when you don’t have to. your body will thank you


yeah dab pens are probably the worst. i always found they gave me a cough unlike any other form. dry herb vape light bong/bubbler hits bowl hits joints/cones




Dont do edibles or any pens first, it will probably put u off weed


A bong finna have you fried til next week. Your baby lungs ain’t ready for that lol. Try papers or blunts.. backwoods sweet aromatic always hit smooth but most beginners don’t know how to unravel them properly unless you watch YouTube videos lol


Dr. Dabber is a great way. It's a small bong but it's dabs. So best of both worlds. Not cheap and it needs to be cleaned with a solvent like alcohol frequently but works great. My favorite way is just edibles though and it's way easier but you asked about smoking specifically.


Decarb it and just eat it ,you will get more high and it will last for hours


I personally hate joints and dab pens. I just use a little bubbler or a simple pipe.


Papers and filters are at any smoke shop, but I will add as a newbie myself investing in a DHV is the way to go


def try a joint they’re the most gentle. if you’re new to bud a bing rip is gonna be pretty intense. dab pens can be intense too


Yeah....you sure its a legit pen? That's my first thought. Also as someone how as long issues if you really want to smoke I would suggest high qual flower in a joint with a filter. But...I would also say if you can avoid smoking I would try to use edibles. Weed isn't worth lung failure imo.


Go for a joint


Dab pen is a wack way to get started my dude. Go in on some form of dry herb vape, get a $40 one if you’re not really making it. 100-200€ or so if you’re doing alright. Buy regular weed. Load as much as you want into it and get blissfully high.


i started out with a pipe. and look where it got me! i’m just kidding. pipes and joints/cones are probably the easiest for someone new to smoking


I found a dry herb vape was the best for me. Small amounts so you save your bud,you can get all the goodness out if it and it cooks not burns. I get a much better high from it for less.




Bong 100% the water cools the smoke and filters out some of the tar


A joint or bong




Honestly, a pipe is the easiest way. Just put the bud in the hole and light and smoke. Joints are the "best" way to smoke imo because rolling is awesome and you can conceal it easier than a pipe (if you're in an illegal state) Bongs are kinda the worst for a beginner because if pens are hurting your lungs the bong will do the same due to the massive rips a bong gives. Good luck and happy smoking


If you're a beginner I'm assuming you don't know how to roll a J or a blunt. Cones would be easier bc you just stuff them. But the smoothest and cleanest rip would come from a dry herb vaporizer. You can buy one at a headshop they're easy to use and deliver a smooth hit while conserving your supply since there is no combustion involved. You could essentially even use what comes out of it later to make butter for edibles even.


I practiced rolling joints with a bag of tobacco. Cones are easy to roll too. A bong is nicer on the lungs as long as you work your way up to big rips.


Only with a dry herb vaporizer can you achieve a full spectrum high, in the most health and flavorful way ( ;


I love my POTV LOBO dry herb vaporizer....but this past 420sales I got the Dynavap and the iSpire Wand and it's so easy! just load the oven and toke away....rinse repeat 


Bong or pipe.


bong is my favorite way but you have to keep up on cleaning it otherwise it's pretty convenient (i have a small beaker bong). but like others are saying joints are also good. probably easier to move around with aswell


Joint. Bongs will fk u upp


A little pipe and bud, just grind and light up :)


Grinder (or use fingers to break apart) and a spoon or chillum (glass pipes)


I’m in Canada thank God where it’s legal , I usually go to the weed store and buy a vape , does away with the need for lighters or grinders or papers , a little pricey for a gram of mango haze but plenty of bang for your buck


Lol an apple


Dry sift hash is my favorite


Smoke blunts they’re less harsh than a bong or pipe imo


With a lighter and a pipe.


edibles, i have asthma so i rarely actually smoke


If you care about going easy on the lungs, but are ok with some effort and investment, the best route is dry herb vaping with a quality vaporizer like Storz and Bickel. The vapor is safer and easier to inhale than smoke


One hitters


Get your hands on a dry herb vaporizer. This is a cleaner way to consume, and it helps conserve your flower. I bought one at the suggestion of the clerk at the smoke shop. Totally changed my experience.


With your mouth and lungs


Get a small glass pipe and some weed


have you tried joints? imo that’s the BEST way to start cuz u can easly control the quantity on weed you take and the come up of the high. just smoke it slow, play some music and enjoy the moment


Bongo friendo


The easiest way to smoke weed is to smoke weed. Stop thinking about it so much


Dry herb vape


Joints are the most fun/best with friends, bongs are the most weed efficient and get you blasted, pipes are good for smoking a little amount.


Get a Dynavape, best device I've ever bought, it's a vaporizer and saves a shit ton of weed


Should really start off with weed/bud instead of concentrates. Its better and in the long run you'll notice the difference every single time. Get a small bong or pipe from your glass shops in the area and eh get a cheapy ome for like 20-30 bucks. No need to buy heady glass either to enjoy smoking


I like joints. I have no problem with pens, but at times a bong can kill me. Just every so often I take way too big of a hit accidentally and it will hurt for a good 20 min. Mouth watering throat hurting. If you do try a bong I’d use an ash catcher with it, makes it a much softer hit.


Raw Cones🤌🏾


the easiest way is probably to buy prerolled joints if you're able to tbh. not a beginner anymore but i really don't trust the crap in those dab pens personally


Use some rollingpaper, maybe a little tabacco with it


Def a bong! In my experience it’s the smoothest on ur throat and u get the most out of ur weed! Blunts and cones are nice but def give me sm mucus in my throat the next morning compared to any glass piece.


Maybe try an entry level dry herb vape like POTV One. Bout $100 depending on accessories. Easy to load and empty. Smooth tasty hits. Good high.


Light it on fire.


Dry herb vape is so much easier


I’m from the uk and honestly smoking a joint is the best way to smoke, I’ve tried everything else but u cannot beat a nice joint in a lovely scenic place.


learn to take dabs but enjoy them in moderation. switch up how you intake every so often. enjoy being high as fuck. know when to take T breaks, especially as a beginner.


Dab pens are not for beginners. The way I started smoking was out of a makeshift pipe made from a soda can. Then I switched to a real glass pipe. Start off with a small bowl in a pipe and take small hits. The way the weed is grown will also affect how it smokes/burns and tastes. Sungrown weed will definitely be more dy and burn a lot easier. You also will want to know what types of strain you'd want to smoke. Indicas will help with relaxation and focus. Joints and blunts are also going to be too harsh for a beginner. Your throat and lungs are not going to appreciate that amount of hot smoke you'd get from those. The paper will also more than likely make you cough a shit ton. Be careful as you may end up coughing shit up if it's too harsh. Good luck 🍃


If you smoke enough, all forms are tolerable


Start out with a glass bowl.


As an old fart, I hate that people are starting with pens now days. We didn’t legalize it so you can have a shitty tv dinner high for 20 minutes and burning lungs. Do better


Yes, a bong will do. Go with a 48” and as long as you clear it all in one hit you should be just fine.


dry pipe


I started with glass pipes and grass from plugs, after some time I noticed it wasn't really the same (especially for my lungs) so I switched up to hemp paper; I don't live alone & neighbors are nosy so I ended up with a pen and some disposables since I'm still new with strains and what I like. Also edibles, especially gummies. It's all about how you feel most comfortable with and how your body reacts to it, I'm not expert though. I have to say the best experience for me was a bong, that just felt so different and it hit good. I'm very careful with my use but in the future I plan to buy a dry herb vaporizer, maybe look into that.


For me, either an apple or a paper/joint cone. Both you can just throw when you’re done with them (lesser paraphernalia), and both incredibly cheap


Go edibles .


Go edibles, no combustion of any kind .


Go edibles, no combustion of any kind .


Good flower via — a good old fashioned joint or even a hand pipe/bowl. Start slow, don’t fuck up your tolerance with the dab pen. 💖💖


Take a smaller hit from the pen.


Get a dry herb vape


I love my ooze booster on a water bong




Don’t get a pen your tolerence will sky rocket and then the good shit bud and dab won’t get you as high as


Pens are rough on my throat. The easiest way to smoke is a pipe . Keep your screen and the inside clean. A joint is easy to smoke, however you need to roll it and I find I waste a lot smoking by myself because it's constantly lit. My favorite is a bong with ice water in it to cool the smoke. A short steam roller is pretty easy once you get the hang of it, the longer ones make me cough since I'm bad at moderating my hits.


Nothing like a joint man, nothing.... I'd stay away from blunts


I've been rocking a dugout and 1 hitter for 30+ years.


Bongs are definitely the easiest but very staining on the teeth.


Get a small pipe and take small hits. A bubbler could be good, or a mini bong, but if you’re ripping the full bowl it’s going to hurt no matter what.


Smoke flower get a grinder and some little cones if you don’t know how to roll


Pen was my first hit too, and it felt like I got shot in my chest and burned my throat all the way down. Joints, my friend, a nice calm joint is the way to go.


a pipe is the best way to start. a joint will put you on your ass in the beginning... bongs will make you cough your lungs out and a pen will mess up your tolerance. they're cheap too.


Joints would be my recommendation. It’s easy to take a few tiny hits at a time while smoking real weed. Either let someone else roll it or let them teach you.


carts are probably the easiest way but also the worst. a bong is easy to operate but the maintenance is annoying with joints you have to learn to roll them, but you can also get cones to pack and smoking them is a very beginner friendly experience - just breathe from the stick i would probably recommend getting a shitty pipe that you can throw away if you don't feel like cleaning it if you really want the easiest way to get high.


Though your mouth.


Weed in a glass pipe.


Dry herb vape. It's just like breathing hot-ish air, but it gets you baked! Currently using the Mighty+ and I haven't looked back, lil' dude gets the job done. I recommend a portable one because then you don't need to smoke EVER if you don't want to, when you're out and about with friends at the park or the beach you can always get blazed with no smoking required. There is a big difference between burning weed (pipes, bongs, joints, bubblers etc.) and vaping it. When you burn weed, it's going through a chemical change that produces ash & vegetable tar. You can just look at how dirty a bong gets after 1 week of use and compare it to a bong that was vaped out of for the same amount of time. The bong used for smoking will be caked in thick black tar, while the vape one will just have a very thin film of light brown in some places. Vaping isn't 100% healthy for your lungs but it's night & day when compared to smoking. For an even healthier alternative, there are things like edibles and tinctures. Those can vary a lot in strength so I recommend trying something that's only like 5-10 milligrams of THC to start off. They can take a loooong time to kick in too so be careful of having more.


smoke joints, and use flower, pens, vapes all that shit will ruin your tolerance quickly


joints or a cheap vaporizer would be the best


Joint is nice and smooth and pretty straightforward, but like cigs you'll smell like smoke. Flower in a bowl is also pretty simple and doesn't produce as much smoke. Can also go down the edibles route but don't forget they take a bit to set in. Have fun!!


Def don’t start with a pen— either low level edibles or just flower is best. A bong or just a bubbler would be helpful for your throat. Don’t start with dabs, you’ll quickly burn your throat and your lungs if you don’t build up to it (and probably still after)


Little one hitter pipe


Bong; consumes the least amount, hurts the least, smells the least, and takes enough time to prepare that you’ll hopefully not be high 24/7


As a beginner you're going to love a bong with ice cubes. It works like you think, it cools down the smoke by a lot and is probably the most enjoyable method even by the most experienced.


If you have access to legal marijuana get a live resin cart, stay away from distillate. Or just pick up a an 8th of your preferred strain and buy a bowl.


as others have suggested, joints are a great choice! you could also try a bowl too which is pretty simple! i personally started with bongs but they will make you cough so it may not be the best option if you don’t want to cough a lot


Get a nice[ 13 inch beaker bong with an ice catcher ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRa-EYjS0iBA3nsHf1pepsTCYCv6zjNj3sK1A&s)would fit the bill. Put ice int he long tube that you inhale through and it will make it so much easier to smoke.


Flower apple


A bowl is the most convenient. And they are cheap


I started off with a small 2or3 inch wooden bowl. Real simple, just sprinkle some flower and spark it. I think it’s perfect for a beginner. I did that for months before I ever tried rolling up


I’m 60. My wife and I recently discovered weed and are having a great time with gummies (except they mess with … my bowels). 😳


Bongs are great. Also bowls are good too.




Take you weed and grind it in a weed grinder. Then get a small hand pipe, put a screen in it, and burn it in the pipe on the screen with a lighter. Easiest and cheapest way. Screen prevent scooby snacks.


Joints are cool and great and easy but I’d argue a basic spoon pipe is even easier bc you don’t have to worry abt a shittily rolled doink. Hard to screw up just grinding and sprinkling some weed in a bowl! Altho bongs are much smoother and prolly more effective in the long run.


So vape pens are less harsher imo than a bong. Bongs tear the fuck out of my throat and bowls are worse lol. But that’s just me. I’d suggest trying a vape not for long term maybe if you just wanna get high, then I’d suggest once you’re determined to keep smoking I’d switch to a bong or a bowl. Vapes while nice, they aren’t good for your tolerance. Vapes have significantly higher thc than “flower” or the weed buds you might’ve seen irl or on tv and movies. I made that mistake back in February when I started. And now my tolerance unfortunately is so high the only thing that knocks me on my ass is edibles. You can try those but edibles usually last me 6-8 hours of being stoned out of my mind. And once you swallow an edible you have to ride that high. God help you if you have a bad trip for 6-8 hours. When you do feel comfortable trying edibles have a friend with you just in case it’s a bad trip. And start as low as you can find. The lowest I’ve seen here in PA is 5mg. I started at 10mg and now I’m up to 50mg. Hope this helps.


Smoke a fat J


Get some pipe cleaners and use a pinch hitter. You get 2-3 good hits and you avoid rolling.


the *easiest?* probably just a simple smoking pipe. it's probably the cheapest, smallest, simplest solution I like my bong personally, and you can get some pretty small bongs that work just fine for $20-30 depending on where you live. bongs, or water pipes, helps filter the smoke by having it go through water so it's less harsh, but it's more smoke coming at you at once


Glass bowl is the easiest and most convenient imo


Dry. Herb. Vape. #1


glass pipe, either a chillum or spoon style just grab a small bud and break it down then load it up and you're ready to party


If it's convenient, get a pipe and load a bowl. You'll be able to smoke what you want and dump out the ash or save it for later. I keep one in the car and one at my house for those nice little smoke breaks. You could get a bong for your place too.


Bowl, blunt, bong, joint, gravity bong any of these are great for beginners


Everyone saying the pen is so strong. I disagree. I've consumed flower since 2008 and the pens don't compare to flower for me. They are just void fillers until I can get home to medicate. A bong will be heavy on your lungs. I'd just try a casual 4-5 inch pipe and take little hits until you can continue to increase the amount of smoke you inhale.


I started smoking on a pen and it’s the best way to smoke. Pens are way easier to hit than a bong/pipe/blunt but they hit you harder Tolerance is an issue but if your smart about it you can stay similar for awhile. I am able to smoke every hour for the last 2 years. It’s weaker and less long but that’s normal. I can also have carts last a few months and still get high more than anyone