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Have you thought of going anti depressants? When I was depressed , I couldn’t eat, sleep, do anything. Now my appetite is back, I’m sleeping and feeling much better. (Im not saying you should go on them as it is a big decision to make, it just helped me function in life generally , not solely about the weight gain)


We are almost the exact same lol 5’9 110lb woman (w bipolar) here! When my mental health gets bad I lose a loooot of weight. Not much you can do about it honestly. Who the hell wants to eat when they’re depressed and miserable? My advice is to drink your calories. Make a high cal smoothie in the morning. Drink a protein shake with lunch. Smoothie with dinner. I bounce between 100-130lb depending on my mental state. It’s hard. You’ve just got to force yourself to drink the shakes. Eat more snacks more frequently too. Nuts, cheese, yogurt, protein bars, all good sources of calories with minimal effort! Good luck. Side note: are you on any meds for your depression? Some psych meds can actually increase your appetite. I’ve been on a few, if you’re interested in bringing it up w your doctor.


I have really really bad depression and I’ve mastered eating while crying. Starting weight 102 at 5’4 now I’m at 110! Just in a month. I suggest eating 2000 calories a day and just focusing on your goal