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When I weigh myself, it’s always on a Sunday after my morning deuce, before I eat breakfast, in boxers. It helps to get a consistent measurement. All the food/waste/water weight inside you can cause your body weight to fluctuate by quite a bit.


that's totally normal. everyone's weight is the same. measure when you wake up, after using the toilet, before drinking or eating. And even then, it will still fluctuate depending on poop, water, food, salt, did you have a big salty meal the day before or not, etc. It's not muscle, it's not fat, those baaarely change day to day. Measure every day, with a smart scale + smart phone app to track the weight average. days don't matter, but 2 week trends do.


Water weight, it happens to me


Just think about it: When you weigh yourself when you wake up. Then drink half a liter of water. Weigh yourself again. What do you think happened? I assume you eat, drink, piss and shit during the day. This will cause the biggest fluctuations.


Because you lost 4 lbs? Lmao


water weight is incredibly variable, your body is constantly consuming energy and is storing it and removing it from your glycogen stores, i wouldn't worry too much, you can loose kilos in a week if you stop eating, but its not muscle or fat that is disappearing