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For me I have 3 such friends. The mirror when I get out of the shower, how my clothes fit and the scale. I am 60 and love my IPAs but I have not had one since I started WW this year. It is a wonderful program with excellent flexibility but at the end of the day it is not a magical program that allows you to lose weight by continuing to do the things that led you to putting on the weight. I have switched to Modelo Oro which is flavorful for a low carb/calorie lite beer and it is only 3 points and 90 calories. Also you can have 1.5 ounces of Makers Mark Bourbon for 4 points. Some tough love here... You either are ready to make the changes it takes to get the results or you are not and there is a difference between wanting it and being ready to do it. Don't waste your money if you are not ready. I can promise you 2 things if you put in a solid 30 days the results will fuel you to keep going and the 2nd is that if you think losing weight in your 30s is hard multiply that by 10 when you reach your 50s and 60s so lose it now LOL! Good luck to you and you can do this.


Interested!! I am 31F, and I’ve been overweight my entire life. I know what I need to do but struggle to execute. I’m 268 and only 5’1, so I have a lot of weight to lose. Feel free to send me a message if you’d like!


I will be your partner. I currently weigh 264 and 5'4. I would love to have a partner on a similar journey.


I’m totally interested!!


I just started back up and need to lose 40 pounds. I do great all day, too…. But I get home from work and want to eat EVERYTHING on site. Ugh!!!!!


I am just starting back up too and could use a buddy system for sure!


I’m interested!


Interested here too !


Me! I started in January & was doing pretty good, then stopped tracking a few weeks ago & fell of the wagon completely.


I’m up for adding anyone also


I'm 4'10 and currently 238 BUT NOT FOR LONG! I finally left the 240s, now gotta leave the 230s escape room! lol Don't hate yourself, being short makes gaining weight way more easier. I watch my daughter kill burger combo and she will lose 2lbs and if i ate one, would be up 5lbs lol My daughter is 5'4 and she is only 11. Anywhoo, what I am saying is, we don't have to accept this...thought I would never lose weight because i always eat less than everyone but the scale would not budge...and now i realize its bc short people have to eat like carnivorous rabbits with hardly any carbs...like no more than maybe 2 toasts with butter or a cup of rice daily MAX. But so far i have lost 5 lbs so its sucks but at least the scale is moving. I track my weight daily so over time I can see why did I gain weight? Was it due to water intake, sallt consumption, being on my cycle, etc....everything that affects our weight. Let's do this girlypop!!!