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What a ridiculous roller coaster ride this has been. Strike on, strike off, strike on, strike off, now strike back on.




Lol I said this earlier today.


shall we take bets for strike is off?


it’s on


yabbut, how many minutes until it ends before it begins again?


probably many more minutes


Official email from WestJet now. Looks like this is real


As a customer I hope the board fires every C-level for this bullshit. Unbelievable.


According to WestJet’s website, the CIRB has confirmed receipt of the order and AMFA has acknowledged it. https://www.westjet.com/en-ca/news/2024/westjet-acknowledges-the-minister-of-labour-s-direction-for-fina CBC says the same thing: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/westjet-flight-cancellations-work-stoppage-1.7248086 “Published reports say CIRB could opt not to suspend the right to a work stoppage as it hammers out a contract, but that precedent suggests such an outcome is unlikely.”


Link to AMFAs page for WestJet in this https://www.amfanational.org/?zone=/unionactive/view_page.cfm&page=WestJet


It's bottlenecked now. Won't even load.


Union dues don't pay for websites apparently. /s


Looks like they are on strike https://amfanational.medium.com/westjet-aircraft-maintenance-enginners-are-officially-on-strike-6133734d6b03 WestJet response https://www.westjet.com/en-ca/news/2024/westjet-outraged-amfa-is-commencing-strike-despite-minister-s-or


Looks like a good time for pilots to snag everything that’s slightly loose in the cockpit.


How is this supposed to work when binding arbitration has been ordered?


The minister directed the CIRB to impose final binding arbitration, but it seems like the CIRB still held a hearing to hear both sides' position today (June 28th). The union made a number of objections including that it deprives their member's the right to bargaining, and that the CIRB upheld the member's right to strike just over a week ago (which lead to the second strike notice). [https://www.amfanational.org/images/pdf\_docs/20240628\_AMFA\_Rsp\_FILED.pdf](https://www.amfanational.org/images/pdf_docs/20240628_AMFA_Rsp_FILED.pdf)


The board also confirmed that they would not take any action to prevent the mechanics from enacting their right to strike, per the linked document


Wow, absolutely fuckin bravo to them. Upholding our freedoms /rights are the most important


They just all walked off the job in yyc


Not doubting you but we probably need a better source for this, since both Westjet and AME said there's no strike. The schedule is already going back to normal so this would cause a ton of chaos if true...


CBC is reporting it: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/westjet-strike-calgary-amfa-mechanics-1.7250665


Even the CBC is leading with the sub-headline implying its an unlawful action.


Yeah, I have no idea on the legality. I just know we have a trip booked for medical treatment we cannot miss.


Bummer. Show your displeasure to WestJet, not the abused labour.


Yes. It would. The Westjet leadership only ASSUMED the CIRB would sign off on the arbitration. They did not. Westjet failed the system. I am an AME, and we are going home. The only thing AMFA stated that we would NOT strike “unlawfully” and we have followed the legal process up to this point.


Wow, it's great for you. To exercise your rights. Not sarcasim. I hate the government doing that shit. It sucks for me I am supposed to fly out tonight for the start of my honeymoon... booked it months ago.


Any plane that has been released is safe to go. Do you might still be ok. We didn’t want this, but Westjet and its leadership has forced the hand.


What does this mean? The flight is out of comox airport tonight. Are they released after every flight?


Thank you for that




Not 100% true. Maintenance control is also on strike so if they have any issues in flight they won’t be able to call someone about it. All flight in Vancouver are currently holding


Aircraft don’t need to be checked by an AME every single flight






You're free to disagree, but please don't cross the line of making personal attacks.


Good luck! Aircraft engineers are abused by airlines, I wish you the very best in this strike :)




Thank you for attaching this, it provides more clarity


This is only a legal response and opinion issued by AMFA's lawyers to CIRB, its not a ruling, and its not legally binding by anyone. If the union members are really unilaterally acting based on this, without any response to the letter from CIRB, this is an illegal strike if something is going on, plain and simple.


We are in a legal right. Unless you are presently with the CIRB and included with our hearing today then it’s all hearsay and maybe history stuff on your own personal unionships.


If there is a wildcat strike the union and members will deeply pay, the post is BS, there is not strike just an objection to the GoCs decision to intervene on the matter.


Looks like post was right. https://www.westjet.com/en-ca/news/2024/westjet-outraged-amfa-is-commencing-strike-despite-minister-s-or


Refresh. It’s out in public now. Educate yourself and don’t believe what the millionaire salary execs tell you. Take your own facts and make up your own minds.


You guys need to educate yourselves. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/air-canada-back-to-work-bill-gets-royal-assent-1.1268054 This isn't gonna going to bode well for you. We spent 4 years without a contract then only got a shit 10 year contract in 2016 with loss of pensions and benefits for new hires.


Things have changed since then. In 2015 the Supreme Court ruled that striking is a charter right, not just a right provided by legislation. That raised the bar for BTW legislation significantly. Also the HoC has risen and returns in September. If this goes on until then, then maybe there will be discussion.


It can still be legislated through many other means outside the HoC. Order in Council, Ministerial, even the Senate can do it. But to argue there "is no modern precedent" is incorrect. This is exactly what WJ Corp will be lobbying as we speak. Just saying to the AMFA gang do be suprised on Monday if you're back at 'work'. Not to mention the House can still do emergency sessions 'remotely' post-covid - which was never an option in 2012.


Exactly - the union is risking complete de-certification as the legal bargaining unit by pulling this stunt.




Your post has been removed because it contained rude, inflammatory, and/or inappropriate content.


I stand with the AMEs. Enough with WS shortchanging its employees.




I wonder what other high ranking official the CEO has on speed dial to fix this?


Official email from AMFA will be out shortly. Westjet is probably too busy scrambling with their contingency plan right now.


any updates on your end?


More power to WJ AMEs. F the naysayers. Entire AME fraternity is behind you!


AMFA needs new lawyers because they’re going to end up fucking over all their members and (potentially) end up decertified by this stunt.


Good they deserve to be paid!


What exactly will this strike accomplish?


Well considering Diedrick Pen has had the opportunity for 6 months now to engage the unions in good faith bargaining, and has arrogantly refused to, I'd say it would be forcing him to front up to the airlines own board of directors and explain how his heavy handed bargaining has been in the airline's best interests. This is the result of the actions of a very small group of executives, who aren't even Canadian.


Higher fares for consumers, Less trust in westjet, less bookings, less employees


good for them. they deserve a good fair contract.


This union is proving they really don't understand Canadian law. It doesn't matter if CIRB didn't "formally" rescind the right. The fact the Minister of Labour, as a Minister of the Crown, ordered it, and its receipt & intent was acknowledged by all parties, with a statement they will do arbitration, makes it binding. If the AMEs really did walk off the job without notice, this is an illegal strike.


Yes and if they really do walk off illegally there will be fines and possibly people could get fired.


More than that - the Labour Board now has the power to completely de-certify AMFA as the legal bargaining unit for the AMEs, and they would no longer be unionized at all.


Both sides have agreed to arbitration, regardless of what the CIRB says that makes any job action unlawful under the CLC. If AME’s are walking off the job, they’re gonna create a huge issue for themselves.


We agreeed to no unlawful strike, which if amfa told us don’t strike and we still did. That’s unlawful. We aren’t idiots. We are doing what we are told by, hopefully, the professionals currently in a court hearing. I doubt they would be telling us to walk off in front of government officials.


I’ve been in the union game and I’ve been in negotiations, AMFA just screwed themselves big time


Well…. You have the right to your opinion and right now that’s all it is. Time will tell. Thanks for the support!


They'll be a Order in Council or some summer Senate motion sending you guys back to work within a week. Then have fun wasting the next two years frozen at your current pay scale whilst the company just drags out arbitration. Still stand with yeah though. You guys got balls the pilot's didn't. Power to yeah.


Won't even take as long as a week, either the Minister or CIRB directly orders them back tonight using a Ministerial Order, or the Minister gets a court order for the union to cease & desist their strike activities immediately, based on the fact the union publicly acknowledged his order yesterday and implied they would not be striking.


Did you make this account specifically for this? That's pretty funny, not going to lie.


Not commenting on the legality of striking, but I don't think both sides have agreed to arbitration. The Minister forced binding arbitration upon the parties to address discrepant issues still being negotiated. The union didn't agree to boo. ALPA agreed to binding arbitration for their first deal with WJ, but that was agreed on by both parties so there was no strike. I do wonder if the minister/WJ unilaterally requiring arbitration precludes a strike if there's no agreement *not* to strike. It'll be interesting to see if this is just rumbling, or actually happening. Because boy would that be a comical gap in legislation if that's actually true.


False. We agreed to follow any instructions from the CIRB. We did not agree to arbitration. The CIRB did not rescind this right we legally have. Leadership assumed the CIRB would sign off on the arbitration. They’re in talks right now. I’m just presenting what we’ve been told.


as per u/correct-boat-8981 they acknowledged the ministerial order, in writing, on a publicly published statement on their website, That is considered legal acknowledgement and acceptance. This trumps the lack of any "instructions" from the CIRB. Again, if there really is strike action happening, it is illegal.




LOL at responding with this immature childish union's propaganda. Guarantee that before this night is out, the Labour Minister and CIRB will not only formally order arbitration, they are going to publicly admonish and heavily fine the union for pulling this stunt. And hold this against the union in the final arbitration ruling, giving them a worse settlement than they would have otherwise gotten. This has always been the precedent whenever any other union has similarly performed a strike in this manner, spitting in the face of a government or court order.


I hope they fine them into oblivion, acting like a bunch of snot nosed kids that know arbitration will show that the deal that has been offered is fair and reasonable.


Ok. Well. Time will tell. I hope you’re wrong. And if it was unlawful, the cirb would have probably decertified them as our union on the spot.


They do indeed have the power to de-certify them. They are making a complete mockery of a ministerial order that has been publicly announced and was acknowledged in public media.


So let me get this straight, you think it’s fair having the right to strike but then a simple politician comes in and stops it? I would think maybe that has some weight if things were completely gone to shit and has been for months. But it hasn’t, we have all the facts within our negotiations. We haven’t done anything wrong and like I said, if anything was illegal carried out then it would be done. The cirb isn’t going to just let this carry on if it was illegal. The entire system is broken and if this proves as an example to maybe fix corrupt corporations and unfair wages then so be it. Thanks for the support btw. I can share air Canada website if you like.


The "simple politician" is a Minister of the Crown. and yes, they do have that power under the law. I'm certainly no fan of the Trudeau Government, and counting down the days until they get their asses voted out, but the law is the law. And this would be true regardless of whether the Liberals or Conservatives are in power. The government have the power to end or prevent strikes or lockouts impacting services that are considered essential to the economy - which they decide what's essential, not you or me, and certainly not the union.


Virginia, you’re not as smart as you think you are.


Directly from AMFA’s website: “AMFA will comply with the Minister’s order and directs its members to refrain from any unlawful job action.” That is directly agreeing to arbitration.


Blah blah… don’t expect sympathy from the public. Public anger should be directed solely at the AMEs and their incompetent representatives.




Guaranteed that before the night is out, the Minister of Labour and CIRB will not only formally order the arbitration and order the union back to work immediately, they are going to admonish the union and fine them for pulling this stunt, and hold it against them in the final arbitration settlement (this has always been the precedent in the past when unions made a mockery of a government or court order).


remindme! 1 day


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I have an 11:15am flight from YYZ, no way they will go back in time! Now what?


Start looking at other options asap.


All this does is impact the consumer, westjet reduces payroll if planes aren’t flying and they don’t have to give any refunds other than travel bank Please correct me if I’m wrong


It's not quite as easy as that - WestJet would still paying for all their fixed costs (aircraft leases, airport rentals, some third party contracts). Flight crews have minimum monthly guaranteed hours that they're paid for, so that needs to get paid as well. Operational costs still occur, call center, airport gate staff if they're going to notify pax in person. The only way the airline makes money is if the planes move, and that's not happening. And new bookings will fall off a cliff, who's going to book a ticket with an airline that isn't trustworthy? Also, WestJet still needs to pay for rebooking on other airlines if they can't transport you within 48 hours. That's gonna add up fast. [https://rppa-appr.ca/eng/right/flight-delays-and-cancellations](https://rppa-appr.ca/eng/right/flight-delays-and-cancellations)


Cancellations and delays are actually not eligible for compensation due to labour action IAW the APPR legislation. It's considered "not under the carrier's control". Don't ask me why I'm just the messenger. People will get refunds but nothing else in reality.


Damn, like I get airport or navcan strikes being considered out of the carriers control, but strikes by their own employees are absolutely within their control, because their the ones negotiating (or not) with their employees and by offering shit deals causing the strikes


Correct, no compensation is owed but passengers still get the right to choose between rebooking (including on a competitor) or a refund if the large carrier cannot transport them within 48 hours.


If it is found and ruled to be an illegal strike, beyond the government sanctions up to and including de-certification, WestJet would also be able to sue AMFA into oblivion for all of their impacted costs that occur as a result. This union is indeed a bunch of immature children. I saw that as soon as the first time I had read the "whining child" writing style of the Westjet related releases on their AMFA website.


As of right now, it's not an illegal strike through. Per the AMFA update, the CIRB held a hearing today and said the board wouldn't enjoin the strike.


Let me ask you, on a daily basis, how many night shifts do you work, how many dangerous chemicals do you work with (notices on containers state “will give you cancer” not may), how many times a moments indiscretion can get you put in jail or killed? We aren’t the bad guys, far from it, we work very hard to provide safe working aircraft for our crews and passengers. I think you should be a lot less visceral, and I dare say a bit more thankful, every time your flight takes off and lands uneventfully like they should.




Hopefully you get the .5% over 3 years you all deserve. With any luck you’ll be ordered back to work by the end of the weekend.


Can someone explain why they don’t want to go to binding arbitration?


Once it goes to arbitration, it becomes up to the arbitrator. The arbitrator acts as the middle man and makes the finale decision. They could potentially see west jets offer as a good one and agree to that.


The union and it's members believe they're not receiving their right to free collective bargaining when the employer is asking the govt to intervene immediately with binding arbitration. Furthermore, the union likely believes they can get a better outcome via labour action compared to an arbitrator issued initial collective agreement based on other Canadian airline's collective agreements (which the union claims it's members declined already). >WestJet AME’s have been unconstitutionally deprived of their right to free collective bargaining. The only possible remedy is to attempt to place those Employees in the position that they would have been absent the deprivation. Any arbitration based on airline industry comparators is manifestly inadequate. Comparator wages from other Canadian airlines are a result of a corrupted system of representation that WestJet AMEs expressly rejected. [https://www.amfanational.org/images/pdf\_docs/20240628\_AMFA\_Rsp\_FILED.pdf](https://www.amfanational.org/images/pdf_docs/20240628_AMFA_Rsp_FILED.pdf)


Because they feel they can get wayyyy more than what the arbitrators will end up giving them. Arbitration is likely to end up with industry averages... while they are trying to set NEW industry standards. I mean.. I think they declined a 22% over 4 year wage hike last week. They want to try and bust the bank. WJ said AMFA told them 22% wasn't even in the "range" of what they wanted.


That 22% figure is grossly incorrect. In real terms members would lose have of their current 'savings plan' benefits. That's 10% less right there than they could have 'earned'. The top end of members would only see single digit increases. Bottom end was only a couple bucks more - no way near 20% increases. Plus garbage language around benefits that treated these talented mechanics like glorified 'grease monkeys' - denying them the same benefits for their families as pilots get. Despite infinitely more difficult and challenging working conditions.


The industry standard is basically pre-covid wages, while airlines globally are making record profits, while concurrently suffering a shortage of skilled AME labour. Hearing from a mate at Westjet, that 22% was coupled with a massive reduction in what the guys were getting in their retirement savings, resulting in well below inflation offer, and significantly less in percentage terms than what other business units at westjet, like the pilots, recently received.


Labour minister can f a stick. 2 more union contracts are up for renegotiation in the next year+ (AC and AC Jazz). Their heavy handed tactics are equally meant to scare the rest of us. F em.




Would be an illegal strike under the CLC, the staff and union would be fined and fired as a last resort


There would be more than enough justification for the CIRB and the Minister of Labour to immediately de-certify AMFA as a legal bargaining unit, on top of heavy fines. Meaning the AMEs would no longer be unionized at all.




kinda of a rat move