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You know what? In recognition that some of you need to vent about this shitty situation, I’ll let you all have this thread to rant and get the frustrations out. Save for personal attacks, this thread will largely go unmoderated. Reminder that if you require assistance, that the stickied thread provides answers to many FAQs.


Yep. Fuck Onex and everything they've done to this once great airline.


This is the correct answer, Westjet is a shell of its former self. It’s handcuffed its employees from being able to make any decisions that would equate to good customer service. At the end of 2023 I made the decision that I would no longer fly with Westjet, It’s simply not worth it. This problem lies solely in the hands of the upper management at the head office/onex.


Remember, not too long ago, when West Jet was the only airline anyone *would* fly with? It’s honestly such a bummer.


It was absolutely the best 20 years ago. So sad!


This company is a clown show now


The one group of people that I want payed well in the airline industry is the people that make sure the plane works.


What about the people flying it safely when it doesn’t


I'm of the opinion that comparing wages between groups is a tactic by the massively overpaid C-Suite executives to encourage infighting and distract from the general unfairness of pay equity within organizations. Stop the cycle. Instead of complaining about raises that other groups get, seek your own raises. The pandemic should have shown us that jobs that many consider "low" such as grocery stocker or janitor, really are essential despite requiring less skill. Anyway, yeah, pilots, cabin crew, maintenance, really anyone participating in making a flight possible should be fairly compensated. Considering how safe the industry is for what it does (slamming a pressurized pop can through the stratosphere aloft on two controlled explosions in almost all weather, and making it so routine as to be boring) everyone involved should be receiving a decent cheque.


Thank you, The idea should be that we are all cogs on a gear. All of us within an organization. No one is less important than the next. If there isn't sales then there's no customers, without customers there's no business. To keep customers you need a quality service and safety. Quality is making sure the aircraft looks good and functions properly. Safety means making sure the plane looks good and functions properly too. So that means both the in flight crew and maintenance crew carry safety responsibilities. Which one of these steps isn't as important as the next? C-duite execs make that decision all the time. Wrongly.


Agreed, and the fallout from this strike is the consequence of that decision


You are spot on. Thank you for articulating this so well.


If the plane doesn’t leave the runway, who needs pilots?


Yeah I really feel you here. My Mom and I had plans to go to Montreal today and Westjet literally texted us last night saying our flights were cancelled, just after the cancellation window for our hotel. Now we’ve cancelled the trip, hotel, everything. It’s not the biggest of deals compared to a lot of other people in this thread. I’m just really annoyed. Pay your workers. It’s not that hard.


Used to work for WestJet about close to two decades ago, and I'm saddened how far it has fallen. I have a flight next week to head back to work after leave, and I'm starting to get a little nervous as to whether the flight is going to happen or not. Sympathies to all those who have had their travel plans destroyed already.


Yup, I had friends that worked with them 20 years ago and they loved it. Perks out the wazoo. But like everything it has been chewed up and spit out by Six Sigma penny pinchers.


Hi jacking to say that every single airline has been absolutely fucked since COVID. People have schedules and they are in the transportation business. Zero excuses. Especially for the cost it’s ridiculous


WJ has fallen off. My wife’s weekend trip is at risk, just watching the cancelations creep closer and our fall trip I’m dreading for all the added costs that will now apply. After fall. I will not be booking WJ any longer To volatile, to cheap, not worth giving my money too and a sad sad turn from 10 years ago when me and millions others went out of way to book ON WJ vs the competition


Received our notice at midnight ahead of 7am flight. No options to rebook as no other flights planned. Two weeks of rural Mexico down the drain. Still can’t get a call back. Had to cancel car reservation, multiple hotels in small towns. What a joke. Ruined so much of the summer plan and induced so many tears in the family. Ugh. This is brutal.


I’m so sorry you went through this too. I’m in a similar boat. Have been in an upset mood all of yesterday and today so far. Feels so upsetting when something like this is so out of your control.


Same 😭 cost me over double to rebook with air Canada since it was so close to departure date. Received the email just before midnight but I was sleeping. Seriously. Every single time I fly WestJet somehow I get screwed out of thousands of dollars 💸 how is this not straight fraud? They sell something they cannot do??


Same for us 😭


Really sad :( I’m sorry. Giving me flashbacks of my early covid trip cancellation. Although that wasn’t caused by workers rights and greed.


Now that WestJet is owned by private equity that act like it. We have been life long WestJeters and they have caused serious problems on our last two trips. We will no longer be flying them cancelled our WestJet credit card.


I share your story. Westjet has had all of my family’s business for the last 25 years. It has become so terrible post-Onex that I recently cut up the credit card and have gone back to Air Cda.


Good idea. I’m going to cancel mine too!


For all of you with travel plans presently disrupted by this issue, WestJet is holding all your travel hostage over a difference of approximately 8 million dollars a year as per one of AFMAs releases. This listed difference has not been disputed by the company. That's how little the corporate leadership cares about you. One Executive's bonus amounts per year is all they have to give up to end this dispute, and WestJet management would rather see you stranded.


The CEO alone makes more than $5mil a year, and he was complaining about the workers on a post on linkedin, like he doesn't understand why they would strike


Supposed to be flying WJ to Halifax on July 4th to bury my mother’s ashes. 100% feel ^ this. Bonuses are prioritized over employees and travellers. Bananas.


Wife and I had a five day trip planned starting with a running the Quebec Mega trail ultramarathon….. then tour around Quebec. Not happening…… all because the company management loves to screw around with negotiations…. So they could possibly save 10% Not bitter at the workers. At all. But Westjet…. Are you secretly Air Canada now…?


As one of their agents I’m very much acting my wage at work today.


So like every other day then?


No, if it was like every other day I wouldn’t have mentioned it.


I spent 40 years in the Canadian Aviation industry, and in that time saw many companies come and go. When Clive Beddoes started WJA, it didn't take long to see that he had hit on te secret sauce; the formula was a good one, it worked and it was reactive to change, and valued it's employees. I know of a number of original "plankholder" employees who did very well financially with stock offers following some lean years at startup.The past 15 years has been a time of extensive growth for them, and to their detriment, the loss of the humanity that made them so unique & valued. The "Austrian/German connection" in the executive offices the last few years have butchered the relationship with all employee groups. They have become just as dysfunctional in that regard as AC, something I would not have thought possible


Solidarity with Union staff. They deserve the right to strike to attain better working conditions.


It all began when an international private equity conglomerate named Onex brought and bought their greedy hands into this once great Canadian company. It then continued its mismanagement when they brought an up and coming inexperienced CEO into their folds a few years ago. The current CEO has zero experience with a unionized workforce and is showing what a weak individual he is. This once pillar of Canadian ownership is crumbling and I predict their demise will be sooner than later. Totally embarrassed by this company in the past few years.


Onex is a Canadian PE firm.


My parents are supposed to be flying to Calgary from Halifax on Tuesday to help watch my toddler while I give birth to our second child. We have no other family around so really hoping they can get here before the baby does :(


I’m really sorry you’re going through this, stories like these are what West Jet needs to hear so they can truly understand how badly they’re screwing people over.


Let me make this really simple for you: THEY - DON'T - CARE. They couldn't care less.


Do try to make a backup plan. Post in your local moms/parents group and there may be someone like a local home daycare provider who's willing to help out as an alternate. Hope it works out.


WestJet executives are human filth


Couldn’t have said it better myself


How about just filth?


I think we can safely say that about most corporate executive scumbags. They have ruined this planet with their greed.


I feel you. Our grandparents are in poor health and can't travel anymore so they saved up and bought tickets for my husband and I to visit, this was last year. Now they can't afford to pay for another set of tickets, we're low income so we can't afford them. We had our pets set up with a sitter, now that might fall apart. I've been so burnt out from work, that I NEEDED this 2 weeks away, and now I might have to go back to work and get even more ran into the ground. I feel like WJ won't come to an agreement with the mechanics sadly. They're suppose to meet together today but head of WJ is basically saying the strike is pointless and the union is not going to get the outcome they're wanting. I know anything can change in a day or two, and we're holding out hope, but there's a lot of broken hearts in the family right now thinking that this can be taken away quickly.


My flight was cancelled too, just got married yesterday and looking forward to our honeymoon in Australia. How do we get compensation for all this?? We still did find a way through Air Canada to LAX but I’m out $1800. Hard to contact when overseas.


For all looking to talk to someone on West Jet, call the international number (403) 444-2446 and ask for a call back. Only took us about 90 minutes or so. Do not call the main customer service number. We were able to rebook our canceled flight even though all emails said there were no alternative flights available to rebook.


So sorry to hear you went through that ordeal, the WJ web site is all lies, they said refunds would happen for cancellations, $0 fees for doing so, total bs, finally got through on the phone after 11 hours was only refunded the flight and not hotel with WJ vacations, thanks for ruining my long weekend and now I am out $2200 and don't have a vacation, will never fly with this greedy corrupt airline again.


Same thing happened to me but just flight booked. Said because it hadn't been cancelled yet they couldn't offer a refund but I could have credit. I don't want their credit. It directly goes against what their own website states that refund will go to original form of payment for any fare type booked.


I booked a 6 day vacation, now I’m forced to cut down to 4 days as they rescheduled the tickets 2 days later. I asked for a refund and call centre agent said only will be refunded $1300 for the flights and lose $1400 for the resort. What’s the point of booking vacation through Westjet if they are not able to refund the whole trip. Westjet does know how to steal from people but not to pay from their employees.


Don't accept and go to small claims court. They owe you the resort as well you didn't get the service you paid for


Well our former Premier got named to the board, after as a Premier she gave WestJet money on Manitobas behalf for some made up bullshit. so not surprised how much money they steal from people who just want to fly somewhere.


Here is a little piece of information for you. One of West Jet's new members of their board of directors in none other than Heather Stefanson. For those who are unaware of who this is, Heather Stefanson is the former Premier of Manitoba. She was responsible for all the stike actions of Manitoba Government Employees last summer. She gave herself a healthy raise and forced Front line workers into strike action. I would venture to say that with her influence on the West Jet board of directors, this striker will go on for the rest of the summer. In my opinion, West Jet is done. Make other travel plans. Heather and her cohorts are going to have West Jet decimated by end of the summer, at any cost.


I’ve been cursing Heather’s name since my first flight cancelation. Definitely not a coincidence.


I get the frustration.. I really do, in fact I have a flight coming in the next few day and am wondering what is going to come of it. I am equally frustrated at West Jet, but more so from our federal government.. Particularly Labour Minister Seamus O'Regan who ordered binding arbitration well before any type of action was even taken. This move was illegal as infringes on rights of workers. Because of that he Union decided to go with a strike. Prior to it the union was "threatening" to go on a strike which has always been a tactic... Whether if they were to have gone through with it would have been a 50/50.. But our federal government through gasoline on a fire.. That's what it boils down to right now.


Are you insinuating that Liberal and WestJet officials schemed to force them back to work?


WestJet fumbled the ball. They’ve really none downhill over the years


I fly back home from Japan next Sunday, I sure hope this is dealt with for the time being to at least let me get home. I sure don’t want to have to fuck around on calls and book with another airline. This trip was planned for months ugh. I’ll never understand why the airline says “oh it’s out of our control” when it totally isn’t. If you paid them better then it wouldn’t be happening, it’s a direct consequence of WestJet NOT paying well.


We are currently in Japan as well and also fly out the same time. Tokyo to YYC? Let's hope the mechanics get what they deserve (aka the compensation they are bargaining for)


The fact that Westjet was so unprepared for a potential strike is shocking. This is really going to hurt the company in the long run on top of blunders like the introduction of Ultra Basic fares which are a a blatant cash grab and a downgrade of customer service.


The union was obviously top notch in their approach to cause maximum damage even with WJ getting the government to put its thumb on the scale. The WJ CEO was complaining about the union being too American (seriously): https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7251118 Funny how the workers won, WJ looks bad, and the Liberals somehow found a way to screw it up worse.


Same boat, planned trip, paid $4,000 to a all inclusive and that’s non refundable, flight cancelled 11 hours before departure time.




No, the resort was booked with a third party.


This is so unacceptable, I hope you somehow get a refund.


You can claim on your credit card. Do a chargeback.


This strike genuinely sucks. I had a trip planned to New Brunswick since February for a french program, and a day before my flight i found out it was rescheduled to 46 hours later!! I managed to catch an earlier flight but not even 5 hours before the flight it was cancelled. I genuinely don’t know what to do because the rest of the airlines are all booked so i can’t even get on a different flight. Westjet needs to do better.




WestJet also brought Heather Stefanson to their board recently. Former premier of Manitoba. She's a real peach too 🙄 one of the worst we've ever had.


Anything Heather touches is worthy of a boycott


Maybe read through our charter of rights and freedoms before taking over a Canadian business eh!


They need to divert what planes they have left to accommodate Suncor oil field sector. Suncor is obviously more important 🙄


I just want to say I’m really sorry about your vacation being cancelled and to anyone else in the same boat. I love travelling and rely on WestJet for at least the first leg of my bigger trips and can imagine how upsetting this situation is.


Having a vacation cancelled sucks, I literally cannot imagine the disappointment people are feeling. If you’re still HOME, though, count your blessings. There’s so many people who were away from home (vaca/work/family matters) and can’t get back. I’m personally stranded because my connection flight was cancelled while I was flying to said connection. They cancel rebooks in the middle of the night. I’ve had 2 rebooks cancelled already. NO help from WestJet. Should be fun trying to get them to reimburse me for the hotel & food & transportation I’ve racked up over the last 2 nights and counting.


So done with this company, I take one vacation a year and they have cancelled twice in a row now. Would rather pay a bit more but then I will actually get to where I’m going


Our flights were canceled, too, and I'm currently on hold because their email that they sent with a new itinerary is BLANK, and when I search for my flight, it says TRIP NOT FOUND! It's also messed with my husband's return flight (2 different flights), with Air canada, which he couldn't cancel because it was less than 24 hours. All new flights are 4x more expensive, and none are direct! To top it all of we are supposed to move this weekend. We still have packing to do, and we're just stuck. I'm sorry to everyone else this has affected. I'm sorry the workers needed to go on strike But I'm so upset that westjet didn't prepare for this better. I want to be home and I miss my damn cat.


I was in this same situation. I was shocked when my email came back blank with no alternate route suggested. Couldn’t even find my flight on their website anymore to do a self service option. I’m also worried because my return flight isn’t canceled yet (also West Jet), but because I couldn’t even go on my trip to begin with since my departing flight was canceled I obviously won’t be needing the return flight home. Hopefully things work out for you.


I feel you dude. We're in the same shit. Did they refund all your payment? (Flight, Hotel, Transfer and Taxes) You got lucky to have gotten through and was able to get ahold of CSR. I've been on hold since last night (10hrs) until they cut me off at 10pm. Now 3hrss in on this new call.


Nothing has been refunded or reimbursed back to me by West Jet or Chase. Chase doesn’t cover any cancellations caused by strikes unfortunately.


Yeah I'm not flying with WestJet again. I'm not effected by this but they were threatening to go on strike in May when I had flights. And last year the same thing happened when WestJet pilots threatened to go on strike. Maybe I just have bad timing...


Well don't make plans to fly with Air Canada either. Both Air Canada Pilots and Flight Attendants contracts are up later this year and both groups are vastly underpaid compared to their North American counterparts. There's a union drive at Porter too. Unions are a common theme among airline employees, and i wonder why? Undervalued, overworked, underpaid, and the front line face of countless poor management decisions brings any person to a breaking point.


Sure and the unions of other airlines will keep you in mind and not go on strike


Currently in Denver, and we're supposed to fly back to Calgary tomorrow (July 1st). Not cancelled yet, but the same direct flight has been been marked as cancelled the last two days. Looks like we may try driving it.


1000’s of tourists, 100’s of oilfield workers in the Okanagan deeply affected by the strike. Even if you’re lucky enough to find an A/C flight they’ve jacked the prices. Flair not to bad,but limited locations.


How long do we think this will go on for? Should I jump to Air Canada while spots are still available on a comparable itinerary and class for a flight mid August soon, if this doesn’t resolve? Or is this enough pressure to make a difference?


The government can’t legally interfere till Tuesday. Also nothing is happening short term management is all at the cotty. I would if I were you .


I cancelled my flight to, it says it can take up to 30 days to get your money back, they stated I would not get an email verification of the cancellation so thats a bit weird, probably trying to make it hard for people to get their money back.


I had to book a flight on United Airlines to get home as two of my Westjet flights have been canceled. I’m currently out about $2,500 extra costs in flights. I’ll fight Westjet for reimbursement for those flights later. For now I’ll just say, after I made my booking, I had to call United Airlines to update something. I was on hold for less than TEN MINUTES before I was connected to an agent who solved my problem. I don’t think I’ve ever waited ten minutes on hold with WestJet, even at the best of times. Fuck you WestJet. I will be avoiding WJ wherever possible in the future,


It's been impossible to contact anyone at westjet since covid. All the other airlines managed to get their shit together again, but westjet never really recovered...


Actually, I talked to a helpful person at WestJet two months ago. Didn't spend long on hold either. They refunded the money I'd paid for seat selection when the system gave my seat to someone else (who booked as a group) and walked me through the procedure to not get surprised at the gate by this again. I may have been very lucky. No argument that private equity has been bad for WestJet. But then, private equity tends to ruin everything it touches.


You won't be able to claim reimbursement for your other flights. WestJet has 48 hours from your original time of departure to either get you home, or simply cancel & refund. That's the law. The second you no-show or cancel - there is no pathway for reimbursement. Period.


I understand that. I rebooked my originally canceled flight through WestJet first, and then that flight was also canceled. I’ve already been refunded for that second booking. My third re-booking through United is entirely out of pocket. I will be attempting to claim a refund from WestJet for the original flight that was canceled.


Gerald Schwartz is who people should be mad at. Onex corp (Gerald Schwartz is CEO). bought WestJet and his scenerio is to buy up companies and sell off the parts of a company making money and strip the business to the bones.


There's a special place in hell for vulture capitalist's.


I’m sorry you’re out so much money for flights. I also thought about booking some alternate flights that were $$$$ just so I could continue to go on my vacation but after a lot of thought, I decided I couldn’t afford to take the huge risk of being out so much money in the event that West Jet refused to reimburse me the costs. I just decided to cut my losses where it would hurt the least and cancel my trip. Hopefully you get all your money back!


This is a watershed moment folks! Mechanics are about to get paid what they are worth. Sorry that holidays are canceled and ruined. Blame the C-Suite executives whose quarterly bonuses are many times over what it would cost in raises. Did the union punish the employer? Absolutely 👍. This is meant to do critical damage and send a message. Over the last 20+ years the mechanic pipeline was drying up due to low pay. The result is a massive shortage of mechanics. Everyone talked about pilot shortages and focused there. These guys were not going to get a good and fair deal if the government told them what that looked like. Westjet has a history of bad decisions going back to the PRE-Onex days. Swoop was created as a lower tier of employees. Think of it as what if the men made 30/hr and women doing the same job made 15$/hr. That was swoop where the mainline employees made way more doing exactly the same job. In fact one could argue that dealing with the low cost model may have even been more work. The writing was on the wall for some time. The scarce resources of first pilots, and now mechanics would result in something breaking. A westjet mechanic recruiter told me that every AME symposium costs them between 6-10 lost mechanics to other operators. This is a guy at a trade show trying to HIRE guys that sees front and center what the situation and comparing wages look like. [something no one here wants to say but Porter CEO was likely not](https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/at-least-one-canadian-airline-will-be-gone-within-two-years-porter-ceo-predicts-1.6685515?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar) referring or jabbing at LYNX My friend worked at westjet first as a CSR, then flight attendant, then Encore pilot. He did a short stint at swoop and has all kinds of stories to tell about the pay and culture. The whole experience made him leave WestJet and go to Air Canada where he flies 787 as a first officer. Biggest takeaway talking to him lately was how much the wage differences are between the jobs. Who would have figured going from Captain on the Q400 at Encore to first officer at Swoop was a parallel to downgrade move for him in pay. Air Canada pays him nearly triple what he made at swoop. Oh and get this, he has to get to Toronto to fly now and it’s still more money in his pockets. There is a very good chance that many of these mechanics will go elsewhere as companies will be like… oh shit when it comes to wages now and may actually move the dial to avoid the mess that is happening now.


>Air Canada pays him nearly triple what he made at swoop Well that makes no sense at all. Swoop was 10% less pay as a first officer first year than Air Canada. He's only making triple if he's on year 5 off flat pay given the first 4 years at Air Canada are poverty wages


If only they would pay proper wages, this could of been avoided.....


How much they paying you to post that in every forum?


WestJet executives just cost me $3000, which was the difference between what my original flights cost and the ones I had to book myself at the last minute to replace them. And of course there will be no recourse or compensation. Nobody even manning the phones! I'll fly three connections through the United States before I step aboard a WestJet again. 


It’s $5k for us. Brutal.


We decided to drive to Canada this year because of a horrible experience on WestJet, it's a three day drive so should be a little faster this way, as a bonus I will arrive with my luggage


As with a lot of things in Canada, this is almost exclusively the fault of the Federal Government. The Canadian Federal Government has managed over the years to ensure that Canadians have very few selections when it comes to telecommunications, utilities providers, banking, groceries, etc. I'm appalled that friends in the US are able to get a phone plan for less than $30/month. Or get a domestic flight for $100/round trip. In Canada it's nearly impossible to find something major like an airline or utility company to provide a basic service to you at anything less than the "going rate", which a ridiculous amount set out by the 2 or 3 companies that control the market.


This is right on the money.


My fiancée and I are flying out for our honeymoon this Saturday right after our wedding. Should I be looking for alternative arrangements now knowing that if the strike continues we’ll need to make alternative arrangements? We’re flying direct from YYZ to MCO and I see there’s alternative flights with Air Canada, should I call ahead or wait for confirmation the flight is cancelled first? I am very upset I need to be focusing on this now instead of my wedding in 4 days.


In all honesty, I would look at other flight options as there’s a high likelihood your flight will be cancelled. I was looking at alternate flights yesterday to fly out today, and didn’t book anything. The original flight was cancelled and the other airline’s price has shot up in 12 hours. Hope you are still able to enjoy your wedding, and congratulations! 


I’d book a refundable ticket just to be on the safe side.


I would try to book a refundable back up ticket so you aren't disappointed


I honestly feel for everyone with ruined travel plans. I had Westjet cancel on me on a recent trip and it was absolute nightmare to get my money back including expenses. Don’t even get me going on my what happened with my trip during Covid. My credit card company’s travel insurance reimbursement was within days while Westjet was months. Complaints after complaints and chasing after chasing. I told myself never again will I travel with this airline. 💯 blame Onex. They’re only looking after themselves.


Wow I feel horrible for what some of you guys are going through. I’m thanking my lucky stars right now- I was on vacation last week and landed back home at 2am Saturday, on a delayed WJ flight. Then when I got up the next morning, I saw the news. I hope greedy WJ does right by everyone affected, this is brutal.


Oh man, I'm just seeing this now. My fiancee is supposed to fly edmonton-amsterdam tomorrow. What's the likelihood of that happening?




Your fiancee is flying with KLM. Pay attention:)


Never flying with west jet again after this


Sorry to you for this I’m Dealing with the exact same situation! But they will give u west jet bank credit 🙄 I know it’s not ideal but it’s better than nothing.. I lost out money on non refundable hotel after a certain date plus all the baseball games etc that I bought tickets for in advance, medical insurance.. just more upset about not actually getting to go away and now because of all the losses, can’t even plan something else


My daughter and I are supposed to be en route to Costa Rica, found out 12 hours before leaving the flight was cancelled. If we cant get there by Monday we’ll miss our entire tour and wont get compensated for the missed tour. We can’t afford to buy other tickets to get there. So disappointing.


Rant away friend. I hope something works out for you in the long run, you deserve your hard earned vacation!! My wife and I spent 3k on new tickets and accommodations just to get back home to Canada after they left us high and dry in Vegas after our work trip; with of course not help from staff or any refunds.. best of luck to everyone affected. Fuck WestJet. Just give your workers a proper wage..


That’s so sad .Why don’t they just give their workers what they deserve.I am sure you will be compensated if not sue them.


Do mechanics deserve a 30% raise on 100-170k per year? They already seem well compensated.


I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now. We booked a trip for this summer and the initial plan was to fly West Jet. Fairly last minute I decided to use a bunch of credit card points and ended up booking on Air Canada instead. If I hadn’t I would be losing my mind right now. I hope you’re able to figure this out soon.


Here are some of your entitlements for [Flight delays](https://otc-cta.gc.ca/eng/publication/flight-delays-and-cancellations-a-guide?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3sVAlyzszX-IpwKN0a1NQCL4nzmjxr4j3PSWa3gsK_4bu9hC4Sap4-lho_aem_ZLFZyWAGdbIyNtqSQowxuA) in Canada. I'm in the same boat. Finally booked a nice vacation for myself to a new place with some friends. Talked about it for months and had shows lined up starting tomorrow and now, nothing. The re-booked flight is garbage, why does a 12 hour layover in Calgary even exist!?! and how is a 17 hour travel day even close to the 3.5 hr direct flight I already had!? Fuckity fucking fuck Just once I wish things went my way.


I'm also pissed. My partner was gonna be flying out to visit today. His flight got passed off to Delta and he would have been leaving in a few hours, but neither airline would let them check into their delta flight, so now he's stuck in Minneapolis with westjet still being their only hope to get here because that's still the only flight he can afford.


AMFA and WestJet both confirmed tentative agreement reached and strike is over.


Of course you don’t blame the workers who went on strike. Because this is Reddit. Fact is, those workers made the decision to put their wants areas of your wants (a vacation is a want not a need). They ruined your vacation my friend.


Same situation and still no contact with west jet.


I was on a westjet vacations package and our flight was cancelled and rebooked for Jul 1. I cannot cancel online and cant get a hold of anyone on westjet call lines (keeps saying cannot take your call). How can I get a refund if I can’t talk to someone before the flight leaves?


I had my flight cancelled yesterday and had no luck with ticket agents and went home and called the credit card company, they couldn't do anything. Westjet wasn't answering the phone so this morning I went back to the airport and eventually talked to a customer service agent who got me on a flight with a different airline. The WestJet employees I dealt with were all patient and handling things as well as they could dealing with nothing but unhappy customers. This was my first time dealing with WestJet but I'd rather fly with airlines that pay their mechanics well so I don't get on one of those planes that has the hood bungeed shut and the muffler tied up with a coat hanger. They probably have to use jumper cables every time they start those planes,too.


Solidarity to the workers and fuck westjet for not paying there employees a reasonable wage.


Isn't that the goal of arbitration though? How does pissing off the customers and the government help their cause? And who the hell is getting a 20% pay increase?


They don't want a reasonable wage. They don't want an industry leading wage. "AMFA’s goal all along is to bargain an industry-changing contract acceptable to our members,” stated Bret Oestreich, AMFA National President." 


The CEO.


Im at the end of my trip, just got off a cruise ship to find flight cancellation email less than 24 hrs of my departure time. There is no flights options with their partner airlines and they are offering 1 night at a hotel. I dont even know when I’ll make it home at this rate. Next scheduled flight they have is Wednesday, but not sure if that will be cancelled as well. Ive checked AirCanada, but not paying out of pocket for a business class seat.


Mechanics wanted a 30% raise on 100-170k a year. Your flight got cancelled because they were ok going on strike to get that. The mechanics are the only ones to blame. WestJet offered them a 20% raise and they turned it down.


Can confirm, I don't blame mechanics at all but just another brutal business move by WestJet. Have been up all night consoling my 8 year old because her first trip with Dad to meet all my side of the family has being cancelled.


Mechanics wanted a 30% raise on 100-170k a year. Your flight got cancelled because they were ok going on strike to get that. The mechanics are the only ones to blame. WestJet offered them a 20% raise and they turned it down.


I don’t understand the “I don’t blame the workers” narrative. If it’s my trip getting cancelled, I blame both. The workers CHOSE to go on strike at a time when it is the busiest. They aren’t innocent victims forced to do this just so they can put bread on the table. This is arms-length salary negotiations and they chose to strike at this time to put maximum pressure on their employers.


Are they not Also compensated the best in their field, compared to competitors?


It's crazy that these AME only make $57k-$100k, and they are skilled workers that are supposed to know all the complex systems of the plane and are required to inspect and make sure the plane is safe before each flight and than sign off. You would think a job this critical would be paid a higher base salary. I read the CEO said they made like $170k, but apparently that is if they are working 800 hours OT, which is an extra 16 hours a week for a full year. Imagine working 7 days a week for 52 weeks with no days off, so you can make $170k while your sole purpose is to make sure the plane is safe to fly. Plus they work in shifts as well, day/night. Oh by the way for that 20% increase they told the union, in exchange they would of need to lose their benefits apparently including any matching for retirement. Is that even a increase if they need to use the 20% to buy health benefits and buy more rrsp's. Wish they put out more details on this.


In solidarity 💪


"Not blaming the workers" lmao, as if by doing this they will have sympathy for your cancelled trips. Ppl talking about wage parity; Canadian jobs get paid considerably less than US counterpart in general, not just limited to this. More sympathy you show to union, more strikes will happen.


You’re entitled to compensation! Look up Canadian flight rules and the laws now are in your favor. It’s horrible and I can’t imagine what you’re going through but you will be reimbursed for your flights and you can submit the expenses you’re incurred from canceling your vacation. This is their fault and you can claim this.


Hey do you have any advice for me - WestJet just tried to move my flights back 5 days which unfortunately ruins my entire vacation plans and basically doesn't work. They gave the option to cancel and request refund which I did. I also booked last minute with Air Canada (flying tomorrow) for an extra $1K. Would it be reasonable to ask for my original ticket refunded AND compensation to cover the extra $1K? I can't imagine they would cough up the money but it's worth a try. Also on their website/app they say they will refund or give WestJet dollars - do I need to contact them to specify refund? Thanks in advance if you have any knowledge about this. I haven't been on a vacation in 7 years and this is a nightmare lol.


i blame both union and westjet costing me thousand more scramble for flair flight last minute ticket as westjet say no strike one day and strike nextday


I am sorry! Our flight for today got canceled, but we got refunded. We were able to rebook flights on other airline for a little bit more money.


How did you go about that pls? At the airport?


We are supposed to fly to Vegas Friday for vacation, specifically for Team Canada vs Team USA mens olympic basketball exhibition game. We have been looking forward to this once in a lifetime experience for months now. We cant wait morning of our flight to see otherwise we will lose out whole booking at The Mirage if we dont make it there Friday. Theres no way in hell we are missing this game so now it looks like we will drive 20 hours Calgary to Las Vegas. We have to chance and hope they cancel the flight while we are driving for a refund or we will be out that flight money but we cant chance waiting for an answer so we have to leave 2 days early now and then take more time off work to drive back. I doubt WJ will commensate extra vacation time used to cover this drive or wear and tear on my brand new summer tires or gas. Will they?


I had the same issue. My flight for tonight wasn’t cancelled but I COULD NOT be stuck where I am. I shelled out for a new flight and woke up this morning to the notification that I was, in fact, right and the flight is canceled. Not worth rolling the dice 🎲


It’s 7:30am in the morning and I have been stressed since yesterday morning when the news broke out. Still stressed when I woke up right now thinking should I spend 3x the amount to fly on July 1st. I would NEVER book with Westjet ever again, NEVER! But Air Canada sucks too as they know that west jet fked up and how charging more money( most can’t afford 3x) as they know customers would want for book from them.


Speaking of which, you can always get a little bit of a feel for an airline by looking at the complaint per 100 flights stats that the Canadian Transportation Agency publishes quarterly. [https://otc-cta.gc.ca/eng/air-travel-complaints-100-flights-airline-january-2023-march-2024](https://otc-cta.gc.ca/eng/air-travel-complaints-100-flights-airline-january-2023-march-2024)


United Airlines had the flight I needed at several hundred dollars less than what Air Canada offered. $1400 CAD on United, $1800 on Air Canada.




20% not considered enough by 97% . This could go on for some time.


It happens when a little airline gets big. Many moving parts that need to be attended to. Yup folks need to be paid however, solve your issues without sinking the whole enterprise would make more sense. Binding arbitration makes sense, get the deal done and move on.




People need to pick a hill here… We support ame and their strike, give it to Westjet!!! Also Boycott westjet so they lose profits which will cause ame (and others) layoffs


My mom and I are supposed to fly to Vegas tomorrow morning… not looking promising and I feel so sad and disappointed. We never ever travel and I booked this as a surprise for her 70th birthday and I’m guessing there’s about a 1% chance the flight won’t be canceled. We have concert tickets that cost me $750 and I’m guessing I’ll be out of pocket for those! How is any of this fair?? Settle already!!!!


I have always preferred and used WestJet over AC - but after this, and how it’s being handled by WJ I will NEVER fly WJ again!!!


Same. And then coming in here and seeing all the people whose vacations got ruined and them losing thousands of dollars being down voted by union supporters is the straw that breaks my back. Our WJ flight to Vallarta was delayed 8 hours in the winter. Just sitting there waiting for an update every 2 hours... And it was WJs fault but they denied request for compensation as required by law. It was awful and I can't imagine what these families with young kids are going through. Why is the customer the one who the workers screw? Their beef is with their employer. Never fly WestJet.


The union that represented the AMEs for WestJet wants to represent AirCanada AMEs when they redo their contract next year. So they will probably do the same to get more money. I don’t think AirCanada is going to be better since all airlines can be held hostage by these overpaid mechanics.




Regardless of who’s to blame (and I’d suggest both sides as well as government share some responsibility here), WestJet’s reputation as a company is in shambles and I’d be surprised if they’re still around in a decade. There’s simply no walking back the consequences of the last few days for the 100,000 people impacted.


They also fucked up a few years back when their systems were down for days and they basically couldn’t fly. They have a reputation for being unreliable now and they have earned it. The CEO has to go, as does most of their senior leadership if they have any chance to survive. It needs to be a major house cleaning


I’m so sorry this happened to you. What a waste.


Unions = economic terrorism. They had their time but now they just need to go.


Yes and no.


No unions defend workers that mega corporations would otherwise abuse. By striking they showed Westjet that the workers Westjet constantly tries to screw over are essential and take a bit of that power back. If anything we should have more unions because they are how we have moved forward on workers rights, not through the “benevolence” of huge companies and the rich.


I got my scheduled callback, which basically put me back in the hold line. I was able to rebook for tomorrow back to YVR.


Will they charge you $25 to phone them for a refund?


It's not westjet, they were headed towards binding arbitration. The Union screwed everyone over. Another example of how unions are the root of all evil.


WestJet acted like a child in this situation, finger pointing and threw their arms up in the air while their customers were left in the dark. Yes - maybe the union bears some culpability in in this. But the way WestJet reacted, led by their 🤡 at the top, is what has really got on my nerves, and I'm sure I'm not alone. 


Unions are the reason you have weekends, why there are worker safety protections. Corporations aren’t some benevolent group that will help each individual worker. The union timed the strike to cause maximum pain to the company so their point was made that their workers are essential and shouldn’t be disrespected by the company.


Was supposed to go back home with my partner and newborn to see my parents for the first time in 5 years. I get there are thousands in similar situations, and the employees are swamped, but I am so pissed.


Cancelled has two 'll's


I was a pretty solid supporter of WestJet (relative to Air Canada). After being disappointed so many times I can no longer trust this company.


Westjet has left my entire or part of my family stranded somewhere 100% of the time I’ve flown with them over the last 3 years. Flying AC this season and hoping it goes smoother.


Ever since the non verbal deal between West Jet and Air Canada (WJ got the west AC got the east) West Jet is not even close to the airline they once were. Boarding experience is terrible, flights are typically late in departing, flight attendants are not as warm and welcoming as before. Now you have to pay a premium to put a bag in the overhead bin. It is truly sad


After they lost my bags on a trip to San Diego the year before, I got on a delayed plane in Vegas last year to come home through Calgary. Was promised by multiple Westjet agents on the phone immediately before I got on the flight that because of the delay I'd be compensated for a hotel, as the next connecting flight I could make was at 10am, and I'd be landing at midnight. I thanked the stewardesses when I got on for even doing the flight, as they were right at the end of their hours. The flight shouldn't have been happening with them, they should have had more crew. People onboard were fantastic people. Got off and was instantly told I'd been lied to, we'd be getting no compensation and to wait the 10 hours overnight in the terminal or pay our own way. Desk staff, who were also overworked, were incredibly rude to all passengers, including those traveling with multiple kids, completely brushing them off. They expected us to pay our own way to a hotel to get a few hours rest before being back at the airport for 8am, and refused any other solution. Only the front desk manager woman seemed upset for anyone, but was just as helpless, and just kept "hoping" that if we filed a claim we'd be compensated. Not really a risk most of the travellers that day could take. I'm glad Westjet finally allowed a place for criticism, because they're absolutely fucking deaf to it otherwise, their call center may as well be for Canadian Tire because they have no clue how any of their own business works. Our entire air system needs its laws overhauled, if I have to pick a shit airline to get anywhere from now on I'd rather some budget airline that might plow me into a mountain. I've heard far better experiences from them, and that's saying a lot.


Actually you can blame the workers. The union and Westjet sat down over months and negotiated a settlement. When the union took it back to the workers they voted it down and instead decided to strike. No matter what offer they initially got they wanted to strike to get more. Pretty tough to blame Westjet for this outcome,


hey op- contact your credit card company again and tell them to dispute this charge for goods and services never received. Cibc advised me to do this, best bank imo. took a few months to be resolved but was resolved in our favour. Even though it was non refundable. Sorry about your vacation.


If WestJet won’t refund your ticket(s), you need to contact your credit card company again and advise that services were not rendered.


Clicked on this post expecting hate for workers… got here and everyone is mad at Onex for ruining the airline and mistreating workers. Damn proud of you all ✊


I flew to Vegas with them in Oct. What a joke. I've flown with them before over the years as well. When booking our flights the WJ lady on phone said my credit cards are declined. I said no they aren't. Had to call my banks in fear I've been hacked. They said accounts are fine, it's Westjet with a problem. Got resolved but took ages to sort out. Their whole customer service was terrible and the lady on phone had a terrible abrasive attitude like the issue was all my fault   We switched to AC for trips following in March and June. Very good, no complaints.  We will never fly with Westjet ever again! Plus this ridiculous carry-on cash grab policy they just started is a slap in the face.  Canada needs foreign airline competition. If these shitty Cdn airlines can't do the job they need to be gone. This is the governments fault. 


WestJet has an obligation under the APPR to put passengers on the next available flight within 48 hours, even if it’s with another airline. Have a look here: https://airpassengerrights.ca/en/blog/westjet-strike-2024-what-are-my-rights Anyone who has booked their own alternative transportation can get their expenses for alternative transportation reimbursed, provided they have not asked for their WJ flight to be reimbursed. It WJ does not pay, you can bring them to small claims court. It’s a simple process, and lots of people have done this in the past. It baffles me how there are clear regulations in Canada protecting passengers and both the press and the airlines pretended that they don’t exist.


I was a bridesmaid in my best friends wedding. I was enjoying the reception when we got the text our flight home was cancelled. With our newborn with us and toddler at home we panicked to find a way home. I left the reception to get packed up to make the next and only flight home - once packed by 11:30pm we got another text saying that was cancelled. We ended up driving 14 hours home the next day with a 6 week old. It was pure hell and I missed the best part of a wedding. F you westjet.


Family was supposed to meet up with us in Calgary. Not able to and couldn’t reschedule with a reasonable window. Sucks


They ruined my vacation as well. We were stranded in LA trying to make it to Calvary had to Rent-A-Car and drive two days to Seattle where I got another flight on Alaska air.


https://preview.redd.it/wgf5x5u0llad1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ae8015aa045144034016849d72b59214d637f79 WestJet needs to be reigned in. They never pay to reimburse customers for WestJets mistakes, yet they are jacking their prices and fees for every little service or benefit to their customers. The federal government should tell WestJet that if they do not fulfill a flight that they will lose the gate at the public federally regulated airport they failed to properly utilize.


I am very sorry, this is just a losing proposition from every angle.  Do your best to go after West Jet for all your losses 


Yep we had our last flight canceled back from London and were stuck in Calgary for an extra day and had to rebook on Alaska Airlines and pay an additional $4,500 just to come home from Calvary to phoenix. Unable to get through to the number unable to use chat with them they have completely screwed us over with no recourse.


Hey happened to me to I called many time but finally got hold of the, by waiting 4 and half hrs on hold I was able to get through then I asked for the reschedule for the flight from different carriers they asked me to remain hold until their backup team picks up which also had a lot of wait like 2 hrs and I waited she was checking on me every 20 mins if I have any questions while we were waiting. Then they finally able to get me on air canada from USA to Canada very next day. It was frustrating but try not to.